Exemple #1
 public function convert()
     $excel = new COM('excel.application') or die('Unable to instantiate Excel');
     $excel->Visible = false;
     $excel->WorkBooks[1]->SaveAs($this->destination_file, $this->_file_type_codes[$this->convert_to]);
     $result = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($this->destination_file);
     $this->delete_source_file ? @AkFileSystem::file_delete($this->source_file) : null;
     $this->keep_destination_file ? null : AkFileSystem::file_delete($this->destination_file);
     return $result;
Exemple #2
 public function test_should_get_the_right_temp_dir()
     $tmp_dir = Ak::get_tmp_dir_name();
     $tmp_file = $tmp_dir . DS . 'ak_test_' . __CLASS__;
     $tmp_file2 = $tmp_dir . DS . 'ak_test_dir' . DS . 'level_one' . DS . 'file.txt';
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($tmp_dir), 'Could not find temporary directory at: ' . $tmp_dir);
     $this->assertTrue(touch($tmp_dir . DS . 'ak_test_' . __CLASS__), 'Can\'t touch files on the temporary directory ' . $tmp_dir);
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($tmp_file, 'abc'), 'Can\'t write on the temporary file ' . $tmp_file);
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($tmp_file) == 'abc', 'Can\'t write on the temporary file ' . $tmp_file);
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($tmp_file2, 'abce'), 'Can\'t write on the temporary file ' . $tmp_file2);
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($tmp_file2) == 'abce', 'Can\'t write on the temporary file ' . $tmp_file2);
     $this->assertEqual($tmp_dir, AK_TMP_DIR);
Exemple #3
 public function convert()
     $word = new COM('word.application') or die('Unable to instantiate Word');
     $word->Visible = false;
     $word->Documents[1]->SaveAs($this->destination_file, $this->_file_type_codes[$this->convert_to]);
     $word = null;
     $result = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($this->destination_file);
     $this->delete_source_file ? AkFileSystem::file_delete($this->source_file) : null;
     $this->keep_destination_file ? null : AkFileSystem::file_delete($this->destination_file);
     return $result;
Exemple #4
 public function raiseError($code = null)
     $code = empty($code) ? @$this->_options['code'] : $code;
     if (AK_DEBUG) {
         // We can't halt execution while testing and the error message is too large for trigger_error
         if (AK_ENVIRONMENT == 'testing') {
             trigger_error(join("\n", $this->getErrors()), E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             echo '<h1>' . Ak::t('Template %template_file security error', array('%template_file' => @$this->_options['file_path'])) . ':</h1>' . "<ul><li>" . join("</li>\n<li>", $this->getErrors()) . "</li></ul><hr />\n" . '<h2>' . Ak::t('Showing template source from %file:', array('%file' => $this->_options['file_path'])) . '</h2>' . (isset($this->_options['file_path']) ? '<pre>' . htmlentities(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($this->_options['file_path'])) . '</pre><hr />' : '') . '<h2>' . Ak::t('Showing compiled template source:') . '</h2>' . highlight_string($code, true);
     } else {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('Template compilation error'), E_USER_ERROR);
Exemple #5
 public function convert()
     $xdoc2txt_bin = AK_CONTRIB_DIR . DS . 'hyperestraier' . DS . 'xdoc2txt.exe';
     if (!AK_WIN) {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('Xdoc2Text is a windows only application. Please use wvWare instead'), E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     if (!file_exists($xdoc2txt_bin)) {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('Could not find xdoc2txt.exe on %path. Please download it from http://www31.ocn.ne.jp/~h_ishida/xdoc2txt.html', array('%path' => $xdoc2txt_bin)), E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     exec('@"' . $xdoc2txt_bin . '" -f "' . $this->source_file . '" "' . $this->destination_file . '"');
     $result = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($this->destination_file);
     $this->delete_source_file ? @AkFileSystem::file_delete($this->source_file) : null;
     $this->keep_destination_file ? null : AkFileSystem::file_delete($this->destination_file);
     return $result;
Exemple #6
    public function relativizeStylesheetPaths()
        $url_suffix = AkConsole::promptUserVar('The admin plugin comes with some fancy CSS background images.

Your application might be accessible at /myapp, 
and your images folder might be at /myapp/public

Insert the relative path where your images folder is
so you don\'t need to manually edit the CSS files', array('default' => '/'));
        $url_suffix = trim(preg_replace('/\\/?images\\/admin\\/?$/', '', $url_suffix), '/');
        if (!empty($url_suffix)) {
            $stylesheets = array('admin/admin', 'admin/menu');
            foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
                $filename = AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . 'stylesheets' . DS . $stylesheet . '.css';
                $relativized_css = preg_replace("/url\\((\\'|\")?\\/images/", "url(\$1/{$url_suffix}/images", @AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($filename));
                !empty($relativized_css) && @AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($filename, $relativized_css);
Exemple #7
  * This method tries to determine if url rewrite is enabled on this server.
  * It has only been tested on apache.
  * It is strongly recomended that you manually define the constant 
  * AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED on your config file to the avoid overload
  * this function causes and to prevent from missfunctioning
 static function loadUrlRewriteSettings()
     static $result;
     if (isset($result)) {
         return $result;
     if (defined('AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED')) {
         $result = AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED;
         return AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED;
     if (defined('AK_ENABLE_URL_REWRITE') && AK_ENABLE_URL_REWRITE == false) {
         if (!defined('AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED')) {
             define('AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED', false);
         $result = AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED;
         return false;
     $url_rewrite_status = false;
     //echo '<pre>'.print_r(get_defined_functions(), true).'</pre>';
     if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS']) && $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'] == 200 && isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING']) && strstr($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'], 'ak=')) {
         if (strstr($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'], '&')) {
             $tmp_arr = explode('&', $_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING']);
             $ak_request = $tmp_arr[0];
         } else {
             $ak_request = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'];
         $ak_request = trim(str_replace('ak=', '', $ak_request), '/');
         if (strstr($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], $ak_request)) {
             $url_rewrite_status = true;
         } else {
             $url_rewrite_status = false;
     } elseif (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
         $available_modules = apache_get_modules();
         if (in_array('mod_rewrite', (array) $available_modules)) {
             // Local session name is changed intentionally from .htaccess
             // So we can see if the file has been loaded.
             // if so, we restore the session.name to its original
             // value
             if (ini_get('session.name') == 'AK_SESSID') {
                 $session_name = defined('AK_SESSION_NAME') ? AK_SESSION_NAME : get_cfg_var('session.name');
                 ini_set('session.name', $session_name);
                 $url_rewrite_status = true;
                 // In some cases where session.name cant be set up by htaccess file,
                 // we can check for modrewrite status on this file
             } elseif (file_exists(AK_BASE_DIR . DS . '.htaccess')) {
                 $htaccess_file = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents(AK_BASE_DIR . DS . '.htaccess');
                 if (stristr($htaccess_file, 'RewriteEngine on')) {
                     $url_rewrite_status = true;
         // If none of the above works we try to fetch a file that should be remaped
     } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] == '/' && isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS']) && $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'] == 200) {
         $url_rewrite_test_url = AK_URL . 'mod_rewrite_test';
         if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
             $url_rewrite_test_url = AK_PROTOCOL . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ':' . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] . '@' . AK_HOST . '/mod_rewrite_test';
         $url_rewrite_status = strstr(@file_get_contents($url_rewrite_test_url), 'AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED');
         $AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED = "define(\\'AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED\\', " . ($url_rewrite_status ? 'true' : 'false') . ");\n";
         register_shutdown_function(create_function('', "AkFileSystem::file_put_contents(AkConfig::getDir('config').DS.'config.php',\n            str_replace('<?php\n','<?php\n\n{$AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED}',AkFileSystem::file_get_contents(AkConfig::getDir('config').DS.'config.php')));"));
     if (!defined('AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED')) {
         define('AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED', $url_rewrite_status);
     $result = AK_URL_REWRITE_ENABLED;
 public function test_file_get_contents()
     if (!RUN_FTP_TESTS) {
     $file_name = 'cache' . DS . 'test_file_1.txt';
     $content = 'This is the NEW content for file 1';
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($file_name) === $content);
     $file_name = 'cache' . DS . 'test_file_2.txt';
     $content = "\n\rThis is the content of file 2\n";
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($file_name) === $content);
     $file_name = 'cache' . DS . 'test_file_3.txt';
     $content = "\rThis is the content of file 3\r\n";
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($file_name) === $content);
     $file_name = 'cache\\test_file_4.txt';
     $content = "\rThis is the content of file 4\r\n";
     $this->assertTrue(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($file_name) === $content);
Exemple #9
  * Gets a list of available plugins.
  * Goes through each trusted plugin server and retrieves the name of the
  * folders (plugins) on the repository path.
  * @param  boolean $force_update If it is not set to true, it will only check remote sources once per hour
  * @return array   Returns an array containing "plugin_name" => "repository URL"
  * @access public
 public function getPlugins($force_update = false)
     if ($force_update || !is_file($this->_getRepositoriesCahePath()) || filemtime($this->_getRepositoriesCahePath()) > 3600) {
         if (!$this->_updateRemotePluginsList()) {
             return array();
     return array_map('trim', Ak::convert('yaml', 'array', AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($this->_getRepositoriesCahePath())));
Exemple #10
 protected function _removeMethodFromClass($path, $name, $pluginName)
     return AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($path, preg_replace("|(\n[^\n]*?/\\*\\* AUTOMATED START: {$pluginName}::{$name} \\*/.*?/\\*\\* AUTOMATED END: {$pluginName}::{$name} \\*/\n)|s", "", AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($path)), array('skip_path_restriction' => true));
Exemple #11
 static function uncompress($compressed_data, $format = 'gzip')
     $key = Ak::randomString(15);
     $compressed_file = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . 's' . $key;
     $uncompressed_file = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . 'd' . $key;
     if (AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($compressed_file, $compressed_data, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR)) !== false) {
         $compressed = gzopen($compressed_file, "r");
         $uncompressed = fopen($uncompressed_file, "w");
         while (!gzeof($compressed)) {
             $string = gzread($compressed, 4096);
             fwrite($uncompressed, $string, strlen($string));
     } else {
         trigger_error(Ak::t('Could not write to temporary directory for generating uncompressing file using Ak::uncompress(). Please provide write access to %dirname', array('%dirname' => AK_TMP_DIR)), E_USER_ERROR);
     $result = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($uncompressed_file, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR));
     AkFileSystem::file_delete($uncompressed_file, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR));
     AkFileSystem::file_delete($compressed_file, array('base_path' => AK_TMP_DIR));
     return $result;
Exemple #12
 public function getPersistedCookie()
     if (file_exists(AkConfig::getDir('tmp') . DS . $this->_cookie_path)) {
         return AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($this->_cookie_path, array('base_path' => AkConfig::getDir('tmp')));
     return false;
Exemple #13
 function _canIncludeMergedFile($class_name_to_extend, $checksum)
     $merge_path = AK_TMP_DIR . DS . '.lib';
     if (AK_CLASS_EXTENDER_ENABLE_CACHE && file_exists($merge_path . DS . 'Extensible' . $class_name_to_extend . '.php') && AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($merge_path . DS . 'checksums' . DS . 'Extensible' . $class_name_to_extend) == $checksum) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #14
 public function test_should_read_files_using_scoped_file_get_contents_function()
     $this->assertEqual(AkFileSystem::file_get_contents(__FILE__, array('base_path' => dirname(__FILE__))), file_get_contents(__FILE__));
Exemple #15
 public function relativizeStylesheetPaths()
     $asset_path = $this->_getAssetBasePath();
     if ($this->hasUrlSuffix() || !empty($asset_path)) {
         $url_suffix = trim($this->getUrlSuffix(), '/');
         if (!empty($asset_path)) {
             $url_suffix = trim($url_suffix . '/' . $asset_path, '/');
         foreach ($this->stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
             $filename = AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . 'stylesheets' . DS . $stylesheet . '.css';
             $relativized_css = preg_replace("/url\\((\\'|\")?\\/images/", "url(\$1/{$url_suffix}/images", @AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($filename));
             empty($relativized_css) || @AkFileSystem::file_put_contents($filename, $relativized_css);
Exemple #16
 protected function _removeOldVersionsFileAndUseMigrationsTable($options)
     $oldfile = $this->_versionPath($options);
     $version = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($oldfile);
     AkFileSystem::copy($oldfile, $oldfile . '.backup');
     $this->log('message', 'got old version from file:' . $oldfile . '=' . $version . ' moved to backup-file:' . $oldfile . '.backup');
     $this->setInstalledVersion($version, $options);
     $this->AkelosMigration->create(array('name' => $this->getInstallerName(), 'version' => $version));
Exemple #17
 protected function _extractCssRulesFromFile($path, $cssRules = false)
     if (empty($cssRules)) {
         $cssRules = array('id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'element' => array());
     $path = $this->_getStylesheetPath($path);
     $contents = AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($path);
     $cssRules = $this->_extractCssRulesFromContent($contents);
     return $cssRules;
Exemple #18
 * Sends the file by streaming it 4096 bytes at a time. This way the
 * whole file doesn't need to be read into memory at once.  This makes
 * it feasible to send even large files.
 * Be careful to sanitize the path parameter if it coming from a web
 * page.  sendFile($params['path']) allows a malicious user to
 * download any file on your server.
 * Options:
 * * <tt>filename</tt> - suggests a filename for the browser to use.
 *   Defaults to realpath($path).
 * * <tt>type</tt> - specifies an HTTP content type.
 *   Defaults to 'application/octet-stream'.
 * * <tt>disposition</tt> - specifies whether the file will be shown inline or downloaded.
 *   Valid values are 'inline' and 'attachment' (default).
 * * <tt>stream</tt> - whether to send the file to the user agent as it is read (true)
 *   or to read the entire file before sending (false). Defaults to true.
 * * <tt>buffer_size</tt> - specifies size (in bytes) of the buffer used to stream the file.
 *   Defaults to 4096.
 * <tt>:x_sendfile</tt> - uses X-Sendfile to send the file when set to +true+. This is currently
     only available with Lighttpd/Apache2 and specific modules installed and activated. Since this
 *   uses the web server to send the file, this may lower memory consumption on your server and
 *   it will not block your application for further requests.
 *   See http://blog.lighttpd.net/articles/2006/07/02/x-sendfile and
 *   http://tn123.ath.cx/mod_xsendfile/ for details. Defaults to +false+.
 * The default Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers are
 * set to download arbitrary binary files in as many browsers as
 * possible.  IE versions 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 are all known to have
 * a variety of quirks (especially when downloading over SSL).
 * Simple download:
 *   sendFile('/path/to.zip');
 * Show a JPEG in browser:
 *   sendFile('/path/to.jpeg', array('type' => 'image/jpeg', 'disposition' => 'inline'));
 * Read about the other Content-* HTTP headers if you'd like to
 * provide the user with more information (such as Content-Description).
 * http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.11
 * Also be aware that the document may be cached by proxies and browsers.
 * The Pragma and Cache-Control headers declare how the file may be cached
 * by intermediaries.  They default to require clients to validate with
 * the server before releasing cached responses.  See
 * http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/ for an overview of web caching and
 * http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.9
 * for the Cache-Control header spec.
 public function sendFile($path, $options = array())
     $path = realpath($path);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         $Exception = new ControllerException(Ak::t('Cannot read file %path', array('%path' => $path)));
         $Exception->status = 500;
         throw $Exception;
     $this->performed_render = false;
     if (!empty($options['x_sendfile'])) {
         $this->_log("Sending X-Sendfile header {$path}");
         $this->Response->addHeader(array('X-Sendfile' => $path));
         $this->renderNothing(empty($options['status']) ? 200 : $options['status']);
     $options['length'] = empty($options['length']) ? filesize($path) : $options['length'];
     $options['filename'] = empty($options['filename']) ? basename($path) : $options['filename'];
     $options['type'] = empty($options['type']) ? Ak::mime_content_type($path) : $options['type'];
     if (!empty($options['stream'])) {
         $this->render(array('text' => new AkStream($path, $options['buffer_size'])));
     } else {
         $this->render(array('text' => AkFileSystem::file_get_contents($path)));