/** * Display each history line * * @param $taskjobstates_id integer id of the taskjobstate * * @return nothing * **/ function showHistoryLines($taskjobstates_id, $displayprocess = 1, $displaytaskjob = 0, $nb_td = '5') { global $CFG_GLPI; $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfTaskjobstate->getFromDB($taskjobstates_id); $displayforceend = 0; $a_history = $this->find('`plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id` = "' . $pfTaskjobstate->fields['id'] . '"', 'id DESC', '1'); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td width='40' id='plusmoins" . $pfTaskjobstate->fields["id"] . "'><img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/expand.png' " . "onClick='document.getElementById(\"viewfollowup" . $pfTaskjobstate->fields["id"] . "\").show();close_array(" . $pfTaskjobstate->fields["id"] . ");' /></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $pfTaskjobstate->fields['uniqid']; echo "</td>"; if ($displayprocess == '1') { echo "<td>"; echo $pfTaskjobstate->fields['id']; echo "</td>"; } if ($displaytaskjob == '1') { $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $pfTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $pfTaskjob->getFromDB($pfTaskjobstate->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id']); $pfTask->getFromDB($pfTaskjob->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id']); echo "<td>"; echo $pfTaskjob->getLink(1) . " (" . $pfTask->getLink() . ")"; echo "</td>"; } echo "<td>"; $pfAgent->getFromDB($pfTaskjobstate->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); echo $pfAgent->getLink(1); Ajax::UpdateItemOnEvent('plusmoins' . $pfTaskjobstate->fields["id"], 'viewfollowup' . $pfTaskjobstate->fields["id"], $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/ajax/showtaskjoblogdetail.php", array('agents_id' => $pfTaskjobstate->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'], 'uniqid' => $pfTaskjobstate->fields['uniqid']), array("click")); echo "</td>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_pop($a_history), 0); $count = $a_return[0]; $displayforceend += $count; echo $a_return[1]; if ($displayforceend == "0") { echo "<td align='center'>"; echo "<form name='form' method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/front/taskjob.form.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='taskjobstates_id' value='" . $pfTaskjobstate->fields['id'] . "' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='taskjobs_id' value='" . $pfTaskjobstate->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id'] . "' />"; echo '<input name="forceend" value="' . __('Force the end', 'fusioninventory') . '" class="submit" type="submit">'; Html::closeForm(); echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td colspan='" . $nb_td . "' style='display: none;' id='viewfollowup" . $pfTaskjobstate->fields["id"] . "' class='tab_bg_4'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }
/** * Display actions value with preselection of action type * * @param $myname value name of dropdown * @param $actiontype value name of the action type selected * @param $method value name of the method selected * @param $actiontypeid value dropdown name of action type * @param $value value name of the definition (used for edit taskjob) * @param $entity_restrict restriction of entity if required * * @return value rand of the dropdown * **/ function dropdownAction($myname, $actiontype, $method, $actiontypeid, $value = 0, $entity_restrict = '') { global $CFG_GLPI; $a_methods = PluginFusioninventoryStaticmisc::getmethods(); $module = ''; foreach ($a_methods as $datas) { if ($method == $datas['method']) { $module = $datas['module']; } } $rand = ''; $class = PluginFusioninventoryStaticmisc::getStaticMiscClass($module); if ($actiontype == "PluginFusioninventoryAgent") { $actionselection_method = "task_actionselection_PluginFusioninventoryAgent_" . $method; if (is_callable(array($class, $actionselection_method))) { $rand = call_user_func(array($class, $actionselection_method)); } else { $a_data = $this->get_agents($method); $rand = Dropdown::showFromArray('actionselectiontoadd', $a_data); } } else { $definitionselection_method = "task_definitionselection_" . $actiontype . "_" . $method; if (is_callable(array($class, $definitionselection_method))) { $rand = call_user_func(array($class, $definitionselection_method)); } } $params = array('selection' => '__VALUE__', 'entity_restrict' => $entity_restrict, 'myname' => $myname, 'actionselectadd' => 'dropdown_actionselectiontoadd' . $rand, 'actiontypeid' => $actiontypeid); Ajax::UpdateItemOnEvent('addAObject', 'show_ActionListEmpty', $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/ajax/dropdownactionselection.php", $params, array("click")); }