  * List of authors having authored at least one event
  * Returned array contains following keys: user_id, display_name and
  * event_count, respectively referencing author ID, to use as filter
  * argument, his name, and number of events he had authored.
  * @param bool $flush Set to true, to ignore cache [optional=false]
  * @return array List of authors
 public function get_all($flush = false)
     global $ai1ec_settings;
     if (!$ai1ec_settings->use_authors_filter) {
         return array();
     $persistance = Ai1ec_Strategies_Factory::create_persistence_context(__METHOD__);
     $list = NULL;
     if (false === $flush) {
         try {
             $list = $persistance->get_data_from_persistence();
         } catch (Ai1ec_Cache_Not_Set_Exception $exception) {
             $list = NULL;
     if (NULL === $list) {
         $list = $this->_fetch_all();
         try {
         } catch (Ai1ec_Cache_Not_Set_Exception $wrt_exception) {
             // ignore write failures
     return $list;
  * In the constructor all action and filter hooks are declared as the constructor is called when the app initialize. We als handle the CROn and the DB Schema.
 public function __construct()
     // We don't use the filesystem as cache as this contains private data.
     $this->persistance_context = Ai1ec_Strategies_Factory::create_persistence_context(self::KEY_FOR_PERSISTANCE);
     // Set the AJAX action to dismiss the notice.
     add_action('wp_ajax_ai1ec_facebook_cron_dismiss', array($this, 'dismiss_notice_ajax'));
     // Set the AJAX action to refresh Facebook Graph Objects
     add_action('wp_ajax_ai1ec_refresh_facebook_objects', array($this, 'refresh_facebook_ajax'));
     // Set AJAX action to remove a subscribed user
     add_action('wp_ajax_ai1ec_remove_subscribed', array($this, 'remove_subscribed_ajax'));
     // Set AJAX action to refresh multiselect
     add_action('wp_ajax_ai1ec_refresh_multiselect', array($this, 'refresh_multiselect'));
     // Set AJAX action to refresh events
     add_action('wp_ajax_ai1ec_refresh_events', array($this, 'refresh_events_ajax'));
     // Add the "Export to facebook" widget.
     add_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions', array($this, 'render_export_box'));
     // Ad action to check if app-id / secret where changed
     add_action('ai1ec-Ai1ecFacebookConnectorPlugin-postsave-setting', array($this, 'if_app_id_or_secret_changed_perform_logout'), 10, 1);
     // Add action to perform a login to Facebook if needed
     add_action('ai1ec-post-save-facebook-login', array($this, 'do_facebook_login_if_app_id_and_secret_were_changed'));
     //allow redirection, even if my theme starts to send output to the browser
     add_action('init', array($this, 'start_output_buffering'));
     // I leave all add_action() call in one place since it's easier to understand and mantain
     $facebook_custom_bulk_action = Ai1ec_Facebook_Factory::get_facebook_custom_bulk_action_instance($this);
     // Add the select to filter events in the "All events" page
     add_action('restrict_manage_posts', array($facebook_custom_bulk_action, 'facebook_filter_restrict_manage_posts'));
     // Add action to handle export to facebook
     add_action('load-edit.php', array($facebook_custom_bulk_action, 'facebook_custom_bulk_action'));
     // Add action to filter data
     add_filter('posts_where', array($facebook_custom_bulk_action, 'facebook_filter_posts_where'));
     // Install db
     // Install CRON
  * Clean entire cache - get rid of all events cache entries
  * @return int Count of cache entries deleted
 protected function _purge()
     // purge entire cache
     $pattern = 'ai1ec-response';
     $cache = Ai1ec_Strategies_Factory::create_blob_persistence_context($pattern, AI1EC_CACHE_PATH);
     return $cache->delete_matching_entries_from_persistence($pattern);
  * @param string $active_theme_path
  * @param string $default_theme_path
  * @return Ai1ec_Css_Controller
 public static function create_css_controller_instance()
     $aie1c_admin_notices_helper = Ai1ec_Admin_Notices_Helper::get_instance();
     $db_adapter = Ai1ec_Adapters_Factory::create_db_adapter_instance();
     $persistence_context = Ai1ec_Strategies_Factory::create_persistence_context(Ai1ec_Css_Controller::KEY_FOR_PERSISTANCE, AI1EC_CACHE_PATH);
     $lessphp_controller = self::create_lessphp_controller();
     $controller = new Ai1ec_Css_Controller($persistence_context, $lessphp_controller, $db_adapter, self::$preview_mode, Ai1ec_Adapters_Factory::create_template_adapter_instance());
     return $controller;
  * Returns rendered calendar page.
  * @return string Rendered calendar page
 public function get_calendar_page(Ai1ec_Abstract_Query $request)
     global $ai1ec_view_helper, $ai1ec_settings, $ai1ec_events_helper, $ai1ec_themes_controller;
     $ai1ec_calendar_helper = Ai1ec_Calendar_Helper::get_instance();
     if ($notice = $ai1ec_themes_controller->frontend_outdated_themes_notice(false)) {
         return $notice;
     // Queue any styles, scripts
     // Are we loading a shortcode?
     $shortcode = $request->get('shortcode');
     $view_args = $this->get_view_args_for_view($request);
     $action = $view_args['action'];
     $type = $request->get('request_type');
     $exact_date = $this->get_exact_date($request);
     $get_view = 'get_' . $action . '_view';
     $page_hash = $this->get_cache_key($request);
     $cache = NULL;
     if (false !== $page_hash) {
         $cache = Ai1ec_Strategies_Factory::create_blob_persistence_context($page_hash, AI1EC_CACHE_PATH);
     $generated = false;
     if (false !== $page_hash) {
         try {
             $generated = $cache->get_data_from_persistence();
         } catch (Ai1ec_Cache_Not_Set_Exception $excpt) {
             // discard
             $generated = false;
     if (false === $generated) {
         $view = $this->{$get_view}($view_args);
         $content = '';
         $categories = '';
         $tags = '';
         $authors = '';
         $args_for_filter = array();
         if (true === $ai1ec_settings->use_select2_widgets) {
             $categories = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_select2_multiselect(array('name' => 'ai1ec_filter_categories', 'id' => 'ai1ec_filter_categories', 'use_id' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Filter by category', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'type' => 'category'), get_terms('events_categories'), $view_args);
             $categories = $categories->render_as_html();
             $tags = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_select2_multiselect(array('name' => 'ai1ec_filter_tags', 'id' => 'ai1ec_filter_tags', 'use_id' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Filter by tag', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'type' => 'tag'), get_terms('events_tags'), $view_args);
             $tags = $tags->render_as_html();
             $authors = Ai1ec_Author::get_instance()->get_all_for_select2();
             $authors = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_select2_multiselect(array('name' => 'ai1ec_filter_authors', 'id' => 'ai1ec_filter_authors', 'use_id' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Filter by author', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'type' => 'author'), $authors, $view_args);
             $authors = $authors->render_as_html();
         } else {
             $categories = $ai1ec_calendar_helper->get_html_for_categories($view_args);
             $authors = $ai1ec_calendar_helper->get_html_for_authors($view_args);
             $tags = $ai1ec_calendar_helper->get_html_for_tags($view_args);
         $dropdown_args = $view_args;
         if (isset($dropdown_args['time_limit']) && false !== $exact_date) {
             $dropdown_args['exact_date'] = $exact_date;
         $views_dropdown = $ai1ec_calendar_helper->get_html_for_views_dropdown($dropdown_args);
         $subscribe_buttons = '';
         if (!$ai1ec_settings->turn_off_subscription_buttons) {
             $subscribe_buttons = $ai1ec_calendar_helper->get_html_for_subscribe_buttons($view_args);
         $save_view_btngroup = Ai1ec_View_Factory::create_save_filtered_view_buttongroup($view_args, $shortcode);
         if (($view_args['no_navigation'] || $type !== 'standard') && 'true' !== $shortcode) {
             $args_for_filter = $view_args;
             $are_filters_set = Ai1ec_Router::is_at_least_one_filter_set_in_request($view_args);
             // send data both for json and jsonp as shortcodes are jsonp
             $content = array('html' => $view, 'categories' => $categories, 'authors' => $authors, 'tags' => $tags, 'views_dropdown' => $views_dropdown, 'subscribe_buttons' => $subscribe_buttons, 'save_view_btngroup' => $save_view_btngroup->render_as_html(), 'are_filters_set' => $are_filters_set);
         } else {
             // Determine whether to display "Post your event" button on front-end.
             $contribution_buttons = $ai1ec_calendar_helper->get_html_for_contribution_buttons();
             $show_dropdowns = true;
             $show_select2 = false;
             $span_for_select2 = '';
             // if we use select2, calculate the span settings
             if (true === $ai1ec_settings->use_select2_widgets) {
                 $show_dropdowns = false;
                 $show_select2 = true;
                 $count = 0;
                 if (!empty($categories)) {
                     $count += 1;
                 if (!empty($authors)) {
                     $count += 1;
                 if (!empty($tags)) {
                     $count += 1;
                 if (0 === $count) {
                     $show_select2 = false;
                 } else {
                     $span_for_select2 = 'span' . 12 / $count;
             // Define new arguments for overall calendar view
             $page_args = array('current_view' => $action, 'views_dropdown' => $views_dropdown, 'view' => $view, 'contribution_buttons' => $contribution_buttons, 'categories' => $categories, 'authors' => $authors, 'tags' => $tags, 'subscribe_buttons' => $subscribe_buttons, 'data_type' => $view_args['data_type'], 'save_view_btngroup' => $save_view_btngroup, 'disable_standard_filter_menu' => $ai1ec_settings->disable_standard_filter_menu, 'show_dropdowns' => $show_dropdowns, 'show_select2' => $show_select2, 'span_for_select2' => $span_for_select2);
             $filter_menu = Ai1ec_Render_Entity_Utility::get_instance('Filter_Menu')->set($page_args);
             $page_args['filter_menu'] = $filter_menu;
             $content = $ai1ec_view_helper->get_theme_view('calendar.php', $page_args);
             $args_for_filter = $page_args;
         $generated = apply_filters('ai1ec_view', $content, $args_for_filter);
         if ($page_hash) {
             try {
             } catch (Ai1ec_Cache_Not_Set_Exception $exception) {
                 // ignore write failures
     return $generated;