  * Format datetime to UNIX timestamp for storage.
  * @param Ai1ec_Date_Time $end Datetime object to compact.
  * @return int UNIX timestamp.
 protected function _handle_property_destruct_end(Ai1ec_Date_Time $end)
     return $end->format_to_gmt();
Exemple #2
     * Return events falling within some time range.
     * Return all events starting after the given start time and before the
     * given end time that the currently logged in user has permission to view.
     * If $spanning is true, then also include events that span this
     * period. All-day events are returned first.
     * @param Ai1ec_Date_Time $start Limit to events starting after this.
     * @param Ai1ec_Date_Time $end   Limit to events starting before this.
     * @param array $filter          Array of filters for the events returned:
     *                                   ['cat_ids']  => list of category IDs;
     *                                   ['tag_ids']  => list of tag IDs;
     *                                   ['post_ids'] => list of post IDs;
     *                                   ['auth_ids'] => list of author IDs.
     * @param bool $spanning         Also include events that span this period.
     * @return array List of matching event objects.
    public function get_events_between(Ai1ec_Date_Time $start, Ai1ec_Date_Time $end, array $filter = array(), $spanning = false)
        // Query arguments
        $args = array($start->format_to_gmt(), $end->format_to_gmt());
        // Get post status Where snippet and associated SQL arguments
        $where_parameters = $this->_get_post_status_sql();
        $post_status_where = $where_parameters['post_status_where'];
        $args = array_merge($args, $where_parameters['args']);
        // Get the Join (filter_join) and Where (filter_where) statements based
        // on $filter elements specified
        $filter = $this->_get_filter_sql($filter);
        $ai1ec_localization_helper = $this->_registry->get('p28n.wpml');
        $wpml_join_particle = $ai1ec_localization_helper->get_wpml_table_join('p.ID');
        $wpml_where_particle = $ai1ec_localization_helper->get_wpml_table_where();
        if ($spanning) {
            $spanning_string = 'i.end > %d AND i.start < %d ';
        } else {
            $spanning_string = 'i.start BETWEEN %d AND %d ';
        $sql = '
				`i`.`id` AS `instance_id`,
				`i`.`start` AS `start`,
				`i`.`end` AS `end`,
				`e`.`timezone_name` AS `timezone_name`,
				`e`.`allday` AS `event_allday`,
				' . $this->_dbi->get_table_name('ai1ec_events') . ' e
					' . $this->_dbi->get_table_name('posts') . ' p
						ON ( `p`.`ID` = `e`.`post_id` )
				' . $wpml_join_particle . '
					' . $this->_dbi->get_table_name('ai1ec_event_instances') . ' i
					ON ( `e`.`post_id` = `i`.`post_id` )
				' . $filter['filter_join'] . '
				post_type = \'' . AI1EC_POST_TYPE . '\'
				' . $wpml_where_particle . '
				' . $spanning_string . '
				' . $filter['filter_where'] . '
				' . $post_status_where . '
				`e` . `allday`     DESC,
				`i` . `start`      ASC,
				`p` . `post_title` ASC';
        $query = $this->_dbi->prepare($sql, $args);
        $events = $this->_dbi->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
        $id_list = array();
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $id_list[] = $event['post_id'];
        if (!empty($id_list)) {
            update_meta_cache('post', $id_list);
        foreach ($events as &$event) {
            $event['allday'] = $this->_is_all_day($event);
            $event = $this->_registry->get('model.event', $event);
        return $events;
  * Returns an associative array of two links for any agenda-like view of the
  * calendar:
  *    previous page (if previous events exist),
  *    next page (if next events exist).
  * Each element is an associative array containing the link's enabled status
  * ['enabled'], CSS class ['class'], text ['text'] and value to assign to
  * link's href ['href'].
  * @param array $args Current request arguments
  * @param bool     $prev         Whether there are more events before
  *                               the current page
  * @param bool     $next         Whether there are more events after
  *                               the current page
  * @param Ai1ec_Date_Time|null $date_first
  * @param Ai1ec_Date_Time|null $date_last
  * @param string   $title        Title to display in datepicker button
  * @param string   $title_short  Short month names.
  * @param int|null $default_time_limit  The default time limit in the case of pagination ends.
  * @return array      Array of links
 protected function _get_pagination_links($args, $prev = false, $next = false, $date_first = null, $date_last = null, $title = '', $title_short = '', $prev_offset = -1, $next_offset = 1)
     $links = array();
     if ($this->_registry->get('model.settings')->get('ai1ec_use_frontend_rendering')) {
         $args['request_format'] = 'json';
     $args['page_offset'] = $prev_offset;
     $href = $this->_registry->get('html.element.href', $args);
     $links[] = array('class' => 'ai1ec-prev-page', 'text' => '<i class="ai1ec-fa ai1ec-fa-chevron-left"></i>', 'href' => $href->generate_href(), 'enabled' => $prev);
     // Minical datepicker.
     $factory = $this->_registry->get('factory.html');
     $links[] = $factory->create_datepicker_link($args, $date_first->format_to_gmt(), $title, $title_short);
     $args['page_offset'] = $next_offset;
     $href = $this->_registry->get('html.element.href', $args);
     $links[] = array('class' => 'ai1ec-next-page', 'text' => '<i class="ai1ec-fa ai1ec-fa-chevron-right"></i>', 'href' => $href->generate_href(), 'enabled' => $next);
     return $links;