/** * @param string $file * @param bool $moveFile * * @return int */ private function importCalendarStatic($file, $moveFile = true) { $data = Import::csv_to_array($file); if (!empty($data)) { $this->logger->addInfo(count($data) . " records found."); $eventsToCreate = array(); $errorFound = false; foreach ($data as $row) { $sessionId = null; $externalSessionId = null; if (isset($row['external_sessionID'])) { $externalSessionId = $row['external_sessionID']; $sessionId = SessionManager::get_session_id_from_original_id($externalSessionId, $this->extraFieldIdNameList['session']); } $courseCode = null; if (isset($row['coursecode'])) { $courseCode = $row['coursecode']; } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($courseCode); if (empty($courseInfo)) { $this->logger->addInfo("Course '{$courseCode}' does not exists"); } if (empty($sessionId)) { $this->logger->addInfo("external_sessionID: " . $externalSessionId . " does not exists."); } $teacherId = null; if (!empty($sessionId) && !empty($courseInfo)) { $courseIncluded = SessionManager::relation_session_course_exist($sessionId, $courseInfo['code']); if ($courseIncluded == false) { $this->logger->addInfo("Course '{$courseCode}' is not included in session: {$sessionId}"); $errorFound = true; } else { $teachers = CourseManager::get_coach_list_from_course_code($courseInfo['code'], $sessionId); // Getting first teacher. if (!empty($teachers)) { $teacher = current($teachers); $teacherId = $teacher['user_id']; } else { $sessionInfo = api_get_session_info($sessionId); $teacherId = $sessionInfo['id_coach']; } } } else { $errorFound = true; } if (empty($teacherId)) { $errorFound = true; $this->logger->addInfo("No teacher found in course code : '{$courseCode}' and session: '{$sessionId}'"); } $date = $row['date']; $startTime = $row['time_start']; $endTime = $row['time_end']; $title = $row['title']; $comment = $row['comment']; $color = isset($row['color']) ? $row['color'] : ''; $startDateYear = substr($date, 0, 4); $startDateMonth = substr($date, 4, 2); $startDateDay = substr($date, 6, 8); $startDate = $startDateYear . '-' . $startDateMonth . '-' . $startDateDay . ' ' . $startTime . ":00"; $endDate = $startDateYear . '-' . $startDateMonth . '-' . $startDateDay . ' ' . $endTime . ":00"; if (!api_is_valid_date($startDate) || !api_is_valid_date($endDate)) { $this->logger->addInfo("Verify your dates: '{$startDate}' : '{$endDate}' "); $errorFound = true; } // If old events do nothing. /*if (api_strtotime($startDate) < time()) { continue; }*/ if ($errorFound == false) { $eventsToCreate[] = array('start' => $startDate, 'end' => $endDate, 'title' => $title, 'sender_id' => $teacherId, 'course_id' => $courseInfo['real_id'], 'session_id' => $sessionId, 'comment' => $comment, 'color' => $color, $this->extraFieldIdNameList['calendar_event'] => $row['external_calendar_itemID']); } } if (empty($eventsToCreate)) { $this->logger->addInfo("No events to add"); return 0; } $this->logger->addInfo("Ready to insert events"); $agenda = new Agenda(); $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('calendar_event'); $extraFieldName = $this->extraFieldIdNameList['calendar_event']; $externalEventId = null; $extraField = new ExtraField('calendar_event'); $extraFieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable($extraFieldName); if (empty($extraFieldInfo)) { $this->logger->addInfo("No calendar event extra field created: {$extraFieldName}"); return 0; } foreach ($eventsToCreate as $event) { $update = false; $item = null; if (!isset($event[$extraFieldName])) { $this->logger->addInfo("No external_calendar_itemID found. Skipping ..."); continue; } else { $externalEventId = $event[$extraFieldName]; if (empty($externalEventId)) { $this->logger->addInfo("external_calendar_itemID was set but empty. Skipping ..."); continue; } $items = $extraFieldValue->get_item_id_from_field_variable_and_field_value($extraFieldName, $externalEventId, false, false, true); $item = null; foreach ($items as $tempItem) { if ($tempItem['c_id'] == $event['course_id']) { $item = $tempItem; } } if (!empty($item)) { $this->logger->addInfo("Event #{$externalEventId} was already added. Updating ..."); $update = true; //continue; } } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($event['course_id']); $agenda->set_course($courseInfo); $agenda->setType('course'); $agenda->setSessionId($event['session_id']); $agenda->setSenderId($event['sender_id']); $agenda->setIsAllowedToEdit(true); $eventComment = $event['comment']; $color = $event['color']; // To use the event comment you need // ALTER TABLE c_calendar_event ADD COLUMN comment TEXT; // add in configuration.php allow_agenda_event_comment = true if (empty($courseInfo)) { $this->logger->addInfo("No course found for added: #" . $event['course_id'] . " Skipping ..."); continue; } if (empty($event['sender_id'])) { $this->logger->addInfo("No sender found: #" . $event['sender_id'] . " Skipping ..."); continue; } $content = ''; if ($update && isset($item['calendar_event_id'])) { //the event already exists, just update $eventId = $agenda->edit_event($item['calendar_event_id'], $event['start'], $event['end'], false, $event['title'], $content, array('everyone'), array(), null, $eventComment, $color); if ($eventId !== false) { $this->logger->addInfo("Event updated: #{$eventId}"); } else { $this->logger->addInfo("Error while updating event."); } } else { // New event. Create it. $eventId = $agenda->add_event($event['start'], $event['end'], false, $event['title'], $content, array('everyone'), false, null, array(), null, $eventComment, $color); if (!empty($eventId)) { $extraFieldValue->is_course_model = true; $extraFieldValue->save(array('field_value' => $externalEventId, 'field_id' => $extraFieldInfo['id'], 'calendar_event_id' => $eventId, 'c_id' => $event['course_id'])); $this->logger->addInfo("Event added: #{$eventId}"); } else { $this->logger->addInfo("Error while creating event."); } } } } if ($moveFile) { $this->moveFile($file); } }
/** * Fills the course database with some required content and example content. * @param int Course (int) ID * @param string Course directory name (e.g. 'ABC') * @param string Language used for content (e.g. 'spanish') * @param bool Whether to fill the course with example content * @return bool False on error, true otherwise * @version 1.2 * @assert (null, '', '', null) === false * @assert (1, 'ABC', null, null) === false * @assert (1, 'TEST', 'spanish', true) === true */ public static function fill_db_course($course_id, $course_repository, $language, $fill_with_exemplary_content = null) { if (is_null($fill_with_exemplary_content)) { $fill_with_exemplary_content = api_get_setting('course.example_material_course_creation') != 'false'; } $course_id = intval($course_id); if (empty($course_id)) { return false; } $entityManager = Database::getManager(); $course = $entityManager->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course')->find($course_id); $tools = array(); $settingsManager = CourseManager::getCourseSettingsManager(); $settingsManager->setCourse($course); $toolList = CourseManager::getToolList(); $toolList = $toolList->getTools(); /** @var Chamilo\CourseBundle\Tool\BaseTool $tool */ foreach ($toolList as $tool) { $visibility = self::string2binary(api_get_setting_in_list('course.active_tools_on_create', $tool->getName())); $toolObject = new CTool(); $toolObject->setName($tool->getName())->setCategory($tool->getCategory())->setLink($tool->getLink())->setImage($tool->getImage())->setVisibility($visibility)->setAdmin(0)->setTarget($tool->getTarget()); $tools[] = $toolObject; $settings = $settingsManager->loadSettings($tool->getName()); $settingsManager->saveSettings($tool->getName(), $settings); } $course->setTools($tools); $entityManager->persist($course); $entityManager->flush($course); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($course_id); $now = api_get_utc_datetime(time()); $tbl_course_homepage = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); $TABLEINTROS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_INTRO); $TABLEGROUPCATEGORIES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_CATEGORY); $TABLEITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $TABLETOOLAGENDA = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA); $TABLETOOLANNOUNCEMENTS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT); $TABLETOOLDOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $TABLETOOLLINK = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK); $TABLEQUIZ = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $TABLEQUIZQUESTION = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION); $TABLEQUIZQUESTIONLIST = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION); $TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER); $TABLESETTING = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_SETTING); $TABLEFORUMCATEGORIES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORY); $TABLEFORUMS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM); $TABLEFORUMTHREADS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD); $TABLEFORUMPOSTS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST); $TABLEGRADEBOOK = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_CATEGORY); $TABLEGRADEBOOKLINK = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK); $TABLEGRADEBOOKCERT = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_CERTIFICATE); $visible_for_all = 1; $visible_for_course_admin = 0; $visible_for_platform_admin = 2; /* Course tools */ $alert = api_get_setting('exercise.email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz'); if ($alert === 'true') { $defaultEmailExerciseAlert = 1; } else { $defaultEmailExerciseAlert = 0; } /* course_setting table (courseinfo tool) */ $settings = ['email_alert_manager_on_new_doc' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'work'], 'email_alert_on_new_doc_dropbox' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'dropbox'], 'allow_user_edit_agenda' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'agenda'], 'allow_user_edit_announcement' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'announcement'], 'email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz' => ['default' => $defaultEmailExerciseAlert, 'category' => 'quiz'], 'allow_user_image_forum' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'forum'], 'course_theme' => ['default' => '', 'category' => 'theme'], 'allow_learning_path_theme' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'theme'], 'allow_open_chat_window' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'chat'], 'email_alert_to_teacher_on_new_user_in_course' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'registration'], 'allow_user_view_user_list' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'user'], 'display_info_advance_inside_homecourse' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'thematic_advance'], 'email_alert_students_on_new_homework' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'work'], 'enable_lp_auto_launch' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'learning_path'], 'pdf_export_watermark_text' => ['default' => '', 'category' => 'learning_path'], 'allow_public_certificates' => ['default' => api_get_setting('course.allow_public_certificates') === 'true' ? 1 : '', 'category' => 'certificates'], 'documents_default_visibility' => ['default' => 'visible', 'category' => 'document']]; /*$counter = 1; foreach ($settings as $variable => $setting) { Database::query( "INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (id, c_id, variable, value, category) VALUES ($counter, $course_id, '".$variable."', '".$setting['default']."', '".$setting['category']."')" ); $counter++; }*/ /* Course homepage tools for platform admin only */ /* Group tool */ Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGROUPCATEGORIES} (c_id, id, title , description, max_student, self_reg_allowed, self_unreg_allowed, groups_per_user, display_order)\n VALUES ({$course_id}, '2', '" . self::lang2db(get_lang('DefaultGroupCategory')) . "', '', '8', '0', '0', '0', '0');"); /* Example Material */ $language_interface = !empty($language_interface) ? $language_interface : api_get_setting('language.platform_language'); // Example material should be in the same language as the course is. $language_interface_original = $language_interface; $now = api_get_utc_datetime(); $files = [['path' => '/shared_folder', 'title' => get_lang('UserFolders'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/chat_files', 'title' => get_lang('ChatFiles'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0]]; $counter = 1; foreach ($files as $file) { self::insertDocument($course_id, $counter, $file); $counter++; } $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); $perm = api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(); $perm_file = api_get_permissions_for_new_files(); $chat_path = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . '/document/chat_files'; if (!is_dir($chat_path)) { @mkdir($chat_path, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); } /* Documents */ if ($fill_with_exemplary_content) { $files = [['path' => '/images', 'title' => get_lang('Images'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/images/gallery', 'title' => get_lang('DefaultCourseImages'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/audio', 'title' => get_lang('Audio'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/flash', 'title' => get_lang('Flash'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/video', 'title' => get_lang('Video'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/certificates', 'title' => get_lang('Certificates'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0]]; foreach ($files as $file) { self::insertDocument($course_id, $counter, $file); $counter++; } // FILL THE COURSE DOCUMENT WITH DEFAULT COURSE PICTURES $folders_to_copy_from_default_course = array('images', 'audio', 'flash', 'video', 'certificates'); $default_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'default_course_document/'; $default_document_array = array(); foreach ($folders_to_copy_from_default_course as $folder) { $default_course_folder_path = $default_course_path . $folder . '/'; $files = self::browse_folders($default_course_folder_path, array(), $folder); $sorted_array = self::sort_pictures($files, 'dir'); $sorted_array = array_merge($sorted_array, self::sort_pictures($files, 'file')); $default_document_array[$folder] = $sorted_array; } //Light protection (adding index.html in every document folder) $htmlpage = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <title>Not authorized</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n </body>\n</html>"; $example_cert_id = 0; if (is_array($default_document_array) && count($default_document_array) > 0) { foreach ($default_document_array as $media_type => $array_media) { $path_documents = "/{$media_type}/"; //hack until feature #5242 is implemented if ($media_type == 'images') { $media_type = 'images/gallery'; $images_folder = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . "/document/images/"; if (!is_dir($images_folder)) { //Creating index.html mkdir($images_folder, $perm); $fd = fopen($images_folder . 'index.html', 'w'); fwrite($fd, $htmlpage); @chmod($images_folder . 'index.html', $perm_file); } } $course_documents_folder = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . "/document/{$media_type}/"; $default_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'default_course_document' . $path_documents; if (!is_dir($course_documents_folder)) { // Creating index.html mkdir($course_documents_folder, $perm); $fd = fopen($course_documents_folder . 'index.html', 'w'); fwrite($fd, $htmlpage); @chmod($course_documents_folder . 'index.html', $perm_file); } if (is_array($array_media) && count($array_media) > 0) { foreach ($array_media as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['dir']) && !empty($value['dir'])) { if (!is_dir($course_documents_folder . $value['dir'])) { //Creating folder mkdir($course_documents_folder . $value['dir'], $perm); //Creating index.html (for light protection) $index_html = $course_documents_folder . $value['dir'] . '/index.html'; $fd = fopen($index_html, 'w'); fwrite($fd, $htmlpage); @chmod($index_html, $perm_file); //Inserting folder in the DB $folder_path = substr($value['dir'], 0, strlen($value['dir']) - 1); $temp = explode('/', $folder_path); $title = $temp[count($temp) - 1]; //hack until feature #5242 is implemented if ($title == 'gallery') { $title = get_lang('DefaultCourseImages'); } if ($media_type == 'images/gallery') { $folder_path = 'gallery/' . $folder_path; } Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size)\n VALUES ({$course_id},'{$path_documents}" . $folder_path . "','" . $title . "','folder','0')"); $image_id = Database::insert_id(); Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,'{$now}','{$now}',{$image_id},'DocumentAdded',1,NULL,NULL,0)"); } } if (isset($value['file']) && !empty($value['file'])) { if (!file_exists($course_documents_folder . $value['file'])) { //Copying file copy($default_course_path . $value['file'], $course_documents_folder . $value['file']); chmod($course_documents_folder . $value['file'], $perm_file); //echo $default_course_path.$value['file']; echo ' - '; echo $course_documents_folder.$value['file']; echo '<br />'; $temp = explode('/', $value['file']); $file_size = filesize($course_documents_folder . $value['file']); //hack until feature #5242 is implemented if ($media_type == 'images/gallery') { $value["file"] = 'gallery/' . $value["file"]; } //Inserting file in the DB Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size)\n VALUES ({$course_id},'{$path_documents}" . $value["file"] . "','" . $temp[count($temp) - 1] . "','file','{$file_size}')"); $image_id = Database::insert_id(); if ($image_id) { $sql = "UPDATE {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} SET id = iid WHERE iid = {$image_id}"; Database::query($sql); if ($path_documents . $value['file'] == '/certificates/default.html') { $example_cert_id = $image_id; } Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,'{$now}','{$now}',{$image_id},'DocumentAdded',1,NULL,NULL,1)"); $docId = Database::insert_id(); if ($docId) { $sql = "UPDATE {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} SET id = iid WHERE iid = {$docId}"; Database::query($sql); } } } } } } } } $agenda = new Agenda(); $agenda->setType('course'); $agenda->set_course($courseInfo); $agenda->addEvent($now, $now, 0, get_lang('AgendaCreationTitle'), get_lang('AgendaCreationContenu')); /* Links tool */ $link = new Link(); $link->setCourse($courseInfo); $links = [['c_id' => $course_id, 'url' => 'http://www.google.com', 'title' => 'Google', 'description' => get_lang('Google'), 'category_id' => 0, 'on_homepage' => 0, 'target' => '_self', 'session_id' => 0], ['c_id' => $course_id, 'url' => 'http://www.wikipedia.org', 'title' => 'Wikipedia', 'description' => get_lang('Wikipedia'), 'category_id' => 0, 'on_homepage' => 0, 'target' => '_self', 'session_id' => 0]]; foreach ($links as $params) { $link->save($params); } /* Announcement tool */ AnnouncementManager::add_announcement(get_lang('AnnouncementExampleTitle'), get_lang('AnnouncementEx'), ['everyone' => 'everyone'], null, null, $now); $manager = Database::getManager(); /* Introduction text */ $intro_text = '<p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="' . api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH) . 'img/mascot.png" alt="Mr. Chamilo" title="Mr. Chamilo" /> <h2>' . self::lang2db(get_lang('IntroductionText')) . '</h2> </p>'; $toolIntro = new Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CToolIntro(); $toolIntro->setCId($course_id)->setId(TOOL_COURSE_HOMEPAGE)->setSessionId(0)->setIntroText($intro_text); $manager->persist($toolIntro); $toolIntro = new Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CToolIntro(); $toolIntro->setCId($course_id)->setId(TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION)->setSessionId(0)->setIntroText(get_lang('IntroductionTwo')); $manager->persist($toolIntro); $toolIntro = new Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CToolIntro(); $toolIntro->setCId($course_id)->setId(TOOL_WIKI)->setSessionId(0)->setIntroText(get_lang('IntroductionWiki')); $manager->persist($toolIntro); $manager->flush(); /* Exercise tool */ $exercise = new Exercise($course_id); $exercise->exercise = get_lang('ExerciceEx'); $html = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="110" valign="top" align="left"> <img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'default_course_document/images/mr_dokeos/thinking.jpg"> </td> <td valign="top" align="left">' . get_lang('Antique') . '</td></tr> </table>'; $exercise->type = 1; $exercise->setRandom(0); $exercise->active = 1; $exercise->results_disabled = 0; $exercise->description = $html; $exercise->save(); $exercise_id = $exercise->id; $question = new MultipleAnswer(); $question->question = get_lang('SocraticIrony'); $question->description = get_lang('ManyAnswers'); $question->weighting = 10; $question->position = 1; $question->course = $courseInfo; $question->save($exercise_id); $questionId = $question->id; $answer = new Answer($questionId, $courseInfo['real_id']); $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('Ridiculise'), 0, get_lang('NoPsychology'), -5, 1); $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('AdmitError'), 0, get_lang('NoSeduction'), -5, 2); $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('Force'), 1, get_lang('Indeed'), 5, 3); $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('Contradiction'), 1, get_lang('NotFalse'), 5, 4); $answer->save(); /* Forum tool */ require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/forumfunction.inc.php'; $params = ['forum_category_title' => get_lang('ExampleForumCategory'), 'forum_category_comment' => '']; $forumCategoryId = store_forumcategory($params, $courseInfo, false); $params = ['forum_category' => $forumCategoryId, 'forum_title' => get_lang('ExampleForum'), 'forum_comment' => '', 'default_view_type_group' => ['default_view_type' => 'flat']]; $forumId = store_forum($params, $courseInfo, true); $forumInfo = get_forum_information($forumId, $courseInfo['real_id']); $params = ['post_title' => get_lang('ExampleThread'), 'forum_id' => $forumId, 'post_text' => get_lang('ExampleThreadContent'), 'calification_notebook_title' => '', 'numeric_calification' => '', 'weight_calification' => '', 'forum_category' => $forumCategoryId, 'thread_peer_qualify' => 0]; store_thread($forumInfo, $params, $courseInfo, false); /* Gradebook tool */ $course_code = $courseInfo['code']; // father gradebook Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOK} (name, description, user_id, course_code, parent_id, weight, visible, certif_min_score, session_id, document_id)\n VALUES ('{$course_code}','',1,'{$course_code}',0,100,0,75,NULL,{$example_cert_id})"); $gbid = Database::insert_id(); Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOK} (name, description, user_id, course_code, parent_id, weight, visible, certif_min_score, session_id, document_id)\n VALUES ('{$course_code}','',1,'{$course_code}',{$gbid},100,1,75,NULL,{$example_cert_id})"); $gbid = Database::insert_id(); Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOKLINK} (type, ref_id, user_id, course_code, category_id, created_at, weight, visible, locked)\n VALUES (1,{$exercise_id},1,'{$course_code}',{$gbid},'{$now}',100,1,0)"); } //Installing plugins in course $app_plugin = new AppPlugin(); $app_plugin->install_course_plugins($course_id); $language_interface = $language_interface_original; return true; }
$DaysLong = api_get_week_days_long(); // Defining the months of the year to allow translation of the months $MonthsLong = api_get_months_long(); if (empty($_GET['id'])) { api_not_allowed(); } $id = explode('_', $_GET['id']); $type = $id[0]; $id = $id[1]; $agenda = new Agenda(); $agenda->type = $type; //course,admin or personal if (isset($_GET['course_id'])) { $course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($_GET['course_id']); if (!empty($course_info)) { $agenda->set_course($course_info); } } $event = $agenda->get_event($id); if (!empty($event)) { define('ICAL_LANG', api_get_language_isocode()); $ical = new vcalendar(); $ical->setConfig('unique_id', api_get_path(WEB_PATH)); $ical->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH'); $ical->setConfig('url', api_get_path(WEB_PATH)); $vevent = new vevent(); switch ($_GET['class']) { case 'public': $vevent->setClass('PUBLIC'); break; case 'private':
/** * @param int $workId * @param array $params * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $groupId */ function updatePublicationAssignment($workId, $params, $courseInfo, $groupId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $workId = intval($workId); $time = time(); $course_id = $courseInfo['real_id']; // Insert into agenda $agendaId = 0; if (isset($params['add_to_calendar']) && $params['add_to_calendar'] == 1) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'calendar/agenda.inc.php'; require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'resourcelinker/resourcelinker.inc.php'; // Setting today date $date = $end_date = $time; if (!empty($params['enableExpiryDate'])) { $end_date = $params['expires_on']; $date = $end_date; } $title = sprintf(get_lang('HandingOverOfTaskX'), $params['new_dir']); $description = isset($params['description']) ? $params['description'] : ''; $content = '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$workId.'">' .$params['new_dir'].'</a>'.$description; $agendaId = agendaExistsForWork($workId, $courseInfo); // Add/edit agenda $agenda = new Agenda(); $agenda->set_course($courseInfo); $agenda->type = 'course'; if (empty($agendaId)) { $agendaId = $agenda->add_event( $date, $end_date, 'false', $title, $content, array('GROUP:'.$groupId) ); } else { $agenda->edit_event( $agendaId, $end_date, $end_date, 'false', $title, $content ); } } $qualification = isset($params['qualification']) && !empty($params['qualification']) ? 1 : 0; $expiryDate = (isset($params['enableExpiryDate']) && $params['enableExpiryDate'] == 1) ? api_get_utc_datetime($params['expires_on']) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $endDate = ((isset($params['enableEndDate']) && $params['enableEndDate']==1) ? api_get_utc_datetime($params['ends_on']) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); $data = get_work_assignment_by_id($workId, $course_id); if (empty($data)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table SET c_id = $course_id , expires_on = '".Database::escape_string($expiryDate)."', ends_on = '".Database::escape_string($endDate)."', add_to_calendar = $agendaId, enable_qualification = '$qualification', publication_id = '$workId'"; Database::query($sql); $my_last_id = Database::insert_id(); $sql = "UPDATE $workTable SET has_properties = $my_last_id , view_properties = 1 WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $workId"; Database::query($sql); } else { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET expires_on = '".$expiryDate."', ends_on = '".$endDate."', add_to_calendar = $agendaId, enable_qualification = '".$qualification."' WHERE publication_id = $workId AND c_id = $course_id AND id = ".$data['id']; Database::query($sql); } if (!empty($params['category_id'])) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/be/gradebookitem.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/be/evaluation.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/be/abstractlink.class.php'; require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'gradebook/lib/gradebook_functions.inc.php'; $link_info = is_resource_in_course_gradebook( $courseInfo['code'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $workId, api_get_session_id() ); $linkId = null; if (!empty($link_info)) { $linkId = $link_info['id']; } if (isset($params['make_calification']) && $params['make_calification'] == 1) { if (empty($linkId)) { add_resource_to_course_gradebook( $params['category_id'], $courseInfo['code'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $workId, $params['dir_name'], (float)$params['weight'], (float)$params['qualification'], $params['description'], 1, api_get_session_id() ); } else { update_resource_from_course_gradebook( $linkId, $courseInfo['code'], $params['weight'] ); } } else { // Delete everything of the gradebook for this $linkId remove_resource_from_course_gradebook($linkId); } } }
/** * @param int $workId * @param array $params * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $groupId */ function updatePublicationAssignment($workId, $params, $courseInfo, $groupId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $workId = intval($workId); $time = api_get_utc_datetime(); $course_id = $courseInfo['real_id']; // Insert into agenda $agendaId = 0; if (isset($params['add_to_calendar']) && $params['add_to_calendar'] == 1) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'resourcelinker/resourcelinker.inc.php'; // Setting today date $date = $end_date = $time; if (isset($params['enableExpiryDate'])) { $end_date = $params['expires_on']; $date = $end_date; } $title = sprintf(get_lang('HandingOverOfTaskX'), $params['new_dir']); $description = isset($params['description']) ? $params['description'] : ''; $content = '<a href="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'work/work_list.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&id=' . $workId . '">' . $params['new_dir'] . '</a>' . $description; $agendaId = agendaExistsForWork($workId, $courseInfo); // Add/edit agenda $agenda = new Agenda(); $agenda->set_course($courseInfo); $agenda->type = 'course'; if (empty($agendaId)) { $agendaId = $agenda->addEvent($date, $end_date, 'false', $title, $content, array('GROUP:' . $groupId)); } else { $agenda->editEvent($agendaId, $end_date, $end_date, 'false', $title, $content); } } $qualification = isset($params['qualification']) && !empty($params['qualification']) ? 1 : 0; $expiryDate = isset($params['enableExpiryDate']) && $params['enableExpiryDate'] == 1 ? api_get_utc_datetime($params['expires_on']) : ''; $endDate = isset($params['enableEndDate']) && $params['enableEndDate'] == 1 ? api_get_utc_datetime($params['ends_on']) : ''; $data = get_work_assignment_by_id($workId, $course_id); if (!empty($expiryDate)) { $expiryDateCondition = "expires_on = '" . Database::escape_string($expiryDate) . "', "; } else { $expiryDateCondition = "expires_on = null, "; } if (!empty($endDate)) { $endOnCondition = "ends_on = '" . Database::escape_string($endDate) . "', "; } else { $endOnCondition = "ends_on = null, "; } if (empty($data)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} SET\n c_id = {$course_id} ,\n {$expiryDateCondition}\n {$endOnCondition}\n add_to_calendar = {$agendaId},\n enable_qualification = '{$qualification}',\n publication_id = '{$workId}'"; Database::query($sql); $my_last_id = Database::insert_id(); if ($my_last_id) { $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET\n id = iid\n WHERE iid = {$my_last_id}"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE {$workTable} SET\n has_properties = {$my_last_id},\n view_properties = 1\n WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND id = {$workId}"; Database::query($sql); } } else { $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET\n {$expiryDateCondition}\n {$endOnCondition}\n add_to_calendar = {$agendaId},\n enable_qualification = '" . $qualification . "'\n WHERE\n publication_id = {$workId} AND\n c_id = {$course_id} AND\n id = " . $data['id']; Database::query($sql); } if (!empty($params['category_id'])) { $link_info = GradebookUtils::is_resource_in_course_gradebook($courseInfo['code'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $workId, api_get_session_id()); $linkId = null; if (!empty($link_info)) { $linkId = $link_info['id']; } if (isset($params['make_calification']) && $params['make_calification'] == 1) { if (empty($linkId)) { GradebookUtils::add_resource_to_course_gradebook($params['category_id'], $courseInfo['code'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $workId, $params['new_dir'], (double) $params['weight'], (double) $params['qualification'], $params['description'], 1, api_get_session_id()); } else { GradebookUtils::update_resource_from_course_gradebook($linkId, $courseInfo['code'], $params['weight']); } } else { // Delete everything of the gradebook for this $linkId GradebookUtils::remove_resource_from_course_gradebook($linkId); } } }
/** * Show the form for adding a new agenda item. This is the same function that is used whenever we are editing an * agenda item. When the id parameter is empty (default behaviour), then we show an empty form, else we are editing and * we have to retrieve the information that is in the database and use this information in the forms. * @author Patrick Cool <*****@*****.**>, Ghent University * @param integer id, the id of the agenda item we are editing. By default this is empty which means that we are adding an * agenda item. * @deprecated */ function show_add_form($id = '', $type = null) { $htmlHeadXtra[] = to_javascript(); $course_info = null; $agendaObj = new Agenda(); // if the id is set then we are editing an agenda item if (!empty($id)) { $course_info = api_get_course_info(); if (!empty($course_info)) { $agendaObj->set_course($course_info); $agendaObj->type = 'course'; } else { if (api_is_platform_admin() && $type == 'platform') { $agendaObj->type = 'admin'; } else { $agendaObj->type = 'personal'; } } $agendaItem = $agendaObj->get_event($id); $title = $agendaItem['title']; $content = $agendaItem['description']; // start date if ($agendaItem['start_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $agendaItem['start_date'] = api_get_local_time($agendaItem['start_date']); list($datepart, $timepart) = explode(" ", $agendaItem['start_date']); list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $datepart); list($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode(":", $timepart); } // end date if (!empty($agendaItem['end_date']) && $agendaItem['end_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $agendaItem['end_date'] = api_get_local_time($agendaItem['end_date']); list($datepart, $timepart) = explode(" ", $agendaItem['end_date']); list($end_year, $end_month, $end_day) = explode("-", $datepart); list($end_hours, $end_minutes, $end_seconds) = explode(":", $timepart); } else { if ($agendaItem['all_day']) { $end_year = $year; $end_month = $month; $end_day = $day; $end_hours = $hours; $end_minutes = $minutes; $end_seconds = $seconds; } } // attachments //edit_added_resources("Agenda", $id); //$to = $item_2_edit['to']; } else { $to = load_edit_users(TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT, $id); } // we start a completely new item, we do not come from the resource linker if (isset($_GET['originalresource']) && $_GET['originalresource'] !== "no" and $_GET['action'] == "add") { $_SESSION["formelements"] = null; unset_session_resources(); } $origin = isset($_GET['origin']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']) : null; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']) : null; $idAttach = isset($_GET['id_attach']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_attach']) : null; $course_url = empty($course_info) ? null : api_get_cidreq(); $id = isset($id) ? intval($id) : null; $url = api_get_self() . '?type=' . Security::remove_XSS($type) . '&origin=' . $origin . '&' . $course_url . '&sort=asc&toolgroup=' . api_get_group_id() . '&action=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']); $form = new FormValidator('new_calendar_item', 'post', $url, null, array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')); $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $id); $form->addElement('hidden', 'action', $action); $form->addElement('hidden', 'id_attach', $idAttach); $form->addElement('hidden', 'sort', 'asc'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'submit_event', 'ok'); // The form title if (isset($id) and $id != '') { $form_title = get_lang('ModifyCalendarItem'); } else { $form_title = get_lang('AddCalendarItem'); } $form->addElement('header', $form_title); $form->addElement('text', 'title', get_lang('ItemTitle')); // selecting the users / groups $group_id = api_get_group_id(); if (empty($id)) { if (isset($group_id) && !empty($group_id)) { $form->addElement('hidden', 'selected_form[0]', "GROUP:'.{$group_id}.'"); $form->addElement('hidden', 'To', 'true'); //$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="selected_form[0]" value="GROUP:'.$group_id.'"/>'; //$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="To" value="true"/>'; } else { $agendaObj->show_to_form($form, $to); } } // start date and time $form->addElement('text', 'start_date', get_lang('StartDate')); $form->addElement('text', 'end_date', get_lang('EndDate')); // Repeating the calendar item if (empty($id)) { $form->addElement('label', null, '<a href="javascript://" onclick="return plus_repeated_event();"><span id="plus2"> <img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="../img/div_show.gif" alt="" /> ' . get_lang('RepeatEvent') . '</span> </a>'); $form->addElement('html', '<div id="options2" style="display: none;">'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'repeat', get_lang('RepeatEvent')); $form->addElement('select', 'repeat_type', get_lang('RepeatType'), $agendaObj->getRepeatTypes()); $form->addElement('text', 'repeat_end_day', get_lang('RepeatEnd')); $form->addElement('html', '</div>'); } if (isset($agendaItem['all_day'])) { $checked = null; if ($agendaItem['all_day']) { $checked = 'checked'; } $form->addElement('checkbox', 'all_day', get_lang('AllDay')); } $form->addElement('html_editor', 'content', get_lang('Description')); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'add_announcement', get_lang('AddAnnouncement') . ' (' . get_lang('SendMail') . ')'); if ($agendaObj->type == 'course') { // File attachment $form->addElement('file', 'user_upload', get_lang('AddAnAttachment')); $form->addElement('textarea', 'file_comment', get_lang('Comment')); $form->add_progress_bar(); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $text = get_lang('ModifyEvent'); } else { $text = get_lang('AgendaAdd'); } $form->addElement('button', 'submit', $text); return $form->return_form(); }
/** * Show the form for adding a new agenda item. This is the same function that is used whenever we are editing an * agenda item. When the id parameter is empty (default behaviour), then we show an empty form, else we are editing and * we have to retrieve the information that is in the database and use this information in the forms. * @author Patrick Cool <*****@*****.**>, Ghent University * @param integer id, the id of the agenda item we are editing. By default this is empty which means that we are adding an * agenda item. */ function show_add_form($id = '', $type = null) { $showImg = Display::return_icon('div_show.gif'); $hideImg = Display::return_icon('div_hide.gif'); $MonthsLong = api_get_months_long(); $htmlHeadXtra[] = to_javascript(); // the default values for the forms if (!isset($_GET['originalresource'])) { $day = date('d'); $month = date('m'); $year = date('Y'); $hours = 9; $minutes = '00'; $title = null; $content = null; $repeat = false; } else { // we are coming from the resource linker so there might already have been some information in the form. // When we clicked on the button to add resources we stored every form information into a session and now we // are doing the opposite thing: getting the information out of the session and putting it into variables to // display it in the forms. $title = $form_elements['title']; $content = $form_elements['content']; $id = $form_elements['id']; $to = $form_elements['to']; $repeat = $form_elements['repeat']; } // switching the send to all/send to groups/send to users if (isset($_POST['To']) && $_POST['To']) { $day = $_POST['fday']; $month = $_POST['fmonth']; $year = $_POST['fyear']; $hours = $_POST['fhour']; $minutes = $_POST['fminute']; $end_day = $_POST['end_fday']; $end_month = $_POST['end_fmonth']; $end_year = $_POST['end_fyear']; $end_hours = $_POST['end_fhour']; $end_minutes = $_POST['end_fminute']; $title = $_POST['title']; $content = $_POST['content']; // the invisible fields $action = $_POST['action']; $id = $_POST['id']; $repeat = !empty($_POST['repeat']) ? true : false; } $default_no_empty_end_date = 0; $course_info = null; // if the id is set then we are editing an agenda item if (!empty($id)) { $course_info = api_get_course_info(); $agendaObj = new Agenda(); if (!empty($course_info)) { $agendaObj->set_course($course_info); $agendaObj->type = 'course'; } else { if (api_is_platform_admin() && $type == 'platform') { $agendaObj->type = 'admin'; } else { $agendaObj->type = 'personal'; } } $agendaItem = $agendaObj->get_event($id); $title = $agendaItem['title']; $content = $agendaItem['description']; // start date if ($agendaItem['start_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $agendaItem['start_date'] = api_get_local_time($agendaItem['start_date']); list($datepart, $timepart) = explode(" ", $agendaItem['start_date']); list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $datepart); list($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode(":", $timepart); } // end date if (!empty($agendaItem['end_date']) && $agendaItem['end_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $agendaItem['end_date'] = api_get_local_time($agendaItem['end_date']); list($datepart, $timepart) = explode(" ", $agendaItem['end_date']); list($end_year, $end_month, $end_day) = explode("-", $datepart); list($end_hours, $end_minutes, $end_seconds) = explode(":", $timepart); } } else { $to = load_edit_users(TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT, $id); } $content = stripslashes($content); $title = stripslashes($title); $origin = isset($_GET['origin']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']) : null; $course_url = empty($course_info) ? null : api_get_cidreq(); // The form title if (isset($id) and $id != '') { $form_title = get_lang('ModifyCalendarItem'); } else { $form_title = get_lang('AddCalendarItem'); } $url = api_get_self() . '?type=' . Security::remove_XSS($type) . '&origin=' . $origin . '&' . $course_url . "&sort=asc&toolgroup=" . api_get_group_id() . '&action=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']); $idAttach = isset($_REQUEST['id_attach']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id_attach']) : null; $form = new FormValidator('new_calendar_item', 'post', $url, array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')); $form->addElement('header', $form_title); $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $id); $form->addElement('hidden', 'action', Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action'])); $form->addElement('hidden', 'id_attach', $idAttach); $form->addElement('hidden', 'sort', 'asc'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'submit_event', 'ok'); $form->addElement('text', 'title', get_lang('ItemTitle')); // selecting the users / groups $group_id = api_get_group_id(); if (empty($id)) { CourseManager::addUserGroupMultiSelect($form, array()); } $form->addElement('datepicker', 'start_date', get_lang('StartDate'), array('form_name' => $form->getAttribute('name'))); $form->addElement('datepicker', 'end_date', get_lang('EndDate'), array('form_name' => $form->getAttribute('name'))); // Repeating the calendar item if (empty($id)) { $form->addElement('label', null, ' <a href="javascript://" onclick="return plus_repeated_event();"> <span id="plus2"> ' . $showImg . ' ' . get_lang('RepeatEvent') . ' </span></a>'); $form->addElement('html', '<div id="options2" style="display:none">'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'repeat', null, get_lang('RepeatEvent')); $options = array('daily' => get_lang('RepeatDaily'), 'weekly' => get_lang('RepeatWeekly'), 'monthlyByDate' => get_lang('RepeatMonthlyByDate'), 'yearly' => get_lang('RepeatYearly')); $form->addElement('select', 'repeat_type', get_lang('RepeatType'), $options); $form->addElement('datepicker', 'repeat_end_day', get_lang('RepeatEnd')); $form->addElement('html', '</div>'); if (isset($agendaItem['all_day'])) { $checked = null; if ($agendaItem['all_day']) { $checked = 'checked'; } $form->addElement('checkbox', 'all_day', null, get_lang('AllDay')); } $form->addElement('html_editor', 'content', get_lang('Description')); if (isset($agendaObj) && $agendaObj->type == 'course') { $form->addElement('file', 'user_upload', null, get_lang('AddAnAttachment')); $form->addElement('text', 'file_comment', null, get_lang('Comment')); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $class = 'save'; $text = get_lang('ModifyEvent'); } else { $class = 'add'; $text = get_lang('AgendaAdd'); } $form->addElement('button', 'submit', $text); $form->display(); } }
/** * @param string $file * @param bool $moveFile * * @return int */ private function importCalendarStatic($file, $moveFile = true) { $data = Import::csvToArray($file); if ($this->getDumpValues()) { // Remove all calendar items $truncateTables = array(Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA), Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA_ATTACHMENT), Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA_REPEAT), Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA_REPEAT_NOT), Database::get_main_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA), Database::get_main_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA_REPEAT_NOT), Database::get_main_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA_REPEAT)); foreach ($truncateTables as $table) { $sql = "TRUNCATE {$table}"; Database::query($sql); } $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE tool = 'calendar_event'"; Database::query($sql); } if (!empty($data)) { $this->logger->addInfo(count($data) . " records found."); $eventsToCreate = array(); $errorFound = false; foreach ($data as $row) { $sessionId = null; $externalSessionId = null; if (isset($row['external_sessionID'])) { $externalSessionId = $row['external_sessionID']; $sessionId = SessionManager::getSessionIdFromOriginalId($externalSessionId, $this->extraFieldIdNameList['session']); } $courseCode = null; if (isset($row['coursecode'])) { $courseCode = $row['coursecode']; } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($courseCode); if (empty($courseInfo)) { $this->logger->addInfo("Course '{$courseCode}' does not exists"); } if (empty($sessionId)) { $this->logger->addInfo("external_sessionID: " . $externalSessionId . " does not exists."); } $teacherId = null; if (!empty($sessionId) && !empty($courseInfo)) { $courseIncluded = SessionManager::relation_session_course_exist($sessionId, $courseInfo['real_id']); if ($courseIncluded == false) { $this->logger->addInfo("Course '{$courseCode}' is not included in session: {$sessionId}"); $errorFound = true; } else { $teachers = CourseManager::get_coach_list_from_course_code($courseInfo['code'], $sessionId); // Getting first teacher. if (!empty($teachers)) { $teacher = current($teachers); $teacherId = $teacher['user_id']; } else { $sessionInfo = api_get_session_info($sessionId); $teacherId = $sessionInfo['id_coach']; } } } else { $errorFound = true; } if (empty($teacherId)) { $errorFound = true; $this->logger->addInfo("No teacher found in course code : '{$courseCode}' and session: '{$sessionId}'"); } $date = $row['date']; $startTime = $row['time_start']; $endTime = $row['time_end']; $title = $row['title']; $startDateYear = substr($date, 0, 4); $startDateMonth = substr($date, 4, 2); $startDateDay = substr($date, 6, 8); $startDate = $startDateYear . '-' . $startDateMonth . '-' . $startDateDay . ' ' . $startTime . ":00"; $endDate = $startDateYear . '-' . $startDateMonth . '-' . $startDateDay . ' ' . $endTime . ":00"; if (!api_is_valid_date($startDate) or !api_is_valid_date($endDate)) { $this->logger->addInfo("Verify your dates: '{$startDate}' : '{$endDate}' "); $errorFound = true; } if ($errorFound == false) { $eventsToCreate[] = array('start' => $startDate, 'end' => $endDate, 'title' => $title, 'sender_id' => $teacherId, 'course_id' => $courseInfo['real_id'], 'session_id' => $sessionId, $this->extraFieldIdNameList['calendar_event'] => $row['external_calendar_itemID']); } } if (empty($eventsToCreate)) { $this->logger->addInfo("No events to add"); return 0; } $this->logger->addInfo("Ready to insert events"); $content = null; $agenda = new Agenda(); $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('calendar_event'); $extraFieldName = $this->extraFieldIdNameList['calendar_event']; $externalEventId = null; $extraField = new ExtraField('calendar_event'); $extraFieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable($extraFieldName); if (empty($extraFieldInfo)) { $this->logger->addInfo("No calendar event extra field created: {$extraFieldName}"); return 0; } foreach ($eventsToCreate as $event) { if (!isset($event[$extraFieldName])) { $this->logger->addInfo("No external_calendar_itemID found. Skipping ..."); continue; } else { $externalEventId = $event[$extraFieldName]; $item = $extraFieldValue->get_item_id_from_field_variable_and_field_value($extraFieldName, $externalEventId); if (!empty($item) || empty($externalEventId)) { $this->logger->addInfo("Event #{$externalEventId} was already added . Skipping ..."); continue; } } $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($event['course_id']); $agenda->set_course($courseInfo); $agenda->setType('course'); $agenda->setSessionId($event['session_id']); $agenda->setSenderId($event['sender_id']); $agenda->setIsAllowedToEdit(true); $eventComment = $event['comment']; if (empty($courseInfo)) { $this->logger->addInfo("No course found for added: #" . $event['course_id'] . " Skipping ..."); continue; } if (empty($event['sender_id'])) { $this->logger->addInfo("No sender found: #" . $event['sender_id'] . " Skipping ..."); continue; } $eventId = $agenda->addEvent($event['start'], $event['end'], false, $event['title'], $content, array('everyone'), false, null, array(), null, $eventComment); if (!empty($eventId)) { $extraFieldValue->save(array('value' => $externalEventId, 'field_id' => $extraFieldInfo['id'], 'item_id' => $eventId)); $this->logger->addInfo("Event added: #{$eventId}"); } else { $this->logger->addInfo("Error while creating event."); } } } if ($moveFile) { $this->moveFile($file); } }