  * Generates the processing chain.
  * @author     Noah Fontes <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      1.0.0
 protected static function createProcessors()
     self::$processors = array();
     self::$processorCount = 0;
     foreach (self::$chain as $file) {
         $processorImpl = new AgaviXmlConfigDomDocument();
         $processorImpl->load(AgaviConfig::get('core.agavi_dir') . '/config/schematron/' . $file);
         $processor = new AgaviXmlConfigXsltProcessor();
         self::$processors[] = $processor;
  * Validate the document against the given list of Schematron files.
  * @param      AgaviXmlConfigDomDocument The document to act upon.
  * @param      string The environment name.
  * @param      string The context name.
  * @param      array An array of file names to validate against.
  * @author     David Zülke <*****@*****.**>
  * @author     Noah Fontes <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      0.11.0
 public static function validateSchematron(AgaviXmlConfigDomDocument $document, $environment, $context, array $validationFiles = array())
     if (AgaviConfig::get('core.skip_config_transformations', false)) {
     // load the schematron processor
     $schematron = new AgaviXmlConfigSchematronProcessor();
     // set some info (config file path, context name, environment name) as params
     // first arg is the namespace URI, which PHP doesn't support. awesome. see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30622 for the sad details
     // we could use "agavi:context" etc, that does work even without such a prefix being declared in the stylesheet, but that would be completely non-XML-ish, confusing, and against the spec. so we use dots instead.
     $schematron->setParameters(array('agavi.config_path' => $document->documentURI, 'agavi.environment' => $environment, 'agavi.context' => $context));
     // loop over all validation files. those are .sch schematron schemas, which we transform to an XSL document that is then used to validate the source document :)
     foreach ($validationFiles as $href) {
         if (!is_readable($href)) {
             throw new AgaviUnreadableException(sprintf('Schematron validation file "%s" for configuration file "%s" does not exist or is unreadable', $href, $document->documentURI));
         // load the .sch file
         try {
             $sch = new AgaviXmlConfigDomDocument();
         } catch (DOMException $dome) {
             throw new AgaviParseException(sprintf('Schematron validation of configuration file "%s" failed: Could not load schema file "%s": %s', $document->documentURI, $href, $dome->getMessage()));
         // perform the validation transformation
         try {
             $result = $schematron->transform($sch);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new AgaviParseException(sprintf('Schematron validation of configuration file "%s" failed: Transformation failed: %s', $document->documentURI, $e->getMessage()));
         // validation ran okay, now we need to look at the result document to see if there are errors
         $xpath = $result->getXpath();
         $xpath->registerNamespace('svrl', self::NAMESPACE_SVRL_ISO);
         $results = $xpath->query('/svrl:schematron-output/svrl:failed-assert/svrl:text');
         if ($results->length) {
             $errors = array('Failed assertions:');
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $errors[] = $result->nodeValue;
             $results = $xpath->query('/svrl:schematron-output/svrl:successful-report/svrl:text');
             if ($results->length) {
                 $errors[] = '';
                 $errors[] = 'Successful reports:';
                 foreach ($results as $result) {
                     $errors[] = $result->nodeValue;
             throw new AgaviParseException(sprintf('Schematron validation of configuration file "%s" failed:' . "\n\n%s", $document->documentURI, implode("\n", $errors)));