Exemple #1
  * @return string The path of the file's parent directory
 public function getParentPath()
     if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{1}:\\/?$/i', AdvancedPathLib::getPhpLocalHackPath($this->path))) {
         return $this->getAbsolutePath();
         //if the path is the root of a Windows drive, return itself
     $urlParts = $this->getURLComponents();
     $urlParts['path'] = AdvancedPathLib::dirname($urlParts['path']);
     return AdvancedPathLib::buildUrl($urlParts);
Exemple #2
  * @return bool TRUE if the file has been successfully renamed, FALSE otherwise
 public function renameTo($newName)
     if ($this->realFile === null) {
         throw new EyeUnsupportedOperationException(__METHOD__ . ' on ' . $this->path);
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         throw new EyeFileNotFoundException($this->path . ' does not exist.');
     if ($this->isRoot()) {
         throw new EyeUnsupportedOperationException('Cannot rename the root folder.');
     $oldName = $this->getName();
     $oldPath = $this->getAbsolutePath();
     $newFile = FSI::getFile(dirname($oldPath) . '/' . $newName);
     try {
         if ($this->realFile->renameTo($newName)) {
             //change internal name in URL
             $urlParts = $this->getURLComponents();
             $dirname = dirname($urlParts['path']);
             $urlParts['path'] = $dirname . '/' . $newName;
             $this->path = AdvancedPathLib::buildUrl($urlParts);
             //Update URL components cache
             $this->urlParts = $urlParts;
             //update metadata
             MetaManager::getInstance()->updateMeta($this, array('oldName' => $oldName));
             $oldFile = FSI::getFile($oldPath);
             //notify listeners
             $this->fireEvent('fileRenamed', new FileEvent($oldFile, $this));
             return true;
     } catch (EyeFileNotFoundException $e) {
         throw new EyeFileNotFoundException($this->path . ' does not exist.', 0, $e);
     } catch (EyeException $e) {
         throw new EyeIOException('Unable to rename file ' . $this->path . '.', 0, $e);
     throw new EyeIOException('Unable to rename file ' . $this->path . '.');
  * Returns an IVirtualFile object corresponding to the given virtual $path.
  * @param string $path The path/URL of the file.
  * @param array $params Optionnal addionnal parameters passed to the file class constructor.
  * @return IVirtualFile The file object if the FOF was able to create it or null otherwise.
  * @throws EyeException If an error occured during the creation of the file object.
 public function getFile($path, $params = null)
     $urlParts = AdvancedPathLib::parse_url($path, AdvancedPathLib::OS_UNIX);
     try {
         $xmlConf = FSI::getConfiguration($urlParts['scheme'] . '.scheme');
     } catch (EyeFileNotFoundException $e) {
         throw new EyeMissingConfigurationException('Missing handler configuration file for scheme ' . $urlParts['scheme'] . '://.', 0, $e);
     $handlerClassName = (string) $xmlConf->handlerClassName[0];
     if (!class_exists($handlerClassName)) {
         throw new EyeClassNotFoundException('Unable to find ' . $handlerClassName);
     //autocomplete path if possible (home://myFolder => home://~currentuser/myFolder)
     $path = call_user_func_array(array($handlerClassName, 'autocompletePath'), array($path));
     //check for mounted file first
     $realFile = null;
     if ($xmlConf->mountpointsManager->getName() != '') {
         $realFile = MountedFileLocator::getRealFile($path, null, $params);
         if ($realFile !== null) {
             $params['realFile'] = $realFile;
     //if no mounted path has been found, get the real file object from its locator
     if ($realFile === null) {
         $locatorClassFilename = (string) $xmlConf->locatorClassName[0];
         if ($locatorClassFilename == '') {
             throw new EyeMissingConfigurationException('No VirtualFileLocator class has been specified in the configuration file.');
         if (!is_file(SERVICE_FILESYSTEM_VIRTUALFILEFACTORY_LOCATORS_PATH . '/' . $locatorClassFilename . '.php')) {
             throw new EyeFileNotFoundException('Unable to find specified VirtualFileLocator class file: ' . $locatorClassFilename . '.php.');
         require_once SERVICE_FILESYSTEM_VIRTUALFILEFACTORY_LOCATORS_PATH . '/' . $locatorClassFilename . '.php';
         if (!class_exists($locatorClassFilename)) {
             throw new EyeClassNotFoundException('Unable to find class ' . $locatorClassFilename);
         $params['realFile'] = call_user_func_array(array($locatorClassFilename, 'getRealFile'), array($path, $xmlConf->parameters, $params));
     return new $handlerClassName(AdvancedPathLib::buildUrl($urlParts), $params);