public static function downloadAndInstallLanguagePack($iso, $version = null, $params = null, $install = true) { if (!Validate::isLanguageIsoCode((string) $iso)) { return false; } if ($version == null) { $version = _PS_VERSION_; } $lang_pack = false; $lang_pack_ok = false; $errors = array(); $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . (string) $iso . '.gzip'; if (!($lang_pack_link = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $version . '&iso_lang=' . Tools::strtolower((string) $iso)))) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Archive cannot be downloaded from'); } elseif (!($lang_pack = Tools::jsonDecode($lang_pack_link))) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error occurred when language was checked according to your Prestashop version.'); } elseif (empty($lang_pack->error) && ($content = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $lang_pack->version . '/' . Tools::strtolower($lang_pack->iso_code . '.gzip')))) { if (!@file_put_contents($file, $content)) { if (is_writable(dirname($file))) { @unlink($file); @file_put_contents($file, $content); } elseif (!is_writable($file)) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Server does not have permissions for writing.') . ' (' . $file . ')'; } } } if (!file_exists($file)) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('No language pack is available for your version.'); } elseif ($install) { require_once _PS_TOOL_DIR_ . 'tar/Archive_Tar.php'; $gz = new Archive_Tar($file, true); $files_list = AdminTranslationsController::filterTranslationFiles(Language::getLanguagePackListContent((string) $iso, $gz)); $files_paths = AdminTranslationsController::filesListToPaths($files_list); $i = 0; $tmp_array = array(); foreach ($files_paths as $files_path) { $path = dirname($files_path); if (is_dir(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../' . $path) && !is_writable(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../' . $path) && !in_array($path, $tmp_array)) { $errors[] = (!$i++ ? Tools::displayError('The archive cannot be extracted.') . ' ' : '') . Tools::displayError('The server does not have permissions for writing.') . ' ' . sprintf(Tools::displayError('Please check rights for %s'), $path); $tmp_array[] = $path; } } if (defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')) { $mails_files = array(); $other_files = array(); foreach ($files_list as $key => $data) { if (substr($data['filename'], 0, 5) == 'mails') { $mails_files[] = $data; } else { $other_files[] = $data; } } $files_list = $other_files; } if (!$gz->extractList(AdminTranslationsController::filesListToPaths($files_list), _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../')) { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Cannot decompress the translation file for the following language: %s'), (string) $iso); } // Clear smarty modules cache Tools::clearCache(); if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage((string) $iso, $lang_pack, false, $params)) { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating the language: %s'), (string) $iso); } else { // Reset cache Language::loadLanguages(); AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles((string) $iso, $files_list); AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs((string) $iso, $files_list); } } return count($errors) ? $errors : true; }
public function submitAddLang() { $arr_import_lang = explode('|', Tools::getValue('params_import_language')); /* 0 = Language ISO code, 1 = PS version */ if (Validate::isLangIsoCode($arr_import_lang[0])) { $array_stream_context = @stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 10))); $content = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $arr_import_lang[1] . '/' . Tools::strtolower($arr_import_lang[0]) . '.gzip', false, $array_stream_context); if ($content) { $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . $arr_import_lang[0] . '.gzip'; if ((bool) @file_put_contents($file, $content)) { require_once _PS_TOOL_DIR_ . '/tar/Archive_Tar.php'; $gz = new Archive_Tar($file, true); $files_list = AdminTranslationsController::filterTranslationFiles($gz->listContent()); if ($error = $gz->extractList(AdminTranslationsController::filesListToPaths($files_list), _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../')) { if (is_object($error) && !empty($error->message)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The archive cannot be extracted.') . ' ' . $error->message; } else { if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage($arr_import_lang[0])) { $conf = 20; } else { // Reset cache Language::loadLanguages(); // Clear smarty modules cache Tools::clearCache(); AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles($arr_import_lang[0], $files_list); if ($tab_errors = AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs($arr_import_lang[0], $files_list)) { $this->errors += $tab_errors; } } if (!unlink($file)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Cannot delete the archive %s.'), $file); } $this->redirect(false, isset($conf) ? $conf : '15'); } } elseif (!unlink($file)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Cannot delete the archive %s.'), $file); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The server does not have permissions for writing.') . ' ' . sprintf(Tools::displayError('Please check rights for %s'), dirname($file)); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Language not found.'); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid parameter'); } }
public function submitAddLang() { $arr_import_lang = explode('|', Tools::getValue('params_import_language')); /* 0 = Language ISO code, 1 = PS version */ if (Validate::isLangIsoCode($arr_import_lang[0])) { if ($content = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $arr_import_lang[1] . '/' . $arr_import_lang[0] . '.gzip', false, @stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5))))) { $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . $arr_import_lang[0] . '.gzip'; if (file_put_contents($file, $content)) { $gz = new Archive_Tar($file, true); $files_list = $gz->listContent(); if ($gz->extract(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../', false)) { AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles($arr_import_lang[0], $files_list); AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs($arr_import_lang[0], $files_list); if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage($arr_import_lang[0])) { $conf = 20; } if (!unlink($file)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Cannot delete archive'); } $this->redirect(false, isset($conf) ? $conf : '15'); } $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Archive cannot be extracted.'); if (!unlink($file)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Cannot delete archive'); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Server does not have permissions for writing.'); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Language not found'); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid parameter'); } }
protected function _installLanguages($xml, $install_mode = false) { $attributes = array(); if (isset($xml->languages->language)) { foreach ($xml->languages->language as $data) { $attributes = $data->attributes(); if (Language::getIdByIso($attributes['iso_code'])) { continue; } $native_lang = Language::getLanguages(); $native_iso_code = array(); foreach ($native_lang as $lang) { $native_iso_code[] = $lang['iso_code']; } // if we are not in an installation context or if the pack is not available in the local directory if (!$install_mode || !in_array((string) $attributes['iso_code'], $native_iso_code)) { $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; if (!@fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr, 5)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Archive cannot be downloaded from'); } elseif (!($lang_pack = Tools::jsonDecode(Tools::file_get_contents('' . _PS_VERSION_ . '&iso_lang=' . $attributes['iso_code'])))) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error occurred when language was checked according to your Prestashop version.'); } elseif ($content = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $lang_pack->version . '/' . $attributes['iso_code'] . '.gzip')) { $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . $attributes['iso_code'] . '.gzip'; if (file_put_contents($file, $content)) { $gz = new Archive_Tar($file, true); $files_list = $gz->listContent(); if (!$gz->extract(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../', false)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Cannot decompress the translation file for the following language: ') . (string) $attributes['iso_code']; return false; } else { AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles($attributes['iso_code'], $files_list); AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs($attributes['iso_code'], $files_list); } if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage((string) $attributes['iso_code'])) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating the language: ') . (string) $attributes['iso_code']; return false; } @unlink($file); } else { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('Server does not have permissions for writing.'); } } } } } // change the default language if there is only one language in the localization pack if (!count($this->_errors) && $install_mode && isset($attributes['iso_code']) && count($xml->languages->language) == 1) { $this->iso_code_lang = $attributes['iso_code']; } return true; }
public static function installLanguagePack($iso, $params, &$errors = array()) { $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . (string) $iso . '.gzip'; $gz = new \Archive_Tar($file, true); $files_list = AdminTranslationsController::filterTranslationFiles(Language::getLanguagePackListContent((string) $iso, $gz)); $files_paths = AdminTranslationsController::filesListToPaths($files_list); $tmp_array = array(); foreach ($files_paths as $files_path) { $path = dirname($files_path); if (is_dir(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../' . $path) && !is_writable(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../' . $path) && !in_array($path, $tmp_array)) { $error = Tools::displayError('The server does not have permissions for writing.') . ' ' . sprintf(Tools::displayError('Please check permissions for %s'), $path); $errors[] = count($tmp_array) == 0 ? Tools::displayError('The archive cannot be extracted.') . ' ' . $error : $error; $tmp_array[] = $path; } } if (defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')) { $mails_files = array(); $other_files = array(); foreach ($files_list as $key => $data) { if (substr($data['filename'], 0, 5) == 'mails') { $mails_files[] = $data; } } $files_list = array_diff($files_list, $mails_files); } if (!$gz->extractList(AdminTranslationsController::filesListToPaths($files_list), _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../')) { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('Cannot decompress the translation file for the following language: %s'), (string) $iso); } // Clear smarty modules cache Tools::clearCache(); if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage((string) $iso, false, false, $params)) { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating the language: %s'), (string) $iso); } else { // Reset cache Language::loadLanguages(); AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles((string) $iso, $files_list); AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs((string) $iso, $files_list); } self::installSfLanguagePack(self::getLocaleByIso($iso), $errors); return count($errors) ? $errors : true; }
public function submitAddLang() { $arr_import_lang = explode('|', Tools::getValue('params_import_language')); /* 0 = Language ISO code, 1 = PS version */ if (Validate::isLangIsoCode($arr_import_lang[0])) { $array_stream_context = @stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 10))); $content = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $arr_import_lang[1] . '/' . Tools::strtolower($arr_import_lang[0]) . '.gzip', false, $array_stream_context); if ($content) { $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . $arr_import_lang[0] . '.gzip'; if ((bool) @file_put_contents($file, $content)) { $gz = new \Archive_Tar($file, true); if (_PS_MODE_DEV_) { $gz->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_WARNING); } $files_list = AdminTranslationsController::filterTranslationFiles($gz->listContent()); if ($error = $gz->extractList(AdminTranslationsController::filesListToPaths($files_list), _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../')) { if (is_object($error) && !empty($error->message)) { $this->errors[] = $this->trans('The archive cannot be extracted.', array(), 'Admin.International.Notification') . ' ' . $error->message; } else { if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage($arr_import_lang[0])) { $conf = 20; } else { // Reset cache Language::loadLanguages(); // Clear smarty modules cache Tools::clearCache(); AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles($arr_import_lang[0], $files_list); if ($tab_errors = AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs($arr_import_lang[0], $files_list)) { $this->errors += $tab_errors; } } if (!unlink($file)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->trans('Cannot delete the archive %s.', array(), 'Admin.International.Notification'), $file); } //fetch cldr datas for the new imported locale $languageCode = explode('-', Language::getLanguageCodeByIso($arr_import_lang[0])); $cldrUpdate = new Update(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_); $cldrUpdate->fetchLocale($languageCode[0] . '-' . Tools::strtoupper($languageCode[1])); $this->redirect(false, isset($conf) ? $conf : '15'); } } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->trans('Cannot decompress the translation file for the following language: %s', array(), 'Admin.International.Notification'), $arr_import_lang[0]); $checks = array(); foreach ($files_list as $f) { if (isset($f['filename'])) { if (is_file(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f['filename']) && !is_writable(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f['filename'])) { $checks[] = dirname($f['filename']); } elseif (is_dir(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f['filename']) && !is_writable(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . dirname($f['filename']))) { $checks[] = dirname($f['filename']); } } } $checks = array_unique($checks); foreach ($checks as $check) { $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->trans('Please check rights for folder and files in %s', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error'), $check); } if (!unlink($file)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->trans('Cannot delete the archive %s.', array(), 'Admin.International.Notification'), $file); } } } else { $this->errors[] = $this->trans('The server does not have permissions for writing.', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error') . ' ' . sprintf($this->trans('Please check rights for %s', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error'), dirname($file)); } } else { $this->errors[] = $this->trans('Language not found.', array(), 'Admin.International.Notification'); } } else { $this->errors[] = $this->trans('Invalid parameter.', array(), 'Admin.Notifications.Error'); } }
public static function downloadAndInstallLanguagePack($iso, $version = null, $params = null) { require_once _PS_TOOL_DIR_ . 'tar/Archive_Tar.php'; if (!Validate::isLanguageIsoCode($iso)) { return false; } if ($version == null) { $version = _PS_VERSION_; } $lang_pack = false; $lang_pack_ok = false; $errors = array(); $file = _PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . $iso . '.gzip'; if (!($lang_pack_link = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $version . '&iso_lang=' . $iso))) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Archive cannot be downloaded from'); } elseif (!($lang_pack = Tools::jsonDecode($lang_pack_link))) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error occurred when language was checked according to your Prestashop version.'); } elseif ($content = Tools::file_get_contents('' . $lang_pack->version . '/' . $lang_pack->iso_code . '.gzip')) { if (!@file_put_contents($file, $content)) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Server does not have permissions for writing.'); } } if (file_exists($file)) { $gz = new Archive_Tar($file, true); $files_list = $gz->listContent(); if (!$gz->extract(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_ . '../', false)) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('Cannot decompress the translation file for the following language: ') . (string) $iso; } if (!Language::checkAndAddLanguage((string) $iso, $lang_pack, false, $params)) { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while creating the language: ') . (string) $iso; } else { // Reset cache Language::loadLanguages(); AdminTranslationsController::checkAndAddMailsFiles($iso, $files_list); AdminTranslationsController::addNewTabs($iso, $files_list); } @unlink($file); } else { $errors[] = Tools::displayError('No language pack is available for your version.'); } return count($errors) ? $errors : true; }
GROUP BY c.id_category ORDER BY c.`position` LIMIT ' . (int) $limit); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) { echo trim($result['name']) . '|' . (int) $result['id_category'] . "\n"; } } } if (Tools::isSubmit('getParentCategoriesId') && ($id_category = Tools::getValue('id_category'))) { $category = new Category((int) $id_category); $results = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT `id_category` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'category` c WHERE c.`nleft` < ' . (int) $category->nleft . ' AND c.`nright` > ' . (int) $category->nright . ''); $output = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $output[] = $result; } die(json_encode($output)); } if (Tools::isSubmit('getZones')) { $html = '<select id="zone_to_affect" name="zone_to_affect">'; foreach (Zone::getZones() as $z) { $html .= '<option value="' . $z['id_zone'] . '">' . $z['name'] . '</option>'; } $html .= '</select>'; $array = array('hasError' => false, 'errors' => '', 'data' => $html); die(json_encode($array)); } if (Tools::isSubmit('getEmailHTML') && ($email = Tools::getValue('email'))) { $email_html = AdminTranslationsController::getEmailHTML($email); die($email_html); }