Exemple #1
 public function processDelete($table, $id_set)
     if (_ControllerFront::$session->getPermissions('delete', $table)) {
         switch ($table) {
                 foreach ($id_set as $id) {
                     AdaptorMysql::sql("DELETE FROM `{$table}` WHERE id = {$id}");
                     $this->logChange($table, $id);
require $base . 'cms/_version.php';
$db = new AdaptorMysql();
// Check to see if we have a sufficient schema installed
if ($db->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'cms_info'")) {
    if ($q = $db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM cms_info WHERE name = 'schema_version'")) {
        if ($q['value'] >= REQUIRED_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
            die('You have an up to date schema');
//run schema patch
$sql = "alter table `cms_cols` change column `edit_channel` `edit_channel` varchar(20) not null default '' after `default_value`;\nalter table `cms_cols` change column `edit_module` `edit_module` varchar(20) not null default '' after `edit_channel`;\nalter table `cms_cols` change column `edit_mode` `edit_mode` varchar(20) not null default '' after `edit_module`;\nalter table `cms_cols` change column `process_channel` `process_channel` varchar(20) not null default '' after `edit_config`;\nalter table `cms_cols` change column `process_mode` `process_mode` varchar(20) not null default '' after `process_module`;\nalter table `cms_headers` change column `mode` `mode` varchar(255) not null default '' after `table_name`;\nalter table `cms_relations` change column `display` `display` varchar(255) not null default '' after `column_child`;\nalter table `cms_tables` change column `display_mode` `display_mode` varchar(20) not null default '' after `sort_default`;\nCREATE TABLE `cms_info` (\n  `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',\n  `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n  PRIMARY KEY  (`name`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;\ninsert into `cms_info` values('schema_version','1.0.14');";
$schema = explode(';', $sql);
foreach ($schema as $row) {
function processTable($q, $table)
    //prep columns from initial rowage
    global $db;
    foreach ($q as $row) {
        $sqlA = array();
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
            if (!is_numeric($key) && $key != 'id') {
                if ($value != '') {
                    if ($value = reformatData($value)) {
                        $sqlA[] = array('field' => $key, 'value' => $value);
Exemple #3
 public static function setTimezone($timezone = null)
     date_default_timezone_set($timezone = $timezone ? $timezone : self::getTimezone());
     $offset = substr(strftime('%z', time()), 0, 3) . ':' . substr(strftime('%z', time()), 3);
     //die(date_default_timezone_get() .' : ' . $offset);
     // Set timezone for database connection (if a connection exists)
     if (class_exists('AdaptorMysql')) {
         AdaptorMysql::sql("SET time_zone = '{$offset}'");
Exemple #4
 private function checkDB()
     // If Blackbird database tables do not exist, create them using the schema.sql file
     if (!AdaptorMysql::query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . BLACKBIRD_TABLE_PREFIX . "%'")) {
         if ($schema = file_get_contents('..' . DS . INSTALL_FOLDER . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'schema.sql')) {
             $schema = explode(';', $schema);
             foreach ($schema as $row) {
         } else {
             die('Could not load SQL schema and data');