$response = $acuity->request('me');
    echo '<h1>GET /api/v1/me:</h1>';
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
} else {
    if ($method === 'GET' && $path === '/authorize') {
        // Redirect the user to the Acuity authorization endpoint.  You must
        // choose a scope to work with.
        $acuity->authorizeRedirect(array('scope' => 'api-v1'));
    } else {
        if ($method === 'GET' && $path === '/oauth2') {
            // Exchange the authorizatoin code for an access token and store it
            // somewhere.  You'll need to pass it to the AcuitySchedulingOAuth
            // constructor to make calls later on.
            $tokenResponse = $acuity->requestAccessToken($_GET['code']);
            if ($accessToken = $tokenResponse['access_token']) {
                $_SESSION['accessToken'] = $accessToken;
            // Token response:
            echo '<h1>Token Response:</h1>';
            echo '<pre>';
            echo '</pre>';
            // Current Access Token:
            if ($_SESSION['accessToken']) {
                echo '<h1>Current Access Token:</h1>';
            // Make a sample request:
            $response = $acuity->request('me');