Exemple #1
if ($action == 'ventil' && !empty($btn_ventil)) {
    print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("Processing") . '...</font></div>';
    if (!empty($codeventil) && !empty($mesCasesCochees)) {
        print '<div><font color="red">' . count($mesCasesCochees) . ' ' . $langs->trans("SelectedLines") . '</font></div>';
        $mesCodesVentilChoisis = $codeventil;
        $cpt = 0;
        foreach ($mesCasesCochees as $maLigneCochee) {
            $maLigneCourante = explode("_", $maLigneCochee);
            $monId = $maLigneCourante[0];
            $monNumLigne = $maLigneCourante[1];
            $monCompte = $mesCodesVentilChoisis[$monNumLigne];
            $sql = " UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "facturedet";
            $sql .= " SET fk_code_ventilation = " . $monCompte;
            $sql .= " WHERE rowid = " . $monId;
            $accountventilated = new AccountingAccount($db);
            $accountventilated->fetch($monCompte, '');
            dol_syslog("/accountancy/customer/list.php sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG);
            if ($db->query($sql)) {
                print '<div><font color="green">' . $langs->trans("Lineofinvoice") . ' ' . $monId . ' - ' . $langs->trans("VentilatedinAccount") . ' : ' . length_accountg($accountventilated->account_number) . '</font></div>';
            } else {
                print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("ErrorDB") . ' : ' . $langs->trans("Lineofinvoice") . ' ' . $monId . ' - ' . $langs->trans("NotVentilatedinAccount") . ' : ' . length_accountg($accountventilated->account_number) . '<br/> <pre>' . $sql . '</pre></font></div>';
    } else {
        print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("AnyLineVentilate") . '</font></div>';
    print '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("EndProcessing") . '</font></div>';
 * Customer Invoice lines
Exemple #2
        } else {
            $msg .= '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("AnyLineVentilate") . '</font></div>';
        $msg .= '<div><font color="red">' . $langs->trans("EndProcessing") . '</font></div>';
$form = new FormVentilation($db);
// Defaut AccountingAccount RowId Product / Service
// at this time ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT & ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT are account number not accountingacount rowid
// so we need to get those default value rowid first
$accounting = new AccountingAccount($db);
// TODO: we should need to check if result is a really exist accountaccount rowid.....
$aarowid_servbuy = $accounting->fetch('', $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT, 1);
$aarowid_prodbuy = $accounting->fetch('', $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT, 1);
$aarowid_servsell = $accounting->fetch('', $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT, 1);
$aarowid_prodsell = $accounting->fetch('', $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT, 1);
$aacompta_servbuy = !empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT) ? $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT : $langs->trans("CodeNotDef");
$aacompta_prodbuy = !empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT) ? $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT : $langs->trans("CodeNotDef");
$aacompta_servsell = !empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT) ? $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT : $langs->trans("CodeNotDef");
$aacompta_prodsell = !empty($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT) ? $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT : $langs->trans("CodeNotDef");
// Purge search criteria
if (GETPOST("button_removefilter_x") || GETPOST("button_removefilter")) {
    $search_ref = '';
    $search_label = '';
    $search_desc = '';
 * View
Exemple #3
     print '<input type="submit" name="cancel" class="button" value="' . $langs->trans("Cancel") . '">';
     print '</div>';
     print '</form>';
 } else {
     $linkback = '<a href="../admin/account.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToChartofaccounts") . '</a>';
     dol_fiche_head($head, 'card', $langs->trans('AccountAccounting'), 0, 'billr');
     print '<table class="border" width="100%">';
     // Account number
     print '<tr><td width="25%">' . $langs->trans("AccountNumber") . '</td>';
     print '<td>' . $accounting->account_number . '</td>';
     print '<td align="right" width="25%">' . $linkback . '</td></tr>';
     print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("Label") . '</td>';
     print '<td colspan="2">' . $accounting->label . '</td></tr>';
     $accp = new AccountingAccount($db);
     if (!empty($accounting->account_parent)) {
         $accp->fetch($accounting->account_parent, '');
     print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("Accountparent") . '</td>';
     print '<td colspan="2">' . $accp->account_number . ' - ' . $accp->label . '</td></tr>';
     print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("Pcgtype") . '</td>';
     print '<td colspan="2">' . $accounting->pcg_type . '</td></tr>';
     print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("Pcgsubtype") . '</td>';
     print '<td colspan="2">' . $accounting->pcg_subtype . '</td></tr>';
     print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("Activated") . '</td>';
     print '<td colspan="2">';
     if (empty($accounting->active)) {
         print img_picto($langs->trans("Disabled"), 'switch_off');
     } else {
         print img_picto($langs->trans("Activated"), 'switch_on');
     print '</td></tr>';
Exemple #4
     print "<td>" . $date . "</td>";
     print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>";
     $companystatic->id = $tabcompany[$key]['id'];
     $companystatic->name = $tabcompany[$key]['name'];
     $companystatic->client = $tabcompany[$key]['code_client'];
     print "<td>" . length_accounta($k);
     print "</td><td>" . $langs->trans("ThirdParty");
     print ' (' . $companystatic->getNomUrl(0, 'customer', 16) . ')';
     print "</td><td align='right'>" . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>";
     print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>";
 print "</tr>";
 // Product / Service
 foreach ($tabht[$key] as $k => $mt) {
     $accountingaccount = new AccountingAccount($db);
     $accountingaccount->fetch(null, $k);
     if ($mt) {
         print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
         print "<td>" . $date . "</td>";
         print "<td>" . $invoicestatic->getNomUrl(1) . "</td>";
         print "<td>" . length_accountg($k) . "</td>";
         print "<td>" . $accountingaccount->label . "</td>";
         print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt < 0 ? price(-$mt) : '') . "</td>";
         print "<td align='right'>" . ($mt >= 0 ? price($mt) : '') . "</td>";
         print "</tr>";
 // VAT
 foreach ($tabtva[$key] as $k => $mt) {
     if ($mt) {
         print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
Exemple #5
if (!$sortorder) {
    if ($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO > 0) {
        $sortorder = " DESC ";
// Security check
if ($user->societe_id > 0) {
if (!$user->rights->accounting->ventilation->dispatch) {
$formventilation = new FormVentilation($db);
$accounting = new AccountingAccount($db);
$aarowid_s = $accounting->fetch('', $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT, 1);
$aarowid_p = $accounting->fetch('', $conf->global->ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT, 1);
// Purge search criteria
if (GETPOST("button_removefilter_x") || GETPOST("button_removefilter")) {
    $search_ref = '';
    $search_invoice = '';
    $search_label = '';
    $search_desc = '';
    $search_amount = '';
    $search_account = '';
    $search_vat = '';
 * View
llxHeader('', $langs->trans("Ventilation"));
Exemple #6
$offset = $conf->liste_limit * $page;
$pageprev = $page - 1;
$pagenext = $page + 1;
if (!$sortfield) {
    $sortfield = "aa.account_number";
if (!$sortorder) {
    $sortorder = "ASC";
if ($action == 'delete') {
    $formconfirm = $html->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $id, $langs->trans('DeleteAccount'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeleteAccount'), 'confirm_delete', '', 0, 1);
    print $formconfirm;
$accounting = new AccountingAccount($db);
if ($action == 'disable') {
    if ($accounting->fetch($id)) {
        $result = $accounting->account_desactivate($id);
    $action = 'update';
    if ($result < 0) {
        setEventMessage($accounting->error, 'errors');
} else {
    if ($action == 'enable') {
        if ($accounting->fetch($id)) {
            $result = $accounting->account_activate($id);
        $action = 'update';
        if ($result < 0) {
            setEventMessage($accounting->error, 'errors');
Exemple #7
if (!$sortorder) {
    if ($conf->global->ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO > 0) {
        $sortorder = " DESC ";
// Security check
if ($user->societe_id > 0) {
if (!$user->rights->accounting->ventilation->dispatch) {
$formventilation = new FormVentilation($db);
$accounting = new AccountingAccount($db);
$aarowid_s = $accounting->fetch('', ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT);
$aarowid_p = $accounting->fetch('', ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT);
// Purge search criteria
if (GETPOST("button_removefilter_x") || GETPOST("button_removefilter")) {
    $search_ref = '';
    $search_invoice = '';
    $search_label = '';
    $search_desc = '';
    $search_amount = '';
    $search_account = '';
    $search_vat = '';
 * View
llxHeader('', $langs->trans("Ventilation"));