$o->orgctrl = $ctrl->selectionOrg($o->createdby, $o->organization_id, 'N', "", 'Y'); $o->accounclassctrl = $ctrl->getAccClass($o->accountclass_id, 'N'); $o->getInputForm("edit", $o->accountgroup, $token); $o->showAccountGroupTable("WHERE accountgroup_id>0 and organization_id={$defaultorganization_id}", "ORDER BY initial,defaultlevel,accountgroup_name"); } else { //if can't find particular organization from database, return error message redirect_header("accountgroup.php", 3, "Some error on viewing your accountgroup data, probably database corrupted"); } break; //when user press save for change existing organization data //when user press save for change existing organization data case "update": if ($s->check(false, $token, "CREATE_ACG")) { $o->updatedby = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'); //get current uid if ($o->updateAccountGroup()) { //if data save successfully redirect_header("accountgroup.php?action=edit&accountgroup_id={$o->accountgroup_id}", $pausetime, "Your data is saved."); } else { redirect_header("accountgroup.php?action=edit&accountgroup_id={$o->accountgroup_id}", $pausetime, "Warning! Can't save the data, please make sure all value is insert properly."); } } else { redirect_header("accountgroup.php?action=edit&accountgroup_id={$o->accountgroup_id}", $pausetime, "Warning! Can't save the data, please make sure all value is insert properly."); } break; case "delete": if ($s->check(false, $token, "CREATE_ACG")) { if ($o->deleteAccountGroup($o->accountgroup_id)) { redirect_header("accountgroup.php", $pausetime, "Data removed successfully."); } else { redirect_header("accountgroup.php?action=edit&accountgroup_id={$o->accountgroup_id}", $pausetime, "Warning! Can't delete data from database.");