  * Daily social statistic collect
  * Add new access token to Queue
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $types = array('facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'google', 'instagram');
     $tokens = Access_token::inst()->where_in('type', $types)->get();
     $aac = $this->getAAC();
     $acceptedUsersIds = array();
     $now = new \DateTime('UTC');
     foreach ($tokens as $_token) {
         $now->modify('1 minutes');
         $user = new User($_token->user_id);
         if (!$user->exists()) {
         if (!$aac->isGrantedPlan('social_activity')) {
         $args = $_token->to_array();
         foreach ($_token->social_group->get() as $profile) {
             $args['profile_id'] = $profile->id;
             if (!in_array($args['user_id'], $acceptedUsersIds) && $args['type'] != 'instagram') {
                 array_push($acceptedUsersIds, $args['user_id']);
     $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/social_reports_task/statistic', $acceptedUsersIds, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD));
  * Daily social statistic collect
  * Add new access token to Queue
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $types = array('twitter');
     $tokens = Access_token::inst()->where_in('type', $types)->get();
     $aac = $this->getAAC();
     $now = new \DateTime('UTC');
     foreach ($tokens as $_token) {
         $now->modify('1 minutes');
         $user = new User($_token->user_id);
         if (!$user->exists()) {
         if (!$aac->isGrantedPlan('social_activity')) {
         $args = $_token->to_array();
         foreach ($_token->social_group->get() as $profile) {
             $args['profile_id'] = $profile->id;
             //Twitter tasks
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/searchUsers', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/updateFollowers', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/randomRetweet', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/randomFavourite', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/sendWelcomeMessage', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/followNewFollowers', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
             $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/twitter_task/unfollowUnsubscribedUsers', $args, array('thread' => self::SOCIAL_THREAD, 'execute_after' => $now));
Exemple #3
 public function social($social = 'facebook')
     //$social = ($social === 'twitter') ? $social : 'facebook';
     $has_access = Access_token::inst()->get_by_type($social, $this->c_user->id)->exists();
     $this->template->set('has_access', $has_access);
     if ($has_access) {
         $page = max(1, intval(Arr::get($_GET, 'page', 1)));
         $per_page = 10;
         $keyword = Arr::get($_GET, 'keyword', 0);
         $keyword_query_str = $keyword ? '&keyword=' . $keyword : '';
         $keywords = Mention_keyword::inst()->dropdown($this->c_user->id);
         $use_dates = Arr::get($_GET, 'from') || Arr::get($_GET, 'to');
         $from = date('M j, Y', strtotime(Arr::get($_GET, 'from', 'yesterday')));
         $to = date('M j, Y', strtotime(Arr::get($_GET, 'to', 'today')));
         list($from, $to) = $this->getDatesFromRequest();
         $formatedFrom = $from->format($this->dateFormat);
         $formatedTo = $to->format($this->dateFormat);
         $dates = array('from' => $formatedFrom, 'to' => $formatedTo);
         $dates_query_str = '&from=' . urlencode($formatedFrom) . '&to=' . urlencode($formatedTo);
         $this->template->set('dates', $dates);
         $this->template->set('use_dates', $use_dates);
         $mentions = Mention::inst()->by_social($this->c_user->id, $social);
         if ($keyword) {
             $mentions->where('mention_keyword_id', $keyword);
         $mentions->where('created_at >=', $from->getTimestamp())->where('created_at <=', $to->getTimestamp());
         $mentions->get_paged($page, $per_page);
         $keywords_for_highlight = Mention_keyword::inst()->get_for_highlight($this->c_user->id, intval($keyword));
         JsSettings::instance()->add(array('non_ajax_pagination' => true, 'keywords' => $keywords_for_highlight, 'keyword_query_str' => $keyword_query_str, 'keyword_query_id' => $keyword, 'dates_query_str' => $dates_query_str, 'dates' => $dates));
         CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/activity', $social)->c_js();
         if ($social === 'facebook') {
             $profile_photo = User_additional::inst()->get_value($this->c_user->id, 'facebook_profile_photo');
             if (is_null($profile_photo)) {
                 try {
                     $facebook = Socializer::factory('Facebook', $this->c_user->id);
                     $profile_picture = $facebook->get_profile_picture();
                     if (isset($profile_picture['picture']['data']['url'])) {
                         $profile_photo = $profile_picture['picture']['data']['url'];
                     if ($profile_photo) {
                         User_additional::inst()->set_value($this->c_user->id, 'facebook_profile_photo', $profile_photo);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->template->set('socializer_error', $e->getMessage());
             $this->template->set('profile_photo', $profile_photo);
         $this->template->set('keyword', $keyword);
         $this->template->set('keyword_query_str', $keyword_query_str);
         $this->template->set('keywords', $keywords);
         $this->template->set('mentions', $mentions);
     $this->template->set('social', $social);
Exemple #4
  * Load config and google access token model
 public function __construct()
     $this->load->config('site_config', TRUE);
     // $this->analytics_settings = $this->config->item('google_app', 'site_config');
     $this->analytics_settings = Api_key::build_config('google', $this->config->item('google_app', 'site_config'));
     $this->analytics_settings['client_secret'] = $this->analytics_settings['secret'];
     $this->analytics_settings['redirect_uri'] = site_url('settings/analytics/connect');
     $this->access_token = Access_token::inst()->get_one_by_type('google', $this->c_user->id);
Exemple #5
 public function index($social = null)
     /* @var Core\Service\Radar\Radar $radar */
     $radar = $this->get('core.radar');
     $limit = $this->config->config['mentions_limit'];
     $offset = Arr::get($_GET, 'offset', 0);
     $radar->addFilterParams(array('user_id' => $this->c_user->id, 'profile_id' => $this->profile->id))->setLimit($limit)->setOffset($offset);
     $socials = $radar->getSocials();
     if ($social && !in_array($social, $socials)) {
         $social = null;
     $this->activeSocials = Access_token::inst()->get_user_socials($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id);
     list($from, $to) = $this->getDatesFromRequest();
     if ($keyword = Arr::get($_GET, 'keyword', 0)) {
         $radar->addFilterParams(array('mention_keyword_id' => $keyword));
     if ($social) {
         $radar->addFilterParams(array('social' => $social));
     if ($from) {
         $radar->addFilterParams(array('from' => $from->getTimestamp()));
     if ($to) {
         $radar->addFilterParams(array('to' => $to->getTimestamp()));
     $mentions = $radar->getRadarMentions();
     $feed = $this->getHtmlData($mentions);
     if ($this->template->is_ajax()) {
         echo json_encode(array('html' => $feed));
     $keywordQueryStr = $keyword ? '&keyword=' . $keyword : '';
     $formatedFrom = $from->format($this->dateFormat);
     $formatedTo = $to->format($this->dateFormat);
     $dates = array('from' => $formatedFrom, 'to' => $formatedTo);
     $keywords = Mention_keyword::inst()->dropdown($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id);
     $keywordsForHighlight = Mention_keyword::inst()->get_for_highlight($this->c_user->id, intval($keyword));
     CssJs::getInst()->add_js(array('controller/webradar/index.js', 'libs/jsUtils.min.js'));
     JsSettings::instance()->add(array('non_ajax_pagination' => true, 'keywords' => $keywordsForHighlight, 'keyword_query_id' => $keyword, 'keyword_query_str' => $keywordQueryStr, 'social' => $social, 'socials' => $socials, 'dates' => $dates));
     $this->template->set('dates', $dates);
     $this->template->set('dateRange', $diff = $from->diff($to)->format("%a"));
     $this->template->set('keyword', $keyword);
     $this->template->set('keywordQueryStr', $keywordQueryStr);
     $this->template->set('keywords', $keywords);
     $this->template->set('socials', $socials);
     $this->template->set('feed', $feed);
     $socialName = $social ? ucfirst($social) : lang('all_mentions');
     $this->template->set('social', $socialName);
     $this->template->current_view = 'social/webradar/index';
Exemple #6
  * @param integer|null $user_id
  * @param array|null $token
 function __construct($user_id, $token)
     $this->_ci =& get_instance();
     $this->_config = Api_key::build_config('twitter', $this->_ci->config->item('twitter'));
     $this->_user_id = $user_id;
     if (!$token) {
         $this->_token = Access_token::inst()->get_one_by_type('twitter', $this->_user_id)->to_array();
     } else {
         $this->_token = $token;
Exemple #7
  * Method for get access to linkedin
  * @access public
  * @param $user_id id current user
  * @param array|null $token
  * @return Socializer_Linkedin
 function __construct($user_id, $token)
     $this->_ci =& get_instance();
     $this->_config = Api_key::build_config('linkedin', $this->_ci->config->item('linkedin'));
     $this->_user_id = (string) $user_id;
     $this->_linkedin = new Linkedin($this->_config);
     if (!$token) {
         $this->_token = Access_token::inst()->get_one_by_type('linkedin', $this->_user_id)->to_array();
     } else {
         $this->_token = $token;
Exemple #8
 public function __construct()
     $this->lang->load('crm', $this->language);
     JsSettings::instance()->add(['i18n' => $this->lang->load('crm', $this->language)]);
     $this->load->config('site_config', TRUE);
     $this->crmManager = $this->get('core.crm.manager');
     $this->activeSocials = Access_token::inst()->get_crm_user_socials($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id);
     $hasDirectories = Crm_directory::inst()->hasDirectories($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id);
     $this->template->set('hasDirectories', $hasDirectories);
     $hasRequested = Crm_directory::inst()->hasRequested($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id);
     $this->template->set('hasRequested', $hasRequested);
Exemple #9
  * Then user click on 'edit' in the schedule list - we need to load some of forms
  * Let's load form from created early scripts (create pages)
  * @access   public
  * @param $social_post
  * @return string
  * @internal param $category_id
 private function _get_edit_post_form($social_post)
     $post = new Social_post($social_post->id);
     $isMedia = $post->isMediaPost();
     $block_data = Access_token::inst()->check_socials_access($this->c_user->id);
     $block_data['social_post'] = $social_post;
     $block_data['isMedia'] = $isMedia;
     $block_data['isSupportScheduledPosts'] = $this->isSupportScheduledPosts;
     $block_data['is_user_set_timezone'] = User_timezone::is_user_set_timezone($this->c_user->id);
     $socials = array('twitter' => 'twitter', 'facebook' => 'facebook', 'linkedin' => 'linkedin');
     foreach ($socials as $social) {
         if (!Social_group::hasSocialAccountByType($this->profile->id, $social)) {
     $block_data['socials'] = $socials;
     $block_data['imageDesignerImages'] = Image_designer::getImages();
     $html = $this->template->block('_edit_form', 'social/create/blocks/_post_update', $block_data);
     return $html;
Exemple #10
 public function post_video($title, $description, $video_name)
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Service/YouTube.php';
     $token = Access_token::inst()->get_youtube_token($this->_user_id);
     $this->_google->setApplicationName("Google keywords");
     $youTubeService = new Google_Service_YouTube($this->_google);
     $snippet = new Google_Service_YouTube_VideoSnippet();
     $status = new Google_Service_YouTube_VideoStatus();
     $status->privacyStatus = "public";
     $video = new Google_Service_YouTube_Video();
     $error = true;
     $i = 0;
     $video_path = FCPATH . 'public/uploads/' . $this->_user_id . '/' . $video_name;
     if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
         $mime_type = mime_content_type($video_path);
     } else {
         $mime_type = $this->_get_mime_content_type($video_name);
     try {
         $obj = $youTubeService->videos->insert("status,snippet", $video, array("data" => file_get_contents($video_path), "mimeType" => $mime_type));
         return $obj;
     } catch (Google_ServiceException $e) {
         print "Caught Google service Exception " . $e->getCode() . " message is " . $e->getMessage() . " <br>";
         print "Stack trace is " . $e->getTraceAsString();
Exemple #11
 protected function grabbercrms($directory_array)
     try {
         $directory_id = Arr::get($directory_array, 'id');
         $directory = new Crm_directory($directory_id);
         $error_info = 'mkwid: ' . Arr::get($directory_array, 'social', 'no soc') . '/' . $directory_id;
         if (!$directory->exists()) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' doesn\'t exist.');
         if ($directory->is_deleted) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' is set for deletion.');
         if (!$directory->user_id) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' has no user id.');
         $user = new User($directory->user_id);
         if (!$user->exists()) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' has no user');
         $social = Arr::get($directory_array, 'social');
         if (is_null($social)) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' invalid social');
         $user_socials = Access_token::inst()->get_crm_user_socials($directory->user_id);
         if (!in_array($social, $user_socials)) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' invalid social');
         $crmer = Crmer::factory($user->id);
         if ($social === 'facebook') {
             $data = $crmer->getCrmPosts($directory_array);
         } else {
             if ($social === 'twitter') {
                 $data = $crmer->getCrmTweets($directory_array);
             } else {
                 if ($social === 'instagram') {
                     $data = $crmer->getCrmActivities($directory_array);
                 } else {
                     $data = array();
         if (!is_array($data)) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' no results for mentions, not an array. mkwid: ');
         foreach ($data as $original_id => $row) {
             $activity = new Crm_directory_activity();
             $activity->where(array('crm_directory_id' => $directory_array['id'], 'original_id' => $original_id))->get(1);
             $activity->social = $social;
             $activity->original_id = Arr::get($row, 'original_id');
             $activity->created_at = Arr::get($row, 'created_at');
             $message = Arr::get($row, 'message');
             $trimMessage = strlen($message) > 4000 ? substr($message, 0, 4000) : $message;
             $activity->message = $trimMessage;
             $activity->creator_id = Arr::get($row, 'creator_id');
             $activity->creator_name = Arr::get($row, 'creator_name');
             $activity->creator_image_url = Arr::get($row, 'creator_image_url');
             $activity->other_fields = serialize(Arr::get($row, 'other_fields', array()));
             $activity->source = Arr::get($row, 'source');
             $relations = array('crm_directory' => $directory);
             $saved = $activity->save($relations);
             if (!$saved) {
                 log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Activity not saved for mkwid: ' . $error_info . ' grabbed: ' . $activity->error->string);
         // get socials that were already grabbed
         $grabbed_socials = $directory->get_grabbed_socials_as_array();
         if (!in_array($social, $grabbed_socials)) {
             $grabbed_socials[] = $social;
             $now = date('U');
             $directory->grabbed_socials = implode(',', $grabbed_socials);
             $directory->grabbed_at = $now;
             $saved = $directory->save();
             if (!$saved) {
                 log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Mention keyword not saved for mkwid: ' . $error_info . ' grabbed: ' . $activity->error->string);
         log_message('TASK_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Mentions for mkwid: ' . $error_info . ' grabbed');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . $e->getMessage());
         // throw $e;
  * Return html of feed
  * @return string
 private function getHtmlData($mentions)
     $htmlData = '';
     if ($mentions->exists()) {
         foreach ($mentions as $mention) {
             $access_token = Access_token::inst($mention->access_token_id)->to_array();
             /* @var Socializer_Facebook $facebook */
             $facebook = Socializer::factory('Facebook', $this->c_user->id, $access_token);
             $fbUserImage = $facebook->get_profile_picture();
             $social = $mention->social;
             $wlist = new Influencers_whitelist();
             $wlist->add($this->c_user->id, $mention->creator_id, $social);
             $radar = $this->get('core.radar');
             if ($social == 'facebook') {
                 $mention->creator_image_url = $facebook->get_profile_picture($mention->creator_id);
                 $mention->user_image = $fbUserImage;
             $mention->actions = in_array($social, $this->activeSocials);
             $mention->created_at = $radar->formatRadarDate($mention->created_at);
             $mention->profileUrl = $radar->getProfileUrl($mention->social);
             $content = $this->template->block('_content', '/influencers/blocks/' . $social, array('mention' => $mention));
             $blockData = array('mention' => $mention, 'content' => $content);
             $htmlData .= $this->load->view('influencers/blocks/_feed', $blockData, true);
     return $htmlData;
  * Grab results for single mention keyword
  * @param array $mention_keyword_array
  * @internal array $keyword_array - mention keyword model arrayed
 public function grabber($mention_keyword_array)
     try {
         $mention_keyword_id = Arr::get($mention_keyword_array, 'id');
         $mention_keyword = new Mention_keyword($mention_keyword_id);
         $error_info = 'mkwid: ' . Arr::get($mention_keyword_array, 'social', 'no soc') . '/' . $mention_keyword_id;
         if (!$mention_keyword->exists()) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' doesn\'t exist.');
         if ($mention_keyword->is_deleted) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' is set for deletion.');
         if (!$mention_keyword->user_id) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' has no user id.');
         $user = new User($mention_keyword->user_id);
         if (!$user->exists()) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' has no user');
         $social = Arr::get($mention_keyword_array, 'social');
         if (is_null($social)) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' invalid social');
         $user_socials = Access_token::inst()->get_user_socials($user->id, $mention_keyword->profile_id);
         if (!in_array($social, $user_socials)) {
             throw new Exception($error_info . ' invalid social');
         $mentioner = Mentioner::factory($user->id);
         $mention_keyword_data = array_merge($mention_keyword_array, array('keyword' => $mention_keyword->keyword, 'exact' => $mention_keyword->exact, 'other_fields' => $mention_keyword->other_fields));
         $access_tokens = Access_token::getAllByTypeAndUserIdAndProfileIdAsArray($social, $user->id, $mention_keyword->profile_id);
         foreach ($access_tokens as $access_token) {
             if ($social === 'facebook') {
                 $data = $mentioner->posts($mention_keyword_data, $mention_keyword_array, $access_token);
             } else {
                 if ($social === 'twitter') {
                     $data = $mentioner->tweets($mention_keyword_data, $mention_keyword_array, $access_token);
                 } else {
                     if ($social === 'google') {
                         $data = $mentioner->activities($mention_keyword_data, $mention_keyword_array, $access_token);
                     } else {
                         if ($social === 'instagram') {
                             $data = $mentioner->tags($mention_keyword_data, $mention_keyword_array, $access_token);
                         } else {
                             $data = array();
             if (!is_array($data)) {
                 throw new Exception($error_info . ' no results for mentions, not an array. mkwid: ');
             if ($user->ifUserHasConfigValue('auto_follow', $access_token['id'])) {
                 $autoFollowTwitter = true;
                 /* @var Core\Service\Radar\Radar $radar */
                 $radar = $this->get('core.radar');
                 $conditions = Influencers_condition::allToOptionsArray();
             } else {
                 $autoFollowTwitter = false;
             foreach ($data as $original_id => $row) {
                 $mention = new Mention();
                 $mention->where(array('mention_keyword_id' => $mention_keyword->id, 'original_id' => $original_id))->get(1);
                 $mention->social = $social;
                 $mention->original_id = Arr::get($row, 'original_id');
                 $mention->created_at = Arr::get($row, 'created_at');
                 $message = Arr::get($row, 'message');
                 $trimMessage = strlen($message) > 4000 ? substr($message, 0, 4000) : $message;
                 $mention->message = $trimMessage;
                 $mention->creator_id = Arr::get($row, 'creator_id');
                 $mention->creator_name = Arr::get($row, 'creator_name');
                 $mention->creator_image_url = Arr::get($row, 'creator_image_url');
                 $mention->other_fields = serialize(Arr::get($row, 'other_fields', array()));
                 $mention->source = Arr::get($row, 'source');
                 $mention->access_token_id = $access_token['id'];
                 $mention->profile_id = $mention_keyword->profile_id;
                 $relations = array('user' => $user, 'mention_keyword' => $mention_keyword);
                 $saved = $mention->save($relations);
                 if (!$saved) {
                     log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Mention not saved for mkwid: ' . $error_info . ' grabbed: ' . $mention->error->string);
                 } else {
                     switch ($social) {
                         case 'twitter':
                             $followers = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.creator_followers_count');
                             $retweetCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.retweet_count');
                             if ($autoFollowTwitter && Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.following') == false && ($conditions['twitter_followers'] <= $followers || $conditions['twitter_tweet_retweets'] <= $retweetCount)) {
                                 /* @var Core\Service\Radar\Radar $radar */
                                 $radar->twitterMentionFollow($mention, $access_token);
                             if ($followers || $retweetCount) {
                                 $mentionTwitter = new Mention_twitter();
                                 $mentionTwitter->followers_count = $followers;
                                 $mentionTwitter->retweet_count = $retweetCount;
                                 $mentionTwitter->mention_id = $mention->id;
                         case 'facebook':
                             $friendsCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.friends_count');
                             $commentsCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.comments');
                             $likesCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.likes');
                             if ($friendsCount || $commentsCount || $likesCount) {
                                 $mentionFacebook = new Mention_facebook();
                                 $mentionFacebook->friends_count = $friendsCount;
                                 $mentionFacebook->comments_count = $commentsCount;
                                 $mentionFacebook->likes_count = $likesCount;
                                 $mentionFacebook->mention_id = $mention->id;
                         case 'google':
                             $peopleCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.people_count');
                             $commentsCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.comments');
                             $plusonersCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.plusoners');
                             $resharersCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.resharers');
                             if ($peopleCount || $commentsCount || $plusonersCount || $resharersCount) {
                                 $mentionGoogle = new Mention_google();
                                 $mentionGoogle->people_count = $peopleCount;
                                 $mentionGoogle->comments_count = $commentsCount;
                                 $mentionGoogle->plusoners_count = $plusonersCount;
                                 $mentionGoogle->resharers_count = $resharersCount;
                                 $mentionGoogle->mention_id = $mention->id;
                         case 'instagram':
                             $commentsCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.instagram_comments');
                             $likesCount = (int) Arr::path($row, 'other_fields.instagram_likes');
                             if ($commentsCount || $likesCount) {
                                 $mentionInstagram = new Mention_instagram();
                                 $mentionInstagram->instagram_comments = $commentsCount;
                                 $mentionInstagram->instagram_likes = $likesCount;
                                 $mentionInstagram->mention_id = $mention->id;
             // get socials that were already grabbed
             $grabbed_socials = $mention_keyword->get_grabbed_socials_as_array();
             if (!in_array($social, $grabbed_socials)) {
                 $grabbed_socials[] = $social;
                 $now = date('U');
                 $mention_keyword->grabbed_socials = implode(',', $grabbed_socials);
                 $mention_keyword->grabbed_at = $now;
                 $saved = $mention_keyword->save();
                 if (!$saved) {
                     log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Mention keyword not saved for mkwid: ' . $error_info . ' grabbed: ' . $mention->error->string);
         log_message('TASK_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Mentions for mkwid: ' . $error_info . ' grabbed');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . $e->getMessage());
         // throw $e;
  * Check for not-updated-today, not-deleted  keywords
  * And set for mentions update if exist
 public function queue_mention_keywords_for_update()
     // get all keywords, that are not set for deletion
     // and they have a date of last request more then one day ago
     $mention_keywords = Mention_keyword::inst()->get_for_cron_update();
     if (!$mention_keywords->exists()) {
         log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'No mention keywords for update');
     $today = date('U', strtotime('today'));
     $yesterday = date('U', strtotime('yesterday'));
     $users_cache = array();
     $aac = $this->getAAC();
     /** @var Mention_keyword $mention_keyword */
     foreach ($mention_keywords as $mention_keyword) {
         $user = new User($mention_keyword->user_id);
         if (!$user->exists()) {
         if (!$aac->planHasFeature('brand_reputation_monitoring')) {
         if (!isset($users_cache[$mention_keyword->user_id])) {
             $users_cache[$mention_keyword->user_id] = 0;
         $usersBrandReputationMonitoring = $aac->getPlanFeatureValue('brand_reputation_monitoring');
         if ($usersBrandReputationMonitoring && $users_cache[$mention_keyword->user_id] >= $usersBrandReputationMonitoring) {
         // if keywords has some socials set as grabbed, but also has non-requested date
         // clear all socials to try to grab mentions again
         if ($mention_keyword->grabbed_socials && $mention_keyword->requested_at && $mention_keyword->requested_at < $yesterday) {
             $mention_keyword->grabbed_socials = NULL;
             $saved = $mention_keyword->save();
             if (!$saved) {
                 log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Not updated grabbs: ' . $mention_keyword->error->string);
             } else {
                 log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Not updated grabbs cleared');
         // get socials user has tokens for
         $socials_for_update = Access_token::inst()->get_user_socials($mention_keyword->user_id, $mention_keyword->profile_id, ['facebook']);
         // get socials that were already grabbed
         $grabbed_socials = $mention_keyword->get_grabbed_socials_as_array();
         // get socials that were not grabbed yet
         $socials = array_diff($socials_for_update, $grabbed_socials);
         if (count($socials)) {
             foreach ($socials as $social) {
                 $args = $mention_keyword->to_array();
                 $args['social'] = $social;
                 try {
                     $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/mentions_task/grabber', $args, array('thread' => self::MENTIONS_THREAD));
                     log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Adding Mentions : ' . $social);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Failed mention : ' . $social . ' ; ' . $e->getMessage());
                     throw $e;
         } else {
             $mention_keyword->requested_at = $today;
             $mention_keyword->grabbed_socials = NULL;
             $saved = $mention_keyword->save();
             if ($saved) {
                 log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Marked as grabbed : mkwid ' . $mention_keyword->id);
             } else {
                 log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Not marked as grabbed : mkwid ' . $mention_keyword->id . ' : ' . $mention_keyword->error->string);
     $ids_str = implode(', ', array_values($mention_keywords->all_to_single_array('id')));
     log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > Mention keywords for update ids: ' . $ids_str);
 public function get_analytics_data()
     if ($this->template->is_ajax()) {
         $id = $this->input->post('access_token_id');
         $period = $this->input->post('period');
         $to = new DateTime('UTC');
         $from = new DateTime('UTC');
         $from->modify('-' . $period);
         $token = Access_token::inst($id);
         $data = $token->social_analytics->get_by_period($from->format('Y-m-d'), $to->format('Y-m-d'))->all_to_array();
         $answer = [Social_analytics::RETWEETS_ANALYTICS_TYPE => [], Social_analytics::FAVOURITES_ANALYTICS_TYPE => [], Social_analytics::NEW_FOLLOWING_ANALYTICS_TYPE => [], Social_analytics::NEW_UNFOLLOWERS_ANALYTICS_TYPE => [], Social_analytics::NEW_FOLLOWING_BY_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_TYPE => [], Social_analytics::NEW_UNFOLLOWING_ANALYTICS_TYPE => []];
         foreach ($data as $el) {
             $answer[$el['type']][$el['date']] = $el['value'];
         $social_values = Social_value::inst();
         $social_values->set_values($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id, array('from' => $from->format('Y-m-d'), 'to' => $to->format('Y-m-d'), 'type' => 'twitter'));
         $answer['followers'] = $social_values->get_data()['twitter'];
         echo json_encode($answer);
Exemple #16
  * Check - is user have access to post into socials
  * Get Access Tokens for Facebook / Twitter from our database
  * Also need to check - is user select some Facebook fanpage
  * @access private
  * @return array
 private function _check_socials_access()
     return Access_token::inst()->check_socials_access($this->c_user->id);
Exemple #17
  * Check for not-updated-today, not-deleted  crm directories
  * And set for crm activities update if exist
 public function queue_crm_directories_for_update()
     // get all crm directories, that are not set for deletion
     // and they have a date of last request more then one day ago
     $crmDirectories = Crm_directory::inst()->getForUpdate();
     if (!$crmDirectories->exists()) {
         log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'No crm directories for update');
     $today = date('U', strtotime('today'));
     $yesterday = date('U', strtotime('yesterday'));
     $users_cache = array();
     $aac = $this->getAAC();
     foreach ($crmDirectories as $directory) {
         $user = new User($directory->user_id);
         if (!$user->exists()) {
         if (!$aac->planHasFeature('crm')) {
         if (!isset($users_cache[$directory->user_id])) {
             $users_cache[$directory->user_id] = 0;
         $usersCrm = $aac->getPlanFeatureValue('crm');
         if ($usersCrm && $users_cache[$directory->user_id] >= $usersCrm) {
         // if directory has some socials set as grabbed, but also has non-requested date
         // clear all socials to try to grab activities again
         if ($directory->grabbed_socials && $directory->requested_at && $directory->requested_at < $yesterday) {
             $directory->grabbed_socials = NULL;
             $saved = $directory->save();
             if (!$saved) {
                 log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Not updated grabbs: ' . $directory->error->string);
             } else {
                 log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Not updated grabbs cleared');
         // get socials user has tokens for
         $socials_for_update = Access_token::inst()->get_crm_user_socials($directory->user_id, $directory->profile_id, ['facebook']);
         // get socials that were already grabbed
         $grabbed_socials = $directory->get_grabbed_socials_as_array();
         // get socials that were not grabbed yet
         $socials = array_diff($socials_for_update, $grabbed_socials);
         if (count($socials)) {
             foreach ($socials as $social) {
                 $args = $directory->to_array();
                 $args['social'] = $social;
                 try {
                     $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/crm_directory_task/grabber', $args, array('thread' => self::CRM_THREAD));
                     log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Adding directories : ' . $social);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Failed directory : ' . $social . ' ; ' . $e->getMessage());
                     throw $e;
         } else {
             $directory->requested_at = $today;
             $directory->grabbed_socials = NULL;
             $saved = $directory->save();
             if ($saved) {
                 log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Marked as grabbed : mkwid ' . $directory->id);
             } else {
                 log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Not marked as grabbed : mkwid ' . $directory->id . ' : ' . $directory->error->string);
     $ids_str = implode(', ', array_values($directory->all_to_single_array('id')));
     log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > Crm directories for update ids: ' . $ids_str);
Exemple #18
  * Check access to view the page
  * If user haven't access token for selected social - redirect to Social Settings page
  * @access private
  * @param $type
  * @return bool
 private function _check_access($type)
     $tokens = Access_token::inst()->get_by_type($type, $this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id);
     if (empty($tokens)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 private function _validate_video($feeds)
     $errors = array();
     if (empty($feeds['image_name'])) {
         $errors['image_name'] = lang('video_error');
     if (isset($feeds['title'])) {
         if (empty($feeds['title'])) {
             $errors['title'] = lang('video_title_error');
     } else {
         $errors['title'] = lang('video_title_error');
     $youtube_token = Access_token::inst()->get_youtube_token($feeds['user_id']);
     foreach ($feeds['post_to_groups'] as $group_id) {
         if (Social_group::hasSocialAccountByType($group_id, 'twitter') || Social_group::hasSocialAccountByType($group_id, 'linkedin')) {
             if (!$youtube_token->exists()) {
                 $errors['post_to_groups[]'] = lang('youtube_error');
     return $errors;