Exemple #1
$prev = increment_month($time, -1);
$next = increment_month($time, 1);

$prev_month = date('n', $prev);
$prev_yr = date('Y', $prev);

$next_month = date('n', $next);
$next_yr = date('Y', $next);

// expensive way to see if there are past/future events
$nav_links = Array();
$prev_events = AcademicCalendar::get_events($prev_month, $prev_yr);
if (count($prev_events) > 0) {
  $prev_title = date('F Y', $prev);
  $prev_url = academicURL($prev_yr, $prev_month);
  $nav_links[] = "<a href=\"$prev_url\">&lt; $prev_title</a>";  

$next_events = AcademicCalendar::get_events($next_month, $next_yr);
if (count($next_events) > 0) {
  $next_title = date('F Y', $next);
  $next_url = academicURL($next_yr, $next_month);
  $nav_links[] = "<a href=\"$next_url\">$next_title &gt;</a>";

require "$page->branch/academic.html";

     $data[] = $catData;

 case 'holidays': case 'academic':
   // TODO: see whether any of this code can be consolidated with
   // mobi-web/calendar/academic.php and mobi-web/calendar/holidays.php
   require_once LIBDIR . "AcademicCalendar.php";
   $month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : date('n');
   $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : date('Y');

   if ($_REQUEST['command'] == 'holidays') {
     $events = AcademicCalendar::get_holidays($year);
   } else {
     $events = AcademicCalendar::get_events($month, $year);

   foreach ($events as $event) {
     $event_dict = Array();
     // we'll give the event a random unique ID since there's nothing
     // useful we can do with it on the backend
     $event_dict['id'] = crc32($event->get_uid()) >> 1; // 32 bit unsigned before shift
     $event_dict['title'] = $event->get_summary();
     $event_dict['start'] = $event->get_start();
     $event_dict['end'] = $event->get_end();
     // location and description are always blank but just for completeness...
     if ($location = $event->get_location()) {
       $event_dict['location'] = $location;