	 * Exclude object from result
	 * @param     AbsenceEleveSaisieVersion $absenceEleveSaisieVersion Object to remove from the list of results
	 * @return    AbsenceEleveSaisieVersionQuery The current query, for fluid interface
	public function prune($absenceEleveSaisieVersion = null)
		if ($absenceEleveSaisieVersion) {
			$this->addCond('pruneCond0', $this->getAliasedColName(AbsenceEleveSaisieVersionPeer::ID), $absenceEleveSaisieVersion->getId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
			$this->addCond('pruneCond1', $this->getAliasedColName(AbsenceEleveSaisieVersionPeer::VERSION), $absenceEleveSaisieVersion->getVersion(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
			$this->combine(array('pruneCond0', 'pruneCond1'), Criteria::LOGICAL_OR);

		return $this;
	 * Sets the properties of the curent object to the value they had at a specific version
	 * @param   AbsenceEleveSaisieVersion $version The version object to use
	 * @param   PropelPDO $con the connection to use
	 * @param   array $loadedObjects objects thats been loaded in a chain of populateFromVersion calls on referrer or fk objects.
	 * @return  AbsenceEleveSaisie The current object (for fluent API support)
	public function populateFromVersion($version, $con = null, &$loadedObjects = array())
		$loadedObjects['AbsenceEleveSaisie'][$version->getId()][$version->getVersion()] = $this;
		return $this;