Exemple #1
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $display->add('url_admin', Url::build_current());
     $display->add('msg', $this->showFormErrorMessages(1));
     if ($this->contact['name']) {
         $email = stripslashes($this->contact['name']) . " ";
     if ($this->contact['address']) {
         $email .= "( " . stripslashes($this->contact['address']) . ") ";
     $email .= '<a href="mailto:' . $this->contact['email'] . '"><font color=blue>' . $this->contact['email'] . "</font></a>";
     $display->add('email', $email);
     $display->add('date', date('H:i:s d/m/Y', $this->contact['time']));
     $display->add('date2', AZLib::duration_time($this->contact['time']));
     $display->add('content', stripslashes($this->contact['content']));
     $display->add('reply_content', stripslashes(Url::get('reply_content')));
     $display->add('subject', stripslashes(Url::get('subject')));
     if ($this->contact['reply_content']) {
         $display->add('replied_content', stripslashes($this->contact['reply_content']));
     } else {
         $display->add('replied_content', "Chưa có");
Exemple #2
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $keyword = Url::get('keyword');
     $display->add('keyword', $keyword);
     $display->add('export_link', Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'export')));
     $where = '1';
     if ($keyword != '') {
         $where .= ' AND email LIKE "%' . $keyword . '%"';
     $total_item = DB::count('news_letter_email', $where);
     $limit = '';
     $item_per_page = 40;
     $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no');
     $pagging = AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $total_item, $item_per_page, 10);
     $re = DB::query('SELECT * FROM news_letter_email WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY id ' . $limit);
     $news_letter_emails = array();
     $i = 0;
     if ($page_no <= 0) {
         $page_no = 1;
     if ($re) {
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $item['time_add'] = date('H:i', $item['time_add']) . ' ngày ' . date('d/m/Y', $item['time_add']) . '<br />Cách đây ' . AZLib::duration_time($item['time_add']);
             $item['delete'] = AZLib::buttonDel(Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'delete', 'id' => $item['id'])), 'style/images/admin/delete.gif', 'Loại bỏ Email này khỏi danh sách!');
             $item['i'] = $i + ($page_no - 1) * $item_per_page;
             $news_letter_emails[$item['id']] = $item;
     $display->add('pagging', $pagging);
     $display->add('news_letter_emails', $news_letter_emails);
     $display->add('count', $total_item);
Exemple #3
 function get_feed_notify_bar()
     $json = "";
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_login"})';
         echo $json;
     $item_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các phản hồi giao dịch
     $user_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các lưu bút
     $entry_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các bài viết
     /*$follow_ids			= "";//Id các theo đuôi*/
     $blast_user_ids = "";
     // Id các balst
     $arr_data = array();
     $user = User::getUser(User::id());
     if ($user["total_pm"]) {
         // neu co PM moi
         $arr_data = array("new_pm" => $user["total_pm"]);
     $where = "WHERE user_id = " . User::id();
     $limit = " LIMIT 20";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM feed {$where} ORDER BY time DESC {$limit}";
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($feed = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             if ($feed['type'] == 1 || $feed['type'] == 2) {
                 // phan hoi
                 $item_comment_ids .= ($item_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 3) {
                 // luu but
                 $user_comment_ids .= ($user_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 5 || $feed['type'] == 6) {
                 // bai viet
                 $entry_comment_ids .= ($entry_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
             /*elseif($feed['type']==7){// theo duoi						
     //Phản hồi giao dịch
     $item_comment_arr = array();
     if ($item_comment_ids != '') {
         $item_ids = "";
         $re = DB::query("SELECT time, item_id, parent_id, COUNT(item_id) AS total_comment FROM comment WHERE id IN({$item_comment_ids}) GROUP BY item_id");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $item_ids .= ($item_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $comment['item_id'];
                 $comment['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment['time']);
                 $item_comment_arr[$comment['item_id']] = $comment;
             if ($item_comment_arr && $item_ids) {
                 // Query de lay ID va Tieu de tin
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT id, name, level_1_catid FROM item WHERE id IN({$item_ids})");
                 while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($item["id"] == $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["item_id"]) {
                         $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["item_name"] = AZLib::word_limit($item["name"], 7, '...');
                         $ebname = AZLib::safe_title($item['name']);
                         if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['level_1_catid']])) {
                             $cat_name = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['level_1_catid']]['name'];
                             $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . AZLib::safe_title($cat_name) . "/p{$item['id']}/{$ebname}.html";
                         } else {
                             $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . "/p{$item['id']}/{$ebname}.html";
         if ($item_comment_arr) {
             $item_comment_arrs["comment"] = $item_comment_arr;
             $arr_data += $item_comment_arrs;
     // End Phan hoi giao dich
     //Luu but
     $total_comment_arr = array();
     if ($user_comment_ids != '') {
         $re = DB::query("SELECT time, COUNT(id) AS total_comment_user FROM comment_user WHERE id IN({$user_comment_ids}) GROUP BY receiver_user_id ORDER BY time DESC");
         if ($re) {
             $comment_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
             $total_comment_arr["total"] = $comment_user["total_comment_user"];
             $total_comment_arr['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment_user['time']);
             $total_comment_arr["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . 'Shop/' . User::user_name() . '/Luu-but';
         if ($total_comment_arr) {
             $total_comment_arrs["comment_user"] = $total_comment_arr;
             $arr_data += $total_comment_arrs;
     //End Luu but
     // Theo duoi
     /*$follow_arr = array();
     			$re = DB::query("SELECT id, follower_name, time FROM follow WHERE id IN($follow_ids) ORDER BY time DESC");			
     				while ($follow = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)){										
     					$follow['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($follow['time']);
     					$follow["url_link"] = WEB_DIR.$follow['follower_name'];
     					$follow_arr[$follow['id']] = $follow;
     				$follow_arrs["follow"] = $follow_arr;
     				$arr_data += $follow_arrs;
     // end Theo duoi
     // Phản hồi bài viết
     $entry_comment_arr = array();
     if ($entry_comment_ids != '') {
         $entry_ids = "";
         $re = DB::query("SELECT time, entry_id, parent_id FROM user_entry_comment WHERE id IN({$entry_comment_ids})");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment_entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $entry_ids .= ($entry_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $comment_entry['entry_id'];
                 $comment_entry['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment_entry['time']);
                 $comment_entry['total_comment_entry'] = count(explode(',', $entry_comment_ids));
                 $entry_comment_arr[$comment_entry['entry_id']] = $comment_entry;
             if ($entry_comment_arr && $entry_ids) {
                 // Query de lay ID va Tieu de bai viet
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT id, title FROM user_entry WHERE id IN({$entry_ids})");
                 while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($entry["id"] == $entry_comment_arr[$entry["id"]]["entry_id"]) {
                         $entry_comment_arr[$entry["id"]]["title"] = AZLib::word_limit($entry["title"], 7, '...');
                         $ebname = AZLib::safe_title($entry['title']);
                         $entry_comment_arr[$entry["id"]]["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . "Bai-viet/" . User::user_name() . "/e{$entry['id']}/{$ebname}";
         if ($entry_comment_arr) {
             $item_comment_arrs["entry"] = $entry_comment_arr;
             $arr_data += $item_comment_arrs;
     // End Phan hoi bài viết
     $json = json_encode($arr_data);
     echo $json;
    function show_user_comment_line()
        $c_user_id = (int) Url::get('c_user_id');
        $c_u_id = (int) Url::get('u_id');
        $group_id = (int) Url::get('group_id');
        $json = "";
        if (!User::is_login()) {
            $json = '({"msg":"no_login"})';
            echo $json;
        if (User::is_block()) {
            $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
            echo $json;
        if ($c_user_id && $c_u_id) {
            $json = '({"msg":"success"';
            $all_user_comments = array();
            $all_users = array();
            $user = User::getUser($c_u_id);
            if ($user) {
                $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT id, time, content, sender_user_id, sender_user_name FROM comment_user WHERE sender_user_id=" . User::id() . " AND receiver_user_id={$c_u_id} AND id<{$c_user_id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUNION \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT id, time, content, sender_user_id, sender_user_name FROM comment_user WHERE sender_user_id={$c_u_id} AND receiver_user_id=" . User::id() . " AND id<{$c_user_id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)  AS u_comment\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 20");
                $uids = '';
                if ($re) {
                    while ($u_comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                        $u_comment['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($u_comment['time']);
                        $uids .= ($uids ? ',' : '') . $u_comment['sender_user_id'];
                        $all_user_comments[] = $u_comment;
                if ($uids != '') {
                    $re = DB::query("SELECT id, avatar_url, img_server FROM user WHERE id IN({$uids})");
                    if ($re) {
                        while ($u_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                            $all_users[$u_user['id']] = $u_user;
                if ($all_user_comments) {
                    $json .= ',"c_user_line":"' . addslashes('<div style="padding:8px 6px;background-color:#ECEFF6;margin-bottom:2px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;font-size:11px">mạnh lưu bút với <a href="' . $user['user_name'] . '" target="_blank"><font color="#3C5899"><b>' . $user['user_name'] . '</b></font></a> - <span onclick="c_user_back(' . $group_id . ');" class="o_action">thu gọn</span></div>');
                    foreach ($all_user_comments as $u_comment) {
                        if (isset($all_users[$u_comment['sender_user_id']]['avatar_url']) && $all_users[$u_comment['sender_user_id']] && $all_users[$u_comment['sender_user_id']]['avatar_url']) {
                            $u_comment['avatar_url'] = 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[$all_users[$u_comment['sender_user_id']]['img_server']] . 'thumb_wl/50/' . $all_users[$u_comment['sender_user_id']]['avatar_url'];
                        } else {
                            $u_comment['avatar_url'] = 'style/images/54x54.gif';
                        $json .= addslashes(str_replace(array(chr(13), chr(10)), ' ', '
				        							<div class="o_sub_item">
								                            <div class="o_f_content">
								                            	<img src="' . $u_comment['avatar_url'] . '" width="25" height="25" border="0" align="left" style="margin:0 6px 6px 0"/>
							                                	<a href="' . WEB_DIR . $u_comment['sender_user_name'] . '" target="_blank">
										                            ' . $u_comment['sender_user_name'] . '
										                            </a> viết  <span class="o_time">' . $u_comment['time'] . '</span><br />
										                            ' . AZLib::parseBBCode($u_comment['content']) . '
							                                <div style="clear:left"><span></span></div>
                    $json .= '"})';
                } else {
                    $json .= ',"c_user_line":""})';
                echo $json;
        $json = "({'msg':'no_perm'})";
        echo $json;
 function show_all_notify()
     global $display;
     $feed_follows = array();
     //hoạt động của các thành viên mà mình theo đuôi
     $follow_ids = '';
     //hoạt động của các thành viên mà mình theo đuôi
     $action = Url::get('action');
     $num_per_page = 20;
     $ajax_mod = (int) (Url::get('act') == 'shop_giaodich');
     $page_no = 1;
     $cur_group = 0;
     $all_feeds = array();
     //Lưu mảng tất cả các cập nhật
     $all_feed_ars = array();
     //mảng các cập nhật đã đc sắp xếp, xử lý
     $user_arr = array();
     //Mảng các user
     $item_arr = array();
     //Mảng các Giao dịch
     $entry_arr = array();
     //Mảng các Bài viết
     $item_ids_ar = array();
     //Mảng id các Giao dịch
     $user_ids_ar = array();
     //Mảng id các user
     $entry_ids_ar = array();
     //Mảng id các Bài viết
     $item_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các phản hồi giao dịch
     $item_comment_arr = array();
     //các phản hồi giao dịch
     $user_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các lưu bút
     $user_comment_arr = array();
     //các lưu bút
     $pm_ids = "";
     //Id các tin nhắn
     $pm_arr = array();
     //các tin nhắn
     $entry_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các bài viết
     $entry_comment_arr = array();
     //các bài viết
     $this->show_more = false;
     //các bài viết
     $where = "WHERE user_id = " . User::id();
     $limit = " LIMIT " . $num_per_page * ($page_no - 1) . "," . ($num_per_page + 1);
     $where .= " AND type IN(1,2,3,4,5,6)";
     $total_unread = 0;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM feed {$where} ORDER BY time DESC {$limit}";
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     $stt = 0;
     if ($re) {
         while ($feed = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             if ($stt < $num_per_page) {
                 if ($feed['type'] == 1 || $feed['type'] == 2) {
                     $item_comment_ids .= ($item_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
                     if (!in_array($feed['item_id'], $item_ids_ar)) {
                         $item_ids_ar[$feed['item_id']] = $feed['item_id'];
                 } elseif ($feed['type'] == 3) {
                     $user_comment_ids .= ($user_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
                 } elseif ($feed['type'] == 4) {
                     $pm_ids .= ($pm_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
                 } elseif ($feed['type'] == 5 || $feed['type'] == 6) {
                     $entry_comment_ids .= ($entry_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
                     if ($feed['item_id']) {
                         $entry_ids_ar[$feed['item_id']] = $feed['item_id'];
                 if ($feed['act_user_id'] && !in_array($feed['act_user_id'], $user_ids_ar)) {
                     $user_ids_ar[$feed['act_user_id']] = $feed['act_user_id'];
                 $all_feeds[$feed['id']] = $feed;
             } else {
                 $this->show_more = true;
     if ($item_ids_ar) {
         $item_ids = implode(',', $item_ids_ar);
         if ($item_ids != '') {
             $re = DB::query("SELECT  id, name ,up_time, status, state, currency_id, category_id, img_server, img_url AS image_url FROM item WHERE id IN({$item_ids})");
             if ($re) {
                 while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                         $item['link_view'] = Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => $item['id'], 'ebname' => AZLib::safe_title($item['name']), 'nice_name' => CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name']));
                     } else {
                         $item['link_view'] = Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => $item['id'], 'ebname' => AZLib::safe_title($item['name'])));
                     if (!$item['status']) {
                     $item_arr[$item['id']] = $item;
     if (!empty($entry_ids_ar)) {
         $entry_ids = implode(',', $entry_ids_ar);
         if ($entry_ids != '') {
             $re = DB::query("SELECT id, title, status, user_name, time_modify, image_url FROM user_entry WHERE id IN({$entry_ids})");
             if ($re) {
                 while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     $entry['link_view'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=user_entry&user_name=' . $entry['user_name'] . '&cmd_entry=view&entry_id=' . $entry['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($entry['title']));
                     if (!$entry['status']) {
                     $entry_arr[$entry['id']] = $entry;
     if ($user_ids_ar) {
         $user_ids = implode(',', $user_ids_ar);
         if ($user_ids != '') {
             $re = DB::query("SELECT id, user_name, blast, avatar_url,img_server FROM user WHERE id IN({$user_ids})");
             if ($re) {
                 while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($user['avatar_url']) {
                         $user['avatar_url'] = 'http://' . CGlobal::$img_server[$user['img_server']] . 'thumb/50_50/' . $user['avatar_url'];
                     } else {
                         $user['avatar_url'] = 'style/images/54x54.gif';
                     $user_arr[$user['id']] = $user;
     //Phản hồi giao dịch
     if ($item_comment_ids != '') {
         $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE id IN({$item_comment_ids})");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $comment['content'] = AZLib::parseBBCode(stripslashes($comment['content']));
                 $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::plainText($comment['content']);
                 if (strlen($comment['s_content']) > 20) {
                     $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::word_limit($comment['s_content'], 10, '..');
                 $comment['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment['time']);
                 if (!$comment['status']) {
                 $item_comment_arr[$comment['id']] = $comment;
     //Lưu bút
     if ($user_comment_ids != '') {
         $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM comment_user WHERE id IN({$user_comment_ids})");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $comment['content'] = AZLib::parseBBCode(stripslashes($comment['content']));
                 $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::plainText($comment['content']);
                 if (strlen($comment['s_content']) > 20) {
                     $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::word_limit($comment['s_content'], 10, '..');
                 $comment['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment['time']);
                 if (!$comment['status']) {
                 $user_comment_arr[$comment['id']] = $comment;
     if ($pm_ids != '' && $pm_ids != 0) {
         //Tin nhắn
         $re = DB::query("SELECT mt.*, msg.msg_post as content FROM (SELECT mt_id AS id, mt_msg_id, mt_title, mt_ref_id , mt_from_id AS sender_user_id, mt_date AS time, mt_read AS status FROM message_topics WHERE mt_id IN({$pm_ids})) AS mt LEFT JOIN message_text AS msg ON mt.mt_msg_id = msg.msg_id");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $comment['content'] = AZLib::parseBBCode(stripslashes($comment['content']));
                 $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::plainText($comment['content']);
                 if (strlen($comment['s_content']) > 20) {
                     $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::word_limit($comment['s_content'], 10, '..');
                 $comment['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment['time']);
                 if (!$comment['status']) {
                 $pm_arr[$comment['id']] = $comment;
     if ($entry_comment_ids != '') {
         //Phản hồi bài viết
         $re = DB::query("SELECT id, entry_id, content, time, sender_user_id, sender_user_name, sender_email, status FROM user_entry_comment WHERE id IN({$entry_comment_ids})");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $comment['content'] = AZLib::parseBBCode(stripslashes($comment['content']));
                 $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::plainText($comment['content']);
                 if (strlen($comment['s_content']) > 20) {
                     $comment['s_content'] = AZLib::word_limit($comment['s_content'], 10, '..');
                 $comment['time'] = AZLib::duration_time($comment['time']);
                 if (!$comment['status']) {
                 $entry_comment_arr[$comment['id']] = $comment;
     $item_ids_ar = array();
     //Mảng item_id cập nhật bỏ qua cho các feed chủ thể tương ứng khi giao dịch bị xoá hoặc khoá!
     $item_ids_ar2 = array();
     //Mảng item_id cập nhật bỏ qua cho các feed khách thể tương ứng khi giao dịch bị xoá hoặc khoá!
     $entry_ids_ar = array();
     $entry_ids_ar2 = array();
     $c_user_ids_ar = array();
     $pm_ids_ar = array();
     $unread_feed_ids = '';
     $del_feed_ids = '';
     if ($all_feeds) {
         foreach ($all_feeds as $feed) {
             if ($feed['type'] == 4) {
                 //Tin nhắn
                 if (isset($user_arr[$feed['act_user_id']])) {
                     $feed['sender_user_name'] = $user_arr[$feed['act_user_id']]['user_name'];
                 } else {
                     $feed['sender_user_name'] = '';
             if ($feed['type'] == 1 || $feed['type'] == 2) {
                 //Phản hồi giao dịch hoặc Trả lời phản hồi giao dịch
                 if (isset($item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']])) {
                     $feed['item_id'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['item_id'];
                     $feed['content'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['content'];
                     $feed['s_content'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['s_content'];
                     $feed['time'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['time'];
                     $feed['sender_user_id'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_id'];
                     $feed['sender_user_name'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_name'];
                     $feed['sender_email'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_email'];
                     $status = $feed['status'];
                     if ($feed['type'] == 1) {
                         $feed['status'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['status'];
                     } else {
                         $feed['status'] = $item_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['replied_status'];
                     if ($feed['status'] == 0 || $status == 0) {
                         $unread_feed_ids .= ($unread_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
                         if ($feed['type'] == 1 && $feed['status'] == 0) {
                             //Mảng item_id cập nhật bỏ qua cho các feed chủ thể tương ứng khi giao dịch bị xoá hoặc khoá!
                             $item_ids_ar[$feed['item_id']] = $feed['item_id'];
                         } elseif ($feed['type'] == 2 && $feed['status'] == 0) {
                             //Mảng item_id cập nhật bỏ qua cho các feed khách thể tương ứng khi giao dịch bị xoá hoặc khoá!
                             $item_ids_ar2[$feed['item_id']] = $feed['item_id'];
                     if (isset($item_arr[$feed['item_id']]) && $item_arr[$feed['item_id']]['state'] == 0 && $item_arr[$feed['item_id']]['status'] != -1) {
                         $feed['item'] = $item_arr[$feed['item_id']];
                         $all_feed_ars[$feed['id']] = $feed;
                     } else {
                         $del_feed_ids .= ($del_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
                 } else {
                     $del_feed_ids .= ($del_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 3) {
                 //Lưu bút
                 if (isset($user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']])) {
                     $feed['content'] = $user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['content'];
                     $feed['s_content'] = $user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['s_content'];
                     $feed['time'] = $user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['time'];
                     $feed['sender_user_id'] = $user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_id'];
                     $feed['sender_user_name'] = $user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_name'];
                     $status = $feed['status'];
                     $feed['status'] = $user_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['status'];
                     if ($feed['status'] == 0 || $status == 0) {
                         $unread_feed_ids .= ($unread_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
                         if ($feed['status'] == 0) {
                             $c_user_ids_ar[$feed['ref_id']] = $feed['ref_id'];
                     $all_feed_ars[$feed['id']] = $feed;
                 } else {
                     $del_feed_ids .= ($del_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 4) {
                 //Tin nhắn
                 if (isset($pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']])) {
                     $feed['content'] = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['content'];
                     $feed['s_content'] = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['s_content'];
                     $feed['time'] = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['time'];
                     $feed['sender_user_id'] = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_id'];
                     $feed['mt_title'] = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['mt_title'];
                     $id = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['mt_ref_id'] ? $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['mt_ref_id'] : $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['id'];
                     $feed['mt_title_link'] = "message.html#inbox/{$id}";
                     $status = $feed['status'];
                     $feed['status'] = $pm_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['status'];
                     if ($feed['status'] == 0 || $status == 0) {
                         $unread_feed_ids .= ($unread_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
                         if ($feed['status'] == 0) {
                             $pm_ids_ar[$feed['ref_id']] = $feed['ref_id'];
                     $all_feed_ars[$feed['id']] = $feed;
                 } else {
                     $del_feed_ids .= ($del_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 5 || $feed['type'] == 6) {
                 //Phản hồi Bài viết
                 if (isset($entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']])) {
                     $feed['entry_id'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['entry_id'];
                     $feed['content'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['content'];
                     $feed['s_content'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['s_content'];
                     $feed['time'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['time'];
                     $feed['sender_user_id'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_id'];
                     $feed['sender_user_name'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_user_name'];
                     $feed['sender_email'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['sender_email'];
                     $status = $feed['status'];
                     if ($feed['type'] == 5) {
                         $feed['status'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['status'];
                     } else {
                         $feed['status'] = $entry_comment_arr[$feed['ref_id']]['replied_status'];
                     if ($feed['status'] == 0 || $status == 0) {
                         $unread_feed_ids .= ($unread_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
                         if ($feed['type'] == 5 && $feed['status'] == 0) {
                             //Mảng entrry_id cập nhật bỏ qua cho các feed chủ thể tương ứng khi giao dịch bị xoá hoặc khoá!
                             $entry_ids_ar[$feed['entry_id']] = $feed['entry_id'];
                         if ($feed['type'] == 6 && $feed['status'] == 0) {
                             //Mảng entrry_id cập nhật bỏ qua cho các feed khách thể tương ứng khi giao dịch bị xoá hoặc khoá!
                             $entry_ids_ar2[$feed['entry_id']] = $feed['entry_id'];
                     if (isset($entry_arr[$feed['entry_id']])) {
                         $feed['entry'] = $entry_arr[$feed['entry_id']];
                         $all_feed_ars[$feed['id']] = $feed;
                     } else {
                         $del_feed_ids .= ($del_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
                 } else {
                     $del_feed_ids .= ($del_feed_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['id'];
     $display->add('all_feed_ars', $all_feed_ars);
     $display->add('image_path', 'http://' . IMAGE_PATH);
     $display->add('get_page', AZNet::$page['name']);
     $display->add('get_cmd', Url::get('cmd', 'office'));
     $display->add('get_act', $action);
     $display->add('user_name', User::user_name());
     $this->total_group = count($all_feed_ars);
     $display->add('total_group', $this->total_group);
     $display->add('cur_group', $cur_group);
     $display->add('show_more', $this->show_more);
     $display->add('cur_user_name', User::user_name());
     $display->add('more_notify', WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=personal'));
     $transact_office = $display->output('tbl_notify_ajax', true, 'Personal');
     $display->add('transact_office', $transact_office);
     $display->add('total_comment_user', User::$current->data['total_comment_user']);
     $display->add('total_new_comment', User::$current->data['total_new_comment']);
     $display->add('total_pm', User::$current->data['total_pm']);
     $display->add('can_edit_blast', User::is_admin() || !User::is_block());
     $blast = User::$current->data['blast'];
     $avatar_link = '';
     $avatar_url = 'style/images/no_avatar_item.gif';
     if (User::$current->data['avatar_url'] != '') {
         $avatar_link = "http://" . CGlobal::$img_server[User::$current->data['img_server']] . User::$current->data['avatar_url'];
         $avatar_url = AZLib::getImageThumb(User::$current->data['avatar_url'], 80, 80, 0, User::$current->data['img_server']);
     if ($blast == '') {
         $blast = '...';
     } else {
         $blast = ' ' . $blast;
         if (strpos($blast, 'http://')) {
             $user_blast = $blast;
             while (strpos($user_blast, 'http://')) {
                 $tmp = substr($user_blast, strpos($user_blast, 'http://'));
                 if (strpos($tmp, ' ') || strpos($tmp, '<')) {
                     if (strpos($tmp, ' ') && strpos($tmp, '<') && strpos($tmp, ' ') > strpos($tmp, '<')) {
                         $blast_url = substr($tmp, 0, strpos($tmp, '<'));
                     } else {
                         $blast_url = substr($tmp, 0, strpos($tmp, ' '));
                 } else {
                     $blast_url = $tmp;
                 $user_blast = str_replace($blast_url, '', $user_blast);
             $new_blast_url = ' <a rel="nofollow" href="' . $blast_url . '" target="_blank">Click here</a>';
             $blast = substr($user_blast . $new_blast_url, 1);
     $display->add('avatar_link', $avatar_link);
     $display->add('avatar_url', $avatar_url);
     $display->add('blast', $blast);
     $display->add('user_id', User::id());
     //Cập nhật sách theo đuôi
     if (isset($user_arr[$feed['act_user_id']]) && $user_arr[$feed['act_user_id']]['avatar_url']) {
         $feed['avatar_url'] = $user_arr[$feed['act_user_id']]['avatar_url'];
     } else {
         $feed['avatar_url'] = 'style/images/54x54.gif';
     if ($feed_follows) {
         $tmp_feed_follows = $feed_follows;
         $feed_follows = array();
         foreach ($tmp_feed_follows as $feed) {
             if (isset($user_arr[$feed['user_id']])) {
                 if ($user_arr[$feed['user_id']]['avatar_url']) {
                     $avatar_url = $user_arr[$feed['user_id']]['avatar_url'];
                 } else {
                     $avatar_url = 'style/images/54x54.gif';
                 $user_name = $user_arr[$feed['user_id']]['user_name'];
                 if ($feed['type'] == 7) {
                     if (isset($entry_arr[$feed['item_id']])) {
                         $feed_follows[$feed['user_id']]['user_name'] = $user_name;
                         $feed_follows[$feed['user_id']]['avatar_url'] = $avatar_url;
                         $feed['entry_name'] = $entry_arr[$feed['item_id']]['title'];
                         $feed['entry_link'] = WEB_DIR . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=user_entry&user_name=' . $user_name . '&cmd_entry=view&entry_id=' . $feed['item_id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($feed['entry_name']));
                         $feed['time'] = date('H:i d/m/Y', $feed['time']);
                         $feed_follows[$feed['user_id']]['feeds'][$feed['id']] = $feed;
                 } else {
                     $feed_follows[$feed['user_id']]['user_name'] = $user_name;
                     $feed_follows[$feed['user_id']]['avatar_url'] = $avatar_url;
                     $feed['blast'] = $user_arr[$feed['user_id']]['blast'];
                     $feed['time'] = date('H:i d/m/Y', $feed['time']);
                     $feed_follows[$feed['user_id']]['feeds'][$feed['id']] = $feed;
     $json = array();
     $active_notify = array();
     $active_notify['item_ids_ar'] = $item_ids_ar;
     $active_notify['item_ids_ar2'] = $item_ids_ar2;
     $active_notify['c_user_ids_ar'] = $c_user_ids_ar;
     $active_notify['pm_ids_ar'] = $pm_ids_ar;
     $json['active_notify'] = $active_notify;
     $json['total_unread'] = $total_unread;
     $json['total_notify'] = User::$current->data['total_comment_user'] + User::$current->data['total_new_comment'] + User::$current->data['total_pm'];
     $json['content'] = $display->output('tb_notify', true, 'Personal');
     echo json_encode($json);
Exemple #6
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $status_arr = array('0' => 'Chưa trả lời / phản hồi', '1' => 'Đã phản hồi / phản hồi', '2' => 'Tất cả');
     $status = (int) Url::get('status', 0);
     $display->add('url_admin', Url::build_current());
     $display->add('status_option', AZLib::getOption($status_arr, $status));
     $item_per_page_arr = array('20' => '20', '50' => '50', '100' => '100', '150' => '150', '200' => '200', '300' => '300', '500' => '500');
     $item_per_page = (int) Url::get('row_per_page', 20);
     $display->add('row_per_page_option', AZLib::getOption($item_per_page_arr, $item_per_page));
     $from_date_arr[-1] = '--Từ ngày--';
     for ($i = 30; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW)) - $i * 24 * 3600;
         $from_date_arr[$time_from] = date('d/m/Y', $time_from);
     $to_date_arr[-1] = '--Đến ngày--';
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 30; $i++) {
         $time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW)) - $i * 24 * 3600;
         $to_date_arr[$time_to] = date('d/m/Y', $time_to);
     $from_date = Url::get('from_date', -1);
     $to_date = Url::get('to_date', -1);
     $display->add('from_date_option', AZLib::getOption($from_date_arr, $from_date));
     $display->add('to_date_option', AZLib::getOption($to_date_arr, $to_date));
     $sql = ' 1 ';
     if ($from_date > -1) {
         $sql .= " AND time>=" . $from_date;
     if ($to_date > -1) {
         $sql .= " AND time<=" . $to_date;
     $txt_ykien = Url::get('txt_ykien', '');
     if ($txt_ykien != '') {
         $sql .= " AND content like '%{$txt_ykien}%'";
     $display->add('txt_ykien', $txt_ykien);
     if ($status != 2) {
         $sql .= ' AND  status=' . $status;
     $num_of_row = DB::count('feedback', $sql);
     $limit = '';
     $display->add('pagging', AZPagging::paging_list($limit, $num_of_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', '', true, 'Liên hệ'));
     $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no', 1);
     if ($page_no <= 0) {
         $page_no = 1;
     $i = 0;
     $all_feedbacks = array();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM feedback WHERE {$sql} ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}";
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $email = '';
             if ($row['name']) {
                 $email = stripslashes($row['name']) . " ";
             if ($row['address']) {
                 $email .= "( " . stripslashes($row['address']) . ") ";
             $email .= '<a href="mailto:' . $row['email'] . '"><font color=blue>' . $row['email'] . "</font></a>";
             $row['email'] = $email;
             $row['date'] = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $row['time']);
             $row['date2'] = AZLib::duration_time($row['time']);
             $row['url_del'] = AZLib::buttonDel(Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'delete')), 'style/images/delete.gif', 'Xóa ý kiến');
             $row['url_reply'] = Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'reply'));
             if ($row['reply_content']) {
                 $row['reply_content'] = stripslashes($row['reply_content']);
             } else {
                 $row['reply_content'] = "Chưa có";
             if (!$row['status']) {
                 $row['exam'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'exam')), 'style/images/exam.gif', 'Duyệt liên hệ');
             } else {
                 $row['exam'] = AZLib::button(Url::build_current(array('id' => $row['id'], 'cmd' => 'unexam')), 'style/images/unexam.gif', 'Bỏ duyệt liên hệ');
             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                 $row['bgcolor'] = '#FFFFFF';
             } else {
                 $row['bgcolor'] = '#CCFF99';
             $row['i'] = ($page_no - 1) * $item_per_page + $i;
             $all_feedbacks[$row['id']] = $row;
     $display->add('all_feedbacks', $all_feedbacks);