public function __construct() { $this->core = AT_Core::get_instance(); // if ( !$this->core->get_option( 'theme_is_activated', false ) && is_user_logged_in() ) { // AT_Notices::set_frontend_notice( // '<h3>'.__( 'New to AutoDealer?' , AT_TEXTDOMAIN ) . '</h3>' . // __( 'You almost ready to use full theme features. Please complete two last steps before move your website to production mode.' , AT_TEXTDOMAIN ) . // '<br />' . // sprintf(__( '<a href="%1$s">Click here to continue →</a>' , AT_TEXTDOMAIN ), get_admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=at_site_options_general'), // $class = 'notice' // ); // Header('Location: ' . get_admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=at_site_options_general'); // die(); // // exit( __( 'Theme is not activated' , AT_TEXTDOMAIN ) ); // } // SSL and ajax tricks // if ( ( is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != rtrim( home_url(), '/' ) ) { // AT_Common::redirect( AT_Router::get_instance()->server('REQUEST_URI'), '301' ); // } $this->uri = AT_Router::get_instance(); if ($this->uri->get_method() != 'show_underconstruction' && $this->core->get_option('status_site', 'production') == 'underconstruction') { AT_Core::show_underconstruction(); } $this->view = $this->core->view; $this->load = AT_Loader::get_instance(); $this->session = AT_Session::get_instance(); $this->registry = AT_Registry::get_instance(); $this->load->library('breadcrumbs'); $this->breadcrumbs = AT_Breadcrumbs::get_instance(); $validation_rules = $this->load->helper('validation_rules', true); $this->validation = $this->load->library('form_validation', true, $validation_rules->rules); //$this->validation->set_rules(); if (AT_Common::is_user_logged() && $this->core->get_option('theme_is_activated', false)) { $user_model = $this->load->model('user_model'); $user_info = $user_model->get_user_by_id(AT_Common::get_logged_user_id()); $this->registry->set('user_info', $user_info); if ($this->core->get_option('confirm_email_enable', true) && !in_array($this->uri->segments(1), array('confirm_email', 'unlogged')) && (is_null($user_info['date_active']) || empty($user_info['date_active']))) { AT_Common::redirect('auth/confirm_email'); } } }
public function render() { switch ($this->_layout_name) { case 'header_content_footer': case 'header_left_content_footer': case 'header_content_right_footer': case 'profile': if (!AT_Core::get_instance()->get_option('disable_breadcrumbs', true)) { $items = AT_Breadcrumbs::get_instance()->get_all(); if (count($items) > 1) { $this->add_block('breadcrumbs', 'general/breadcrumbs', array('items' => $items)); } } break; case 'content': break; } $data = $this->_data; ob_start(); $this->_render($data, ''); $this->_content = ob_get_clean(); return $this; }