Exemple #1
$domtree = new DOMDocument('1.0', ADA_CHARSET);
$domtree->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$domtree->formatOutput = true;
// generate and add comment, if any
if (isset($commentStr)) {
// create the root element of the xml tree
$xmlRoot = $domtree->createElement("ada_export");
$xmlRoot->setAttribute("exportDate", date('r'));
// append it to the document created
$xmlRoot = $domtree->appendChild($xmlRoot);
foreach ($nodesToExport as $course_id => $nodeList) {
    // need an Import/Export DataHandler
    $dh = AMAImpExportDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
    $course_data = $dh->get_course($course_id);
    if (!empty($course_data) && !AMA_DB::isError($course_data)) {
        // create node for current course
        $XMLcourse = $domtree->createElement('modello_corso');
        $XMLcourse->setAttribute('exportedId', $course_id);
        // set course model datas
        foreach ($course_data as $name => $value) {
            $name = strtolower($name);
            if ($name === 'id_autore') {
            } else {
                if (in_array($name, exportHelper::$cDataElementNameForCourse)) {
                    $XMLElementForCourse = $exportHelper->buildCDATASection($domtree, $name, $value);
                } else {
                    if ($name === 'id_lingua') {
  * runs the actual import
  * @return Ambigous AMA_Error on error |array recpArray on success
  * @access public
 public function runImport()
     $count = 0;
     $zipFileName = ADA_UPLOAD_PATH . $this->_importFile;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zip->open($zipFileName)) {
         $XMLfile = $zip->getFromName(XML_EXPORT_FILENAME);
         $XMLObj = new SimpleXMLElement($XMLfile);
         $this->_progressResetValues(substr_count($XMLfile, '</nodo>') + substr_count($XMLfile, '<survey ') + substr_count($XMLfile, '</test>'));
         foreach ($XMLObj as $objName => $course) {
             // first level object must be 'modello_corso'
             if ($objName === 'modello_corso') {
                 // get the attributes as local vars
                 // e.g. attributed exportedId=107 becomes
                 // a local var named $exportedId, initialized to 107 as a string
                 foreach ($course->attributes() as $name => $val) {
                     ${$name} = (string) $val;
                 // as a result of this foreach we have a php var for any XML object attribute
                 // var_dump ($exportedId); should neither raise an error nor dump a null value.
                 $this->_courseOldID = $exportedId;
                  * sets the log file name that will be used from now on!
                 $this->_logFile = MODULES_IMPEXPORT_LOGDIR . "import-" . $this->_courseOldID . "_" . date('d-m-Y_His') . ".log";
                 $this->_logMessage('**** IMPORT STARTED at ' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '(timestamp: ' . $this->_dh->date_to_ts('now') . ') ****');
                 $this->_progressSetTitle((string) $course->titolo);
                 if (!self::$_DEBUG) {
                     if (is_null($this->_selectedCourseID)) {
                         $courseNewID = $this->_add_course($course);
                          * this is a new course you want, first node
                          * is going to be the root of the course (i.e. zero)
                          * Setting selectedNodeID will make the running code
                          * do the trick!
                         $this->_selectedNodeID = null;
                     } else {
                         $courseNewID = $this->_selectedCourseID;
                     if (AMA_DB::isError($courseNewID)) {
                         return $courseNewID;
                 } else {
                     $courseNewID = 123 * $count;
                  * NOW ADD  NODES, TESTS AND SURVEYS
                 foreach ($this->_specialNodes as $groupName) {
                     $method = '_import' . ucfirst(strtolower($groupName));
                     $this->_logMessage(__METHOD__ . ' Saving ' . $groupName . ' by calling method: ' . $method);
                     if ($groupName === 'tests' || $groupName === 'surveys') {
                         // prepares the mapping array by emptying it
                         if ($groupName === 'tests') {
                             if (isset($this->_testNodeIDMapping)) {
                             $this->_testNodeIDMapping = array();
                         // prepares the test data handler
                         $this->_dh = AMATestDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($this->_selectedTester));
                      * calls a method named _import<groupName> foreach special node.
                      * e.g. for nodes it will call _importNodi, for tests _importTests....
                     if (method_exists($this, $method) && !empty($course->{$groupName})) {
                         $specialVal = $this->{$method}($course->{$groupName}, $courseNewID);
                         // if it's an error return it right away
                         if (AMA_DB::isError($specialVal)) {
                             $this->_logMessage(__METHOD__ . ' Error saving ' . $groupName . '. DB returned the following:');
                             $this->_logMessage(print_r($specialVal, true));
                             return $specialVal;
                         } else {
                             $this->_logMessage(__METHOD__ . ' Saving ' . $groupName . ' successfully ended');
                             $this->_recapArray[$courseNewID][$groupName] = $specialVal;
                     if ($groupName === 'nodi') {
                         // save all the links and clean the array
                         // after links have been saved, update inernal links pseudo html in proper nodes
                     } else {
                         if ($groupName === 'tests' || $groupName === 'surveys') {
                             // restores the import/export data handler
                             $this->_dh = AMAImpExportDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($this->_selectedTester));
                             if ($groupName === 'tests') {
                 // 					$this->_updateTestLinksInNodes ( $courseNewID );
             // if ($objName === 'modello_corso')
             $this->_logMessage('**** IMPORT ENDED at ' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '(timestamp: ' . $this->_dh->date_to_ts('now') . ') ****');
             $this->_logMessage('If there\'s no zip log below, this is a multi course import: pls find unzip log at the end of the last course log');
         // foreach ($XMLObj as $objName=>$course)
         // extract the zip files to the appropriate media dir
         if (!self::$_DEBUG) {
     return $this->_recapArray;