/** * Remove coupon */ public function executeRemoveCoupon() { $coupon_ids = $this->getParameter('coupon_ids', array()); if (is_array($coupon_ids) && !empty($coupon_ids)) { $coupon_ids = array_map('intval', $coupon_ids); $this->getWpdb()->query('DELETE FROM `' . AB_Coupon::getTableName() . '` WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(', ', $coupon_ids) . ')'); } }
function update_7_0() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE `ab_customer_appointment` ADD `coupon_deduction` DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `coupon_discount`'); $wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE `ab_coupons` CHANGE COLUMN `used` `used` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD COLUMN `deduction` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `discount`, ADD COLUMN `usage_limit` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1'); $wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE `ab_notifications` CHANGE `slug` `type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ""'); // SMS. $wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE `ab_notifications` ADD `gateway` ENUM("email","sms") NOT NULL DEFAULT "email"'); $wpdb->query('UPDATE `ab_notifications` SET `gateway` = "email"'); $sms_notifies = array(array('type' => 'client_new_appointment', 'message' => __("Dear [[CLIENT_NAME]].\nThis is confirmation that you have booked [[SERVICE_NAME]].\nWe are waiting you at [[COMPANY_ADDRESS]] on [[APPOINTMENT_DATE]] at [[APPOINTMENT_TIME]].\nThank you for choosing our company.\n[[COMPANY_NAME]]\n[[COMPANY_PHONE]]\n[[COMPANY_WEBSITE]]", 'bookly'), 'active' => 1), array('type' => 'staff_new_appointment', 'message' => __("Hello.\nYou have new booking.\nService: [[SERVICE_NAME]]\nDate: [[APPOINTMENT_DATE]]\nTime: [[APPOINTMENT_TIME]]\nClient name: [[CLIENT_NAME]]\nClient phone: [[CLIENT_PHONE]]\nClient email: [[CLIENT_EMAIL]]", 'bookly'), 'active' => 0), array('type' => 'client_reminder', 'message' => __("Dear [[CLIENT_NAME]].\nWe would like to remind you that you have booked [[SERVICE_NAME]] tomorrow on [[APPOINTMENT_TIME]]. We are waiting you at [[COMPANY_ADDRESS]].\nThank you for choosing our company.\n[[COMPANY_NAME]]\n[[COMPANY_PHONE]]\n[[COMPANY_WEBSITE]]", 'bookly'), 'active' => 0), array('type' => 'client_follow_up', 'message' => __("Dear [[CLIENT_NAME]].\nThank you for choosing [[COMPANY_NAME]]. We hope you were satisfied with your [[SERVICE_NAME]].\nThank you and we look forward to seeing you again soon.\n[[COMPANY_NAME]]\n[[COMPANY_PHONE]]\n[[COMPANY_WEBSITE]]", 'bookly'), 'active' => 0), array('type' => 'staff_agenda', 'message' => __("Hello.\nYour agenda for tomorrow is:\n[[NEXT_DAY_AGENDA]]", 'bookly'), 'active' => 0), array('type' => 'staff_cancelled_appointment', 'message' => __("Hello.\nThe following booking has been cancelled.\nService: [[SERVICE_NAME]]\nDate: [[APPOINTMENT_DATE]]\nTime: [[APPOINTMENT_TIME]]\nClient name: [[CLIENT_NAME]]\nClient phone: [[CLIENT_PHONE]]\nClient email: [[CLIENT_EMAIL]]", 'bookly'), 'active' => 0), array('type' => 'client_new_wp_user', 'message' => __("Hello.\nAn account was created for you at [[SITE_ADDRESS]]\nYour user details:\nuser: [[NEW_USERNAME]]\npassword: [[NEW_PASSWORD]]\n\nThanks.", 'bookly'), 'active' => 1)); // Insert notifications. foreach ($sms_notifies as $data) { $wpdb->insert('ab_notifications', array('gateway' => 'sms', 'type' => $data['type'], 'subject' => '', 'message' => $data['message'], 'active' => $data['active'])); } // Rename notifications. $notifications = array('client_info' => 'client_new_appointment', 'provider_info' => 'staff_new_appointment', 'evening_next_day' => 'client_reminder', 'evening_after' => 'client_follow_up', 'event_next_day' => 'staff_agenda', 'cancel_appointment' => 'staff_cancelled_appointment', 'new_wp_user' => 'client_new_wp_user'); foreach ($notifications as $from => $to) { $wpdb->query("UPDATE `ab_notifications` SET `type` = '{$to}' WHERE `type` = '{$from}'"); } $this->drop('ab_email_notification'); // Rename tables. $ab_tables = array('ab_appointment' => AB_Appointment::getTableName(), 'ab_category' => AB_Category::getTableName(), 'ab_coupons' => AB_Coupon::getTableName(), 'ab_customer' => AB_Customer::getTableName(), 'ab_customer_appointment' => AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName(), 'ab_holiday' => AB_Holiday::getTableName(), 'ab_notifications' => AB_Notification::getTableName(), 'ab_payment' => AB_Payment::getTableName(), 'ab_schedule_item_break' => AB_ScheduleItemBreak::getTableName(), 'ab_service' => AB_Service::getTableName(), 'ab_staff' => AB_Staff::getTableName(), 'ab_staff_schedule_item' => AB_StaffScheduleItem::getTableName(), 'ab_staff_service' => AB_StaffService::getTableName()); foreach ($ab_tables as $from => $to) { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$from}` RENAME TO `{$to}`"); } $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . AB_SentNotification::getTableName() . "` (\n `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n `customer_appointment_id` INT UNSIGNED,\n `staff_id` INT UNSIGNED,\n `gateway` ENUM('email','sms') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'email',\n `type` VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,\n `created` DATETIME NOT NULL,\n CONSTRAINT fk_" . AB_SentNotification::getTableName() . "_" . AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName() . "_id\n FOREIGN KEY (customer_appointment_id)\n REFERENCES " . AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName() . "(id)\n ON DELETE CASCADE\n ON UPDATE CASCADE,\n CONSTRAINT fk_" . AB_SentNotification::getTableName() . "_" . AB_Staff::getTableName() . "_id\n FOREIGN KEY (staff_id)\n REFERENCES " . AB_Staff::getTableName() . "(id)\n ON DELETE CASCADE\n ON UPDATE CASCADE\n ) ENGINE = INNODB\n DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8\n COLLATE = utf8_general_ci"); // Google Calendar. add_option('ab_settings_google_event_title', '[[SERVICE_NAME]]'); // Link assets. add_option('ab_settings_link_assets_method', 'enqueue'); // SMS. add_option('ab_sms_default_country_code', ''); }
private function _drop_tables() { /** @var wpdb $wpdb */ global $wpdb; $ab_tables = array(AB_Appointment::getTableName(), AB_Category::getTableName(), AB_Coupon::getTableName(), AB_Customer::getTableName(), AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName(), AB_Holiday::getTableName(), AB_Notification::getTableName(), AB_Payment::getTableName(), AB_ScheduleItemBreak::getTableName(), AB_SentNotification::getTableName(), AB_Service::getTableName(), AB_Staff::getTableName(), AB_StaffScheduleItem::getTableName(), AB_StaffService::getTableName()); $this->_drop_fk($ab_tables); $wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . implode('`, `', $ab_tables) . '` CASCADE;'); }