Exemple #1

$desc = sprintf('%s ( <a href="%s" target="_blank" title="%s">%s</a>).', __('These options below are related to site\'s call to action button in header.', 'zn_framework'), esc_url('http://hogash.d.pr/1leyL'), __('Click to open screenshot', 'zn_framework'), __('Open screenshot', 'zn_framework'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('HEADER\'S CALL TO ACTION BUTTON OPTIONS', 'zn_framework'), "description" => $desc, "id" => "info_title6", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-large zn-toptabs-margin");
// Show Call to Action Button In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Show Call to Action button in header", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose if you want to display the call to action button or not.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_show_cta", "std" => "no", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array("yes" => __("Show", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("Hide", 'zn_framework')));
// Style Call to Action Button In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Call to Action button style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_show_cta_style", "std" => "ribbon", "type" => "select", "options" => array("ribbon" => __("Ribbon style", 'zn_framework'), "lined" => __("Lined button (Not recommended, use Custom)", 'zn_framework'), "custom" => __("Custom Button ( Multiple )", 'zn_framework')));
// Add link to Call to Action Button
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Set the link for the Call to Action button in header", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Set the URL to link the Call to Action button to.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_add_cta_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets(), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
// Set text for Call to Action Button In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Set the text for the Call to Action button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the text you want to display int the call to action button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_set_text_cta", "type" => "text", "std" => __("<strong>FREE</strong>QUOTE", 'zn_framework'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
// BG Color
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Select background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select Call to action (ribbon style) background color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "wpk_cs_bg_color", "std" => '#cd2122', "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
// FG Color
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Select text color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select text color.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "wpk_cs_fg_color", "std" => '#fff', "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Hide button on mobiles?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to hide this button on mobile screens (-767px and below)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_hide_xs", "std" => "", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('ribbon', 'lined')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Buttons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can add up to <strong>3 Buttons</strong>.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_custom", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "max_items" => 3, "element_title" => "cta_text", "add_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'head_show_cta_style', 'value' => array('custom')), "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Text inside the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Attach a link to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_style", "std" => "btn-fullcolor", "type" => "select", "options" => zn_get_button_styles()), array("name" => __("Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_size", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-md' => __("Medium", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-sm' => __("Small", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-xs' => __("Extra small", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Button Corners", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the button corners type for this button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_corners", "std" => "btn--rounded", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn--rounded' => __("Smooth rounded corner", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--round' => __("Round corners", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--square' => __("Square corners", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Add icon?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an icon to the button?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_icon_enable", "std" => "0", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Icon position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the position of the icon", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_icon_pos", "std" => "before", "type" => "select", "options" => array('before' => __("Before text", 'zn_framework'), 'after' => __("After text", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'cta_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Select icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an icon to add to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_icon", "std" => "0", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'cta_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Hide button on mobiles?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Do you want to hide this button on mobile screens (-767px and below)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cta_hide_xs", "std" => "0", "value" => "hidden-xs", "type" => "toggle2")), "class" => "");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cto_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#TuXcJu9jl7c', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'cta_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
Exemple #2
  * This method is used to retrieve the configurable options of the element.
  * @return array The list of options that compose the element and then passed as the argument for the render() function
 function options()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $options = array('has_tabs' => true, 'general' => array('title' => 'General options', 'options' => array(array("name" => __("Element Alignment", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the alignment of the button/s.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "el_alignment", "std" => "left", "options" => array('left' => __('Left (default)', 'zn_framework'), 'right' => __('Right', 'zn_framework'), 'center' => __('Center', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid, 'val_prepend' => 'text-')), array("name" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add Button.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "single_btn", "element_title" => "button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "add_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Button", 'zn_framework'), "group_sortable" => true, "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Text", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Text inside the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_text", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Attach a link to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => zn_get_link_targets()), array("name" => __("Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a style for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_style", "std" => "btn-fullcolor", "type" => "select", "options" => zn_get_button_styles(), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_size", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-lg' => __("Large", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-md' => __("Medium", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-sm' => __("Small", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-xs' => __("Extra small", 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Button Corners", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the button corners type for this button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_corners", "std" => "btn--rounded", "type" => "select", "options" => array('btn--rounded' => __("Smooth rounded corner", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--round' => __("Round corners", 'zn_framework'), 'btn--square' => __("Square corners", 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Width", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a size for the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_width", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __("Default", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-block btn-fullwidth' => __("Full width (100%)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-halfwidth' => __("Half width (50%)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-third' => __("One-Third width (33%)", 'zn_framework'), 'btn-forth' => __("One-forth width (25%)", 'zn_framework')), 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Make button as block?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Transform the button and make it a block?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_block", "std" => "", "value" => "btn-block", "type" => "toggle2", 'live' => array('type' => 'class', 'css_class' => '.' . $uid . ' .btn-element')), array("name" => __("Margins", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add css margins to the buttons for distancing. The css syntax is [top right bottom left].", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_margin", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "ex: 10px 10px 10px 10px"), array("name" => __("Add icon?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add an icon to the button?", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_icon_enable", "std" => "0", "value" => "1", "type" => "toggle2"), array("name" => __("Icon position", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the position of the icon", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_icon_pos", "std" => "before", "type" => "select", "options" => array('before' => __("Before text", 'zn_framework'), 'after' => __("After text", 'zn_framework')), "dependency" => array('element' => 'button_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))), array("name" => __("Select icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select an icon to add to the button", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "button_icon", "std" => "0", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full', "dependency" => array('element' => 'button_icon_enable', 'value' => array('1'))))))), 'other' => array('title' => 'Other Options', 'options' => array(array('id' => 'css_class', 'name' => 'CSS class', 'description' => 'Enter a css class that will be applied to this element. You can than edit the custom css, either in the Page builder\'s CUSTOM CSS (which is loaded only into that particular page), or in Kallyas options > Advanced > Custom CSS which will load the css into the entire website.', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'help' => znpb_get_helptab(array('video' => 'http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#ZZa-J_ls8WY', 'docs' => 'http://support.hogash.com/documentation/buttons/', 'copy' => $uid, 'general' => true)));
     return $options;