function get_status() { $status = array('triggers_count' => 0, 'triggers_count_enabled' => 0, 'triggers_count_disabled' => 0, 'triggers_count_off' => 0, 'triggers_count_on' => 0, 'triggers_count_unknown' => 0, 'items_count' => 0, 'items_count_monitored' => 0, 'items_count_disabled' => 0, 'items_count_not_supported' => 0, 'hosts_count' => 0, 'hosts_count_monitored' => 0, 'hosts_count_not_monitored' => 0, 'hosts_count_template' => 0, 'users_online' => 0, 'qps_total' => 0); // server $status['zabbix_server'] = zabbixIsRunning() ? _('Yes') : _('No'); // triggers $dbTriggers = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t.triggerid) AS cnt,t.status,t.value' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' INNER JOIN functions f ON t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' INNER JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h ON i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' WHERE i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' GROUP BY t.status,t.value'); while ($dbTrigger = DBfetch($dbTriggers)) { switch ($dbTrigger['status']) { case TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED: switch ($dbTrigger['value']) { case TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE: $status['triggers_count_off'] = $dbTrigger['cnt']; break; case TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE: $status['triggers_count_on'] = $dbTrigger['cnt']; break; case TRIGGER_VALUE_UNKNOWN: $status['triggers_count_unknown'] = $dbTrigger['cnt']; break; } break; case TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED: $status['triggers_count_disabled'] += $dbTrigger['cnt']; break; } } $status['triggers_count_enabled'] = $status['triggers_count_off'] + $status['triggers_count_on'] + $status['triggers_count_unknown']; $status['triggers_count'] = $status['triggers_count_enabled'] + $status['triggers_count_disabled']; // items $dbItems = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt,i.status' . ' FROM items i' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h ON i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' WHERE h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.status', array(ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE, ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED, ITEM_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED)) . ' GROUP BY i.status'); while ($dbItem = DBfetch($dbItems)) { switch ($dbItem['status']) { case ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE: $status['items_count_monitored'] = $dbItem['cnt']; break; case ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED: $status['items_count_disabled'] = $dbItem['cnt']; break; case ITEM_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED: $status['items_count_not_supported'] = $dbItem['cnt']; break; } } $status['items_count'] = $status['items_count_monitored'] + $status['items_count_disabled'] + $status['items_count_not_supported']; // hosts $dbHosts = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt,h.status' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' WHERE h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE . ' )' . ' GROUP BY h.status'); while ($dbHost = DBfetch($dbHosts)) { switch ($dbHost['status']) { case HOST_STATUS_MONITORED: $status['hosts_count_monitored'] = $dbHost['cnt']; break; case HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED: $status['hosts_count_not_monitored'] = $dbHost['cnt']; break; case HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE: $status['hosts_count_template'] = $dbHost['cnt']; break; } } $status['hosts_count'] = $status['hosts_count_monitored'] + $status['hosts_count_not_monitored'] + $status['hosts_count_template']; // users $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(*) AS usr_cnt FROM users u WHERE ' . DBin_node('u.userid'))); $status['users_count'] = $row['usr_cnt']; $status['users_online'] = 0; $db_sessions = DBselect('SELECT s.userid,s.status,MAX(s.lastaccess) AS lastaccess' . ' FROM sessions s' . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('s.userid') . ' AND s.status=' . ZBX_SESSION_ACTIVE . ' GROUP BY s.userid,s.status'); while ($session = DBfetch($db_sessions)) { if ($session['lastaccess'] + ZBX_USER_ONLINE_TIME >= time()) { $status['users_online']++; } } // comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! $row = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT SUM(CAST(1.0/i.delay AS DECIMAL(20,10))) AS qps' . ' FROM items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND i.delay<>0' . ' AND i.flags<>' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CHILD)); $status['qps_total'] = round($row['qps'], 2); return $status; }
} array_multisort($sortClock, SORT_ASC, $sortEvent, SORT_ASC, $result); break; case 'message.closeAll': $msgsettings = getMessageSettings(); switch (strtolower($data['params']['caption'])) { case 'events': $msgsettings['last.clock'] = (int) $data['params']['time'] + 1; updateMessageSettings($msgsettings); break; } break; case 'zabbix.status': $session = Z::getInstance()->getSession(); if (!isset($session['serverCheckResult']) || $session['serverCheckTime'] + SERVER_CHECK_INTERVAL <= time()) { $session['serverCheckResult'] = zabbixIsRunning(); $session['serverCheckTime'] = time(); } $result = array('result' => (bool) $session['serverCheckResult'], 'message' => $session['serverCheckResult'] ? '' : _('Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current.')); break; case 'screen.get': $options = array('pageFile' => !empty($data['pageFile']) ? $data['pageFile'] : null, 'mode' => !empty($data['mode']) ? $data['mode'] : null, 'timestamp' => !empty($data['timestamp']) ? $data['timestamp'] : time(), 'resourcetype' => !empty($data['resourcetype']) ? $data['resourcetype'] : null, 'screenitemid' => !empty($data['screenitemid']) ? $data['screenitemid'] : null, 'groupid' => !empty($data['groupid']) ? $data['groupid'] : null, 'hostid' => !empty($data['hostid']) ? $data['hostid'] : null, 'period' => !empty($data['period']) ? $data['period'] : null, 'stime' => !empty($data['stime']) ? $data['stime'] : null, 'profileIdx' => !empty($data['profileIdx']) ? $data['profileIdx'] : null, 'profileIdx2' => !empty($data['profileIdx2']) ? $data['profileIdx2'] : null, 'updateProfile' => isset($data['updateProfile']) ? $data['updateProfile'] : null); if ($options['resourcetype'] == SCREEN_RESOURCE_HISTORY) { $options['itemid'] = !empty($data['itemid']) ? $data['itemid'] : null; $options['action'] = !empty($data['action']) ? $data['action'] : null; $options['filter'] = !empty($data['filter']) ? $data['filter'] : null; $options['filter_task'] = !empty($data['filter_task']) ? $data['filter_task'] : null; $options['mark_color'] = !empty($data['mark_color']) ? $data['mark_color'] : null; } elseif ($options['resourcetype'] == SCREEN_RESOURCE_CHART) { $options['graphid'] = !empty($data['graphid']) ? $data['graphid'] : null; $options['profileIdx2'] = $options['graphid'];