function b_xoonips_login_show()
    global $xoopsUser;
    // hide block during site login
    if (is_object($xoopsUser)) {
        return false;
    // get xoops configurations
    $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
    $usercookie = $myxoopsConfig['usercookie'];
    $use_ssl = $myxoopsConfig['use_ssl'];
    $sslloginlink = $myxoopsConfig['sslloginlink'];
    // set variables
    $block = array();
    $block['lang_username'] = _MB_XOONIPS_LOGIN_USERNAME;
    if ($usercookie != '' && isset($_COOKIE[$usercookie])) {
        $block['unamevalue'] = $_COOKIE[$usercookie];
    } else {
        $block['unamevalue'] = '';
    $block['lang_password'] = _MB_XOONIPS_LOGIN_PASSWORD;
    $block['lang_login'] = _MB_XOONIPS_LOGIN_LOGIN;
    $block['lang_lostpass'] = _MB_XOONIPS_LOGIN_LOSTPASS;
    $block['lang_registernow'] = _MB_XOONIPS_LOGIN_USERREG;
    if ($use_ssl == 1 && $sslloginlink != '') {
        $block['use_ssl'] = $use_ssl;
        $block['sslloginlink'] = $sslloginlink;
    // $block['lang_rememberme'] = _MB_XOONIPS_LOGIN_REMEMBERME;
    return $block;
  * constractor
  * @access private
 function XooNIpsUtilityLanguagemanager()
     $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
     $this->language = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', $myxoopsConfig['language']);
     if (defined('XOOPS_TRUST_PATH') && XOOPS_TRUST_PATH != '') {
         $langmanpath = XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3LanguageManager.class.php';
         if (file_exists($langmanpath)) {
             require_once $langmanpath;
             $this->d3langman_instance =& D3LanguageManager::getInstance();
 function XoopsGTicket()
     $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
     // language file
     if (defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') && !empty($myxoopsConfig['language']) && !strstr($myxoopsConfig['language'], '/')) {
         if (file_exists(dirname(__DIR__) . '/language/' . $myxoopsConfig['language'] . '/gticket_messages.phtml')) {
             include dirname(__DIR__) . '/language/' . $myxoopsConfig['language'] . '/gticket_messages.phtml';
     // default messages
     if (empty($this->messages)) {
         $this->messages = array('err_general' => 'GTicket Error', 'err_nostubs' => 'No stubs found', 'err_noticket' => 'No ticket found', 'err_nopair' => 'No valid ticket-stub pair found', 'err_timeout' => 'Time out', 'err_areaorref' => 'Invalid area or referer', 'fmt_prompt4repost' => 'error(s) found:<br /><span style="background-color:red;font-weight:bold;color:white;">%s</span><br />Confirm it.<br />And do you want to post again?', 'btn_repost' => 'repost');
        $posi_title = $posi_obj->getVar('posi_title', 'e');
        $ret[$posi_id] = $posi_title;
    return $ret;
// initialize variable
$op = $formdata->getValue('both', 'op', 's', false, 'editprofile');
$xmember_handler =& xoonips_gethandler('xoonips', 'member');
$is_admin = $xmember_handler->isAdmin($myuid);
$is_moderator = $xmember_handler->isModerator($myuid);
if (!$is_admin && !$is_moderator && $myuid != $uid) {
    redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, _US_NOEDITRIGHT);
$myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
$myxoopsConfigUser =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_USER);
$xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
$xconfig_keys = array('realname' => _US_REALNAME, 'address' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, 'company_name' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_COMPANY_NAME, 'division' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_DIVISION, 'tel' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_TEL, 'country' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_COUNTRY, 'zipcode' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_ZIPCODE, 'fax' => _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_FAX);
$xconfig_vars = array();
foreach ($xconfig_keys as $key => $label) {
    $xconfig_vars[$key] = $xconfig_handler->getValue('account_' . $key . '_optional');
$u_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'xoops_users');
$xu_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'users');
$u_obj =& $u_handler->get($uid);
$xu_obj =& $xu_handler->get($uid);
if (!is_object($u_obj) || !is_object($xu_obj)) {
    // user not found
    redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, _US_SELECTNG);
function xnpbookGetMetadata($prefix, $item_id)
    $mydirpath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
    $mydirname = basename($mydirpath);
    if (!in_array($prefix, array('oai_dc', 'junii2'))) {
        return false;
    // detail information
    $detail_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'item_detail');
    $author_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'author');
    $detail_obj =& $detail_handler->get($item_id);
    if (empty($detail_obj)) {
        return false;
    $detail = $detail_obj->getArray();
    $criteria = new Criteria('book_id', $item_id);
    $author_objs =& $author_handler->getObjects($criteria);
    $detail['authors'] = array();
    foreach ($author_objs as $author_obj) {
        $detail['authors'][] = $author_obj->get('author');
    // basic information
    $basic = xnpGetBasicInformationArray($item_id);
    $basic['publication_date_iso8601'] = xnpISO8601($basic['publication_year'], $basic['publication_month'], $basic['publication_mday']);
    // indexes
    $indexes = array();
    if (xnp_get_index_id_by_item_id($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $xids) == RES_OK) {
        foreach ($xids as $xid) {
            if (xnp_get_index($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid, $index) == RES_OK) {
                $indexes[] = xnpGetIndexPathServerString($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid);
    // files
    $files = array();
    $mimetypes = array();
    if ($detail['attachment_dl_limit'] == 0) {
        $file_handler =& xoonips_gethandler('xoonips', 'file');
        $files = $file_handler->getFilesInfo($item_id, 'book_pdf');
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (!in_array($file['mime_type'], $mimetypes)) {
                $mimetypes[] = $file['mime_type'];
    // related to
    $related_to_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'related_to');
    $related_to_ids = $related_to_handler->getChildItemIds($item_id);
    $related_tos = array();
    foreach ($related_to_ids as $related_to_id) {
        $related_tos[] = array('item_id' => $related_to_id, 'item_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoonips/detail.php?item_id=' . $related_to_id);
    // repository configs
    $xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
    $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
    $repository = array('download_file_compression' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('download_file_compression'), 'nijc_code' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_nijc_code'), 'publisher' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_publisher'), 'institution' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_institution'), 'meta_author' => $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author']);
    // assign template
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->plugins_dir[] = XOONIPS_PATH . '/class/smarty/plugins';
    $tpl->assign('basic', $basic);
    $tpl->assign('detail', $detail);
    $tpl->assign('indexes', $indexes);
    $tpl->assign('files', $files);
    $tpl->assign('mimetypes', $mimetypes);
    $tpl->assign('related_tos', $related_tos);
    $tpl->assign('repository', $repository);
    $xml = $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_oaipmh_' . $prefix . '.xml');
    return $xml;
  * record view top page event (ETID_VIEW_TOP_PAGE: 22)
  * @access public
  * @return bool false if failure
 function recordViewTopPageEvent()
     // get start page script name
     global $xoopsRequestUri;
     $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
     $startpage_url = XOOPS_URL . '/index.php';
     if (isset($myxoopsConfig['startpage']) && $myxoopsConfig['startpage'] != '' && $myxoopsConfig['startpage'] != '--') {
         $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
         $startpage_module =& $module_handler->get($myxoopsConfig['startpage']);
         $startpage_dirname = $startpage_module->dirname();
         $startpage_url = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $startpage_dirname . '/index.php';
     $startpage_script = '';
     if (preg_match('/^(\\S+):\\/\\/([^\\/]+)((\\/[^\\/]+)*\\/index.php)$/', $startpage_url, $matches)) {
         $startpage_script = $matches[3];
     // get current script name
     $current_script = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : '';
     // compare start page script name with current script name
     if ($startpage_script != $current_script) {
         // current url is not top page
         return false;
     // record event
     $obj =& $this->create();
     $obj->set('event_type_id', ETID_VIEW_TOP_PAGE);
     $obj->set('exec_uid', $this->getExecUid());
     // force insertion
     return $this->insert($obj, true);
$textutil =& xoonips_getutility('text');
$formdata =& xoonips_getutility('formdata');
$op_list = array('certify', 'uncertify_confirm', 'uncertify');
$op = $formdata->getValue('post', 'op', 's', false, '');
$certify_uid = $formdata->getValue('post', 'certify_uid', 'i', false, 0);
if ($op == '') {
} else {
    if (in_array($op, $op_list)) {
        if ($certify_uid == 0) {
            die('illegal request');
    } else {
        die('illegal request');
$myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
require XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';
if ($op == 'certify') {
    // check token ticket
    if (!$xoopsGTicket->check(true, 'xoonips_certify_user')) {
    //certify user
    $user = array();
    $result = xnp_get_account($xnpsid, $certify_uid, $user);
    if ($result != RES_OK) {
        redirect_header('certifyuser.php', 3, _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_USER_INFO . "(in xnp_get_account result={$result})");
    } else {
        if (empty($user)) {
            redirect_header('certifyuser.php', 3, _MD_XOONIPS_ACCOUNT_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_USER_INFO . "(user information is empty)");
  * GC expired sessions
 function gcSession()
     $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
     $session_expire = $myxoopsConfig['session_expire'];
     $expire_time = time() + 60 * $session_expire;
     $eventlog_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'event_log');
     $join = new XooNIpsJoinCriteria('session', 'sess_id', 'sess_id', 'LEFT', 'ts');
     $criteria = new Criteria('ISNULL(ts.sess_id)', 1);
     // set fieldlist for same field name 'sess_id'
     $fieldlist = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('xoonips_session') . '.*';
     $sessions =& $this->getObjects($criteria, false, $fieldlist, false, $join);
     foreach ($sessions as $session) {
         $su_uid = $session->get('su_uid');
         $uid = $session->get('uid');
         // terminate switch user mode
         if ($su_uid) {
             if (!$eventlog_handler->recordEndSuEvent($uid, $su_uid, $expire_time)) {
                 return false;
         // insert logout event
         if (!$eventlog_handler->recordLogoutEvent($uid, $expire_time)) {
             return false;
         // remove xoonips session (force deletion)
         if (!$this->delete($session, true)) {
             return false;
     return true;
  * execute login
  * @param[in] $vars[0] id (use '' if guest login)
  * @param[in] $vars[1] pass (use '' if guest login)
  * @param[out] $response->result true:success, false:failed
  * @param[out] $response->error error information
  * @param[out] $response->success session id
  * @return false if error
 function execute(&$vars, &$response)
     $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
     // parameter check
     $error =& $response->getError();
     if (count($vars) > 2) {
     if (count($vars) < 2) {
     if (isset($vars[0]) && strlen($vars[0]) > 25) {
         $error->add(XNPERR_INVALID_PARAM, 'too long parameter 1');
     if ($error->get(0)) {
         // return if parameter error
     } else {
         $id = $vars[0];
         $pass = $vars[1];
     $member_handler =& xoonips_gethandler('xoonips', 'member');
     $user_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'users');
     $eventlog_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'event_log');
     $xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
     $transaction = XooNIpsTransaction::getInstance();
     if ($id == '') {
         $target_user = $xconfig_handler->getValue(XNP_CONFIG_PUBLIC_ITEM_TARGET_USER_KEY);
         if ($pass != '' || $target_user != XNP_CONFIG_PUBLIC_ITEM_TARGET_USER_ALL) {
             return false;
         $user = false;
         $uid = UID_GUEST;
         $groups = array();
     } else {
         $user =& $member_handler->loginUser($id, $pass);
         if (!$user) {
             // insert login failure event
             if (!$eventlog_handler->recordLoginFailureEvent($id)) {
                 $response->error->add(XNPERR_SERVER_ERROR, "cannot insert event");
             // return error
             return false;
         $xoonips_user = $user->getVar('xoonips_user');
         $uid = $xoonips_user->get('uid');
         $xoops_user_handler =& xoops_gethandler('user');
         $xoops_user = $xoops_user_handler->get($uid);
         if (0 == $xoops_user->getVar('level', 'n') || !$xoonips_user->get('activate')) {
             // not activated, not certified
             // return error
             return false;
         $groups = $xoops_user->getGroups();
     if ($myxoopsConfig['closesite'] == 1) {
         $allowed = false;
         if ($user) {
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 if (in_array($group, $myxoopsConfig['closesite_okgrp']) || XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN == $group) {
                     $allowed = true;
         if (!$allowed) {
             // site closed
             return false;
     // remove expired xoonips sessions
     $session_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'session');
     if (!$session_handler->gcSession()) {
         $response->error->add(XNPERR_SERVER_ERROR, "failed to gc session");
         return false;
     // record $uid
     $_SESSION = array();
     $_SESSION['xoopsUserId'] = $uid;
     $_SESSION['xoopsUserGroups'] = $groups;
     // set XNPSID(for old routines)
     $_SESSION['XNPSID'] = $uid == UID_GUEST ? SID_GUEST : session_id();
     if ($user) {
         // update last_login
         $xoops_user->setVar('last_login', time());
         if (!$xoops_user_handler->insert($xoops_user)) {
         // init xoonips_session
         // insert login event
     return true;
function xnpconferenceGetMetadata($prefix, $item_id)
    $mydirpath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
    $mydirname = basename($mydirpath);
    if (!in_array($prefix, array('oai_dc', 'junii2'))) {
        return false;
    // detail information
    $detail_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'item_detail');
    $author_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'author');
    $detail_obj =& $detail_handler->get($item_id);
    if (empty($detail_obj)) {
        return false;
    $detail = $detail_obj->getArray();
    $criteria = new Criteria('conference_id', $item_id);
    $author_objs =& $author_handler->getObjects($criteria);
    $detail['authors'] = array();
    foreach ($author_objs as $author_obj) {
        $detail['authors'][] = $author_obj->get('author');
    $detail['conference_from_iso8601'] = xnpISO8601($detail['conference_from_year'], $detail['conference_from_month'], $detail['conference_from_mday']);
    $detail['conference_to_iso8601'] = xnpISO8601($detail['conference_to_year'], $detail['conference_to_month'], $detail['conference_to_mday']);
    $types = xnpconferenceGetTypes();
    $detail['presentation_type_display'] = $types[$detail['presentation_type']];
    // basic information
    $basic = xnpGetBasicInformationArray($item_id);
    $basic['publication_date_iso8601'] = xnpISO8601($basic['publication_year'], $basic['publication_month'], $basic['publication_mday']);
    // indexes
    $indexes = array();
    if (xnp_get_index_id_by_item_id($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $xids) == RES_OK) {
        foreach ($xids as $xid) {
            if (xnp_get_index($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid, $index) == RES_OK) {
                $indexes[] = xnpGetIndexPathServerString($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid);
    // files
    $files = array();
    $mimetypes = array();
    $file_handler =& xoonips_gethandler('xoonips', 'file');
    if ($detail['attachment_dl_limit'] == 0) {
        $files = $file_handler->getFilesInfo($item_id, 'conference_file');
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (!in_array($file['mime_type'], $mimetypes)) {
                $mimetypes[] = $file['mime_type'];
    // related to
    $related_to_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'related_to');
    $related_to_ids = $related_to_handler->getChildItemIds($item_id);
    $related_tos = array();
    foreach ($related_to_ids as $related_to_id) {
        $related_tos[] = array('item_id' => $related_to_id, 'item_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoonips/detail.php?item_id=' . $related_to_id);
    // repository configs
    $xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
    $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
    $repository = array('download_file_compression' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('download_file_compression'), 'nijc_code' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_nijc_code'), 'publisher' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_publisher'), 'institution' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_institution'), 'meta_author' => $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author']);
    // conference date
    if ($detail['conference_from_year'] == $detail['conference_to_year']) {
        if ($detail['conference_from_month'] == $detail['conference_to_month']) {
            if ($detail['conference_from_mday'] == $detail['conference_to_mday']) {
                if ($basic['lang'] == 'jpn') {
                    $fmt = "%1\$d年%2\$d月%3\$d日";
                } else {
                    $fmt = '%7$s %3$d, %1$d';
            } else {
                if ($basic['lang'] == 'jpn') {
                    $fmt = "%1\$d年%2\$d月%3\$d〜%6\$d日";
                } else {
                    $fmt = '%7$s %3$d-%6$d, %1$d';
        } else {
            if ($basic['lang'] == 'jpn') {
                $fmt = "%1\$d年%2\$d月%3\$d日〜%5\$d月%6\$d日";
            } else {
                $fmt = '%7$s %3$d-%8$s %6$d, %1$d';
    } else {
        if ($basic['lang'] == 'jpn') {
            $fmt = "%1\$d年%2\$d月%3\$d日〜%4\$d年%5\$d月%6\$d日";
        } else {
            $fmt = '%7$s %3$d %1$d-%8$s %6$d %4$d';
    $month_str = array(1 => 'Jan', 2 => 'Feb', 3 => 'Mar', 4 => 'Apr', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'Jun', 7 => 'Jul', 8 => 'Aug', 9 => 'Sep', 10 => 'Oct', 11 => 'Nov', 12 => 'Dec');
    $detail['conference_date'] = sprintf($fmt, $detail['conference_from_year'], $detail['conference_from_month'], $detail['conference_from_mday'], $detail['conference_to_year'], $detail['conference_to_month'], $detail['conference_to_mday'], $month_str[$detail['conference_from_month']], $month_str[$detail['conference_to_month']]);
    if (_CHARSET != 'UTF-8' && ($basic['lang'] = 'jpn')) {
        $detail['conference_date'] = mb_convert_encoding($detail['conference_date'], _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
    // assign template
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->plugins_dir[] = XOONIPS_PATH . '/class/smarty/plugins';
    $tpl->assign('basic', $basic);
    $tpl->assign('detail', $detail);
    $tpl->assign('indexes', $indexes);
    $tpl->assign('files', $files);
    $tpl->assign('mimetypes', $mimetypes);
    $tpl->assign('related_tos', $related_tos);
    $tpl->assign('repository', $repository);
    $xml = $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_oaipmh_' . $prefix . '.xml');
    return $xml;
        // User is guest group, and guest isn't admitted to access the page.
        redirect_header('user.php', 3, _MD_XOONIPS_ITEM_FORBIDDEN);
    $uid = UID_GUEST;
} else {
    if ($xoopsUser && !$xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->getVar('mid')) && !xnp_is_activated($xnpsid, $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'))) {
        // disable to access by not certified user without xoonips admin
        redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, _MD_XOONIPS_MODERATOR_NOT_ACTIVATED);
    } else {
        $uid = $_SESSION['xoopsUserId'];
$myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
$myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
$item_id = $formdata->getValue('both', 'item_id', 'i', false, 0);
$op = $formdata->getValue('both', 'op', 's', false, '');
$doi = '';
if ($doi_column_name != '') {
    $doi = $formdata->getValue('both', $doi_column_name, 's', false, '');
// update $item_id by the ID specified by given doi if exists $$doi_column_name param.
if ($doi != '') {
    $new_item_ids = array();
    $result = xnpGetItemIdByDoi($doi, $new_item_ids);
    // error check. $new_item_ids must be one.
    if (count($new_item_ids) == 0) {
        redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, _MD_XOONIPS_ITEM_DOI_NOT_FOUND);
function xnppaperGetMetadata($prefix, $item_id)
    $mydirpath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
    $mydirname = basename($mydirpath);
    if (!in_array($prefix, array('oai_dc', 'junii2'))) {
        return false;
    // module config
    $mhandler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
    $chandler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
    $module = $mhandler->getByDirname($mydirname);
    $mconfig = $chandler->getConfigsByCat(false, $module->get('mid'));
    // detail information
    $detail_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'item_detail');
    $author_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'author');
    $detail_obj =& $detail_handler->get($item_id);
    if (empty($detail_obj)) {
        return false;
    $detail = $detail_obj->getArray();
    $criteria = new Criteria('paper_id', $item_id);
    $author_objs =& $author_handler->getObjects($criteria);
    $detail['authors'] = array();
    foreach ($author_objs as $author_obj) {
        $detail['authors'][] = $author_obj->get('author');
    $detail['start_page'] = '';
    $detail['end_page'] = '';
    if (!empty($detail['page'])) {
        if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)\\s*[- ,_]+\\s*(\\d+)$/', $detail['page'], $matches)) {
            $detail['start_page'] = intval($matches[1]);
            $slen = strlen($matches[1]);
            $elen = strlen($matches[2]);
            if ($slen <= $elen) {
                $detail['end_page'] = intval($matches[2]);
            } else {
                $detail['end_page'] = intval(substr($matches[1], 0, $slen - $elen) . $matches[2]);
        } else {
            $detail['start_page'] = $detail['end_page'] = intval($detail['page']);
    if ($mconfig['abstract_access_rights'] != 1) {
        // abstract has no rights to the public
        $detail['abstract'] = '';
    // basic information
    $basic = xnpGetBasicInformationArray($item_id);
    $basic['publication_date_iso8601'] = xnpISO8601($basic['publication_year'], $basic['publication_month'], $basic['publication_mday']);
    // indexes
    $indexes = array();
    if (xnp_get_index_id_by_item_id($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $xids) == RES_OK) {
        foreach ($xids as $xid) {
            if (xnp_get_index($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid, $index) == RES_OK) {
                $indexes[] = xnpGetIndexPathServerString($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid);
    // files
    $files = array();
    $mimetypes = array();
    $file_handler =& xoonips_gethandler('xoonips', 'file');
    if ($mconfig['pdf_access_rights'] == 1) {
        $files = $file_handler->getFilesInfo($item_id, 'paper_pdf_reprint');
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (!in_array($file['mime_type'], $mimetypes)) {
                $mimetypes[] = $file['mime_type'];
    // related to
    $related_to_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'related_to');
    $related_to_ids = $related_to_handler->getChildItemIds($item_id);
    $related_tos = array();
    foreach ($related_to_ids as $related_to_id) {
        $related_tos[] = array('item_id' => $related_to_id, 'item_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoonips/detail.php?item_id=' . $related_to_id);
    // repository configs
    $xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
    $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
    $repository = array('download_file_compression' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('download_file_compression'), 'nijc_code' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_nijc_code'), 'publisher' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_publisher'), 'institution' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_institution'), 'meta_author' => $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author']);
    // assign template
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->plugins_dir[] = XOONIPS_PATH . '/class/smarty/plugins';
    $tpl->assign('basic', $basic);
    $tpl->assign('detail', $detail);
    $tpl->assign('indexes', $indexes);
    $tpl->assign('files', $files);
    $tpl->assign('mimetypes', $mimetypes);
    $tpl->assign('related_tos', $related_tos);
    $tpl->assign('repository', $repository);
    $xml = $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_oaipmh_' . $prefix . '.xml');
    return $xml;
  * constructor
  * @access public
 function XooNIpsUtilityFeed()
     $myxoopsConfig =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF);
     $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
     $this->textutil =& xoonips_getutility('text');
     $this->site_title = $this->textutil->xml_special_chars($myxoopsConfig['sitename']);
     $this->site_url = XOOPS_URL . '/';
     $this->site_language = _LANGCODE;
     $this->site_author = $this->textutil->xml_special_chars($myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author']);
     $this->site_description = $this->textutil->xml_special_chars($myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_description']);
     $this->site_copyright = $this->textutil->xml_special_chars($myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_copyright']);
     $this->items = array();
function xnpbinderGetMetadata($prefix, $item_id)
    $mydirpath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
    $mydirname = basename($mydirpath);
    if (!in_array($prefix, array('oai_dc', 'junii2'))) {
        return false;
    // detail information
    $detail_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler($mydirname, 'item_detail');
    $detail_obj =& $detail_handler->get($item_id);
    if (empty($detail_obj)) {
        return false;
    $detail = $detail_obj->getArray();
    $detail['links'] = xnpbidner_get_child_item_urls($item_id);
    // basic information
    $basic = xnpGetBasicInformationArray($item_id);
    $basic['publication_date_iso8601'] = xnpISO8601($basic['publication_year'], $basic['publication_month'], $basic['publication_mday']);
    // indexes
    $indexes = array();
    if (xnp_get_index_id_by_item_id($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $xids) == RES_OK) {
        foreach ($xids as $xid) {
            if (xnp_get_index($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid, $index) == RES_OK) {
                $indexes[] = xnpGetIndexPathServerString($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid);
    // repository configs
    $xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
    $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
    $repository = array('download_file_compression' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('download_file_compression'), 'nijc_code' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_nijc_code'), 'publisher' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_publisher'), 'institution' => $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_institution'), 'meta_author' => $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author']);
    // assign template
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->plugins_dir[] = XOONIPS_PATH . '/class/smarty/plugins';
    $tpl->assign('basic', $basic);
    $tpl->assign('detail', $detail);
    $tpl->assign('indexes', $indexes);
    $tpl->assign('repository', $repository);
    $xml = $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_oaipmh_' . $prefix . '.xml');
    return $xml;
function xnpGetBasicInformationMetadata($metadataPrefix, $item_id)
    $textutil =& xoonips_getutility('text');
    $xconfig_handler =& xoonips_getormhandler('xoonips', 'config');
    $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter =& xoonips_get_xoops_configs(XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER);
    $basic = array();
    xnp_get_item($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $basic);
    $tmparray = array();
    if (xnp_get_item_types($tmparray) == RES_OK) {
        foreach ($tmparray as $i) {
            if ($i['item_type_id'] == $basic['item_type_id']) {
                $itemtype = $i;
    $nijc_code = $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_nijc_code');
    if ($basic['doi'] == "") {
        $identifier = $nijc_code . '/' . $basic['item_type_id'] . '.' . $basic['item_id'];
    } else {
        $identifier = $nijc_code . ':' . XNP_CONFIG_DOI_FIELD_PARAM_NAME . '/' . $basic['doi'];
    if ($metadataPrefix == 'junii' || $metadataPrefix == 'junii2') {
        $lines = array();
        $publisher = $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_publisher');
        $institution = $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_institution');
        $meta_author = $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author'];
        if (strcasecmp($publisher, 'meta_author') == 0) {
            $publisher = $meta_author;
        } else {
            if (strcasecmp($publisher, 'creator') == 0) {
                $publisher = _MD_XOONIPS_ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LABEL;
            } else {
                if (strcasecmp($publisher, 'none') == 0) {
                    $publisher = null;
        if (strcasecmp($institution, 'meta_author') == 0) {
            $institution = $meta_author;
        } else {
            if (strcasecmp($institution, 'creator') == 0) {
                $institution = _MD_XOONIPS_ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LABEL;
            } else {
                if (strcasecmp($institution, 'none') == 0) {
                    $institution = null;
        $lines[] = "<title>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars(reset($basic['titles'])) . "</title>";
        while (next($basic['titles'])) {
            $lines[] = "<title>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars(current($basic['titles'])) . "</title>";
        $lines[] = "<identifier>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($identifier) . "</identifier>";
        $lines[] = "<identifier xsi:type=\"URL\">" . $textutil->xml_special_chars(xnpGetItemDetailURL($basic['item_id'], $basic['doi'])) . "</identifier>";
        $lines[] = "<type>itemType:" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($itemtype['name']) . "</type>";
        $lines[] = "<language xsi:type=\"ISO639-2\">" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($basic['lang']) . "</language>";
        if ($institution != null) {
            $lines[] = "<institution>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($institution) . "</institution>";
        if ($publisher != null) {
            $lines[] = "<publisher>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($publisher) . "</publisher>";
        $subject = array();
        $index_ids = array();
        $res = xnp_get_index_id_by_item_id($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $index_ids);
        if ($res == RES_OK) {
            foreach ($index_ids as $xid) {
                if ($xid > 0) {
                    $index = array();
                    $result = xnp_get_index($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid, $index);
                    if ($result == 0) {
                        $str = xnpGetIndexPathServerString($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid);
                        $subject[] = "{$str}";
        if (!empty($basic['keywords'])) {
            $subject = array_merge($subject, $basic['keywords']);
        $lines[] = "<subject>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars(implode(', ', $subject)) . "</subject>";
        $lines[] = "<description>comment:" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($basic['description']) . "</description>";
        return implode("\n", $lines);
    } else {
        if ($metadataPrefix == 'oai_dc') {
            /* title, identifier, type, language, subject, description */
            $lines = array();
            $publisher = $xconfig_handler->getValue('repository_publisher');
            $meta_author = $myxoopsConfigMetaFooter['meta_author'];
            if (strcasecmp($publisher, 'meta_author') == 0) {
                $publisher = $meta_author;
            } else {
                if (strcasecmp($publisher, 'creator') == 0) {
                    $publisher = _MD_XOONIPS_ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LABEL;
                } else {
                    if (strcasecmp($publisher, 'none') == 0) {
                        $publisher = null;
            $lines[] = "<dc:title>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($basic['title']) . "</dc:title>";
            $lines[] = "<dc:identifier>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($identifier) . "</dc:identifier>";
            $lines[] = "<dc:identifier>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars(xnpGetItemDetailURL($basic['item_id'], $basic['doi'])) . "</dc:identifier>";
            $lines[] = "<dc:type>itemType:" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($itemtype['name']) . "</dc:type>";
            $lines[] = "<dc:language>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($basic['lang']) . "</dc:language>";
            if ($publisher != null) {
                $lines[] = "<dc:publisher>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($publisher) . "</dc:publisher>";
            $subject = array();
            $index_ids = array();
            $res = xnp_get_index_id_by_item_id($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $item_id, $index_ids);
            if ($res == RES_OK) {
                foreach ($index_ids as $xid) {
                    if ($xid > 0) {
                        $index = array();
                        $result = xnp_get_index($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid, $index);
                        if ($result == 0) {
                            $str = xnpGetIndexPathServerString($_SESSION['XNPSID'], $xid);
                            $subject[] = "{$str}";
            if (!empty($basic['keywords'])) {
                $subject = array_merge($subject, $basic['keywords']);
            foreach ($subject as $str) {
                $lines[] = "<dc:subject>" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($str) . "</dc:subject>";
            $lines[] = "<dc:description>comment:" . $textutil->xml_special_chars($basic['description']) . "</dc:description>";
            return implode("\n", $lines) . "\n";
    return false;