public function confirmShipping() { $uname = $this->input->get('user'); $passwd = $this->input->get('pass'); $order_ref = $this->input->get('order_reference'); $orderstatus = $this->input->get('status'); $orderstatus = 4; $authDetails = $this->invoice->_verifyCredentials($uname, $passwd, PAY_TYPE_BOOKSTORE); if (!empty($authDetails)) { if ($orderstatus > 0 && $orderstatus != "") { if ($this->search->checkOrder_Reference($order_ref)) { $cur_status = $this->search->getSingleVal('ps_orders', 'current_state', array('reference' => $order_ref)); if (!$cur_status) { $response = array('response' => 'shipped', 'message' => 'Order status has been changed'); } else { $response = array('response' => 'already_shipped', 'message' => 'Order already has been shipped'); } } else { $response = array('response' => 'reference_error', 'message' => 'Order Reference number does not exist'); } } else { $response = array('response' => 'shipping_status_error', 'message' => 'Please provide the shipping status'); // write message to the log file $this->errorlog->lwrite('You can not left the shipping status blank'); } } else { $response = array('response' => 'user_not_found', 'message' => 'Username/password may be wrong.'); // write message to the log file $this->errorlog->lwrite('An error occurred while trying to authenticate your account with username='******' and password='******''); } xml_viewpage($response); }
public function reverse() { //get the parameters from url $caseId = $this->input->get('IdCaja'); $origin_Guid = $this->input->get('GuidOrigen'); $cancelGuid = $this->input->get('GuidDetalleAnular'); $type = $this->input->get('Tipo'); $reason = $this->input->get('Motivo'); $order_detail = $this->search->getPaymentDetail($cancelGuid); if ($order_detail) { $invoice_num = $order_detail[0]['invoice_number']; $id = $order_detail[0]['id']; $update_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $this->search->updateOrderDetail($invoice_num, $update_date); //update lms cancel status $this->search->updateLmsCancelStatus($cancelGuid, $type, $reason, $invoice_num, $id, $caseId, $origin_Guid); $invoiceDetails = array('CodRespuesta' => '100', 'DescRespuesta' => 'Cancellation successfully done.', 'GuidOrigen' => $origin_Guid, 'DetalleAnulacion' => 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'); } else { $invoiceDetails = array('CodRespuesta' => '101', 'DescRespuesta' => 'Transaction cancellation process has been failed'); // write message to the log file $this->errorlog->lwrite('Transaction cancellation process has been failed'); } //converts array into xml xml_viewpage($invoiceDetails); }