Exemple #1
        $thepath = get_resource_path($resource, true, getval("previewsize", ""), false, 'jpg', -1, 1, false, "", $results[$n]["ref"]);
        if (file_exists($thepath) && count($results[$n]) != 1) {
            $results[$n]['preview'] = $thepath;
if (!is_array($results) || isset($results[0]) && count($results[0]) == 1) {
    $results = array();
if (getval("content", "") == "json") {
    header('Content-type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($results);
} else {
    if (getval("content", "") == "xml") {
        header('Content-type: application/xml');
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><results>';
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            echo '<resource>';
            foreach ($result as $resultitem => $value) {
                echo '<' . $resultitem . '>';
                echo xml_entities($value);
                echo '</' . $resultitem . '>';
            echo '</resource>';
        echo '</results>';
    } else {
        echo json_encode($results);
// echo json without headers by default
* Send back the data for a batch test (just the list of test ID's)
* @param mixed $id
* @param mixed $testPath
function BatchResult($id, $testPath)
    header('Content-type: text/xml');
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
    echo "<response>";
    if (strlen($_REQUEST['r'])) {
        echo "<requestId>{$_REQUEST['r']}</requestId>";
    $tests = null;
    if (gz_is_file("{$testPath}/bulk.json")) {
        $tests = json_decode(gz_file_get_contents("{$testPath}/bulk.json"), true);
    } elseif (gz_is_file("{$testPath}/tests.json")) {
        $legacyData = json_decode(gz_file_get_contents("{$testPath}/tests.json"), true);
        $tests = array();
        $tests['variations'] = array();
        $tests['urls'] = array();
        foreach ($legacyData as &$legacyTest) {
            $tests['urls'][] = array('u' => $legacyTest['url'], 'id' => $legacyTest['id']);
    if (count($tests['urls'])) {
        echo "<statusCode>200</statusCode>";
        echo "<statusText>Ok</statusText>";
        if (strlen($_REQUEST['r'])) {
            echo "<requestId>{$_REQUEST['r']}</requestId>";
        $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
        echo "<data>";
        foreach ($tests['urls'] as &$test) {
            echo "<test>";
            echo "<testId>{$test['id']}</testId>";
            echo "<testUrl>" . xml_entities($test['u']) . "</testUrl>";
            echo "<xmlUrl>http://{$host}{$uri}/xmlResult/{$test['id']}/</xmlUrl>";
            echo "<userUrl>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$test['id']}/</userUrl>";
            echo "<summaryCSV>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$test['id']}/page_data.csv</summaryCSV>";
            echo "<detailCSV>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$test['id']}/requests.csv</detailCSV>";
            echo "</test>";
            // go through all of the variations as well
            foreach ($test['v'] as $variationIndex => $variationId) {
                echo "<test>";
                echo "<testId>{$variationId}</testId>";
                echo "<testUrl>" . xml_entities(CreateUrlVariation($test['u'], $tests['variations'][$variationIndex]['q'])) . "</testUrl>";
                echo "<xmlUrl>http://{$host}{$uri}/xmlResult/{$variationId}/</xmlUrl>";
                echo "<userUrl>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$variationId}/</userUrl>";
                echo "<summaryCSV>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$variationId}/page_data.csv</summaryCSV>";
                echo "<detailCSV>http://{$host}{$uri}/result/{$variationId}/requests.csv</detailCSV>";
                echo "</test>";
        echo "</data>";
    } else {
        echo "<statusCode>404</statusCode>";
        echo "<statusText>Invalid Test ID: {$id}</statusText>";
        echo "<data>";
        echo "</data>";
    echo "</response>";
Exemple #3
//submit a link for processing
if ($_POST['submit'] and $_POST['link']) {
    //extract info from link
    $content = file_get_contents($_POST['link']);
    $title = explode('<title>', $content);
    $title = explode('</title>', $title[1]);
    $title = $title[0];
    $description = "";
    $link = $_POST['link'];
    //add to feed
    $xml = '
			<title>' . xml_entities($title) . '</title>
			<description>' . xml_entities($description) . '</description>
			<link>' . xml_entities($link) . '</link>
    if ($title and $link) {
        $query = $db->connection->prepare("\n    \t\tINSERT INTO items (user, time, title, description, link)\n            VALUES(:user, :time, :title, :description, :link);\n        ")->execute(array(':user' => $_SESSION['user_id'], ':time' => time(), ':title' => $title, ':description' => $description, ':link' => $link));
        echo "<p>Added <b>{$title}</b></p>";
    } else {
        echo '
    	<p class="error">
    		Could not retrieve link. <br><br>
    		' . print_r($content, true) . '
$code = $_SESSION['rss_key'];
function array2xml_push(&$string, &$r, $compact, $ind = -1)
    $old_ind = ++$ind - 1;
    if ($old_ind < 0) {
        $old_ind = 0;
    foreach ($r as $i => $d) {
        $d =& $r[$i];
        if (is_scalar($d)) {
            $string .= xml_entities($d);
        } elseif (is_array($d)) {
            if ($compact) {
                $i = strtok($i, ",");
            $ls = str_repeat(" ", $ind);
            $string .= "\n{$ls}<{$i}>";
            $string .= array2xml_push($string, $d, $compact, $ind);
            $ls = str_repeat(" ", $old_ind);
            $string .= "</{$i}>\n{$ls}";
                            } else {
                                if (file_exists($plugin)) {
                                    include $plugin;
                                } else {
                                    if ($df[$x]["type"] == 4 || $df[$x]["type"] == 6 || $df[$x]["type"] == 10) {
                                        $value = NiceDate($value, true, false);
                            if ($rss_show_field_titles) {
                                $add_desc .= $df[$x]['title'] . ": ";
                    $add_desc .= xml_entities(strip_tags($value)) . "<![CDATA[<br/>]]>";
        $description = "<![CDATA[<img src='{$imgurl}' align='left' height='75'  border='0' />]]>" . $add_desc;
        $val["pubDate"] = $pubdate;
        //$val["Category"] = $category;
        $val["guid"] = $ref;
        //	function AddArticle($title, $link, $description, $author, $optional = '')
        //	$r->AddArticle($category." - ".substr($title,0,20)."...", $url, $title, "", $val);
        $r->AddArticle($title, $url, $description, $val);
    //Header("content-type: text/xml");
} else {
Exemple #6
function ArrayToXML($array)
    $ret = '';
    if (is_array($array)) {
        foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
            if (is_numeric($key)) {
                $key = 'value';
            $key = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-_]/', '_', $key);
            $ret .= "<{$key}>";
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $ret .= "\n" . ArrayToXML($val);
            } else {
                $ret .= xml_entities($val);
            $ret .= "</{$key}>\n";
    return $ret;
Exemple #7
 $vars['path1'] = htmlentities($path1, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 $vars['safepath1'] = htmlentities($path1, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 $vars['path2'] = htmlentities($path2, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 $vars['safepath2'] = htmlentities($path2, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 $vars['rev1'] = $rev1;
 $vars['rev2'] = $rev2;
 // Set variables used for the more recent of the two revisions
 $rev = max($rev1, $rev2);
 $history = $svnrep->getLog($path, $rev, $rev, false, 1);
 if ($history) {
     $logEntry = $history->curEntry;
     $vars['rev'] = $logEntry->rev;
     $vars['peg'] = $peg;
     $vars['date'] = $logEntry->date;
     $vars['author'] = $logEntry->author;
     $vars['log'] = xml_entities($logEntry->msg);
 } else {
     $vars['warning'] = 'Problem with comparison.';
 $noinput = empty($path1) || empty($path2);
 // Generate the diff listing
 $relativePath1 = $path1;
 $relativePath2 = $path2;
 $svnpath1 = encodepath($svnrep->getSvnPath(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path1)));
 $svnpath2 = encodepath($svnrep->getSvnPath(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path2)));
 $debug = false;
 if (!$noinput) {
     $cmd = $config->getSvnCommand() . ' diff ' . ($ignoreWhitespace ? '-x -w ' : '') . $rep->svnParams() . quote($svnpath1 . '@' . $rev1) . ' ' . quote($svnpath2 . '@' . $rev2);
 function clearVars()
Exemple #8
 if (empty($rev)) {
     $rev = $youngest;
 $history = $svnrep->getLog($path, $rev, '', false, 2, $peg);
 if ($path[0] != '/') {
     $ppath = '/' . $path;
 } else {
     $ppath = $path;
 $prevrev = @$history->entries[1]->rev;
 $vars['path'] = htmlentities($ppath, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 $vars['rev1'] = $rev;
 $vars['rev2'] = $prevrev;
 $vars['prevrev'] = $prevrev;
 if ($history) {
     $vars['log'] = xml_entities($history->entries[0]->msg);
     $vars['date'] = $history->entries[0]->date;
     $vars['author'] = $history->entries[0]->author;
     $vars['rev'] = $vars['rev1'] = $history->entries[0]->rev;
     $vars['peg'] = $peg;
 createPathLinks($rep, $ppath, $passrev, $peg);
 $passRevString = createRevAndPegString($passrev, $peg);
 if ($rev != $youngest) {
     $vars['goyoungesturl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'diff') . ($peg ? 'peg=' . $peg : '');
     $vars['goyoungestlink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['goyoungesturl'] . '">' . $lang['GOYOUNGEST'] . '</a>';
 $vars['revurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'revision') . $passRevString;
 $vars['revlink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['revurl'] . '">' . $lang['LASTMOD'] . '</a>';
 $vars['logurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log') . $passRevString;
 $vars['loglink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['logurl'] . '">' . $lang['VIEWLOG'] . '</a>';
Exemple #9
     $prevRev = $history->entries[1]->rev;
     $prevPath = $history->entries[1]->path;
     $vars['prevrev'] = $prevRev;
     $vars['prevrevurl'] = $revurl . 'rev=' . $prevRev;
     //echo 'PREV='.$vars['prevrevurl'].'<br/>';
 // Save the entry from which we pull information for the current revision.
 $logEntry = isset($history->entries[0]) ? $history->entries[0] : null;
 $bugtraq = new Bugtraq($rep, $svnrep, $ppath);
 $vars['action'] = '';
 $vars['rev'] = $rev;
 $vars['peg'] = $peg;
 $vars['path'] = htmlentities($ppath, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 $vars['date'] = $logEntry ? $logEntry->date : '';
 $vars['author'] = $logEntry ? $logEntry->author : '';
 $vars['log'] = $logEntry ? nl2br($bugtraq->replaceIDs(create_anchors(xml_entities($logEntry->msg)))) : '';
 $isDir = @$_REQUEST['isdir'] == 1 || $path == '' || $path == '/';
 $vars['logurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'log') . $passRevString . ($isDir ? '&amp;isdir=1' : '');
 $vars['loglink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['logurl'] . '">' . $lang['VIEWLOG'] . '</a>';
 $dirPath = $isDir ? $path : dirname($path) . '/';
 $vars['directoryurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $dirPath, 'dir') . $passRevString . '#' . anchorForPath($dirPath);
 $vars['directorylink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['directoryurl'] . '">' . $lang['LISTING'] . '</a>';
 if ($path != $dirPath) {
     $vars['filedetailurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'file') . $passRevString;
     $vars['filedetaillink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['filedetailurl'] . '">' . $lang['FILEDETAIL'] . '</a>';
     $vars['blameurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'blame') . $passRevString;
     $vars['blamelink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['blameurl'] . '">' . $lang['BLAME'] . '</a>';
 if ($rep->isRssEnabled()) {
     $vars['rssurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, $path, 'rss') . ($peg ? 'peg=' . $peg : '');
     $vars['rsslink'] = '<a href="' . $vars['rssurl'] . '">' . $lang['RSSFEED'] . '</a>';
Exemple #10
function db_query_series($mysqli, $where_clause)
    if (empty($where_clause)) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM series";
    } else {
        $where_clause = trim($where_clause);
        $query = "SELECT * FROM series WHERE title='" . $where_clause . "'";
    if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) {
        $return_str = "";
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $title = $row["title"];
            // $title = xmlsafe($title);
            $poster = $row["poster"];
            $poster = substr($poster, 34);
            $poster = image_exists($poster);
            $plot = $row["plot"];
            $plot = xml_entities($plot);
            $return_str .= "<series>";
            // echo $row["title"];
            $return_str .= '<title>' . $title . '</title>';
            $return_str .= '<year>' . $row["year"] . '</year>';
            $return_str .= '<rated>' . $row["rated"] . '</rated>';
            $return_str .= '<released>' . $row["released"] . '</released>';
            $return_str .= '<runtime>' . $row["runtime"] . '</runtime>';
            $return_str .= '<genre>' . $row["genre"] . '</genre>';
            $return_str .= '<director>' . $row["director"] . '</director>';
            $return_str .= '<actors>' . $row["actors"] . '</actors>';
            $return_str .= '<plot>' . $plot . '</plot>';
            $return_str .= '<language>' . $row["language"] . '</language>';
            $return_str .= '<country>' . $row["country"] . '</country>';
            // $return_str .= '<awards>'.$row["awards"].'</awards>';
            $return_str .= '<poster>' . $poster . '</poster>';
            $return_str .= "</series>";
        return $return_str;
Exemple #11
 /** Export the mail information of an account 
  * @return: str, string containing the complete configuration 
  * of the email for the current acccount.
 function alternc_export_conf()
     global $db, $err, $mail_localbox;
     $err->log("mail", "export");
     $domain = $this->enum_domains();
     $str = "<mail>\n";
     foreach ($domain as $d) {
         $str .= "  <domain>\n    <name>" . xml_entities($d["domain"]) . "</name>\n";
         $s = $this->enum_domain_mails($d["id"]);
         if (count($s)) {
             while (list($key, $val) = each($s)) {
                 $str .= "    <address>\n";
                 $str .= "      <name>" . xml_entities($val["address"]) . "</name>\n";
                 $str .= "      <enabled>" . xml_entities($val["enabled"]) . "</enabled>\n";
                 if (is_array($val["islocal"])) {
                     $str .= "      <islocal>1</islocal>\n";
                     $str .= "      <quota>" . $val["quota"] . "</quota>\n";
                     $str .= "      <path>" . $val["path"] . "</path>\n";
                 } else {
                     $str .= "      <islocal>0</islocal>\n";
                 if (!empty($val["recipients"])) {
                     $r = explode("\n", $val["recipients"]);
                     foreach ($r as $recip) {
                         $str .= "      <recipients>" . $recip . "<recipients>\n";
                 $str .= "    </address>\n";
         $str .= "  </domain>\n";
     $str .= "</mail>\n";
     return $str;
Exemple #12
 // Find the parent path (or the whole path if it's already a directory)
 $pos = strrpos($rpath, '/');
 $parent = substr($rpath, 0, $pos + 1);
 $compareValue = ($isDir ? $parent : $rpath) . '@' . $thisrev;
 $listing[$index]['compare_box'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="compare[]" value="' . $compareValue . '" onclick="checkCB(this)" />';
 $url = $config->getURL($rep, $rpath, 'revision') . $thisRevString;
 $listing[$index]['revlink'] = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $thisrev . '</a>';
 $url = $config->getURL($rep, $rpath, $isDir ? 'dir' : 'file') . $thisRevString;
 $listing[$index]['revpathlink'] = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $rpath . '</a>';
 $listing[$index]['revpath'] = $rpath;
 $listing[$index]['revauthor'] = $revision->author;
 $listing[$index]['revdate'] = $revision->date;
 $listing[$index]['revage'] = $revision->age;
 $listing[$index]['revlog'] = nl2br($bugtraq->replaceIDs(create_anchors(xml_entities($revision->msg))));
 $listing[$index]['rowparity'] = $row;
 if ($showchanges) {
     // Aggregate added/deleted/modified paths for display in table
     $modpaths = array();
     foreach ($revision->mods as $mod) {
         $modpaths[$mod->action][] = $mod->path;
     foreach ($modpaths as $action => $paths) {
         $modpaths[$action] = $paths;
     $listing[$index]['revadded'] = isset($modpaths['A']) ? implode('<br/>', $modpaths['A']) : '';
     $listing[$index]['revdeleted'] = isset($modpaths['D']) ? implode('<br/>', $modpaths['D']) : '';
     $listing[$index]['revmodified'] = isset($modpaths['M']) ? implode('<br/>', $modpaths['M']) : '';
  * Print the console log if requested
  * @param TestStepResult $testResult Result data of affected run
 private function printConsoleLog($testResult)
     if (!$this->shouldPrintInfo(self::INFO_CONSOLE)) {
     $consoleLog = $testResult->getConsoleLog();
     if (isset($consoleLog) && is_array($consoleLog) && count($consoleLog)) {
         echo "<consoleLog>\n";
         foreach ($consoleLog as &$entry) {
             echo "<entry>\n";
             echo "<source>" . xml_entities($entry['source']) . "</source>\n";
             echo "<level>" . xml_entities($entry['level']) . "</level>\n";
             echo "<message>" . xml_entities($entry['text']) . "</message>\n";
             echo "<url>" . xml_entities($entry['url']) . "</url>\n";
             echo "<line>" . xml_entities($entry['line']) . "</line>\n";
             echo "</entry>\n";
         echo "</consoleLog>\n";