public function rss() { requirePermission("view"); // HACK FIX: Wipe the output buffer, because something is placing a tab in it. ob_end_clean(); // Load the XML helper $this->load->helper('xml'); // Get the articles with the upper limit decided by our config. $this->news_articles = $this->news_model->getArticles(0, $this->config->item('news_limit')); // For each key we need to add the special values that we want to print foreach ($this->news_articles as $key => $article) { $this->news_articles[$key]['title'] = xml_convert(langColumn($article['headline'])); $this->news_articles[$key]['content'] = xml_convert(langColumn($article['content'])); $this->news_articles[$key]['link'] = base_url() . 'news/view/' . $article['id']; $this->news_articles[$key]['date'] = date(DATE_RSS, $article['timestamp']); $this->news_articles[$key]['author'] = $this->user->getNickname($article['author_id']); $this->news_articles[$key]['tags'] = $this->news_model->getTags($article['id']); } $data['link'] = $this->config->site_url(); $data['domain'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $data['feed_url'] = base_url() . 'news/rss'; $data['page_description'] = $this->config->item('rss_description'); $data['page_language'] = $this->config->item('rss_lang'); $data['articles'] = $this->news_articles; header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); echo $this->template->loadPage('rss.tpl', $data); }
function _build_feed( $posts = array() ) { $this->data->rss->encoding = $this->config->item('charset'); $this->data->rss->feed_name = $this->settings->item('site_name'); $this->data->rss->feed_url = base_url(); $this->data->rss->page_description = sprintf($this->lang->line('blog_rss_posts_title'), $this->settings->item('site_name')); $this->data->rss->page_language = 'en-gb'; $this->data->rss->creator_email = $this->settings->item('contact_email'); if(!empty($posts)) { foreach($posts as $row) { //$row->created_on = human_to_unix($row->created_on); $row->link = site_url('blog/' .date('Y/m', $row->created_on) .'/'. $row->slug); $row->created_on = standard_date('DATE_RSS', $row->created_on); $item = array( //'author' => $row->author, 'title' => xml_convert($row->title), 'link' => $row->link, 'guid' => $row->link, 'description' => $row->intro, 'date' => $row->created_on ); $this->data->rss->items[] = (object) $item; } } }
/** * Constructor * */ public function __construct($str = '') { $protect_all = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('protect_entities') === 'yes' ? TRUE : FALSE; $str = $str == '' ? ee()->TMPL->tagdata : $str; // Load the XML Helper ee()->load->helper('xml'); $str = xml_convert(strip_tags($str), $protect_all); // Strip [email] tags $str = preg_replace("/\\[email=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/email\\]/i", '\\2', $str); $str = preg_replace("/\\[email\\](.*?)\\[\\/email\\]/i", '\\1', $str); $this->return_data = trim(str_replace(' ', ' ', $str)); }
/** * Constructor * */ function Xml_encode($str = '') { $this->EE =& get_instance(); $protect_all = ($this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('protect_entities') === 'yes') ? TRUE : FALSE; $str = ($str == '') ? $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata : $str; // Load the XML Helper $this->EE->load->helper('xml'); $str = xml_convert(strip_tags($str), $protect_all); $this->return_data = trim(str_replace(' ', ' ', $str)); }
function index() { $board =& $this->board; $bo_table = $board['bo_table']; if ($board['bo_read_level'] > 1) { echo '비회원의 접근이 가능하지 않습니다.'; exit; } if (!$board['bo_use_rss']) { echo 'RSS를 지원하지 않습니다.'; exit; } $this->load->helper('xml'); $base_url = $this->config->item('base_url'); $this->db->select('wr_id, mb_id, ca_code, wr_subject, wr_content, wr_datetime'); $qry = $this->db->get_where('ki_write', array('bo_table' => $bo_table), 15); $result = $qry->result_array(); if ($board['bo_use_category']) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Category_model'); $category = $CI->Category_model->get_category('bo_' . $bo_table); } header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=" . $this->config->item('charset')); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $this->config->item('charset') . "\"?>\n"; echo "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:taxo=\"\">\n"; echo "<channel>\n"; echo "<title><![CDATA[" . xml_convert($board['bo_subject']) . "]]></title>\n"; echo "<link>" . $base_url . '/board/' . $bo_table . "</link>\n"; echo "<description></description>\n"; echo "<language>ko</language>\n"; echo "<generator></generator>\n"; echo "<pubDate>" . date('r', time()) . "</pubDate>\n"; foreach ($result as $row) { echo "<item>\n"; echo "<author>" . $row['mb_id'] . "</author>\n"; if ($board['bo_use_category']) { echo "<category><![CDATA[" . xml_convert($category[$row['ca_code']]) . "]]></category>\n"; } echo "<title><![CDATA[" . xml_convert($row['wr_subject']) . "]]></title>\n"; echo "<link>" . $base_url . '/board/' . $bo_table . '/view/wr_id/' . $row['wr_id'] . "</link>\n"; echo "<description><![CDATA[" . xml_convert(cut_str(preg_replace("/\\s+ +/", '', strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($row['wr_content']))), 300)) . "]]></description>\n"; echo "<pubDate>" . date('r', strtotime($row['wr_datetime'])) . "</pubDate>\n"; echo "</item>\n"; } echo "</channel>\n"; echo "</rss>\n"; }
function _build_feed($posts = array()) { $this->data->rss->encoding = $this->config->item('charset'); $this->data->rss->feed_name = $this->settings->item('site_name'); $this->data->rss->feed_url = base_url(); $this->data->rss->page_description = 'News articles for ' . $this->settings->item('site_name'); $this->data->rss->page_language = 'en-gb'; $this->data->rss->creator_email = $this->settings->item('contact_email'); if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $row) { //$row->created_on = human_to_unix($row->created_on); $row->link = site_url('news/' . date('Y/m', $row->created_on) . '/' . $row->slug); $row->created_on = standard_date('DATE_RSS', $row->created_on); $item = array('title' => xml_convert($row->title), 'link' => $row->link, 'guid' => $row->link, 'description' => str_replace('/img/post_resources/', base_url() . 'img/post_resources/', $row->body), 'date' => $row->created_on); $this->data->rss->items[] = (object) $item; } } }
function xml_from_result_object($result, $params = array()) { // Set our default values foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // Create variables for convenience extract($params); // Generate the result $xml = "<{$root}>" . $newline; foreach ($result as $row) { $xml .= $tab . "<{$element}>" . $newline; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $xml .= $tab . $tab . "<{$key}>" . xml_convert($val) . "</{$key}>" . $newline; } $xml .= $tab . "</{$element}>" . $newline; } $xml .= "</{$root}>" . $newline; return $xml; }
public function _build_feed($posts = array(), $suffix = '') { $data = new stdClass(); $data->rss = new stdClass(); $data->rss->encoding = $this->config->item('charset'); $data->rss->feed_name = Settings::get('site_name') . ' ' . $suffix; $data->rss->feed_url = base_url(); $data->rss->page_description = sprintf($this->lang->line('blog:rss_posts_title'), Settings::get('site_name')); $data->rss->page_language = 'en-gb'; $data->rss->creator_email = Settings::get('contact_email'); if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $row) { //$row->created_on = human_to_unix($row->created_on); $row->link = site_url('blog/' . date('Y/m', $row->created_on) . '/' . $row->slug); $row->created_on = date(DATE_RSS, $row->created_on); $intro = isset($row->intro) ? $row->intro : $row->body; $item = array('title' => xml_convert($row->title), 'link' => $row->link, 'guid' => $row->link, 'description' => $intro, 'date' => $row->created_on, 'category' => $row->category_title); $data->rss->items[] = (object) $item; } } return $data; }
function export($datas) { //tempname('FCPATH') $out = "<traspaso>\n"; foreach ($datas as $data) { if (isset($data['select']) and count($data['select']) > 0) { $this->ci->db->select($data['select']); } if (isset($data['where'])) { $this->ci->db->where($data['where'], NULL, FALSE); } else { $data['where'] = ''; } if (isset($data['distinc']) and $data['distinc']) { $this->db->distinct(); } $this->ci->db->from($data['table']); $query = $this->ci->db->get(); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $out .= "<esquema>"; $out .= "<tabla>{$data['table']}</tabla>"; $out .= "<where>{$data['where']}</where>"; $out .= "<data>"; foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $out .= " <fila>\n"; foreach ($row as $campo => $valor) { $out .= "<campo nombre='{$campo}'>" . xml_convert($valor) . "</campo>"; } $out .= "</fila>"; } $out .= "</data>"; $out .= "</esquema>\n"; } } $out .= "</traspaso>"; return $out; }
/** ------------------------------------- /** Convert delimited text to XML /** -------------------------------------*/ function delimited_to_xml($params, $reduce_null = FALSE) { if (!is_array($params)) { return FALSE; } $defaults = array('data' => NULL, 'structure' => array(), 'root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'delimiter' => "\t", 'enclosure' => ''); foreach ($defaults as $key => $val) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = $val; } } extract($params); /* $data - string containing delimited data $structure - array providing a key for $data elements $root - the root XML document tag name $element - the tag name for the element used to enclose the tag data $delimiter - the character delimiting the text, default is \t (tab) $enclosure - character used to enclose the data, such as " in the case of $data = '"item", "item2", "item3"'; */ if ($data === NULL or !is_array($structure) or count($structure) == 0) { return FALSE; } /** ------------------------------------- /** Convert delimited text to array /** -------------------------------------*/ $data_arr = array(); $data = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $data); $lines = explode("\n", $data); if (empty($lines)) { $this->errors[] = "No data to work with"; return FALSE; } if ($enclosure == '') { foreach ($lines as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $data_arr[$key] = explode($delimiter, $val); } } } else { foreach ($lines as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { preg_match_all("/" . preg_quote($enclosure) . "(.*?)" . preg_quote($enclosure) . "/si", $val, $matches); $data_arr[$key] = $matches[1]; if (empty($data_arr[$key])) { $this->errors[] = 'Structure mismatch, skipping line: ' . $val; unset($data_arr[$key]); } } } } // Construct the XML $xml = "<{$root}>\n"; foreach ($data_arr as $datum) { if (!empty($datum) and count($datum) == count($structure)) { $xml .= "\t<{$element}>\n"; foreach ($datum as $key => $val) { if ($reduce_null == TRUE && $structure[$key] == '') { continue; } $xml .= "\t\t<{$structure[$key]}>" . xml_convert($val) . "</{$structure[$key]}>\n"; } $xml .= "\t</{$element}>\n"; } else { $details = ''; foreach ($datum as $val) { $details .= "{$val}, "; } $this->errors[] = 'Line does not match structure: ' . substr($details, 0, -2); } } $xml .= "</{$root}>\n"; if (!stristr($xml, "<{$element}>")) { $this->errors[] = "No valid elements to build XML"; return FALSE; } return $xml; }
/** * Generate XML data from a query result object * * @param object $query Query result object * @param array $params Any preferences * @return string */ public function getXMLFromResult(ResultInterface $query, $params = array()) { // Set our default values foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // Create variables for convenience extract($params); // Load the xml helper // get_instance()->load->helper('xml'); // Generate the result $xml = '<' . $root . '>' . $newline; while ($row = $query->getUnbufferedRow()) { $xml .= $tab . '<' . $element . '>' . $newline; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $xml .= $tab . $tab . '<' . $key . '>' . xml_convert($val) . '</' . $key . '>' . $newline; } $xml .= $tab . '</' . $element . '>' . $newline; } return $xml . '</' . $root . '>' . $newline; }
<dc:creator></dc:creator> <dc:rights>Copyright <?php echo gmdate("Y", time()); ?> </dc:rights> <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="" /> <?php foreach ($data['news'] as $news) { ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($news->title); ?> </title> <link><?php echo base_url('news/detail/' . $news->idpost); ?> </link> <guid><?php echo base_url('news/detail/' . $news->idpost); ?> </guid> <description><![CDATA[ <?php echo character_limiter($news->body, 200); ?> ]]></description>
<docs></docs> <dc:rights>Copyright <?php echo gmdate('Y', strtotime($last_updated)); ?> </dc:rights> <?php if (!empty($posts)) { ?> <?php foreach ($posts as $post) { ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($post->title); ?> </title> <link><?php echo $post->url; ?> </link> <guid><?php echo $post->url; ?> </guid> <pubDate><?php echo $post->rss_date; ?> </pubDate> <description><![CDATA[
/** * Log Search terms * * @access public * @param string * @param string * @return void */ public function log_search_terms($terms = '', $type = 'site') { if ($terms == '' or ee()->db->table_exists('exp_search_log') === FALSE) { return; } if (ee()->config->item('enable_search_log') == 'n') { return; } ee()->load->helper('xml'); $search_log = array('member_id' => ee()->session->userdata('member_id'), 'screen_name' => ee()->session->userdata('screen_name'), 'ip_address' => ee()->input->ip_address(), 'search_date' => ee()->localize->now, 'search_type' => $type, 'search_terms' => xml_convert(ee()->functions->encode_ee_tags(ee()->security->xss_clean($terms), TRUE)), 'site_id' => ee()->config->item('site_id')); ee()->db->query(ee()->db->insert_string('exp_search_log', $search_log)); // Prune Database srand(time()); if (rand() % 100 < 5) { $max = !is_numeric(ee()->config->item('max_logged_searches')) ? 500 : ee()->config->item('max_logged_searches'); $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT MAX(id) as search_id FROM exp_search_log WHERE site_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->config->item('site_id')) . "'"); $row = $query->row_array(); if (isset($row['search_id']) && $row['search_id'] > $max) { ee()->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_search_log WHERE site_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->config->item('site_id')) . "' AND id < " . ($row['search_id'] - $max) . ""); } } }
/** * RSS method * @access public * @param array $url_segments The URL segments * @return void */ public function _rss($url_segments) { // Remove the .rss suffix $url_segments += array(preg_replace('/.rss$/', '', array_pop($url_segments))); // Fetch this page from the database via cache $page = $this->cache->model('pages_m', 'get_by_path', array($url_segments)); // If page is missing or not live (and not an admin) show 404 if (empty($page) or $page->status == 'draft' and $this->user->group !== 'admin' or !$page->rss_enabled) { // Will try the page then try 404 eventually $this->_page('404'); return; } $children = $this->cache->model('pages_m', 'get_many_by', array(array('parent_id' => $page->id, 'status' => 'live'))); $data->rss->title = ($page->meta_title ? $page->meta_title : $page->title) . ' | ' . $this->settings->site_name; $data->rss->description = $page->meta_description; $data->rss->link = site_url($url_segments); $data->rss->creator_email = $this->settings->contact_email; if (!empty($children)) { $this->load->helper(array('date', 'xml')); foreach ($children as &$row) { $path = $this->pages_m->get_path_by_id($row->id); $row->link = site_url($path); $row->created_on = standard_date('DATE_RSS', $row->created_on); $item = array('title' => xml_convert($row->title), 'link' => $row->link, 'guid' => $row->link, 'description' => $row->meta_description, 'date' => $row->created_on); $data->rss->items[] = (object) $item; } } $this->load->view('rss', $data); }
<docs></docs> <dc:rights>Copyright <?php echo gmdate('Y', time()); ?> </dc:rights> <?php if ($posts) { ?> <?php foreach ($posts as $post) { ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($post['title']); ?> </title> <link><?php echo base_url() . 'blog/post/' . date('Y', strtotime($post['date_posted'])) . '/' . date('m', strtotime($post['date_posted'])) . '/' . date('d', strtotime($post['date_posted'])) . '/' . $post['url_title'] . '/'; ?> </link> <guid><?php echo base_url() . 'blog/post/' . date('Y', strtotime($post['date_posted'])) . '/' . date('m', strtotime($post['date_posted'])) . '/' . date('d', strtotime($post['date_posted'])) . '/' . $post['url_title'] . '/'; ?> </guid> <description><![CDATA[ <?php echo $post['excerpt']; ?> ]]>
</dc:rights> <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource=""/> <?php foreach ($posts->result() as $entry) { $link = $this->cf_data_model->link_clean($entry->page_title); $menu_id = explode(',', $entry->menu_id); $menu_id = array_filter($menu_id); $menu_id = array_shift($menu_id); $link = "{$entry->page_type}/{$menu_id}/{$entry->page_id}/{$link}"; ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($entry->name); ?> </title> <link><?php echo site_url($link); ?> #cmnt<?php echo $entry->page_comment_id; ?> </link> <guid><?php echo site_url($link); ?> #cmnt<?php echo $entry->page_comment_id; ?>
<dc:rights>Copyright <?php echo gmdate("Y", time()); ?> </dc:rights> <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="" /> <?php foreach ($posts as $entry) { $title = $entry['title']; $published = $entry['published']; include 'permalink.php'; $published = $entry['pubdate']; ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($entry['title']); ?> </title> <link><?php echo $permalink; ?> </link> <guid><?php echo $permalink; ?> </guid> <description><![CDATA[ <?php echo $entry['text']; ?> ]]></description>
public function test_xml_convert() { $this->assertEquals('<tag>my & test - </tag>', xml_convert('<tag>my & test - </tag>')); }
</title> <dc:language><?php echo $page_language; ?> </dc:language> <dc:rights>Copyright <?php echo gmdate("Y", time()); ?> </dc:rights> <?php foreach ($posts->result() as $row) { ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($row->c_title); ?> </title> <link><?php echo base_url($row->r_url_rw . '/' . $row->c_url_rw); ?> </link> <guid><?php echo base_url($row->r_url_rw . '/' . $row->c_url_rw); ?> </guid> <?php $c_content = strip_tags($row->c_content); ?> <description> <?php
function xml_report($query) { $this->load->helper('xml'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"; echo "<items>\n"; foreach ($query as $details) { echo "\t<item>\n"; foreach ($details as $attribute => $value) { if ($attribute == "man_ip_address") { $value = ip_address_from_db($value); } $value = xml_convert($value); echo "\t\t<" . $attribute . ">" . $value . "</" . $attribute . ">\n"; } echo "\t</item>\n"; } echo "</items>\n"; header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $this->data['heading'] . '.xml"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); }
</url> <?php foreach ($menus as $key => $menu) { switch ($menu->route) { case 1: $links = $menu->links; break; case 2: $links = $menu->links; break; case 3: $links = "m/" . $menu->slug; break; default: $links = "#"; break; } ?> <url> <loc><?php echo @xml_convert(base_url($links)); ?> </loc> <priority>0.5</priority> </url> <?php } ?> </urlset>
/** ----------------------------------- /** View a Single Message /** -----------------------------------*/ function view_message($copy_id = '') { /** ----------------------------------- /** What Private Message? /** -----------------------------------*/ if ($copy_id == '') { if ($this->allegiance == 'cp' && ee()->input->get_post('msg') !== FALSE && is_numeric(ee()->input->get_post('msg'))) { $copy_id = ee()->input->get_post('msg'); } elseif ($this->allegiance == 'user' && $this->cur_id != '' && is_numeric($this->cur_id)) { $copy_id = $this->cur_id; } } /** ----------------------------------- /** Retrieve Data /** -----------------------------------*/ $data = $this->_message_data($copy_id, '', $this->member_id); if ($data === FALSE) { return $this->_error_page('invalid_message'); } if (ee()->config->item('enable_censoring') == 'y' && ee()->config->item('censored_words') != '') { ee()->load->library('typography'); ee()->typography->initialize(); $data['subject'] = ee()->typography->filter_censored_words($data['subject']); $data['body'] = ee()->typography->filter_censored_words($data['body']); } // Load the XML Helper ee()->load->helper('xml'); $this->single_parts['include']['subject'] = $data['subject']; $this->single_parts['include']['body'] = $data['body']; $this->single_parts['include']['recipients'] = xml_convert($this->convert_recipients($data['recipients'], 'string', 'screen_name')); $this->single_parts['include']['cc'] = $data['cc'] == '' ? '' : xml_convert($this->convert_recipients($data['cc'], 'string', 'screen_name')); $this->single_parts['include']['sender'] = $data['sender']; $this->single_parts['include']['date'] = $data['date']; $this->conditionals['attachments_exist'] = 'n'; if ($data['sender'] == ee()->session->userdata['screen_name'] && isset($data['folder_id']) && $data['folder_id'] == 2) { $this->conditionals['show_cc'] = 'y'; } elseif (in_array($this->member_id, explode(', ', $data['cc']))) { $this->conditionals['show_cc'] = 'y'; $this->single_parts['include']['cc'] = ee()->session->userdata['screen_name']; } elseif ($data['hide_cc'] == 'y' or $data['cc'] == '') { $this->conditionals['show_cc'] = 'n'; } else { $this->conditionals['show_cc'] = 'y'; } /** ----------------------------------- /** Prepare Attachments for Display /** -----------------------------------*/ $this->conditionals['attachments_exist'] = count($data['attachments']) > 0 ? 'y' : 'n'; $this->single_parts['include']['attachment_links'] = count($data['attachments']) > 0 ? $this->_attachment_links($data['attachments']) : ''; // ----------------------------------- // Form Declaration // // NOTE: $data['id'] = $message_id // ----------------------------------- $details = array('hidden_fields' => array('message_id' => $copy_id, 'toggle[]' => $copy_id, 'daction' => ''), 'action' => $this->_create_path('modify_messages'), 'id' => 'target', 'enctype' => 'multi', 'secure' => $this->allegiance == 'cp' ? FALSE : TRUE); $this->single_parts['form']['form_declaration']['view_message'] = ee()->functions->form_declaration($details); /** ----------------------------------- /** Various Components /** -----------------------------------*/ $this->current_folder = !isset($data['folder_id']) ? 'n' : $data['folder_id']; $this->folders_pulldown(); $this->_buttons(); $this->single_parts['include']['hidden_js'] = $this->hidden_js(); /** ---------------------------------- /** Reduce exp_members.private_messages /** ----------------------------------*/ if ($data['message_read'] == 'n' && ee()->session->userdata['private_messages'] > 0) { ee()->db->query("UPDATE exp_members SET private_messages = private_messages - 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE member_id = '{$this->member_id}'"); ee()->session->userdata['private_messages']--; } /** ----------------------------------- /** Tracking and Status /** -----------------------------------*/ if ($data['message_read'] == 'n') { $udata = array('message_read' => 'y', 'message_time_read' => ee()->localize->now); ee()->db->query(ee()->db->update_string('exp_message_copies', $udata, "copy_id = {$copy_id}")); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Return the Compose Form Contents /** ----------------------------------------*/ $this->title = ee()->lang->line('private_message') . ' - ' . ee()->functions->word_limiter($data['subject'], 10); $this->crumb = ee()->lang->line('private_message'); $this->return_data = $this->_process_template($this->retrieve_template('view_message')); }
/** ---------------------------------------- /** Constructor /** ----------------------------------------*/ function Wiki($return = FALSE) { // Make a local reference to the ExpressionEngine super object $this->EE =& get_instance(); if ($return === TRUE) { return; } ee()->lang->loadfile('wiki'); /** ---------------------------------------- /** Update Module Code /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (isset(ee()->TMPL->module_data['Wiki']['version']) && $this->version > ee()->TMPL->module_data['Wiki']['version']) { $this->update_module(ee()->TMPL->module_data['Wiki']['version']); } /* ---------------------------------------- /* /* There are five main kinds of pages in the ExpressionEngine Wiki: /* /* - Main/Index /* - Article Page (Including Namespaces) /* - Edit Topic Page /* - History Topic Page /* - Special Page (ex: Uploads, Search Results, Recent Changes) /* /* Now, the {exp:wiki} tag will be put into a template group /* and a template, which is set in base_path="" so that /* we can discover the structure of the URLs and what segments /* to read for what. /* ----------------------------------------*/ if (($this->base_path = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('base_path')) === FALSE) { return $this->return_data = lang('basepath_unset'); } $this->base_path = rtrim($this->base_path, '/') . '/'; $this->base_url = ee()->functions->create_url($this->base_path) . '/'; /* ---------------------------------------- Creating this array once is very useful and since I do my sanitization again here as well as in the Input class, I am sure that the segments are clean and ready to use on a page. /* ----------------------------------------*/ $x = explode('/', $this->base_path); $this->seg_parts = explode('/', ee()->security->xss_clean(strip_tags(stripslashes(ee()->uri->query_string)))); /* ---------------------------------------- Fixes a minor bug in ExpressionEngine where the QSTR variable has the template name included when there is no third segment on a non-index template - Paul /* ----------------------------------------*/ if (isset($x['1'])) { if ($this->seg_parts['0'] == $x['1']) { array_shift($this->seg_parts); } } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Preferences and Language /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('wiki') !== FALSE) { $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_wikis WHERE wiki_short_name = '" . ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('wiki')) . "'"); } else { $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_wikis WHERE wiki_short_name = 'default_wiki'"); } if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->return_data = 'No Valid Wiki Specified'; } foreach ($query->row_array() as $field => $value) { if ($field != 'wiki_id') { $field = substr($field, 5); } if ($field == 'users' or $field == 'admins') { $value = explode('|', $value); } $this->{$field} = $value; } /** ------------------------------------ /** Retrieve Our Namespaces /** ------------------------------------*/ $namespace_query = ee()->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_wiki_namespaces WHERE wiki_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($this->wiki_id) . "' ORDER BY namespace_name"); if ($namespace_query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($namespace_query->result_array() as $row) { $this->namespaces[strtolower($row['namespace_name'])] = array($row['namespace_name'], $row['namespace_label']); if (isset($this->seg_parts['0']) && strcasecmp($this->prep_title(substr($this->seg_parts['0'], 0, strlen($row['namespace_label'] . ':'))), $row['namespace_label'] . ':') == 0) { $this->admins = explode('|', $row['namespace_admins']); $this->users = explode('|', $row['namespace_users']); } } } if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('profile_path') !== FALSE) { $this->profile_path = reduce_double_slashes('/' . ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('profile_path') . '/' . ee()->config->item('profile_trigger') . '/'); } else { $this->profile_path = reduce_double_slashes('/' . ee()->config->item('profile_trigger') . '/'); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Namespaces Localization /** ----------------------------------------*/ $this->main_ns = isset(ee()->lang->language['main_ns']) ? lang('main_ns') : $this->main_ns; $this->file_ns = isset(ee()->lang->language['file_ns']) ? lang('file_ns') : $this->file_ns; $this->image_ns = isset(ee()->lang->language['image_ns']) ? lang('image_ns') : $this->image_ns; $this->special_ns = isset(ee()->lang->language['special_ns']) ? lang('special_ns') : $this->special_ns; $this->category_ns = isset(ee()->lang->language['category_ns']) ? lang('category_ns') : $this->category_ns; /* ---------------------------------------- /* Category namespace actually has articles so it is put into the /* namespaces array. However, instead of the localized name we use /* the relatively simple 'category' in the page_namespace field. /* ---------------------------------------*/ $this->namespaces['category'] = array('category', $this->category_ns); /** ---------------------------------------- /** Tag Settings /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (!in_array('1', $this->admins)) { $this->admins[] = "1"; } if (!in_array('1', $this->users)) { $this->users[] = "1"; } foreach ($this->admins as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value, array('2', '3', '4'))) { unset($this->admins[$key]); } } foreach ($this->users as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value, array('2', '3', '4'))) { unset($this->users[$key]); } } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Valid Upload Directory? /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (!empty($this->upload_dir) && is_numeric($this->upload_dir)) { $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_upload_prefs\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($this->upload_dir) . "'"); if ($query->row('count') > 0) { $this->valid_upload_dir = 'y'; $this->can_upload = 'y'; if (in_array(ee()->session->userdata['group_id'], array(2, 3, 4))) { $this->can_upload = 'n'; } elseif (ee()->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1) { $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT upload_id FROM exp_upload_no_access WHERE member_group = '" . ee()->session->userdata['group_id'] . "'"); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { if ($query->row('upload_id') == $this->upload_dir) { $this->can_upload = 'n'; break; } } } } } } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Set theme, load file helper /** ----------------------------------------*/ ee()->load->helper('file'); $this->theme_path = PATH_THEMES . 'wiki_themes/default/'; $this->image_url = ee()->config->slash_item('theme_folder_url') . 'wiki_themes/default/images/'; $this->theme_url = ee()->config->slash_item('theme_folder_url') . 'wiki_themes/default/'; if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('theme') !== FALSE && ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('theme') != '' && ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('theme') != 'default') { $theme = ee()->security->sanitize_filename(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('theme')); if (is_dir(PATH_THEMES . '/wiki_themes/' . $theme)) { $this->theme_path = PATH_THEMES . 'wiki_themes/' . $theme . '/'; $this->image_url = ee()->config->slash_item('theme_folder_url') . 'wiki_themes/' . $theme . '/images/'; $this->theme_url = ee()->config->slash_item('theme_folder_url') . 'wiki_themes/' . $theme . '/'; } else { ee()->TMPL->log_item('Wiki module: theme not found - "' . htmlentities($theme) . '"'); } } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Editing Article /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (ee()->input->post('editing') == 'y' && ee()->input->post('preview') === FALSE) { return $this->edit_article(); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Displaying Page /** ----------------------------------------*/ $this->return_data = str_replace(array('{module_version}'), array($this->version), $this->_fetch_template('wiki_page.html')); $this->return_data = $this->active_members($this->return_data); /* ------------------------------------- /* 'wiki_start' hook. /* - Allows page template to be modified prior to article processing /* - Added 1.6.0 */ if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('wiki_start') === TRUE) { $this->return_data = ee()->extensions->universal_call('wiki_start', $this); if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) { return; } } /* /* -------------------------------------*/ /** ---------------------------------------- /** Determine Page to Show /** ----------------------------------------*/ // Index Page if (count($this->seg_parts) == 0 or ee()->uri->query_string == '' or ee()->uri->query_string == 'index') { $this->title = 'index'; $this->article('index'); } elseif (substr($this->seg_parts['0'], 0, strlen($this->file_ns . ':')) == $this->file_ns . ':') { $this->title = $this->seg_parts['0']; $this->current_namespace = $this->file_ns; $this->file(substr($this->seg_parts['0'], strlen($this->file_ns . ':'))); } elseif (substr($this->seg_parts['0'], 0, strlen($this->image_ns . ':')) == $this->image_ns . ':') { $this->title = $this->seg_parts['0']; $this->current_namespace = $this->image_ns; $this->image(substr($this->seg_parts['0'], strlen($this->image_ns . ':'))); } elseif (substr($this->seg_parts['0'], 0, strlen($this->special_ns . ':')) == $this->special_ns . ':') { $this->title = $this->seg_parts['0']; $this->current_namespace = $this->special_ns; $this->special(substr($this->seg_parts['0'], strlen($this->special_ns . ':'))); } elseif (isset($this->seg_parts['0']) && strlen($this->seg_parts['0']) == 32 && preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+\$/i", $this->seg_parts['0'])) { $this->display_attachment(); exit; } else { if (in_array($this->seg_parts['0'], array('edit', 'history', 'revision', 'noredirect'))) { $this->title = 'index'; if ($this->seg_parts['0'] == 'noredirect') { $this->article('index'); } else { $this->{$this->seg_parts['0']}('index'); } } else { $this->title = $this->seg_parts['0']; if ($this->valid_title($this->title) != $this->title) { $this->redirect('', $this->title); } if (isset($this->seg_parts['1']) && $this->seg_parts['1'] == 'edit') { $this->edit($this->title); } elseif (isset($this->seg_parts['1']) && $this->seg_parts['1'] == 'history') { $this->history($this->title); } elseif (isset($this->seg_parts['1']) && $this->seg_parts['1'] == 'revision') { $this->revision($this->title); } else { $this->article($this->title); } } } if ($this->can_upload == 'y') { $this->return_data = $this->_allow_if('uploads', $this->return_data); } else { $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('uploads', $this->return_data); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Global Tags /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (preg_match_all("/\\{wiki:custom_namespaces_list(.*?)\\}(.*?)\\{\\/wiki:custom_namespaces_list\\}/s", $this->return_data, $matches)) { for ($i = 0, $s = count($matches[0]); $i < $s; ++$i) { $output = ''; if (count($this->namespaces) > 0) { foreach ($this->namespaces as $name => $label) { $selected = isset($this->seg_parts['1']) && strtolower($this->seg_parts['1']) == $name ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $output .= str_replace(array('{namespace_short_name}', '{namespace_label}', '{namespace_selected}'), array($label['0'], $label['1'], $selected), $matches['2'][$i]); } } $this->return_data = str_replace($matches['0'][$i], $output, $this->return_data); } } if (preg_match("/\\{wiki:categories_list(.*?)\\}(.*?)\\{\\/wiki:categories_list\\}/s", $this->return_data)) { $this->categories_list(); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Global Conditionals /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (ee()->session->userdata('member_id') == 0) { $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('logged_in', $this->return_data); $this->return_data = $this->_allow_if('logged_out', $this->return_data); } else { $this->return_data = $this->_allow_if('logged_in', $this->return_data); $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('logged_out', $this->return_data); } if (in_array(ee()->session->userdata['group_id'], $this->admins)) { $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('cannot_admin', $this->return_data); $this->return_data = $this->_allow_if('can_admin', $this->return_data); } else { $this->return_data = $this->_allow_if('cannot_admin', $this->return_data); $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('can_admin', $this->return_data); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Global Variables /** ----------------------------------------*/ $link = $this->create_url($this->current_namespace, $this->topic); // Load the XML Helper ee()->load->helper('xml'); $data = array('{charset}' => ee()->config->item('output_charset'), '{wiki_name}' => $this->label_name, '{title}' => xml_convert($this->prep_title($this->title)), '{url_title}' => xml_convert($this->valid_title($this->title)), '{topic}' => xml_convert($this->prep_title($this->topic)), '{namespace}' => xml_convert($this->current_namespace), '{special_namespace}' => xml_convert($this->special_ns), '{main_namespace}' => xml_convert($this->main_ns), '{file_namespace}' => xml_convert($this->file_ns), '{category_namespace}' => xml_convert($this->category_ns), '{image_namespace}' => xml_convert($this->image_ns), '{revision_id}' => $this->revision_id, '{screen_name}' => $this->prep_screen_name(ee()->session->userdata('screen_name')), '{path:wiki_home}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->base_path), '{path:wiki_base_url}' => $this->base_url, '{path:article_history}' => $link . '/history', '{path:view_article}' => $link, '{path:edit_article}' => $link . '/edit', '{path:logout}' => ee()->functions->create_url('logout'), '{path:your_control_panel}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . 'profile'), '{path:your_profile}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . ee()->session->userdata('member_id')), '{path:login}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . 'login'), '{path:register}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . 'register'), '{path:memberlist}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . 'memberlist'), '{path:forgot}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . 'forgot_password'), '{path:private_messages}' => ee()->functions->create_url($this->profile_path . 'messages/view_folder/1'), '{path:image_url}' => $this->image_url, '{path:theme_url}' => $this->theme_url, '{text_format}' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $this->text_format))); /** ------------------------------------- /** Parse URI segments /** -------------------------------------*/ // This code lets admins fetch URI segments which become // available as: {segment_1} {segment_2} for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) { $data[LD . 'segment_' . $i . RD] = ee()->uri->segment($i); } /** ------------------------------------- /** Parse Snippets /** -------------------------------------*/ foreach (ee()->config->_global_vars as $key => $val) { $data[LD . $key . RD] = $val; } /** ------------------------------------- /** Parse manual variables /** -------------------------------------*/ if (count(ee()->TMPL->global_vars) > 0) { foreach (ee()->TMPL->global_vars as $key => $val) { $data[LD . $key . RD] = $val; } } /* ------------------------------------- /* We reset some of these because in $data we are converting them /* for display purposes and we would rather have the conditionals /* use the unmodified versions /* -------------------------------------*/ $this->conditionals['title'] = $this->title; $this->conditionals['topic'] = $this->topic; $this->conditionals['namespace'] = $this->current_namespace; $this->return_data = $this->prep_conditionals($this->return_data, array_merge($data, $this->conditionals)); $this->return_data = str_replace(array_keys($data), array_values($data), $this->return_data); /** ------------------------------------- /** Parse Current Time /** -------------------------------------*/ $this->return_data = ee()->TMPL->parse_date_variables($this->return_data, array('current_time' => ee()->localize->now)); // Parse the language text if (preg_match_all("/" . LD . "lang:(.+?)" . RD . "/i", $this->return_data, $matches)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches['0']); $j++) { $line = lang($matches['1'][$j]); // Since we're using the pre-existing search language file // we might need to add a prefix if ($line == '' and $this->current_request == 'search') { $line = lang('search_' . $matches['1'][$j]); } $this->return_data = str_replace($matches['0'][$j], $line, $this->return_data); } } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Cleanup /** ----------------------------------------*/ $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('redirected', $this->return_data); $this->return_data = $this->_deny_if('redirect_page', $this->return_data); }
/** * Generate XML data from a query result object * * @param object $query Query result object * @param array $params Any preferences * @return string */ public function xml_from_result($query, $params = array()) { if (!is_object($query) or !method_exists($query, 'list_fields')) { show_error('You must submit a valid result object'); } // Set our default values foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // Create variables for convenience extract($params); // Load the xml helper get_instance()->load->helper('xml'); // Generate the result $xml = '<' . $root . '>' . $newline; while ($row = $query->unbuffered_row()) { $xml .= $tab . '<' . $element . '>' . $newline; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $xml .= $tab . $tab . '<' . $key . '>' . xml_convert($val) . '</' . $key . '>' . $newline; } $xml .= $tab . '</' . $element . '>' . $newline; } return $xml . '</' . $root . '>' . $newline; }
echo xml_convert($content->title); ?> </title> <link><?php echo base_url() . $content->title_url; ?> </link> <guid isPermaLink="true"><?php echo $item_base_url . $content->content_id; ?> </guid> <description><![CDATA[<?php echo $content->content; ?> ]]></description> <author><?php echo xml_convert($content->name); ?> </author> <pubdate><?php echo standard_date('DATE_RSS', mysql_to_unix($content->created_at)); ?> </pubdate> </item> <?php } } ?> </channel> </rss>
<name><?php echo get_home_team()->name; ?> </name> </author> <id><?php echo site_url(); ?> </id> <?php foreach ($posts["chapters"] as $entry) { ?> <entry> <title><?php echo xml_convert($entry["title"]); ?> </title> <link href="<?php echo $entry["href"]; ?> "/> <id><?php echo $entry["href"]; ?> </id> <updated><?php echo date(DATE_W3C, strtotime($entry["created"])); ?> </updated> <summary><?php
/** ---------------------------------------- /** Search keywords /** ----------------------------------------*/ function keywords() { /** ---------------------------------------- /** Check search ID number /** ----------------------------------------*/ // If the QSTR variable is less than 32 characters long we // don't have a valid search ID number if (strlen($this->EE->uri->query_string) < 32) { return ''; } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Fetch ID number and page number /** ----------------------------------------*/ $search_id = substr($this->EE->uri->query_string, 0, 32); /** ---------------------------------------- /** Fetch the cached search query /** ----------------------------------------*/ $query = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT keywords FROM exp_search WHERE search_id = '" . $this->EE->db->escape_str($search_id) . "'"); if ($query->num_rows() == 1) { // Load the XML Helper $this->EE->load->helper('xml'); return $this->EE->functions->encode_ee_tags(xml_convert($query->row('keywords'))); } else { return ''; } }
/** * Generate XML data from a query result object * * @access public * @param object The query result object * @param array Any preferences * @return string */ function xml_from_result($query, $params = array()) { if (!is_object($query) or !method_exists($query, 'list_fields')) { show_error('You must submit a valid result object'); } // Set our default values foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // Create variables for convenience extract($params); // Load the xml helper $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('xml'); // Generate the result $xml = "<{$root}>" . $newline; foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $xml .= $tab . "<{$element}>" . $newline; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $xml .= $tab . $tab . "<{$key}>" . xml_convert($val) . "</{$key}>" . $newline; } $xml .= $tab . "</{$element}>" . $newline; } $xml .= "</{$root}>" . $newline; return $xml; }
</dc:language> <dc:creator><?php echo $creator_email; ?> </dc:creator> <dc:rights>Copyright <?php echo gmdate("Y", time()); ?> </dc:rights> <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource=""/> <?php foreach ($posts as $post) { ?> <item> <title><?php echo xml_convert($post["title"]); ?> </title> <link><?php echo base_url() . strtolower(url_title($post["title"])); ?> </link> <guid><?php echo base_url() . strtolower(url_title($post["title"])); ?> </guid> <description><![CDATA[<?php echo $post['image'] ? "<img src=\"" . base_url() . "img/uploads/" . $post["image"] . "\"/>" : $post["content"]; ?> ]]></description> <pubDate><?php