function getOptions()
     $stmt = sqlStatement("SELECT field_id, title FROM layout_options " . "WHERE form_id = 'HIS' AND group_name LIKE '%Lifestyle%'");
     $options = array();
     for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($stmt); $iter++) {
         $id = $row['field_id'];
         $label = xl_layout_label($row['title']);
         $option = array("id" => $id, "label" => $label);
         array_push($options, $option);
     return $options;
 if ($titlecols > 0) {
     $titlecols_esc = htmlspecialchars($titlecols, ENT_QUOTES);
     echo "<td width='70' valign='top' colspan='{$titlecols_esc}'";
     echo $frow['uor'] == 2 ? " class='required'" : " class='bold'";
     if ($cell_count == 2) {
         echo " style='padding-left:10pt'";
     echo ">";
     $cell_count += $titlecols;
 echo "<b>";
 // Modified 6-09 by BM - Translate if applicable
 if ($frow['title']) {
     echo htmlspecialchars(xl_layout_label($frow['title']), ENT_NOQUOTES) . ":";
 } else {
     echo "&nbsp;";
 echo "</b>";
 // Handle starting of a new data cell.
 if ($datacols > 0) {
     $datacols_esc = htmlspecialchars($datacols, ENT_QUOTES);
     echo "<td valign='top' colspan='{$datacols_esc}' class='text'";
     if ($cell_count > 0) {
         echo " style='padding-left:5pt'";
     echo ">";
     $cell_count += $datacols;
    echo "<b>" . xlt('Lists') . "</b><br />\n";
    echo "<select multiple name='form_sel_lists[]' size='15'>";
    $lres = sqlStatement("SELECT option_id, title FROM list_options WHERE " . "list_id = 'lists' ORDER BY title, seq");
    while ($lrow = sqlFetchArray($lres)) {
        echo "<option value='" . attr($lrow['option_id']) . "'";
        echo ">" . text(xl_list_label($lrow['title'])) . "</option>\n";
    echo "</select>\n";
    // Multi-select for layouts.
    echo "</td><td valign='top'>\n";
    echo "<b>" . xlt('Layouts') . "</b><br />\n";
    echo "<select multiple name='form_sel_layouts[]' size='15'>";
    $lres = sqlStatement("SELECT option_id, title FROM list_options WHERE " . "list_id = 'lbfnames' ORDER BY title, seq");
    while ($lrow = sqlFetchArray($lres)) {
        echo "<option value='" . attr($lrow['option_id']) . "'";
        echo ">" . text(xl_layout_label($lrow['title'])) . "</option>\n";
    echo "</select>\n";
    echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
    echo "&nbsp;<br /><input type='submit' value='" . xl('Continue') . "' />\n";
if ($form_step == 102) {
    $tables = '';
    if ($_POST['form_cb_services']) {
        $tables .= ' codes';
    if ($_POST['form_cb_products']) {
        $tables .= ' drugs drug_templates';
    if ($_POST['form_cb_prices']) {
        $tables .= ' prices';
 // Handle starting of a new label cell.
 if ($titlecols > 0) {
     echo "<td colspan='{$titlecols}'";
     echo $frow['uor'] == 2 ? " class='required'" : " class='bold'";
     if ($cell_count == 2) {
         echo " style='padding-left:10pt'";
     echo ">";
     $cell_count += $titlecols;
 echo "<b>";
 // Modified 6-09 by BM - Translate if applicable
 if ($frow['title']) {
     echo xl_layout_label($frow['title']) . ":";
 } else {
     echo "&nbsp;";
 echo "</b>";
 // Handle starting of a new data cell.
 if ($datacols > 0) {
     echo "<td colspan='{$datacols}' class='text'";
     if ($cell_count > 0) {
         echo " style='padding-left:5pt'";
     echo ">";
     $cell_count += $datacols;
Exemple #5
     if ($cell_count == 2) {
         echo " style='padding-left:10pt'";
     if ($graphable) {
         echo " id='{$field_id}'";
     echo ">";
     foreach ($historical_ids as $key => $dummy) {
         $historical_ids[$key] .= "<td valign='top' colspan='{$titlecols}' class='text' nowrap>";
     $cell_count += $titlecols;
 echo "<b>";
 if ($frow['title']) {
     echo htmlspecialchars(xl_layout_label($frow['title']) . ":");
 } else {
     echo "&nbsp;";
 echo "</b>";
 // Note the labels are not repeated in the history columns.
 // Handle starting of a new data cell.
 if ($datacols > 0) {
     echo "<td valign='top' align='right' colspan='{$datacols}' class='text'";
     if ($cell_count > 0) {
         echo " style='padding-left:5pt'";
     echo ">";
     foreach ($historical_ids as $key => $dummy) {
         $historical_ids[$key] .= "<td valign='top' align='right' colspan='{$datacols}' class='text'>";
Exemple #6
function generate_layout_validation($form_id)
    $fres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM layout_options " . "WHERE form_id = ? AND uor > 0 AND field_id != '' " . "ORDER BY group_name, seq", array($form_id));
    while ($frow = sqlFetchArray($fres)) {
        if ($frow['uor'] < 2) {
        $data_type = $frow['data_type'];
        $field_id = $frow['field_id'];
        $fldtitle = $frow['title'];
        if (!$fldtitle) {
            $fldtitle = $frow['description'];
        $fldname = htmlspecialchars("form_{$field_id}", ENT_QUOTES);
        switch ($data_type) {
            case 1:
            case 11:
            case 12:
            case 13:
            case 14:
            case 26:
                echo " if (f.{$fldname}.selectedIndex <= 0) {\n" . "  if (f.{$fldname}.focus) f.{$fldname}.focus();\n" . "  \t\terrMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . htmlspecialchars(xl_layout_label($fldtitle), ENT_QUOTES) . "'; \n" . " }\n";
            case 27:
                // radio buttons
                echo " var i = 0;\n" . " for (; i < f.{$fldname}.length; ++i) if (f.{$fldname['i']}.checked) break;\n" . " if (i >= f.{$fldname}.length) {\n" . "  \t\terrMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . htmlspecialchars(xl_layout_label($fldtitle), ENT_QUOTES) . "'; \n" . " }\n";
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 15:
                echo " if (trimlen(f.{$fldname}.value) == 0) {\n" . "  \t\tif (f.{$fldname}.focus) f.{$fldname}.focus();\n" . "  \t\t\$('#" . $fldname . "').parents('').each( function(){ var tabHeader = \$('#header_' + \$(this).attr('id') ); tabHeader.css('color','red'); } ); " . "  \t\t\$('#" . $fldname . "').attr('style','background:red'); \n" . "  \t\terrMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . htmlspecialchars(xl_layout_label($fldtitle), ENT_QUOTES) . "'; \n" . " } else { " . " \t\t\$('#" . $fldname . "').attr('style',''); " . "  \t\t\$('#" . $fldname . "').parents('').each( function(){ var tabHeader = \$('#header_' + \$(this).attr('id') ); tabHeader.css('color','');  } ); " . " } \n";
Exemple #7
 public static function batch_despatch($var, $func, $data_credentials)
     global $pid;
     if (UserService::valid($data_credentials)) {
         require_once "../../library/";
         require_once "../../library/";
         require_once "../../library/";
         require_once "../../library/";
         if ($func == 'ar_responsible_party') {
             $patient_id = $pid;
             $encounter_id = $var['encounter'];
             $x['ar_responsible_party'] = ar_responsible_party($patient_id, $encounter_id);
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'getInsuranceData') {
             $type = $var['type'];
             $given = $var['given'];
             $x = getInsuranceData($pid, $type, $given);
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'generate_select_list') {
             $tag_name = $var['tag_name'];
             $list_id = $var['list_id'];
             $currvalue = $var['currvalue'];
             $title = $var['title'];
             $empty_name = $var['empty_name'];
             $class = $var['class'];
             $onchange = $var['onchange'];
             $x['generate_select_list'] = generate_select_list($tag_name, $list_id, $currvalue, $title, $empty_name, $class, $onchange);
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'xl_layout_label') {
             $constant = $var['constant'];
             $x['xl_layout_label'] = xl_layout_label($constant);
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'generate_form_field') {
             $frow = $var['frow'];
             $currvalue = $var['currvalue'];
             generate_form_field($frow, $currvalue);
             $x['generate_form_field'] = ob_get_contents();
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'getInsuranceProviders') {
             $i = $var['i'];
             $provider = $var['provider'];
             $insurancei = getInsuranceProviders();
             $x = $insurancei;
             return $x;
         } elseif ($func == 'get_layout_form_value') {
             $frow = $var['frow'];
             $_POST = $var['post_array'];
             $x['get_layout_form_value'] = get_layout_form_value($frow);
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'updatePatientData') {
             $patient_data = $var['patient_data'];
             $create = $var['create'];
             updatePatientData($pid, $patient_data, $create);
             $x['ok'] = 'ok';
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'updateEmployerData') {
             $employer_data = $var['employer_data'];
             $create = $var['create'];
             updateEmployerData($pid, $employer_data, $create);
             $x['ok'] = 'ok';
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'newHistoryData') {
             $x['ok'] = 'ok';
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'newInsuranceData') {
             $_POST = $var[0];
             foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key >= 3) {
                     $var[$key] = formData($value);
                 if ($key >= 1) {
                     $parameters[$key] = $var[$key];
             $parameters[12] = fixDate($parameters[12]);
             $parameters[27] = fixDate($parameters[27]);
             call_user_func_array('newInsuranceData', $parameters);
             $x['ok'] = 'ok';
             return UserService::function_return_to_xml($x);
         } elseif ($func == 'generate_layout_validation') {
             $form_id = $var['form_id'];
             $x = ob_get_clean();
             return $x;
     } else {
         throw new SoapFault("Server", "credentials failed");
Exemple #8
     echo "'";
     if ($cell_count == 2) {
         echo " style='padding-left:10pt'";
     // This ID is used by skip conditions and also show_graph().
     echo " id='label_id_" . attr($field_id) . "'";
     echo ">";
     foreach ($historical_ids as $key => $dummy) {
         $historical_ids[$key] .= "<td valign='top' colspan='" . attr($titlecols) . "' class='text' nowrap>";
     $cell_count += $titlecols;
 echo "<b>";
 if ($frow['title']) {
     echo text(xl_layout_label($frow['title']) . ":");
 } else {
     echo "&nbsp;";
 echo "</b>";
 // Note the labels are not repeated in the history columns.
 // Handle starting of a new data cell.
 if ($datacols > 0) {
     echo "<td valign='top' colspan='" . attr($datacols) . "' class='text'";
     // This ID is used by skip conditions.
     echo " id='value_id_" . attr($field_id) . "'";
     if ($cell_count > 0) {
         echo " style='padding-left:5pt'";
     echo ">";
<th class="srID"   ><?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Hits'), ENT_NOQUOTES);
<th class="srName" ><?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Name'), ENT_NOQUOTES);
// This gets address plus other fields that are mandatory, up to a limit of 5.
$extracols = array();
$tres = sqlStatement("SELECT field_id, title FROM layout_options " . "WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id != '' AND " . "( uor > 1 OR uor > 0 AND edit_options LIKE '%D%' ) AND " . "field_id NOT LIKE 'title' AND " . "field_id NOT LIKE '_name' " . "ORDER BY group_name, seq, title LIMIT 9");
while ($trow = sqlFetchArray($tres)) {
    $extracols[$trow['field_id']] = $trow['title'];
    echo "<th class='srMisc'>" . htmlspecialchars(xl_layout_label($trow['title']), ENT_NOQUOTES) . "</th>\n";


<div id="searchResults">

$pubpid_matched = false;
if ($result) {
    foreach ($result as $iter) {
Exemple #10
function generate_layout_validation($form_id) {
  $fres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM layout_options " .
    "WHERE form_id = ? AND uor > 0 AND field_id != '' " .
    "ORDER BY group_name, seq", array($form_id) );

  while ($frow = sqlFetchArray($fres)) {
    $data_type = $frow['data_type'];
    $field_id  = $frow['field_id'];
    $fldtitle  = $frow['title'];
    if (!$fldtitle) $fldtitle  = $frow['description'];
    $fldname   = htmlspecialchars("form_$field_id", ENT_QUOTES);

    if ($data_type == 40) {
      $fldid = addslashes("form_$field_id");
      // Move canvas image data to its hidden form field so the server will get it.
      " var canfld = f['$fldid'];\n" .
      " if (canfld) canfld.value = lbfCanvasGetData('$fldid');\n";

    if ($frow['uor'] < 2) continue;

    switch($data_type) {
      case  1:
      case 11:
      case 12:
      case 13:
      case 14:
      case 26:
      case 33:
        " if (f.$fldname.selectedIndex <= 0) {\n" .
        "  if (f.$fldname.focus) f.$fldname.focus();\n" .
        "  		errMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . addslashes(xl_layout_label($fldtitle)) . "'; \n" .
        " }\n";
      case 27: // radio buttons
        " var i = 0;\n" .
        " for (; i < f.$fldname.length; ++i) if (f.$fldname[i].checked) break;\n" .
        " if (i >= f.$fldname.length) {\n" .
        "  		errMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . addslashes(xl_layout_label($fldtitle)) . "'; \n" .
        " }\n";
      case  2:
      case  3:
      case  4:
      case 15:
        " if (trimlen(f.$fldname.value) == 0) {\n" .
        "  		if (f.$fldname.focus) f.$fldname.focus();\n" .
		"  		$('#" . $fldname . "').parents('').each( function(){ var tabHeader = $('#header_' + $(this).attr('id') ); tabHeader.css('color','red'); } ); " .
		"  		$('#" . $fldname . "').attr('style','background:red'); \n" .
        "  		errMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . addslashes(xl_layout_label($fldtitle)) . "'; \n" .
        " } else { " .
		" 		$('#" . $fldname . "').attr('style',''); " .
		"  		$('#" . $fldname . "').parents('').each( function(){ var tabHeader = $('#header_' + $(this).attr('id') ); tabHeader.css('color','');  } ); " .
		" } \n";
      case 36: // multi select
        " var multi_select=f['$fldname"."[]']; \n " .
        " var multi_choice_made=false; \n".
        " for (var options_index=0; options_index < multi_select.length; options_index++) { ".
              " multi_choice_made=multi_choice_made || multi_select.options[options_index].selected; \n".
        "    } \n" .
        " if(!multi_choice_made)
            errMsgs[errMsgs.length] = '" . addslashes(xl_layout_label($fldtitle)) . "'; \n" .
				<tbody><tr height="22" class="showborder_head">
					<th width="180px"><b><?php 
echo xlt('Username');
					<th width="270px"><b><?php 
echo xlt('Full Name');
					<th width="190px"><b><span class="bold"><?php 
echo xlt('Facility');
foreach ($l_arr as $layout_entry) {
    echo "<th width='100px'><b><span class='bold'>" . text(xl_layout_label($layout_entry['title'])) . "&nbsp;</span></b></th>";
while ($user = sqlFetchArray($u_res)) {
    foreach ($f_arr as $facility) {
				<tr height="20"  class="text" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed;">
				   <td class="text"><b><a href="facility_user_admin.php?user_id=<?php 
        echo attr($user['id']);
        echo attr($facility['id']);
" class="iframe_small" onclick="top.restoreSession()"><span><?php 
Exemple #12
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<input type='checkbox' value='" . htmlspecialchars(${fieldId}, ENT_QUOTES) . "' name='searchFields'/> <b>" . htmlspecialchars($fieldTitle, ENT_NOQUOTES) . "</b>";
    echo "</td>\n";
$layoutCols = sqlStatement("SELECT field_id, title, description, group_name " . "FROM layout_options " . "WHERE form_id='DEM' " . "AND group_name not like ('%Employer%' ) AND uor != 0 " . "ORDER BY group_name,seq");
echo "<table>";
for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($layoutCols); $iter++) {
    $label = $row['title'] ? $row['title'] : $row['description'];
    if (!$label) {
        $label = $row['field_id'];
    echoFilterItem($iter, $row['field_id'], xl_layout_label($label));
echoFilterItem($iter++, 'pid', xl('Internal Identifier (pid)'));
// Finish the row gracefully.
while ($iter++ % 3) {
    echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// Write a final line to solicit an optional service code.
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td colspan='3'>";
echo "<input type='text' value='' name='search_service_code' size='8' /> " . "<b>" . htmlspecialchars(xl('Service Code')) . "</b> (" . htmlspecialchars(xl('if entered, select only those who have had this service')) . ")";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
		<span class=text><?php 
echo text($fac_info['name']);

foreach ($l_arr as $layout_entry) {
	<td style="width:180px;">
		<span class=text><?php 
    echo text(xl_layout_label($layout_entry['title']));
: </span>
	<td style="width:270px;">
    $entry_data = sqlQuery("SELECT `field_value` FROM `facility_user_ids` " . "WHERE `uid` = ? AND `facility_id` = ? AND `field_id` = ?", array($user_info['id'], $fac_info['id'], $layout_entry['field_id']));
    echo "<td><span class='text'>" . generate_form_field($layout_entry, $entry_data['field_value']) . "&nbsp;</td>";
Exemple #14
function issue_ippf_gcac_form($issue, $thispid)
    global $pprow, $item_count, $cell_count, $last_group;
    $shrow = getHistoryData($thispid);
    if ($issue) {
        $pprow = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM lists_ippf_gcac WHERE id = '{$issue}'");
    } else {
        $pprow = array();
    echo "<div id='ippf_gcac' style='display:none'>\n";
    $fres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM layout_options " . "WHERE form_id = 'GCA' AND uor > 0 " . "ORDER BY group_name, seq");
    $last_group = '';
    $cell_count = 0;
    $item_count = 0;
    $display_style = 'block';
    while ($frow = sqlFetchArray($fres)) {
        $this_group = $frow['group_name'];
        $titlecols = $frow['titlecols'];
        $datacols = $frow['datacols'];
        $data_type = $frow['data_type'];
        $field_id = $frow['field_id'];
        $list_id = $frow['list_id'];
        $currvalue = '';
        if ($frow['edit_options'] == 'H') {
            // This data comes from static history
            if (isset($shrow[$field_id])) {
                $currvalue = $shrow[$field_id];
        } else {
            if (isset($pprow[$field_id])) {
                $currvalue = $pprow[$field_id];
        // Handle a data category (group) change.
        if (strcmp($this_group, $last_group) != 0) {
            $group_seq = 'gca' . substr($this_group, 0, 1);
            $group_name = substr($this_group, 1);
            $last_group = $this_group;
            echo "<br /><span class='bold'><input type='checkbox' name='form_cb_{$group_seq}' value='1' " . "onclick='return divclick(this,\"div_{$group_seq}\");'";
            if ($display_style == 'block') {
                echo " checked";
            echo " /><b>" . xl_layout_label($group_name) . "</b></span>\n";
            echo "<div id='div_{$group_seq}' class='section' style='display:{$display_style};'>\n";
            echo " <table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'>\n";
            $display_style = 'none';
        // Handle starting of a new row.
        if ($titlecols > 0 && $cell_count >= $CPR || $cell_count == 0) {
            echo " <tr>";
        if ($item_count == 0 && $titlecols == 0) {
            $titlecols = 1;
        // Handle starting of a new label cell.
        if ($titlecols > 0) {
            echo "<td valign='top' colspan='{$titlecols}' width='1%' nowrap";
            echo $frow['uor'] == 2 ? " class='required'" : " class='bold'";
            if ($cell_count == 2) {
                echo " style='padding-left:10pt'";
            echo ">";
            $cell_count += $titlecols;
        echo "<b>";
        if ($frow['title']) {
            echo xl_layout_label($frow['title']) . ":";
        } else {
            echo "&nbsp;";
        echo "</b>";
        // Handle starting of a new data cell.
        if ($datacols > 0) {
            echo "<td valign='top' colspan='{$datacols}' class='text'";
            if ($cell_count > 0) {
                echo " style='padding-left:5pt'";
            echo ">";
            $cell_count += $datacols;
        if ($frow['edit_options'] == 'H') {
            echo generate_display_field($frow, $currvalue);
        } else {
            generate_form_field($frow, $currvalue);
    echo "</div>\n";
<th class="srID"   ><?php 
xl('Hits', 'e');
<th class="srName" ><?php 
xl('Name', 'e');
// This gets address plus other fields that are mandatory, up to a limit of 5.
$extracols = array();
$tres = sqlStatement("SELECT field_id, title FROM layout_options " . "WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id != '' AND " . "( uor > 1 OR uor > 0 AND edit_options LIKE '%D%' ) AND " . "field_id NOT LIKE 'title' AND " . "field_id NOT LIKE '_name' " . "ORDER BY group_name, seq, title LIMIT 9");
while ($trow = sqlFetchArray($tres)) {
    $extracols[$trow['field_id']] = $trow['title'];
    echo "<th class='srMisc'>" . xl_layout_label($trow['title']) . "</th>\n";


<div id="searchResults">

$pubpid_matched = false;
if ($result) {
    foreach ($result as $iter) {