Exemple #1
 * Get information about new versions of ocPortal (or more accurately, what's wrong with this version).
 * @return tempcode		Information about the installed ocPortal version
function get_future_version_information()
    $url = 'http://ocportal.com/version.php?version=' . rawurlencode(ocp_version_full()) . '&lang=' . rawurlencode(user_lang());
    $data = http_download_file($url, NULL, false);
    if (!is_null($data)) {
        $data = str_replace('"../upgrader.php"', '"' . get_base_url() . '/upgrader.php"', $data);
        if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT']) {
        $data = convert_to_internal_encoding($data);
        $table = new ocp_tempcode();
        $lines = explode(chr(10), $data);
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (trim($line) != '') {
        $table = make_string_tempcode(preg_replace('#<p>\\s*</p>#', '', $table->evaluate()));
    } else {
        $table = paragraph(do_lang_tempcode('CANNOT_CONNECT_HOME'), 'dfsdff32ffd');
    /*$table->attach('<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
    return make_string_tempcode(xhtmlise_html($table->evaluate()));
Exemple #2
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run()
     if (get_file_base() != get_custom_file_base()) {
     $GLOBALS['TITLE_CALLED'] = true;
     $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TEXT'] = comcode_lang_string('DOC_PHP_INFO');
     $out = xhtmlise_html(ob_get_contents());
     $out = preg_replace('#<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>#s', '', preg_replace('#</body[^>]*>#', '', preg_replace('#<body[^>]*>#', '', preg_replace('#</html[^>]*>#', '', preg_replace('#<html[^>]*>#', '', $out)))));
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match('#<style[^>]*>#', $out, $matches) != 0) {
         $offset = strpos($out, $matches[0]) + strlen($matches[0]);
         $end = strpos($out, '</style>', $offset);
         if ($end !== false) {
             $style = substr($out, $offset - strlen($matches[0]), $end - $offset + strlen('</style>') + strlen($matches[0]));
             $out = substr($out, 0, $offset) . substr($out, $end);
     $out = preg_replace('#<head[^>]*>.*</head[^>]*>#s', '', $out);
     $out = str_replace(' width="600"', ' width="100%"', $out);
     $out = preg_replace('#([^\\s<>"\']{65}&[^;]+;)#', '${1}<br />', $out);
     $out = preg_replace('#([^\\s<>"\']{95})#', '${1}<br />', $out);
     $url_parts = parse_url(get_base_url());
     $out = str_replace('<img border="0" src="/', '<img border="0" style="padding-top: 20px" src="http://' . escape_html($url_parts['host']) . '/', $out);
     $ret = make_string_tempcode(xhtmlise_html($out));
     return $ret;
Exemple #3
  * Get an array of topics in the given forum. Each topic is an array with the following attributes:
  * - id, the topic ID
  * - title, the topic title
  * - lastusername, the username of the last poster
  * - lasttime, the timestamp of the last reply
  * - closed, a Boolean for whether the topic is currently closed or not
  * - firsttitle, the title of the first post
  * - firstpost, the first post (only set if $show_first_posts was true)
  * @param  mixed			The forum name or an array of forum IDs
  * @param  integer		The limit
  * @param  integer		The start position
  * @param  integer		The total rows (not a parameter: returns by reference)
  * @param  SHORT_TEXT	The topic title filter
  * @param  boolean		Whether to show the first posts
  * @param  string			The date key to sort by
  * @set    lasttime firsttime
  * @param  boolean		Whether to limit to hot topics
  * @param  SHORT_TEXT	The topic description filter
  * @return ?array			The array of topics (NULL: error)
 function show_forum_topics($name, $limit, $start, &$max_rows, $filter_topic_title = '', $show_first_posts = false, $date_key = 'lasttime', $hot = false, $filter_topic_description = '')
     if (is_integer($name)) {
         $id_list = 'forum_id=' . strval((int) $name);
     } elseif (!is_array($name)) {
         if ($name == '<announce>' || is_null($name)) {
             $id_list = '(forum_id IS NULL)';
         } else {
             $id = $this->forum_id_from_name($name);
             if (is_null($id)) {
                 return NULL;
             $id_list = 'forum_id=' . strval((int) $id);
     } else {
         $id_list = '';
         $id_list_2 = '';
         foreach (array_keys($name) as $id) {
             if ($id_list != '') {
                 $id_list .= ' OR ';
             if (is_null($id) || $id == '') {
                 $id_list .= '(forum_id IS NULL)';
             } else {
                 $id_list .= 'forum_id=' . strval((int) $id);
         if ($id_list == '') {
             return NULL;
     $topic_filter = $filter_topic_title != '' ? 'AND title LIKE \'' . db_encode_like($this->ipb_escape($filter_topic_title)) . '\'' : '';
     if ($filter_topic_description != '') {
         $topic_filter .= ' AND description LIKE \'' . db_encode_like($this->ipb_escape($filter_topic_description)) . '\'';
     $rows = $this->connection->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->connection->get_table_prefix() . 'topics WHERE (' . $id_list . ') ' . $topic_filter . ' ORDER BY ' . ($date_key == 'lasttime' ? 'last_post' : 'start_date') . ' DESC', $limit, $start);
     $max_rows = $this->connection->query_value_null_ok_full('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->connection->get_table_prefix() . 'topics WHERE (' . $id_list . ') ' . $topic_filter);
     $emoticons_set_dir = $this->get_emo_dir();
     $out = array();
     foreach ($rows as $i => $r) {
         $out[$i] = array();
         $out[$i]['id'] = $r['tid'];
         $out[$i]['num'] = $r['posts'];
         $out[$i]['title'] = $this->ipb_unescape($r['title']);
         $out[$i]['firstusername'] = $this->ipb_unescape($r['starter_name']);
         $out[$i]['lastusername'] = $this->ipb_unescape($r['last_poster_name']);
         $out[$i]['firstmemberid'] = $r['starter_id'];
         $out[$i]['lastmemberid'] = $r['last_poster_id'];
         $out[$i]['firsttime'] = $r['start_date'];
         $out[$i]['lasttime'] = $r['last_post'];
         $out[$i]['closed'] = $r['state'] == 'closed';
         $fp_rows = $this->connection->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->connection->get_table_prefix() . 'posts WHERE post NOT LIKE \'' . db_encode_like(do_lang('SPACER_POST', '', '', '', get_site_default_lang()) . '%') . '\' AND topic_id=' . strval((int) $out[$i]['id']) . ' ORDER BY post_date', 1);
         if (!array_key_exists(0, $fp_rows)) {
         $out[$i]['firsttitle'] = $this->ipb_unescape($fp_rows[0]['post_title']);
         if ($show_first_posts) {
             $post_id = $fp_rows[0]['pid'];
             $post = $fp_rows[0]['post'];
             if (array_key_exists('post_htmlstate', $fp_rows[0]) && $fp_rows[0]['post_htmlstate'] != 0) {
                 if ($fp_rows[0]['post_htmlstate'] == 1) {
                     $post = str_replace('<br />', '', $post);
                 $post = @html_entity_decode($post, ENT_QUOTES, get_charset());
             $post = preg_replace('#public/style_emoticons/<\\#EMO_DIR\\#>(.+?)\'#is', $emoticons_set_dir . '\\1\'', $post);
             $post = str_replace("class='quotetop'", "class='comcode_quote_h4'", $post);
             $post = str_replace("class='quotemain'", "class='comcode_quote_content'", $post);
             // Attachments
             $attachments = $this->connection->query_select('attachments', array('attach_member_id', 'attach_id', 'attach_file', 'attach_location', 'attach_thumb_location', 'attach_is_image', 'attach_filesize', 'attach_hits'), array('attach_post_key' => $fp_rows[0]['post_key']));
             foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                 if ($attachment['attach_thumb_location'] != '' || $attachment['attach_is_image'] == 0) {
                     $url = get_forum_base_url() . '/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=' . $attachment['attach_id'];
                     if ($attachment['attach_thumb_location'] != '') {
                         $special = do_template('FORUM_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_THUMB', array('_GUID' => '98a66462f270f53101c4c0a1b63f0bfc', 'FULL' => $url, 'URL' => get_forum_base_url() . '/uploads/' . $attachment['attach_thumb_location']));
                     } else {
                         $special = do_template('FORUM_ATTACHMENT_LINK', array('_GUID' => '002a3220f35debbe567ce7a225aa221e', 'FULL' => $url, 'FILENAME' => $attachment['attach_file'], 'CLEAN_SIZE' => clean_file_size($attachment['attach_filesize']), 'NUM_DOWNLOADS' => integer_format($attachment['attach_hits'])));
                 } else {
                     $special = do_template('FORUM_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE', array('_GUID' => '49dbf65cb5e20340a5ad4379ea6344c3', 'URL' => get_forum_base_url() . '/uploads/' . $attachment['attach_location']));
                 // See if we have to place it somewhere special inside the post
                 $old_post = $post;
                 $post = str_replace('[attachmentid=' . $attachment['attach_id'] . ']', $special->evaluate(), $post);
                 if ($old_post == $post) {
                     $post .= $special->evaluate();
             global $LAX_COMCODE;
             $end = 0;
             while (($pos = strpos($post, '[right]', $end)) !== false) {
                 $e_pos = strpos($post, '[/right]', $pos);
                 if ($e_pos === false) {
                 $end = $e_pos + strlen('[/right]');
                 $segment = substr($post, $pos, $end - $pos);
                 $temp = $LAX_COMCODE;
                 $LAX_COMCODE = true;
                 $comcode = comcode_to_tempcode($segment, $r['starter_id']);
                 $LAX_COMCODE = $temp;
                 $post = substr($post, 0, $pos) . $comcode->evaluate() . substr($post, $end);
             $temp = $LAX_COMCODE;
             $LAX_COMCODE = true;
             $out[$i]['firstpost'] = comcode_to_tempcode(xhtmlise_html($post), $r['starter_id'], false, 60, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
             // Assumes HTML for posts
             $LAX_COMCODE = $temp;
     if (count($out) != 0) {
         return $out;
     return NULL;
Exemple #4
  * The UI for the zone editor.
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function _editor()
     $id = get_param('id', '');
     // '' needed for short URLs
     if ($id == '/') {
         $id = '';
     $GLOBALS['EXTRA_HEAD']->attach(make_string_tempcode('<base target="_blank" />'));
     $nice_zone_name = $id == '' ? do_lang('_WELCOME') : $id;
     $title = get_page_title('_ZONE_EDITOR', true, array(escape_html($nice_zone_name)));
     $lang = choose_language($title, true);
     if (is_object($lang)) {
         return $lang;
     if (!has_js()) {
         // Send them to the page permissions screen
         $url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'edit'), '_SELF');
         assign_refresh($url, 5.0);
         return do_template('REDIRECT_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '20ed5fa100b87756a77c48988ef856ae', 'URL' => $url, 'TITLE' => $title, 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('NO_JS_ADVANCED_SCREEN_ZONE_EDITOR')));
     // After completion prep/relay
     $_default_redirect = build_url(array('page' => ''), $id);
     $default_redirect = $_default_redirect->evaluate();
     $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '__editor', 'lang' => $lang, 'redirect' => get_param('redirect', $default_redirect), 'id' => $id), '_SELF');
     // Zone editing stuff
     $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('zones', array('*'), array('zone_name' => $id), '', 1);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $rows)) {
     $row = $rows[0];
     $header_text = get_translated_text($row['zone_header_text'], NULL, $lang);
     $default_page = $row['zone_default_page'];
     list($fields, , ) = $this->get_form_fields(true, get_translated_text($row['zone_title'], NULL, $lang), $default_page, $header_text, $row['zone_theme'], $row['zone_wide'], $row['zone_require_session'], $row['zone_displayed_in_menu'], $id);
     // Page editing stuff
     $editor = array();
     foreach (array('panel_left', $default_page, 'panel_right') as $i => $for) {
         $page_info = _request_page($for, $id, NULL, $lang);
         if ($page_info === false) {
             $page_info = array('COMCODE_CUSTOM', $id, $for, $lang);
         $is_comcode = false;
         $redirecting_to = NULL;
         $current_for = $for;
         $pure = false;
         switch ($page_info[0]) {
             case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM_PURE':
                 $pure = true;
             case 'COMCODE':
             case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM':
                 $is_comcode = true;
                 $type = do_lang_tempcode('COMCODE_PAGE');
             case 'HTML':
             case 'HTML_CUSTOM':
                 $type = protect_from_escaping(escape_html('HTML'));
             case 'MODULES':
             case 'MODULES_CUSTOM':
                 $type = do_lang_tempcode('MODULE');
             case 'MINIMODULES':
             case 'MINIMODULES_CUSTOM':
                 $type = do_lang_tempcode('MINIMODULE');
             case 'REDIRECT':
                 $type = do_lang_tempcode('REDIRECT_PAGE_TO', escape_html($page_info[1]['r_to_zone']), escape_html($page_info[1]['r_to_page']));
                 $redirecting_to = $page_info[1]['r_to_zone'];
                 $current_for = $page_info[1]['r_to_page'];
                 $page_info = _request_page($current_for, $redirecting_to, NULL, $lang);
                 if ($page_info !== false) {
                     switch ($page_info[0]) {
                         case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM_PURE':
                             $pure = true;
                         case 'COMCODE':
                         case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM':
                             $is_comcode = true;
                 $type = do_lang_tempcode('UNKNOWN');
         $class = '';
         $w = false;
         $current_zone = is_null($redirecting_to) ? $id : $redirecting_to;
         $default_parsed = NULL;
         if ($is_comcode) {
             $fullpath = zone_black_magic_filterer(($page_info[0] == 'comcode' || $pure ? get_file_base() : get_custom_file_base()) . '/' . $current_zone . '/pages/' . strtolower($page_info[0]) . '/' . $lang . '/' . $current_for . '.txt');
             if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
                 $fullpath = zone_black_magic_filterer(($page_info[0] == 'comcode' || $pure ? get_file_base() : get_custom_file_base()) . '/' . $current_zone . '/pages/' . strtolower($page_info[0]) . '/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/' . $current_for . '.txt');
             if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
                 $comcode = file_get_contents($fullpath, FILE_TEXT);
                 $default_parsed = comcode_to_tempcode($comcode, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true);
             } else {
                 $comcode = '';
             $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_comcode_pages', 'type' => '_ed', 'page_link' => $current_zone . ':' . $current_for), get_module_zone('cms_comcode_pages'));
             // WYSIWYG?
             $w = has_js() && (browser_matches('wysiwyg') && strpos($comcode, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false);
             global $JAVASCRIPT, $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED;
             if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) {
             $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true;
             if ($w) {
                 @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset());
                 $class .= ' wysiwyg';
         } else {
             $comcode = NULL;
             $edit_url = new ocp_tempcode();
         $field_name = 'edit_' . $for . '_textarea';
         if ($i == 1) {
             $settings = $fields;
             $comcode_editor = get_comcode_editor($field_name);
         } else {
             $settings = NULL;
             $button = 'block';
             $comcode_editor = new ocp_tempcode();
             $comcode_editor->attach(do_template('COMCODE_EDITOR_BUTTON', array('_GUID' => '0acc5dcf299325d0cf55871923148a54', 'DIVIDER' => false, 'FIELD_NAME' => $field_name, 'TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('INPUT_COMCODE_' . $button), 'B' => $button)));
             $button = 'comcode';
             $comcode_editor->attach(do_template('COMCODE_EDITOR_BUTTON', array('_GUID' => '1acc5dcf299325d0cf55871923148a54', 'DIVIDER' => false, 'FIELD_NAME' => $field_name, 'TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('INPUT_COMCODE_' . $button), 'B' => $button)));
         global $TEMPCODE_SETGET;
         if ($for == $default_page) {
             $TEMPCODE_SETGET['in_panel'] = '0';
         } else {
             $TEMPCODE_SETGET['in_panel'] = '1';
         $preview = substr($page_info[0], 0, 6) == 'MODULE' ? NULL : request_page($for, false, $id, NULL, true);
         if (!is_null($preview)) {
             $_preview = $preview->evaluate();
             if (!$is_comcode || strpos($comcode, '<') !== false) {
                 $_preview = xhtmlise_html($_preview, true);
                 // Fix potential errors by passing it through our XHTML fixer functions
             } else {
                 $new = $_preview;
                 if (preg_replace('#\\s+#', '', $new) != preg_replace('#\\s+#', '', $_preview)) {
                     $_preview = $new;
                     $_preview .= do_lang('BROKEN_XHTML_FIXED');
         } else {
             $_preview = NULL;
         $is_panel = substr($for, 0, 6) == 'panel_';
         $zone_list = $for == $current_for ? nice_get_zones($redirecting_to, array($id)) : new ocp_tempcode();
         $editor[$for] = static_evaluate_tempcode(do_template('ZONE_EDITOR_PANEL', array('_GUID' => 'f32ac84fe18b90497acd4afa27698bf0', 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'CLASS' => $class, 'CURRENT_ZONE' => $current_zone, 'ZONES' => $zone_list, 'COMCODE' => $comcode, 'PREVIEW' => $_preview, 'ZONE' => $id, 'ID' => $for, 'IS_PANEL' => $is_panel, 'TYPE' => $type, 'EDIT_URL' => $edit_url, 'SETTINGS' => $settings, 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor)));
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:editor', do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE'))));
     list($warning_details, $ping_url) = handle_conflict_resolution($id);
     return do_template('ZONE_EDITOR_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '3cb1aab6b16444484e82d22f2c8f1e9a', 'ID' => $id, 'LANG' => $lang, 'PING_URL' => $ping_url, 'WARNING_DETAILS' => $warning_details, 'TITLE' => $title, 'URL' => $post_url, 'LEFT_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_left'], 'RIGHT_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_right'], 'MIDDLE_EDITOR' => $editor[$default_page]));
 * Convert Semi-HTML into comcode. Cleanup where possible
 * @param  LONG_TEXT		The Semi-HTML to converted
 * @param  boolean		Whether to force full conversion regardless of settings
 * @return LONG_TEXT		The equivalent comcode
function semihtml_to_comcode($semihtml, $force = false)
    $semihtml = trim($semihtml);
    @ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', '10000000');
    do {
        $semihtml_before = $semihtml;
        $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<input [^>]*class="ocp_keep_ui_controlled" [^>]*title="([^"]*)" [^>]*type="text" [^>]*value="[^"]*"[^>]*/?' . '>#siU', 'debuttonise', $semihtml_before);
    } while ($semihtml != $semihtml_before);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $semihtml = str_replace('&#8203;', '', $semihtml);
    if (strtolower(get_charset()) == 'utf-8') {
        $semihtml = str_replace(chr(hexdec('e2')) . chr(hexdec('80')) . chr(hexdec('8b')), '', $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<kbd class="(ocp_keep|ocp_keep_block)"[^>]*>(.*)</kbd>$#siU', "\${2}");
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('kbd', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<!-- >', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<span id="cke_bm_[^"]+" style="display: none;\\s*">&nbsp;</span>#', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = xhtmlise_html($semihtml, true);
    // Needed so we can parse it right
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(\\[[\\w\\_]+)&nbsp;#', '${1} ', $semihtml);
    $matches = array();
    if (!$force && (get_option('eager_wysiwyg') == '0' && (substr_count($semihtml, '://') <= preg_match_all('#(href|src)="[^"]*://[^"]*"#', $semihtml, $matches) || count(find_all_hooks('systems', 'comcode_link_handlers')) == 0) && has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'allow_html')) || strpos($semihtml, '{$,page hint: no_smart_conversion}') !== false) {
        $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<img([^>]*) src="([^"]*)"([^>]*) />#siU', '_img_tag_fixup_raw', $semihtml);
        // Resolve relative URLs
        $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<img([^>]*) src="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>#siU', '_img_tag_fixup_raw', $semihtml);
        // Resolve relative URLs
        if (strpos($semihtml, 'data:') === false) {
            $count = substr_count($semihtml, '[/') + substr_count($semihtml, '{') + substr_count($semihtml, '[[') + substr_count($semihtml, '<h1');
            if ($count == 0 && strpos($semihtml, '<h1') === false) {
                return $semihtml == '' ? '' : '[html]' . $semihtml . '[/html]';
            $count2 = substr_count($semihtml, '[/attachment]') + substr_count($semihtml, '<h1');
            if ($count2 == $count) {
                if ($semihtml != '') {
                    $semihtml = '[html]' . $semihtml . '[/html]';
                $semihtml = preg_replace('#<h1[^>]*>\\s*<span class="inner">(.*)</span>\\s*</h1>#Us', '[/html][semihtml][title]${1}[/title][/semihtml][html]', $semihtml);
                $semihtml = preg_replace('#<h1[^>]*>(.*)</h1>#Us', '[/html][semihtml][title]${1}[/title][/semihtml][html]', $semihtml);
                $semihtml = str_replace('[attachment', '[/html][semihtml][attachment', str_replace('[/attachment]', '[/attachment][/semihtml][html]', $semihtml));
                $semihtml = str_replace('[/html][html]', '', $semihtml);
                $semihtml = str_replace('[html][/html]', '', $semihtml);
                return $semihtml;
        if ($semihtml != '') {
            $semihtml = '[semihtml]' . $semihtml . '[/semihtml]';
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#<h1[^>]*>\\s*<span class="inner">(.*)</span>\\s*</h1>#Us', '[title]${1}[/title]', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#<h1[^>]*>(.*)</h1>#Us', '[title]${1}[/title]', $semihtml);
        return $semihtml;
    // Safety from if these are typed in (could cause problems)
    $semihtml = str_replace('[html', '[ html', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[semihtml', '[ semihtml', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[/html', '[ / html', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[/semihtml', '[ / semihtml', $semihtml);
    // Try and retain image attachments
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<script[^>]*>(//\\s*<!\\[CDATA\\[)?(<!--)?\\s*var te_[\\d\\w\\-]*="[^"]*&for\\_session=[^"]*";\\s*(//\\]\\]>)?(-->)?</script>#', '', $semihtml);
    foreach (array('&amp;thumb=0[^"]*' => ' thumb="0"', '&amp;thumb=1[^"]*' => ' thumb="1"', '' => '') as $thumb_bit => $comcode_to) {
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#<div [^>]*class="attachment_left"[^>]*>\\s*<img src="[^"]*?id=(\\d+)[^"]*' . $thumb_bit . '(&amp;for_session=[\\w\\d]+)?" /></div>#i', '[attachment_safe' . $comcode_to . ' type="inline_left"]${1}[/attachment_safe]', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#<div [^>]*class="attachment_right"[^>]*>\\s*<img src="[^"]*?id=(\\d+)[^"]*' . $thumb_bit . '(&amp;for_session=[\\w\\d]+)?" /></div>#i', '[attachment_safe' . $comcode_to . ' type="inline_right"]${1}[/attachment_safe]', $semihtml);
        $regexp = '#';
        $regexp .= $comcode_to == ' thumb="1"' ? '(<a [^>]*>)?\\s*' : '()';
        $regexp .= '<img [^>]*[^>]*src="[^"]*?id=(\\d+)[^"]*' . $thumb_bit . '(&amp;for_session=[\\w\\d]+)?" [^>]*title="([^"]*)" [^>]*/?' . '>\\s*';
        $regexp .= $comcode_to == ' thumb="1"' ? '(</a>)?' : '()';
        $regexp .= '#i';
        $semihtml = preg_replace($regexp, '[attachment_safe' . $comcode_to . ' type="inline" description="${4}"]${2}[/attachment_safe]', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#&amp;keep_session=[\\d]*(&amp;for_session=[\\w\\d]*)?#', '', $semihtml);
    // This is useful for generally stripping sensitive information anyway. Should be null-op if anti-leech was on, but worth doing just-in-case.
    // We must protect anything that is in CDATA from whitespace/entity cleanup (HTML or XHTML - we have to use lowest common denominator)
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(<script[^>]*>)(.*)(</script>)#siU', '_cdata_protect', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(<style[^>]*>)(.*)(</style>)#siU', '_cdata_protect', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(<textarea[^>]*>)(.*)(</textarea>)#siU', '_cdata_protect', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(<pre[^>]*>)(.*)(</pre>)#siU', '_cdata_protect', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(<![CDATA[)(.*)(]]>)#siU', '_cdata_protect', $semihtml);
    // And use same method to protect our code tags
    /*	foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['CODE_TAGS']) as $code_tag)
    Actually no, we don't want this. These tags are typed potentially to show HTML and thus the entities must get decoded
    // Cleanup from certain word processors
    // LibreOffice
    $semihtml = str_replace('<h2 class="western">', '<h2>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#</(ul|ol|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)>\\s*<p style="margin-bottom: 0(cm|em|px)?">\\s*&nbsp;\\s*</p>\\s*#Us', '</${1}>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<p style="margin-bottom: 0(cm|em|px)?">\\s*&nbsp;\\s*</p>\\s*#Us', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<li>\\s*<p style="margin-bottom: 0(cm|em|px)?">(.*)</p>\\s*</li>#Us', '<li>${2}</li>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<p style="margin-bottom: 0(cm|em|px)?">(.*)</p>\\s*<(ul|ol|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)>#Us', '${2}<${3}>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm">', '<p>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<style[^>]*>)(.*)(</style>)#siU', '', $semihtml);
    // We shouldn't allow this nested anyway (invalid XHTML), and word abuses it
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<span class="Apple-style-span"[^>]*>(.*)</span>#siU', '${1}', $semihtml);
    // webkit
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<meta[^>]*>#siU', '', $semihtml);
    // We shouldn't allow this nested anyway (invalid XHTML), and word abuses it
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]*) lang="[^"]*"#i', '${1}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]*) style="margin-right: 0\\w*;?"#i', '${1}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]*) dir="' . do_lang('dir') . '"#i', '${1}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<[^>"]* style="([^">]*&quot;[^">]*)*"#i', '_css_quot_fixup', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<a name="OLE_LINK1">([^<]*)</a>#siU', '${1}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]* align="right"[^>]*) style="(margin-right: [\\d\\.]+pt;\\s*)?text-align: right;?"#is', '${1}', $semihtml);
    // trim off redundancy
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]* align="center"[^>]*) style="(margin-right: [\\d\\.]+pt;\\s*)?text-align: center;?"#is', '${1}', $semihtml);
    // trim off redundancy
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(?U)(<[^>]* style="[^"]*)(?-U);?\\s*page-break-after: avoid;?"#is', '${1}"', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<place>', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('</place>', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<link [^>]*href="file://[^"]*"[^>]*/>#sU', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<!--\\[if(.*)-->#sU', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#<!--(.*)\\[endif(.*)-->#sU', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<!-- >', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#</?[ovw]:[^>]*>#s', '', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]*) [ovw]:[^>"]*"[^"]*"([^>]*>)#s', '${1}${2}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#</?st1:[^>]*>#', '', $semihtml);
    // Word smart tags
    $semihtml = str_replace('<br class="Apple-interchange-newline" />', '<br />', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace(chr(10), ' ', $semihtml);
    // Clean some whitespace (they have a special Comcode meaning, but no special HTML meaning)
    $inline_elements = array('font', 's', 'u', 'strike', 'span', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'cite', 'code', 'dfn', 'em', 'strong', 'kbd', 'q', 'samp', 'var', 'sub', 'sup', 'tt', 'del', 'ruby', 'a', 'bdo', 'img', 'ins', 'param', 'textarea', 'button', 'input', 'select', 'object', 'caption', 'label', 'b', 'i', 'small', 'big');
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<(' . implode('|', $inline_elements) . ')( [^>]*)?' . '>)\\s+#', '${1}</CDATA__space>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\s+(</(' . implode('|', $inline_elements) . ')>)#', '</CDATA__space>${1}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#([^\\>\\s])\\s+(<(' . implode('|', $inline_elements) . ')( [^>]*)?' . '>)#', '${1}</CDATA__space>${2}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(</(' . implode('|', $inline_elements) . ')>)\\s+#', '${1}</CDATA__space>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#>\\s+#', '>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\s+<#', '<', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\s+#', ' ', $semihtml);
    // Cleanup impossible stuff in code tags
    global $CODE_TAGS;
    foreach (array_keys($CODE_TAGS) as $tag) {
        $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace($tag, '#^(\\[' . $tag . '\\])(.*)(\\[/' . $tag . '\\])$#si', array('comcode_strip_html_tags'), $semihtml);
    // Cleanup how blocks are converted into a line break model. We need to clean up the case where inline leads onto block, by adding a linebreak inbetween. Note that this kind of break does not go *between* blocks, which is the reason we can't arbitrarily place it later on.
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#([^\\s<>]|</(' . implode('|', $inline_elements) . ')>)(<(div|p))#', '${1}<br />${3}', $semihtml);
    // Reorder XHTML attributes alphabetically, so our regexp's match better
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<([^>\\s]+)\\s([^>]+)>#', '_reorder_xhtml_attributes', $semihtml);
    // Reorder style properties alphabetically, so our regexp's match better
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(<[^>]*style=")([^"]*)("[^>]*>)#', '_reorder_css_properties', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<p  />', '<br /><br />', str_replace('<p />', '<br /><br />', $semihtml));
    // Remove proprietary stylings put in by RTF->HTML conversions performed by certain browsers
    $old_semihtml = '';
    do {
        $old_semihtml = $semihtml;
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#(<[^>]* style="(?U)[^">]*(?-U))-\\w+-[^";>]*(;\\s*)?#s', '${1}', $semihtml);
    } while ($semihtml != $old_semihtml);
    // Perform lots of conversions. We can't convert everything. Sometimes we reverse-convert what Comcode forward-converts; sometimes we match generic HTML; sometimes we match Microsoft Word or Open Office; sometimes we do lossy match
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title">\\s*<span class="inner">(.*)</span>\\s*</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 class="screen_title">\\s*<span class="inner">(.*)</span>\\s*</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title" class="screen_title">\\s*<span class="inner">(.*)</span>\\s*</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title">(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 class="screen_title">(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title" class="screen_title">(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1>(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('h1', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#^\\s*<h1[^>]+>(.*)</h1>#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]', $semihtml);
    for ($i = 2; $i <= 4; $i++) {
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h' . strval($i) . '><span class="inner">(.*)</span></h' . strval($i) . '>$#siU', '[title="' . strval($i) . '"]${1}[/title]');
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h' . strval($i) . '>(.*)</h' . strval($i) . '>$#siU', '[title="' . strval($i) . '"]${1}[/title]');
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('h' . strval($i) . '', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title"[^<>]*><span class="inner">(.*)</span></h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 class="screen_title"[^<>]*><span class="inner">(.*)</span></h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title" class="screen_title"><span class="inner">(.*)</span></h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title"[^<>]*>(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 class="screen_title"[^<>]*>(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h1 id="screen_title" class="screen_title"[^<>]*>(.*)</h1>$#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('h1', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#^\\s*<h1[^>]+>(.*)</h1>#siU', '[title="1"]${1}[/title]', $semihtml);
    for ($i = 2; $i <= 4; $i++) {
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h' . strval($i) . '><span class="inner">(.*)</span></h' . strval($i) . '>$#siU', '[title="' . strval($i) . '"]${1}[/title]');
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<h' . strval($i) . '>(.*)</h' . strval($i) . '>$#siU', '[title="' . strval($i) . '"]${1}[/title]');
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('h' . strval($i), $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span>(.*)</span>$#siU', '${1}');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span( charset="[^"]*")?( content="[^"]*")?( name="[^"]*")?' . '>(.*)</span>$#siU', '${4}');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-family:\\s*monospace;\\s*?font-size:\\s*[\\d\\.]*em;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[tt]${1}[/tt]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-weight:\\s*bold;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[b]${1}[/b]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-style:\\s*italic;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[i]${1}[/i]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?text-decoration:\\s*underline;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[u]${1}[/u]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span( href="[^"]*")?( rel="[^"]*")?' . '>(.*)</span>$#siU', '${3}');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-weight:\\s*bold;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[b]${1}[/b]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-style:\\s*italic;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[i]${1}[/i]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?text-decoration:\\s*underline;?">(.*)</span>$#siU', '[u]${1}[/u]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?color:\\s*?([^";]+);\\s*?font-family:\\s*?([^";]+);\\s*?font-size:\\s*?([^";]+);?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font param="${2}" color="${1}" size="${3}"]${5}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?color:\\s*?([^";]+);\\s*?font-size:\\s*?([^";]+);?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font color="${1}" size="${2}"]${4}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?color:\\s*?([^";]+);\\s*?font-family:\\s*?([^";]+);?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font param="${2}" color="${1}"]${4}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?color:\\s*?([^";]+);?\\s*?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font color="${1}"]${3}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-family:\\s*?([^";]+);\\s*?font-size:\\s*?([^";]+);?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font param="${1}" size="${2}"]${4}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-size:\\s*?([0-9\\.]+\\w\\w);?\\s*?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font size="${1}"]${3}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="\\s*?font-family:\\s*?([^";]+);?\\s*?"([^>]*)>(.*)</span>$#siU', '[font param="${1}"]${3}[/font]');
    $complex_equivs = array('<span class="comcode_highlight">(.*)</span>' => 'highlight', '<span class="comcode_bold">(.*)</span>' => 'b', '<span class="comcode_italic">(.*)</span>' => 'i', '<span class="comcode_underline">(.*)</span>' => 'u');
    foreach ($complex_equivs as $from => $to) {
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^' . $from . '$#siU', '[' . $to . ']${1}[/' . $to . ']');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('span', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $_array_html_preg_replace = array();
    foreach ($array_html_preg_replace as $i => $x) {
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i] = array();
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][0] = str_replace('span', 'div', $x[0]);
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][1] = '<div>' . $x[1] . '</div>';
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('div', $_array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $_array_html_preg_replace = array();
    foreach ($array_html_preg_replace as $i => $x) {
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i] = array();
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][0] = str_replace('div', 'p', $x[0]);
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][1] = '<p>' . $x[1] . '</p>';
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('p', $_array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<font>(.*)</font>$#siU', '${1}');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<font ([^>]*)size="(\\d+)"([^>]*)>(.*)</font>$#siU', '[font ${1}${3} size="${2}of"]${4}[/font]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<font([^>]*)>(.*)</font>$#siU', '[font${1}]${2}[/font]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('font', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#(\\[font [^\\]]*color=")rgb\\((\\s*\\d+\\s*),(\\s*\\d+\\s*),(\\s*\\d+\\s*)\\)("[^\\]]*\\])#', '_css_color_fixup', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<a ([^>]*)href="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>#', '_a_tag_link_fixup', $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<a ([^>]*)href="mailto:(?-U) ?(?U)([^"]+)"([^>]*)>(.*)</a>$#siU', '[email="${2}"]${4}[/email]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<a ([^>]*)href="' . str_replace('#', '\\#', str_replace('&', '\\&', mailto_obfuscated())) . '([^"]+)"([^>]*)>(.*)</a>$#siU', '[email="${4}"]${2}[/email]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<a ([^>]*)href="([^"]+)"([^>]*) target="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>(.*)</a>$#siU', '[url="${2}" target="${4}"]${6}[/url]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<a ([^>]*)href="([^"]+)"([^>]*)>(.*)</a>$#siU', '[url="${2}"]${4}[/url]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('a', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p class="msoNormal">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '${1}<br />');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p align="(\\w+)" class="msoNormal">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '[align="${1}"]${2}[/align]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p class="msoNormal" style="margin: \\d+pt 0[\\w;]*">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '<br />${1}<br />');
    // Cleanup from Word
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p class="msoNormal" style="margin: 0[\\w;]* 0[\\w;]* 0[\\w;]*">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '${1}<br />');
    // Cleanup from Word
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p style="margin: \\d+pt 0[\\w;]*">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '<br />${1}<br />');
    // Cleanup from Word
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p style="margin: 0[\\w;]* 0[\\w;]* 0[\\w;]*">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '${1}<br />');
    // Cleanup from Word
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p class="Mso\\w*" style="[^"]*">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '<br />${1}<br />');
    // Aggressive cleanup from Word (it's here last because we want the nicer matches to get a chance to work instead. It's a shame we need to do this, as we are throwing away potentially important styling (although actually the spans etc far above will have got most of this - we only match p level styling here)- but Word throws so much into a mix it's impossible to "remove the wheat from the chaff". People will need to put it back in using the WYSIWYG editor directly.
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p>\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '${1}<br /><br />');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<p align="(\\w+)">\\s*(.*)\\s*</p>$#siU', '[align="${1}"]${2}[/align]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('p', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<div align="justify">(.*)</div>$#siU', '[align="justify"]${1}[/align]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<div style="text-align:\\s*?justify;?">(.*)</div>$#siU', '[align="justify"]${1}[/align]');
    $complex_equivs = array('<div align="right">(.*)</div>' => 'right', '<div align="left">(.*)</div>' => 'left', '<div align="center">(.*)</div>' => 'center', '<div style="text-align:\\s*?right;?">(.*)</div>' => 'right', '<div style="text-align:\\s*?left;?">(.*)</div>' => 'left', '<div style="text-align:\\s*?center;*">(.*)</div>' => 'center');
    foreach ($complex_equivs as $from => $to) {
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^' . $from . '$#siU', '[' . $to . ']${1}[/' . $to . ']');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<div style="margin-left:\\s*?(\\d+)px;?">(.*)</div>$#siU', '[indent="${1}"]${2}[/indent]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<div class="([^"]+)">(.*)</div>$#siU', '[surround="${1}"]${2}[/surround]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<div>(.*)</div>$#siU', '${1}<br />');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('div', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $_array_html_preg_replace = array();
    foreach ($array_html_preg_replace as $i => $x) {
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i] = array();
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][0] = str_replace('div', 'span', $x[0]);
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][1] = $x[1];
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('span', $_array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $_array_html_preg_replace = array();
    foreach ($array_html_preg_replace as $i => $x) {
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i] = array();
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][0] = str_replace('div', 'p', $x[0]);
        $_array_html_preg_replace[$i][1] = str_replace('<br />', '<br /><br />', $x[1]);
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('p', $_array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<kbd>(.*)</kbd>$#siU', "[tt]\${1}[/tt]");
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('kbd', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<ul dir="ltr">(.*)</ul>$#siU', '[list]' . '${1}[/list]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<ul>(.*)</ul>$#siU', '[list]' . '${1}[/list]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('ul', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<ol>(.*)</ol>$#siU', '[list="1"]' . '${1}[/list]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<ol style="list-style-type:\\s*?([^";]*);?">(.*)(</ol>|<ol />)$#siU', '[list="${1}"]' . '${2}[/list]');
    $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<ol type="([^"]*)">(.*)</ol>$#siU', '[list="${1}"]' . '${2}[/list]');
    $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('ol', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $array_html_preg_replace = array();
    if (strpos($semihtml, '[list') !== false) {
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<li>(.*)</li>$#siU', '[*]${1}[/*]' . chr(10));
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('li', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<strong class="comcode_bold">', '<strong>', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<em class="comcode_italic">', '<em>', $semihtml);
    $equivs = array('blockquote' => 'indent', 'code' => 'code', 'tt' => 'tt', 'sub' => 'sub', 'sup' => 'sup', 'center' => 'center', '!abbr' => 'abbr', '!acronym' => 'acronym', 'address' => 'address', 'dfn' => 'dfn', 'cite' => 'cite', 'strong' => 'b', 'b' => 'b', 'em' => 'i', 'i' => 'i', 'u' => 'u', 'strike' => 's', 'del' => 'del', 'ins' => 'ins');
    foreach ($equivs as $from => $to) {
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        if ($from[0] == '!') {
            $from = substr($from, 1);
            $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<' . $from . '([^>]*)>(.*)</' . $from . '>$#siU', '[' . $to . '${1}]${2}[/' . $to . ']');
        } else {
            $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<' . $from . '>(.*)</' . $from . '>$#siU', '[' . $to . ']${1}[/' . $to . ']');
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace($from, $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    // Fonts that set nothing
    $test = preg_replace('#\\[font param="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"#', '', $semihtml);
    $test = preg_replace('#\\[font="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"#', '', $test);
    if (strpos($test, '[font=') === false && strpos($test, '[font param=') === false) {
        $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace('font', '#^\\[font( param)?="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"](.*)\\[/font\\]$#si', '${2}', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = str_replace(' param="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"', '', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = str_replace('="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"', '', $semihtml);
    // Our cleanup loop. These optimisations trickle-through, as they depend on each other. We keep looping until we've done all we can.
    $old_semihtml = '';
    $text_formatting_tags = array('b', 'i', 'u', 'tt', 'font', 'title', 'center', 'left', 'right', 'color');
    do {
        $old_semihtml = $semihtml;
        // Empty tags
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\<(\\w+)\\>\\</\\1\\>#', '', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[font[^\\]]*\\]\\[/font\\]#', '', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[b[^\\]]*\\]\\[/b\\]#', '', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[i[^\\]]*\\]\\[/i\\]#', '', $semihtml);
        // Canonical order to make sure we can find pointless nestings. Unfortunately we can only bubble out one level due to constraints in our regexp checking (we need to make sure we don't cross-tags, but we can't in a regexp unless we make sure we have no nesting at all)
        foreach ($text_formatting_tags as $i => $tag) {
            foreach ($text_formatting_tags as $j => $tag_2) {
                if ($i < $j) {
                    $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace($tag_2, '#^(\\[' . $tag_2 . '( [^\\]]*)?\\])(\\[' . $tag . '( [^\\]]*\\])?)([^\\[\\]]*)(\\[/' . $tag . '[^\\]]*\\])(\\[/' . $tag_2 . '[^\\]]*\\])$#si', '${3}${1}${5}${7}${6}', $semihtml);
        // Cleanup nested fonts
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#<span[^<>]*></span>#siU', '', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace('font', '#^\\[font([^\\]]*)\\](\\s*)\\[font([^\\]]*)\\](.*)\\[/font\\](\\s*)\\[/font\\]$#si', '[font${1}${3}]${2}${4}${5}[/font]', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[font ([^\\]]*)face="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)face="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)\\]#si', '[font ${1}${3}${5} face="${4}"]', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[font ([^\\]]*)size="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)size="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)\\]#si', '[font ${1}${3}${5} size="${4}"]', $semihtml);
        // This is imperfect (due to relative font sizes), but at least it encourages cleanup
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[font ([^\\]]*)color="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)color="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)\\]#si', '[font ${1}${3}${5} color="${4}"]', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[font ([^\\]]*)param="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)param="([^"]*)"([^\\]]*)\\]#si', '[font ${1}${3}${5} param="${4}"]', $semihtml);
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#(\\[font.*)(?-U)\\s+(?U)(.*\\])#U', '${1} ${2}', $semihtml);
        // safe because no whitespace runs can be expected within a font tag
        // Cleanup other nestings / close then reopen patterns
        foreach (array('b', 'i', 'u', 'tt', 'font size="[^"]*"') as $tag) {
            $tagx = strpos($tag, ' ') !== false ? substr($tag, 0, strpos($tag, ' ')) : $tag;
            $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace($tagx, '#^(\\[' . $tag . '\\])(.*)\\1(.*)\\[/' . $tagx . '\\](.*)\\[/' . $tagx . '\\]$#si', '${1}${2}${3}${4}[/' . $tagx . ']', $semihtml);
            $semihtml = preg_replace('#(\\[' . $tag . '\\])([^\\[\\]]*)\\[/' . $tagx . '\\]((&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s)*)\\1#si', '${1}${2}${3}', $semihtml);
            // Only works in simple case, not when there are tags nested within first tag. Can't use comcode_preg_replace as we are joining two tags (i.e. not operating over single bind)
        // Cleanup lines filled with spaces/font-junk
        foreach ($text_formatting_tags as $tag) {
            $semihtml = preg_replace('#(\\[' . $tag . '[^\\]]*\\])((&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*)#i', '${2}${1}', $semihtml);
            // Tag starting unnecessarily early -> Move it back
            $semihtml = preg_replace('#((&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*)(\\[/' . $tag . '\\])#i', '${3}${1}', $semihtml);
            // Tag ending unnecessarily late -> Move it back
            $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[' . $tag . '[^\\]]*\\]((&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*)\\[/' . $tag . '\\]#i', '${1}', $semihtml);
            // Tag wrapping whitespace -> White space
        $semihtml = preg_replace('#(&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s)*<br\\s*/>#i', '<br />', $semihtml);
        // Spaces on end of line -> (Remove)
    } while ($semihtml != $old_semihtml);
    // Undone center tagging
    $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace('left', '#^\\[left\\]\\[center\\](.*)\\[/center\\]\\[/left\\]$#si', '[left]${1}[/left]', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace('right', '#^\\[right\\]\\[center\\](.*)\\[/center\\]\\[/right\\]$#si', '[right]${1}[/right]', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace('center', '#^\\[center\\]\\[left\\](.*)\\[/left\\]\\[/center\\]$#si', '[center]${1}[/center]', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = comcode_preg_replace('center', '#^\\[center\\]\\[right\\](.*)\\[/right\\]\\[/center\\]$#si', '[center]${1}[/center]', $semihtml);
    // Cleanup list Comcode (nice and pretty)
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*\\[/\\*\\](&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*#', '[/*]', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#(&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*\\[\\*\\](&nbsp;|</CDATA\\_\\_space>|\\s|<br\\s*/>|\\n)*#', '[*]', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[/\\*\\]([^\\s])#', '[/*]<ocpbr />${1}', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[list\\]([^\\s])#', '[list]<ocpbr />${1}', $semihtml);
    // Cleanup various blocks where we can afford a blank line
    global $BLOCK_TAGS;
    foreach (array_keys($BLOCK_TAGS) as $tag) {
        if (strpos($semihtml, '[' . $tag) !== false) {
            $semihtml = preg_replace('#( |</CDATA\\_\\_space>)*(\\[' . $tag . '[\\] ])#', '${2}', $semihtml);
            $semihtml = preg_replace('#\\[/' . $tag . '\\](?!\\[/)(?!<br)#', '[/' . $tag . ']' . ($tag == 'title' ? '<ocpbr /><ocpbr />' : '<ocpbr />'), $semihtml);
    // Remove our CDATA protections
    $semihtml = str_replace('</CDATA__space>', ' ', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('</CDATA__tab>', "\t", $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('</CDATA__nl>', chr(10), $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('</CDATA__lf>', chr(13), $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('</CDATA__amp>', '&', $semihtml);
    /*// And use same method to protect our code tags
    	foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['CODE_TAGS']) as $code_tag)
    // Tempcode escaping
    /*$semihtml=str_replace('{+','\{+',$semihtml);	No - people should be able to type this if they want
    $semihtml = str_replace('[ html', '[html', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[ semihtml', '[semihtml', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[ / html', '[/html', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[ / semihtml', '[/semihtml', $semihtml);
    // People without comcode_dangerous have further cleanups, that might lose some quality...
    if (!has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'allow_html')) {
        $semihtml2 = $semihtml;
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<table summary="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>(.*)</table>$#siU', chr(10) . "{| \${2}\${3}'.chr(10).'|}" . chr(10));
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<table([^>]*)>(.*)</table>$#siU', chr(10) . "{|" . chr(10) . "\${2}" . chr(10) . "|}" . chr(10));
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('table', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<thead([^>]*)>(.*)</thead>$#siU', '');
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('thead', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<tbody([^>]*)>(.*)</tbody>$#siU', '${2}');
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('tbody', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<tfoot([^>]*)>(.*)</tfoot>$#siU', '');
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('tfoot', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<tr([^>]*)>(.*)</tr>$#siU', chr(10) . "|-" . chr(10) . "\${2}");
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('tr', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<th([^>]*)>(.*)</th>$#siU', chr(10) . chr(10) . "! \${2}");
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('th', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<td([^>]*)>(.*)</td>$#siU', chr(10) . "| \${2}");
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('td', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<span style="font-family: monospace;  font-size: 1.2em;">(.*)</span>$#siU', "[tt]\${1}[/tt]");
        $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('span', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        if (strpos($semihtml, '[code') === false) {
            $array_html_preg_replace = array();
            $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<pre>(.*)</pre>$#siU', "[code]\${1}[/code]");
            $semihtml2 = array_html_preg_replace('pre', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml2);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<table([^>]*)>(.*)</table>$#siU', "<table class=\"bordered_table\">\${2}</table>");
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('table', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<tr([^>]*)>(.*)</tr>$#siU', "<tr>\${2}</tr>");
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('tr', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<th([^>]*)>(.*)</th>$#siU', "<th>\${2}</th>");
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('th', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
        $array_html_preg_replace = array();
        $array_html_preg_replace[] = array('#^<td([^>]*)>(.*)</td>$#siU', "<td>\${2}</td>");
        $semihtml = array_html_preg_replace('td', $array_html_preg_replace, $semihtml);
    } else {
        $semihtml2 = $semihtml;
    // Cleanup impossible stuff in code tags
    foreach (array_keys($CODE_TAGS) as $tag) {
        $semihtml2 = comcode_preg_replace($tag, '#^(\\[' . $tag . '\\])([.\\n]*)(\\[/' . $tag . '\\])$#i', array('semihtml_to_comcode_wrap'), $semihtml2);
    // These can only be used outside semihtml - so we do them in a copy of our output, and only use that copy if we find we are able to do a 100% Comcode conversion
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<ocpbr />', chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<br />', chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<br  />', chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<br>', chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<hr width="100%" size="2" />', '<hr />', $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<hr size="2" width="100%" />', '<hr />', $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<hr width="100%" />', '<hr />', $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace(chr(10) . '<hr />', chr(10) . "---------------" . chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace(chr(10) . '<hr>', chr(10) . "---------------" . chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = preg_replace('#<hr\\s*/>#', chr(10) . "---------------" . chr(10), $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = str_replace('<hr>', chr(10) . "---------------" . chr(10), $semihtml2);
    // We transform any HTML in there to Comcode if we can
    $smilies = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->find_emoticons();
    foreach ($smilies as $code => $imgcode) {
        if ($imgcode[0] == 'EMOTICON_IMG_CODE_THEMED') {
            $imgcode[1] = find_theme_image($imgcode[1], true);
            if ($imgcode[1] == '') {
            // Theme image gone missing
        $imgcode[1] = str_replace(get_base_url(), '', $imgcode[1]);
        $semihtml2 = preg_replace('#<img [^>]*src="[^"]*' . str_replace('#', '\\#', preg_quote(escape_html($imgcode[1]))) . '"[^>]*>\\s*#si', $code, $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = preg_replace_callback('#<img([^>]*) src="([^"]*)"([^>]*) />#siU', '_img_tag_fixup', $semihtml2);
    $semihtml2 = preg_replace_callback('#<img([^>]*) src="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>#siU', '_img_tag_fixup', $semihtml2);
    // Then, if there is no HTML left, we can avoid the 'semihtml' tag
    if (strpos($semihtml2, '<') === false) {
        //		$semihtml2=str_replace(array('&lt;','&gt;','&amp;'),array('___lt___','___gt___','___amp___'),$semihtml2);
        $semihtml2 = @html_entity_decode($semihtml2, ENT_QUOTES, get_charset());
        //		$semihtml2=str_replace(array('___lt___','___gt___','___amp___'),array('&lt;','&gt;','&amp;'),$semihtml2);
        return $semihtml2;
    // Oh well, we couldn't do a perfect conversion, so we'll have to use semihtml.
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<img([^>]*) src="([^"]*)"([^>]*) />#siU', '_img_tag_fixup', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = preg_replace_callback('#<img([^>]*) src="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>#siU', '_img_tag_fixup', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<ocpbr />', chr(10), $semihtml);
    // Make it look slightly reasonable first (to the reader of the Comcode)
    $semihtml = str_replace('<br  />', '<br />', $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('<br />', '<br />' . chr(10), $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('</p>', '</p>' . chr(10), $semihtml);
    $semihtml = str_replace('[/align]', '[/align]' . chr(10), $semihtml);
    return '[semihtml]' . $semihtml . '[/semihtml]';
  * Standard modular run function.
  * @param  array		A map of parameters.
  * @return tempcode	The result of execution.
 function run($map)
     if (has_no_forum()) {
         return new ocp_tempcode();
     $num_topics = array_key_exists('param', $map) ? intval($map['param']) : 14;
     $forum_name = array_key_exists('forum', $map) ? $map['forum'] : do_lang('NEWS');
     $num_topics = intval($num_topics);
     $date_key = array_key_exists('date_key', $map) ? $map['date_key'] : 'lasttime';
     $rows = array();
     $archive_url = NULL;
     $submit_url = new ocp_tempcode();
     $forum_ids = array();
     if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf' && (strpos($forum_name, ',') !== false || preg_match('#\\d[-\\*\\+]#', $forum_name) != 0 || is_numeric($forum_name))) {
         $forum_names = ocfilter_to_idlist_using_db($forum_name, 'id', 'f_forums', 'f_forums', 'f_parent_forum', 'f_parent_forum', 'id', true, true, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']);
     } else {
         $forum_names = explode(',', $forum_name);
     foreach ($forum_names as $forum_name) {
         $forum_name = is_integer($forum_name) ? strval($forum_name) : trim($forum_name);
         if ($forum_name == '<announce>') {
             $forum_id = NULL;
         } else {
             $forum_id = is_numeric($forum_name) ? intval($forum_name) : $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->forum_id_from_name($forum_name);
         if (!is_null($forum_id)) {
             $forum_ids[$forum_id] = $forum_name;
             if (is_null($archive_url)) {
                 $archive_url = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->forum_url($forum_id);
                 // First forum will count as archive
                 if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') {
                     $submit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'topics', 'type' => 'new_topic', 'id' => $forum_id), get_module_zone('topics'));
     //		if ((method_exists($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER'],'supports_multi_show_forum_topics')) && ($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->supports_multi_show_forum_topics()) && (count($forum_ids)!=0))
     //		{
     $max_rows = 0;
     $rows = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->show_forum_topics($forum_ids, $num_topics, 0, $max_rows, '', true, $date_key);
     if (is_null($rows)) {
         $rows = array();
     /*		} else
     			foreach ($forum_ids as $forum_id=>$forum_name)
     				if (!is_null($t)) $rows=array_merge($rows,$t);
     global $M_SORT_KEY;
     $M_SORT_KEY = $date_key;
     usort($rows, 'multi_sort');
     $rows = array_reverse($rows, false);
     $_title = do_lang_tempcode('NEWS');
     if (array_key_exists('title', $map) && $map['title'] != '') {
         $_title = protect_from_escaping(escape_html($map['title']));
     $i = 0;
     $news_text = new ocp_tempcode();
     while (array_key_exists($i, $rows)) {
         $myrow = $rows[$i];
         $id = $myrow['id'];
         $date = get_timezoned_date($myrow[$date_key]);
         $author_url = array_key_exists('member_based', $map) && $map['member_based'] == '1' || !addon_installed('authors') ? new ocp_tempcode() : build_url(array('page' => 'authors', 'type' => 'misc', 'author' => $myrow['firstusername']), get_module_zone('authors'));
         $author = $myrow['firstusername'];
         $news_title = escape_html($myrow['title']);
         $news = is_object($myrow['firstpost']) ? $myrow['firstpost'] : make_string_tempcode(xhtmlise_html($myrow['firstpost']));
         if (is_null($news)) {
             $news = '';
         $full_url = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->topic_url($id, '');
         $news_text->attach(do_template('NEWS_PIECE_SUMMARY', array('_GUID' => '2edf18daf5510495fd588cad062aec4e', 'TRUNCATE' => false, 'BLOG' => false, 'FIRSTTIME' => strval($myrow['firsttime']), 'LASTTIME' => strval($myrow['lasttime']), 'CLOSED' => strval($myrow['closed']), 'FIRSTUSERNAME' => $myrow['firstusername'], 'LASTUSERNAME' => $myrow['lastusername'], 'FIRSTMEMBERID' => strval($myrow['firstmemberid']), 'LASTMEMBERID' => strval($myrow['lastmemberid']), 'ID' => strval($id), 'FULL_URL' => $full_url, 'SUBMITTER' => strval($myrow['firstmemberid']), 'DATE' => $date, 'DATE_RAW' => strval($myrow[$date_key]), 'NEWS_TITLE' => $news_title, 'CATEGORY' => '', 'IMG' => '', 'AUTHOR' => $author, 'AUTHOR_URL' => $author_url, 'NEWS' => $news)));
         if ($i == $num_topics) {
     if ($news_text->is_empty()) {
         return do_template('BLOCK_NO_ENTRIES', array('_GUID' => 'f55c90205b4c80162494fc5e2b565ce6', 'HIGH' => false, 'TITLE' => $_title, 'MESSAGE' => do_lang_tempcode('NO_NEWS'), 'ADD_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('ADD_TOPIC'), 'SUBMIT_URL' => $submit_url));
     if (is_null($forum_id)) {
         $archive_url = '';
     return do_template('BLOCK_MAIN_FORUM_NEWS', array('_GUID' => '36b05da9aed5a2056bdb266e2ce4be9f', 'TITLE' => $_title, 'FORUM_NAME' => array_key_exists('forum', $map) ? $map['forum'] : do_lang('NEWS'), 'CONTENT' => $news_text, 'BRIEF' => new ocp_tempcode(), 'ARCHIVE_URL' => $archive_url, 'SUBMIT_URL' => $submit_url, 'RSS_URL' => '', 'ATOM_URL' => ''));
Exemple #7
  * Parse the complete text of the inside of the tag.
  * @param  object			The parser object (same as 'this')
  * @param  string			The text
 function trueStartText($parser, $data)
     $prelast_tag = array_peek($this->tag_stack, 2);
     $last_tag = array_peek($this->tag_stack);
     $attributes = array_peek($this->attribute_stack);
     switch ($this->type) {
         case 'RSS':
             switch ($prelast_tag) {
                 case 'CHANNEL':
                     switch ($last_tag) {
                         // dc namespace
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/DC/ELEMENTS/1.1/:PUBLISHER':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['author'] = $data;
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/DC/ELEMENTS/1.1/:CREATOR':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['author_email'] = $data;
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/DC/ELEMENTS/1.1/:RIGHTS':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['copyright'] = $data;
                         case 'TITLE':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['title'] = $data;
                         case 'LINK':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['url'] = $data;
                         case 'DESCRIPTION':
                             if ($this->version == '0.90' || $this->version == '0.91' || $this->version == '0.94' && $attributes['type'] != 'text/html') {
                                 $data = str_replace("\n", '<br />', escape_html($data));
                             $this->gleamed_feed['description'] = $data;
                         case 'COPYRIGHT':
                             if (strpos($data, '(C)') !== false) {
                                 $data2 = preg_replace_callback('(http://[^, \\)]+[^\\. ])', 'extract_plain_links', escape_html($data));
                                 $data2 = str_replace('(C)', '&copy;', $data2);
                             } else {
                                 $data2 = $data;
                             $this->gleamed_feed['copyright'] = $data2;
                         case 'MANAGINGEDITOR':
                             $bracket = strpos($data, '(');
                             if ($bracket !== false) {
                                 $bracket2 = strrpos(substr($data, $bracket), ')') + $bracket;
                                 if ($bracket2 === false) {
                                     $bracket2 = $bracket;
                                 $this->gleamed_feed['author'] = substr($data, $bracket + 1, $bracket2 - $bracket - 1);
                                 $this->gleamed_feed['author_email'] = substr($data, 0, $bracket);
                             } else {
                                 $this->gleamed_feed['author_email'] = $data;
                         case 'CLOUD':
                             $cloud = array();
                             $cloud['domain'] = $attributes['DOMAIN'];
                             $cloud['port'] = $attributes['PORT'];
                             $cloud['path'] = $attributes['PATH'];
                             $cloud['registerProcedure'] = $attributes['REGISTERPROCEDURE'];
                             $cloud['protocol'] = $attributes['PROTOCOL'];
                             $this->gleamed_feed['cloud'] = $cloud;
                 case 'ITEM':
                     $current_item =& $this->gleamed_items[count($this->gleamed_items) - 1];
                     switch ($last_tag) {
                         // dc namespace
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/DC/ELEMENTS/1.1/:CREATOR':
                             $current_item['author'] = $data;
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/DC/ELEMENTS/1.1/:SUBJECT':
                             $current_item['category'] = $data;
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/DC/ELEMENTS/1.1/:DATE':
                             $a = cleanup_date($data);
                             $current_item['add_date'] = $a[0];
                             if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) {
                                 $current_item['clean_add_date'] = $a[1];
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/RSS/1.0/MODULES/CONTENT/:ENCODED':
                             $current_item['news'] = $data;
                             if (preg_match('#[<>]#', $current_item['news']) == 0 && preg_match('#[<>]#', html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES)) != 0) {
                                 // Double escaped HTML
                                 $current_item['news'] = @html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } elseif (preg_match('#&(?!amp;)#', $current_item['news']) == 0 && preg_match('#&#', html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES)) != 0) {
                                 // Double escaped HTML
                                 $current_item['news'] = @html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES);
                             if (preg_match('#^http://ocportal.com/#', $this->feed_url) == 0) {
                                 $current_item['news'] = xhtmlise_html($current_item['news']);
                             // slash namespace
                         // slash namespace
                         case 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/RSS/1.0/modules/slash:SECTION':
                             $current_item['category'] = $data;
                         case 'TITLE':
                             $current_item['title'] = $data;
                             if (preg_match('#[<>]#', $current_item['title']) == 0 && preg_match('#[<>]#', html_entity_decode($current_item['title'], ENT_QUOTES)) != 0) {
                                 // Double escaped HTML
                                 $current_item['title'] = @html_entity_decode($current_item['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } elseif (preg_match('#&(?!amp;)#', $current_item['title']) == 0 && preg_match('#&#', html_entity_decode($current_item['title'], ENT_QUOTES)) != 0) {
                                 // Double escaped HTML
                                 $current_item['title'] = @html_entity_decode($current_item['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
                             if (preg_match('#^http://ocportal.com/#', $this->feed_url) == 0) {
                                 $current_item['title'] = xhtmlise_html($current_item['title']);
                         case 'DESCRIPTION':
                             //echo "here";exit();
                             $current_item['news'] = $data;
                             if (preg_match('#[<>]#', $current_item['news']) == 0 && preg_match('#[<>]#', html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES)) != 0) {
                                 // Double escaped HTML
                                 $current_item['news'] = @html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } elseif (preg_match('#&(?!amp;)#', $current_item['news']) == 0 && preg_match('#&#', html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES)) != 0) {
                                 // Double escaped HTML
                                 $current_item['news'] = @html_entity_decode($current_item['news'], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } elseif (strpos($current_item['news'], '>') === false) {
                                 $current_item['news'] = nl2br(escape_html($current_item['news']));
                             if (preg_match('#^http://ocportal.com/#', $this->feed_url) == 0) {
                                 $current_item['news'] = xhtmlise_html($current_item['news']);
                         case 'PUBDATE':
                             $a = cleanup_date($data);
                             $current_item['add_date'] = $a[0];
                             if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) {
                                 $current_item['clean_add_date'] = $a[1];
                         case 'LINK':
                             $current_item['full_url'] = $data;
                         case 'AUTHOR':
                             $bracket = strpos($data, '(');
                             if ($bracket !== false) {
                                 $bracket2 = strpos($data, ')', $bracket);
                                 $current_item['author'] = substr($data, $bracket + 1, $bracket2 - $bracket - 1);
                                 $current_item['author_email'] = rtrim(substr($data, 0, $bracket));
                             } else {
                                 $current_item['author_email'] = $data;
                             if ($current_item['author_email'] == get_option('staff_address')) {
                         case 'CATEGORY':
                             $current_item['category'] = $data;
                         case 'SOURCE':
                             $current_item['author'] = $data;
                         case 'COMMENTS':
                             $current_item['comment_url'] = $data;
                         case 'GUID':
                             if (!array_key_exists('ISPERMALINK', $attributes) || $attributes['ISPERMALINK'] == 'true') {
                                 $current_item['guid'] = $data;
         case 'ATOM':
             if (array_key_exists('TYPE', $attributes)) {
                 $type = str_replace('text/', '', $attributes['TYPE']);
             } else {
                 $type = 'plain';
             if (array_key_exists('MODE', $attributes)) {
                 $mode = $attributes['MODE'];
             } else {
                 $mode = 'xml';
             if ($mode == 'BASE64') {
                 $data = base64_decode($data);
             if (function_exists('xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler')) {
                 $prefix = 'HTTP://PURL.ORG/ATOM/NS#:';
             } else {
                 $prefix = '';
             if (!is_null($prelast_tag)) {
                 $prelast_tag = str_replace('HTTP://WWW.W3.ORG/2005/ATOM:', $prefix, $prelast_tag);
             $last_tag = str_replace('HTTP://WWW.W3.ORG/2005/ATOM:', $prefix, $last_tag);
             switch ($prelast_tag) {
                 case $prefix . 'AUTHOR':
                     $preprelast_tag = array_peek($this->tag_stack, 3);
                     switch ($preprelast_tag) {
                         case $prefix . 'FEED':
                             switch ($last_tag) {
                                 case $prefix . 'NAME':
                                     $this->gleamed_feed['author'] = $data;
                                 case $prefix . 'URL':
                                     $this->gleamed_feed['author_url'] = $data;
                                 case $prefix . 'EMAIL':
                                     $this->gleamed_feed['author_email'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'ENTRY':
                             $current_item =& $this->gleamed_items[count($this->gleamed_items) - 1];
                             switch ($last_tag) {
                                 case $prefix . 'NAME':
                                     $current_item['author'] = $data;
                                 case $prefix . 'URL':
                                     $current_item['author_url'] = $data;
                                 case $prefix . 'EMAIL':
                                     $current_item['author_email'] = $data;
                 case $prefix . 'FEED':
                     switch ($last_tag) {
                         case $prefix . 'TITLE':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['title'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'LINK':
                             $rel = array_key_exists('REL', $attributes) ? $attributes['REL'] : 'alternate';
                             if ($rel == 'alternate') {
                                 $this->gleamed_feed['url'] = array_key_exists('HREF', $attributes) ? $attributes['HREF'] : $data;
                         case $prefix . 'UPDATED':
                             $a = cleanup_date($data);
                             $current_item['edit_date'] = $a[0];
                             if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) {
                                 $current_item['clean_edit_date'] = $a[1];
                         case $prefix . 'MODIFIED':
                             $a = cleanup_date($data);
                             $current_item['edit_date'] = $a[0];
                             if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) {
                                 $current_item['clean_edit_date'] = $a[1];
                         case $prefix . 'RIGHTS':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['copyright'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'COPYRIGHT':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['copyright'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'SUBTITLE':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['description'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'TAGLINE':
                             $this->gleamed_feed['description'] = $data;
                 case $prefix . 'ENTRY':
                     $current_item =& $this->gleamed_items[count($this->gleamed_items) - 1];
                     switch ($last_tag) {
                         case $prefix . 'TITLE':
                             $current_item['title'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'LINK':
                             if (!array_key_exists('REL', $attributes) || $attributes['REL'] == 'alternate') {
                                 $current_item['full_url'] = array_key_exists('HREF', $attributes) ? $attributes['HREF'] : $data;
                         case $prefix . 'MODIFIED':
                         case $prefix . 'UPDATED':
                             $a = cleanup_date($data);
                             $current_item['edit_date'] = $a[0];
                             if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) {
                                 $current_item['clean_edit_date'] = $a[1];
                         case $prefix . 'PUBLISHED':
                         case $prefix . 'ISSUED':
                             $a = cleanup_date($data);
                             $current_item['add_date'] = $a[0];
                             if (array_key_exists(1, $a)) {
                                 $current_item['clean_add_date'] = $a[1];
                         case $prefix . 'ID':
                             $current_item['guid'] = $data;
                         case $prefix . 'SUMMARY':
                             if ($type != 'html') {
                                 $data = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $data);
                             $current_item['news'] = $data;
                             if (preg_match('#^http://ocportal.com/#', $this->feed_url) == 0) {
                                 $current_item['news'] = xhtmlise_html($current_item['news']);
                         case $prefix . 'CONTENT':
                             if ($type != 'html') {
                                 $data = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $data);
                             $current_item['news_article'] = $data;
                             if (preg_match('#^http://ocportal.com/#', $this->feed_url) == 0) {
                                 $current_item['news_article'] = xhtmlise_html($current_item['news_article']);
                         case $prefix . 'CATEGORY':
                             if ($data == '' && array_key_exists('TERM', $attributes)) {
                                 $data = $attributes['TERM'];
                             if ($data != '' && strpos($data, '#') === false) {
                                 if (array_key_exists('category', $current_item)) {
                                     if (!array_key_exists('extra_categories', $current_item)) {
                                         $current_item['extra_categories'] = array();
                                     $current_item['extra_categories'][] = $data;
                                 } else {
                                     $current_item['category'] = $data;
                             if (array_key_exists('TERM', $attributes) && strpos($attributes['TERM'], 'post') === false && strpos($attributes['TERM'], '://') !== false) {
                                 $current_item['bogus'] = true;
                         case 'HTTP://SEARCH.YAHOO.COM/MRSS/:THUMBNAIL':
                             if (array_key_exists('URL', $attributes)) {
                                 $current_item['rep_image'] = $attributes['URL'];
Exemple #8
  * Filter HTML that has been read, to make it more compatible with ocPortal.
  * @param  string			The HTML
  * @param  BINARY			Whether to fix XHTML errors
  * @param  PATH			The base URL of the old site
  * @param  array			A list of all files on the site
  * @param  PATH			The base directory we are importing from
  * @return string			Filtered HTML
 function _html_filter($file_contents, $fix_html, $base_url, $files, $file_base)
     // If selected, clean up all the HTML
     if ($fix_html == 1) {
         $file_contents = xhtmlise_html($file_contents);
     // Strip base URL
     if ($base_url != '') {
         $file_contents = str_replace($base_url . '/', '', $file_contents);
         $file_contents = str_replace(escape_html($base_url . '/'), '', $file_contents);
     // Extra sense for rewriting local URLs in templates to image links and page-links
     $matches = array();
     $num_matches = preg_match_all('# (src|href)="([^"]*)"#', $file_contents, $matches);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_matches; $i++) {
         $this_url = $matches[2][$i];
         $this_url = preg_replace('#^\\.*/#', '', $this_url);
         if (trim($this_url) == '') {
         if (strpos($this_url, '://') === false || substr($this_url, 0, strlen($base_url)) == $base_url) {
             if (strpos($this_url, '://') !== false) {
                 $this_url = substr($this_url, strlen($base_url));
             $decoded_url = rawurldecode($this_url);
             if (substr($decoded_url, 0, 2) == './') {
                 $decoded_url = substr($decoded_url, 2);
             // Links to directories in a deep path will be changed so underscores replace slashes
             if (substr(trim($decoded_url), -4) == '.htm' || substr(trim($decoded_url), -5) == '.html') {
                 if (substr_count($decoded_url, '/') > 1) {
                     $last_slash_pos = strrpos($decoded_url, '/');
                     $decoded_url = str_replace('/', '_', substr($decoded_url, 0, $last_slash_pos)) . substr($decoded_url, 0, $last_slash_pos);
                 $decoded_url = trim(preg_replace('#(^|/)index\\.htm[l]#', '${1}start.htm', $decoded_url));
                 $stripped_decoded_url = preg_replace('#\\..*$#', '', $decoded_url);
                 if (strpos($stripped_decoded_url, '/') === false) {
                     $stripped_decoded_url = '/' . $stripped_decoded_url;
                 list($zone, $page) = explode('/', $stripped_decoded_url, 2);
                 if ($page == 'index') {
                     $page = 'start';
                 $file_contents = str_replace($matches[2][$i], '{$PAGE_LINK*,' . $zone . ':' . $page . '}', $file_contents);
             } else {
                 if (in_array($decoded_url, $files)) {
                     $target = get_custom_file_base() . '/uploads/website_specific/' . $decoded_url;
                     $create_path = $target;
                     do {
                         @mkdir(dirname($create_path), 0777);
                         $create_path = dirname($create_path);
                     } while (strlen($create_path) > 1);
                     @copy($file_base . '/' . $decoded_url, $target);
                     /*if (substr($decoded_url,-4)=='.css') Not needed, as relative paths maintained
                 $decoded_url = 'uploads/website_specific/' . $decoded_url;
                 $file_contents = str_replace('src="' . $matches[2][$i] . '"', 'src="{$BASE_URL*}/' . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($decoded_url)) . '"', $file_contents);
                 $file_contents = str_replace('href="' . $matches[2][$i] . '"', 'href="{$BASE_URL*}/' . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($decoded_url)) . '"', $file_contents);
     return $file_contents;
 * Render a code box.
 * @param  string			The data type (e.g. file extension) we are rendering.
 * @param  tempcode		Contents (code) to render.
 * @param  boolean		Whether to show line numbers.
 * @param  boolean		Whether what we have came from inside a semihtml tag
 * @param  boolean		Whether what we have came from semihtml mode
 * @return array			A pair: The tempcode for the code box, and the title of the box
function do_code_box($type, $embed, $numbers = true, $in_semihtml = false, $is_all_semihtml = false)
    $_embed = mixed();
    $title = mixed();
    if (file_exists(get_file_base() . '/sources/geshi/' . filter_naughty(strtolower($type)) . '.php') || file_exists(get_file_base() . '/sources_custom/geshi/' . filter_naughty($type) . '.php')) {
        $evaluated = $embed->evaluate();
        if ($in_semihtml || $is_all_semihtml) {
            $evaluated = semihtml_to_comcode($evaluated, true);
        if (class_exists('GeSHi')) {
            $geshi = new GeSHi($evaluated, strtolower($type));
            if ($numbers) {
            $title = do_lang_tempcode('comcode:CODE_IN_LANGUAGE', escape_html($type));
            $_embed = xhtmlise_html($geshi->parse_code());
    } else {
        switch (strtolower($type)) {
            case 'php':
                if (!function_exists('highlight_string')) {
                $evaluated = $embed->evaluate();
                if ($in_semihtml || $is_all_semihtml) {
                    $evaluated = semihtml_to_comcode($evaluated);
                if (strpos($evaluated, '<' . '?php') === false) {
                    $strip = true;
                    $evaluated = "<" . "?php\n" . $evaluated . "\n?" . ">";
                } else {
                    $strip = false;
                if (defined('HIPHOP_PHP')) {
                    $h_result = nl2br(escape_html($evaluated));
                } else {
                    $h_result = ob_get_contents();
                $_embed = xhtmlise_html($h_result);
                if ($strip) {
                    $_embed = str_replace('&lt;?php<br />', '', $_embed);
                    $_embed = str_replace('?&gt;', '', $_embed);
                $title = do_lang_tempcode('PHP_CODE');
    return array($_embed, $title);
Exemple #10
  * Standard modular run function for OcCLE hooks.
  * @param  array	The options with which the command was called
  * @param  array	The parameters with which the command was called
  * @param  array	A reference to the OcCLE filesystem object
  * @return array	Array of stdcommand, stdhtml, stdout, and stderr responses
 function run($options, $parameters, &$occle_fs)
     if (array_key_exists('h', $options) || array_key_exists('help', $options)) {
         return array('', do_command_help('feed_display', array('h', 'm'), array(true)), '', '');
     } else {
         if (!array_key_exists(0, $parameters)) {
             return array('', '', '', do_lang('MISSING_PARAM', '1', 'feed_display'));
         $rss = new rss($parameters[0]);
         if (!is_null($rss->error)) {
             return array('', '', '', $rss->error);
         if (!array_key_exists('title', $rss->gleamed_feed)) {
             $rss->gleamed_feed['title'] = do_lang('RSS_STREAM');
         if (!array_key_exists('copyright', $rss->gleamed_feed)) {
             $rss->gleamed_feed['copyright'] = '';
         // Reduce what we collected about the feed to a minimum. This is very awkward, as we don't know what's here.
         if (array_key_exists('author', $rss->gleamed_feed)) {
             $__author = NULL;
             $_author = $rss->gleamed_feed['author'];
             if (array_key_exists('url', $rss->gleamed_feed)) {
                 $__author = hyperlink($rss->gleamed_feed['url'], escape_html($_author), true);
             } elseif (array_key_exists('author_url', $rss->gleamed_feed)) {
                 $__author = hyperlink($rss->gleamed_feed['author_url'], escape_html($_author), true);
             } elseif (array_key_exists('author_email', $rss->gleamed_feed)) {
                 $__author = hyperlink(mailto_obfuscated() . obfuscate_email_address($rss->gleamed_feed['author_email']), escape_html($_author), true);
             if (!is_null($__author)) {
                 $_author = $__author->evaluate();
             $_author = do_lang('RSS_SOURCE_FROM', $_author);
         } else {
             $_author = '';
         // Now for the actual stream contents
         $max = array_key_exists('max', $options) ? intval($options['max']) : 5;
         $content = new ocp_tempcode();
         foreach ($rss->gleamed_items as $i => $item) {
             if ($i >= $max) {
             if (array_key_exists('guid', $item)) {
                 $full_url = $item['guid'];
             } elseif (array_key_exists('comment_url', $item)) {
                 $full_url = $item['comment_url'];
             } elseif (array_key_exists('full_url', $item)) {
                 $full_url = $item['full_url'];
             } else {
                 $full_url = '';
             $_title = $item['title'];
             $date = array_key_exists('clean_add_date', $item) ? get_timezoned_date($item['clean_add_date']) : array_key_exists('add_date', $item) ? $item['add_date'] : '';
             $content->attach(do_template('OCCLE_RSS_ITEM', array('_GUID' => 'd6b811d17956ebd82c9911fbda19eeec', 'FULL_URL' => $full_url, 'NEWS_TITLE' => $_title, 'DATE' => $date, 'SUMMARY' => xhtmlise_html($item['news']))));
         return array('', do_template('OCCLE_RSS', array('TITLE' => $rss->gleamed_feed['title'], 'CONTENT' => $content)), '', '');
Exemple #11
 * AJAX script for dynamic inclusion of XHTML snippets.
function snippet_script()
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
    // HTTP/1.1
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
    // Date in the past
    header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . get_charset());
    $hook = filter_naughty_harsh(get_param('snippet'));
    require_code('hooks/systems/snippets/' . $hook, true);
    $object = object_factory('Hook_' . $hook);
    $tempcode = $object->run();
    $out = $tempcode->evaluate();
    if (strpos($out, chr(10)) !== false && $hook != 'css_compile') {
        $out = xhtmlise_html($out, true);
    // End early execution listening (this means register_shutdown_function will run after connection closed - faster)
    if (function_exists('apache_setenv')) {
        @apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');
    @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
    $size = strlen($out);
    header('Connection: close');
    header('Content-Encoding: none');
    header('Content-Length: ' . strval($size));
    echo $out;
Exemple #12
 * Render a PHP function to display in a template.
 * @param  array			The map of function information
 * @param  array			The map of class information
 * @param  boolean		Show filenames in the function description
 * @return array			A pair: The rendered function, The rendered summary (for a TOC)
function render_php_function($function, $class, $show_filename = false)
    $parameters = new ocp_tempcode();
    $full_parameters = new ocp_tempcode();
    foreach ($function['parameters'] as $parameter) {
        //				if (!array_key_exists('type',$parameter)) exit($function['name']);
        if (!$parameters->is_empty()) {
            $parameters->attach(', ');
        $parameters->attach(do_template('PHP_PARAMETER_LIST', array('_GUID' => '03e76c19ec2cf9cb7f283db72728fc13', 'TYPE' => $parameter['type'], 'NAME' => $parameter['name'])));
        $bits = render_php_function_do_bits($parameter);
        $full_parameters->attach(do_template('PHP_PARAMETER', array('_GUID' => 'fa1f59637723d35da5e210e4efa0e27c', 'BITS' => $bits)));
    if (array_key_exists('return', $function)) {
        $return = render_php_function_do_bits($function['return']);
        $return_type = $function['return']['type'];
    } else {
        $return = new ocp_tempcode();
        $return_type = 'void';
    $description = comcode_to_tempcode($function['description']);
    if (function_exists('highlight_string') && array_key_exists('code', $function) && $function['filename'] != 'sources/phpstub.php') {
        $_code = "<" . "?php\n" . $function['code'] . "\n?" . ">";
        $code = ob_get_contents();
        $code = str_replace('&lt;?php<br />', '', $code);
        $code = str_replace('?&gt;', '', $code);
        $code = xhtmlise_html($code);
    } else {
        $code = '';
    $filename = $show_filename ? $function['filename'] : '';
    if (!isset($class['name'])) {
        $class['name'] = '';
    $a = do_template('PHP_FUNCTION', array('_GUID' => 'f01224ffadc5cde023a1777b9267da61', 'FILENAME' => $filename, 'CODE' => $code, 'RETURN_TYPE' => $return_type, 'FUNCTION' => $function['name'], 'CLASS' => $class['name'], 'PARAMETERS' => $parameters, 'DESCRIPTION' => $description, 'FULL_PARAMETERS' => $full_parameters, 'RETURN' => $return));
    $b = do_template('PHP_FUNCTION_SUMMARY', array('_GUID' => 'ac91501d0fcef2f17c7f068f0d506d42', 'FILENAME' => $filename, 'RETURN_TYPE' => $return_type, 'CLASS' => $class['name'], 'FUNCTION' => $function['name'], 'PARAMETERS' => $parameters));
    return array($a, $b);
 * Highlight keywords in an extracted portion of a piece of text.
 * @param  string			What was searched
 * @param  array			List of words searched
 * @return string			Highlighted portion
function generate_text_summary($_temp_summary, $words_searched)
    $summary = '';
    $_temp_summary_lower = strtolower($_temp_summary);
    // Add in some highlighting direct to XHTML
    $all_occurrences = array();
    foreach ($words_searched as $content_bit) {
        if ($content_bit == '') {
        $last_pos = 0;
        $content_bit_pos = 0;
        do {
            $content_bit_matched = $content_bit;
            if (strtoupper($content_bit) == $content_bit) {
                $content_bit_pos = strpos($_temp_summary, $content_bit, $last_pos);
            } else {
                $content_bit_pos = strpos($_temp_summary_lower, strtolower($content_bit), $last_pos);
                if (strpos($content_bit, '-') !== false) {
                    $content_bit_pos_2 = strpos($_temp_summary_lower, strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $content_bit)), $last_pos);
                    if ($content_bit_pos_2 !== false && ($content_bit_pos === false || $content_bit_pos_2 < $content_bit_pos)) {
                        $content_bit_pos = $content_bit_pos_2;
                        $content_bit_matched = str_replace('-', '', $content_bit);
            if ($content_bit_pos !== false) {
                $last_gt = strrpos(substr($_temp_summary, 0, $content_bit_pos), '>');
                $last_lt = strrpos(substr($_temp_summary, 0, $content_bit_pos), '<');
                if ($last_gt === false || $last_gt > $last_lt) {
                    $extra_pre = '<span class="comcode_highlight">';
                    $extra_post = '</span>';
                    $_temp_summary = substr($_temp_summary, 0, $content_bit_pos) . $extra_pre . substr($_temp_summary, $content_bit_pos, strlen($content_bit_matched)) . $extra_post . substr($_temp_summary, $content_bit_pos + strlen($content_bit_matched));
                    $_temp_summary_lower = strtolower($_temp_summary);
                    $last_pos = $content_bit_pos + strlen($extra_pre) + strlen($content_bit_matched) + strlen($extra_post);
                    // Adjust all stores occurrence offsets
                    foreach ($all_occurrences as $i => $occ) {
                        if ($occ[0] > $last_pos) {
                            $all_occurrences[$i][0] += strlen($extra_pre) + strlen($extra_post);
                            $all_occurrences[$i][1] += strlen($extra_pre) + strlen($extra_post);
                        } elseif ($occ[0] > $content_bit_pos) {
                            $all_occurrences[$i][0] += strlen($extra_pre);
                            $all_occurrences[$i][1] += strlen($extra_pre);
                    $all_occurrences[] = array($content_bit_pos, $last_pos);
                } else {
                    $last_pos = $content_bit_pos + strlen($content_bit_matched);
        } while ($content_bit_pos !== false);
    if (strlen($_temp_summary) < 500) {
        $summary = $_temp_summary;
    } else {
        // Find optimal position
        $len = strlen($_temp_summary);
        $best_yet = 0;
        $best_pos_min = 250;
        $best_pos_max = 250;
        if (count($all_occurrences) < 60) {
            for ($i = 250; $i < $len - 250; $i++) {
                $count = 0;
                $i_pre = $i - 250;
                $i_post = $i + 250;
                foreach ($all_occurrences as $occ) {
                    $occ_pre = $occ[0];
                    $occ_post = $occ[1];
                    if ($occ_pre >= $i_pre && $occ_pre <= $i_post && $occ_post >= $i_pre && $occ_post <= $i_post) {
                        if ($count > 5) {
                        // Good enough
                if ($count > $best_yet || $best_yet == $count && $i - 500 < $best_pos_min) {
                    if ($best_yet == $count) {
                        $best_pos_max = $i;
                    } else {
                        $best_yet = $count;
                        $best_pos_min = $i;
                        $best_pos_max = $i;
                    if ($count > 5) {
                    // Good enough
            $best_pos = intval(floatval($best_pos_min + $best_pos_max) / 2.0) - 250;
            // Move it from center pos, to where we want to start from
        } else {
            $best_pos = 0;
        // Render (with ellipses if required)
        if (false) {
            // Far far too slow
            $summary = xhtml_substr($_temp_summary, $best_pos, min(500, $len - $best_pos), true, true);
        } else {
            $summary = substr($_temp_summary, $best_pos, min(500, $len - $best_pos));
            $summary = xhtmlise_html($summary, true);
            if ($best_pos > 0) {
                $summary = '&hellip;' . $summary;
            if ($best_pos + 500 < strlen($_temp_summary)) {
                $summary .= '&hellip;';
    return $summary;