public function display($tpl = null) { xdebug_start_trace(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/xdebug/function_trace'); $data = $this->get('Data'); $this->assign('data', $data); parent::display($tpl); xdebug_stop_trace(); }
public function stop() { if (static::$file) { xdebug_stop_trace(); static::$file = null; } }
protected function tearDown() { if ($this->stopTraceOnTearDown) { xdebug_stop_trace(); $this->stopTraceOnTearDown = false; } }
function traceStop() { if (!function_exists('xdebug_is_enabled') || !xdebug_is_enabled()) { return; } xdebug_stop_trace(); }
public static function stopTrace() { if (!extension_loaded('xdebug')) { throw new \RuntimeException('XDebug must be installed to use this function'); } \xdebug_stop_trace(); }
public function flush() { xdebug_stop_trace(); echo "\n\n", 'Generating tracing reports from file ', $this->traceFile, ':', "\n"; echo ' Class Diagram ...'; $builder = $this->parse(); $builder->build()->write('build/logs/'); echo ' done', "\n"; }
/** * If an XDebug trace is running, this stops the trace. * * @param bool $showAsDebug If true, outputs the trace file as debug information (assuming displayDebug is used) * * @return void */ public static function end_trace($showAsDebug = false) { if (function_exists('xdebug_stop_trace')) { $file = xdebug_get_tracefile_name(); xdebug_stop_trace(); if ($showAsDebug === true) { $trace = file_get_contents($file); self::debug($trace); } } }
/** * shutdown function to generate profile report */ function kataSmallProfile() { xdebug_stop_trace(); $lines = file($GLOBALS['kataSmallProfileFile'] . '.xt'); unlink($GLOBALS['kataSmallProfileFile'] . '.xt'); array_shift($lines); //version array_shift($lines); //trace start array_pop($lines); //exit array_pop($lines); //trace end $lastLine = array_pop($lines); //dummy $temp = explode("\t", $lines[2]); $endTime = $temp[3]; $temp = explode("\t", $lastLine); $totalTime = $temp[3] - $endTime; unset($temp); $callStack = array(); $outCnt = array(); $out = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = explode("\t", $line); if (1 == $line[2]) { $retLine = array_pop($callStack); if ($retLine[6] == 1) { //user func $time = $line[3] - $retLine[3]; $outCnt[$retLine[5]] = (empty($outCnt[$retLine[5]]) ? 0 : $outCnt[$retLine[5]]) + 1; $out[$retLine[5]] = (empty($out[$retLine[5]]) ? 0 : $out[$retLine[5]]) + $time; } continue; } if (substr($line[8], 0, strlen(ROOT)) != ROOT) { continue; } if (0 == $line[2]) { // entry $callStack[] = $line; } } arsort($out); $tdCell = '<td style="border:1px solid red;padding:2px;">'; echo '<table style="border:1px solid red;color:black;background-color:#e8e8e8;border-collapse:collapse;">'; echo '<tr>' . $tdCell . 'What</td>' . $tdCell . 'x times</td>' . $tdCell . 'ms total</td></tr>'; foreach ($out as $n => $v) { echo '<tr>' . $tdCell . '<pre class="c1">' . $n . '</pre></td>' . $tdCell . $outCnt[$n] . '</td>' . $tdCell . $v . ' ms</td></tr>'; } echo "<tr>{$tdCell} Total (before destroy)</td>{$tdCell}</td>{$tdCell} {$totalTime} ms</td></tr>"; echo '</table>'; }
static function stop() { if (ini_get('xdebug.auto_trace')) { return; } if (!self::$running) { throw new \BadMethodCallException(); } xdebug_stop_trace(); foreach (self::$iniRestore as $k => $v) { ini_set($k, $v); } self::$iniRestore = []; self::$running = false; }
protected function _preRender() { parent::_preRender(); if (Solar_Config::get('Foresmo', 'dev')) { xdebug_stop_trace(); $trace_file = explode("\n", file_get_contents('/var/www/foresmo/tmp/trace.xt')); $trace_file_count = count($trace_file); $trace_dump = array(); $defined_funcs = get_defined_functions(); foreach ($trace_file as $line => $value) { if ($line == 0 || $line >= $trace_file_count - 4 || strstr($value, 'include(') || strstr($value, 'require(')) { continue; } $tl = explode('-> ', $value); $tl = explode(' ', $tl[1]); if (!in_array(str_replace('()', '', $tl[0]), $defined_funcs['internal']) && strstr($tl[0], 'Foresmo') && !in_array($tl[0], $trace_dump)) { $trace_dump[] = $tl[0]; } } $tests = array(); // Lets organize our trace dump calls to that we can easily check/run tests foreach ($trace_dump as $call) { if (strstr($call, '->')) { $class_method = explode('->', $call); } else { $class_method = explode('::', $call); } if (!isset($tests[$class_method[0]])) { $tests[$class_method[0]] = array($class_method[1]); } else { $tests[$class_method[0]][] = $class_method[1]; } } var_dump($trace_dump); var_dump($tests); die; } }
/** * Log same time range * * @param string $timePoint Time range name * @param boolean $additional Additional metric flag OPTIONAL * * @return void */ public function log($timePoint, $additional = false) { if (!isset($this->points[$timePoint])) { $this->points[$timePoint] = array('start' => microtime(true), 'open' => true, 'time' => 0); if (self::$useXdebugStackTrace) { xdebug_start_trace(LC_DIR_LOG . $timePoint . '.' . microtime(true), XDEBUG_TRACE_COMPUTERIZED); } } elseif ($this->points[$timePoint]['open']) { $range = microtime(true) - $this->points[$timePoint]['start']; if ($additional) { $this->points[$timePoint]['time'] += $range; } else { $this->points[$timePoint]['time'] = $range; } $this->points[$timePoint]['open'] = false; if (self::$useXdebugStackTrace) { @xdebug_stop_trace(); } } else { $this->points[$timePoint]['start'] = microtime(true); $this->points[$timePoint]['open'] = true; if (self::$useXdebugStackTrace) { xdebug_start_trace(LC_DIR_VAR . 'log' . LC_DS . $timePoint . '.' . microtime(true), XDEBUG_TRACE_COMPUTERIZED); } } }
function process($tpl, &$textElements, $functionName, $functionChildren, $functionParameters, $functionPlacement, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace) { switch ($functionName) { case $this->TimingPointName: $children = $functionChildren; $parameters = $functionParameters; $id = false; if (isset($parameters["id"])) { $id = $tpl->elementValue($parameters["id"], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $functionPlacement); } $startDescription = "debug-timing-point START: {$id}"; eZDebug::addTimingPoint($startDescription); if (is_array($children)) { foreach (array_keys($children) as $childKey) { $child =& $children[$childKey]; $tpl->processNode($child, $textElements, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace); } } $endDescription = "debug-timing-point END: {$id}"; eZDebug::addTimingPoint($endDescription); break; case $this->AccumulatorName: $children = $functionChildren; $parameters = $functionParameters; $id = false; if (isset($parameters["id"])) { $id = $tpl->elementValue($parameters["id"], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $functionPlacement); } $name = false; if (isset($parameters["name"])) { $name = $tpl->elementValue($parameters["name"], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $functionPlacement); } // Assign a name (as $functionName) which will be used in the debug output. $name = ($name === false and $id === false) ? $functionName : $name; // To uniquely identify this accumulator. $id = $id === false ? uniqID($functionName . '_') : $id; eZDebug::accumulatorStart($id, 'Debug-Accumulator', $name); if (is_array($children)) { foreach (array_keys($children) as $childKey) { $child =& $children[$childKey]; $tpl->processNode($child, $textElements, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace); } } eZDebug::accumulatorStop($id); break; case $this->LogName: $parameters = $functionParameters; if (isset($parameters['var'])) { $var = $tpl->elementValue($parameters['var'], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $functionPlacement); } if (isset($parameters['msg'])) { $msg = $tpl->elementValue($parameters['msg'], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $functionPlacement); } if (isset($var) && isset($msg)) { eZDebug::writeDebug($var, $msg); } elseif (isset($msg)) { eZDebug::writeDebug($msg); } elseif (isset($var)) { eZDebug::writeDebug($var); } break; case $this->TraceName: $children = $functionChildren; $id = false; // If we have XDebug we start the trace, execute children and stop it // if not we just execute the children as normal if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) { $parameters = $functionParameters; if (isset($parameters["id"])) { $id = $tpl->elementValue($parameters["id"], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $functionPlacement); } if (!$id) { $id = 'template-debug'; } // If we already have a file, make sure it is truncated if (file_exists($id . '.xt')) { $fd = fopen($id, '.xt', 'w'); fclose($fd); } xdebug_start_trace($id); if (is_array($children)) { foreach (array_keys($children) as $childKey) { $child =& $children[$childKey]; $tpl->processNode($child, $textElements, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace); } } xdebug_stop_trace(); } elseif (is_array($children)) { foreach (array_keys($children) as $childKey) { $child =& $children[$childKey]; $tpl->processNode($child, $textElements, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace); } } break; } }
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $appConfig = $appConfig = array('modules' => array(), 'module_listener_options' => array('module_paths' => array('./vendor'), 'config_glob_paths' => array('config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php'))); if (!is_dir(__DIR__ . '/trace')) { mkdir(__DIR__ . '/trace'); } ini_set('xdebug.show_mem_delta', '1'); for ($t = 0; $t < 5; $t++) { xdebug_start_trace(sprintf('%s/trace/%d', __DIR__, $t + 1)); $app = \Zend\Mvc\Application::init($appConfig); xdebug_stop_trace(); \Zend\EventManager\StaticEventManager::resetInstance(); $app = null; }
/** * Stop xdebug trace. Call startXDTrace() first. * @param string $file (default = STDOUT) */ public function stopXDTrace($file = 'php://STDOUT') { $trace_file = xdebug_get_tracefile_name(); xdebug_stop_trace(); if (!$trace_file || !$file) { return; } $fh = fopen($trace_file, 'r'); fgets($fh); // ignore first line $trace_buildin = array('microtime()', 'memory_get_usage()', 'xdebug_call_class()', 'xdebug_call_function()', 'xdebug_call_line()', 'xdebug_call_file()', 'xdebug_stop_trace()'); $trace_func = array('rkphplib\\Profiler->log()'); $buildin_list = array('time', 'in_array', 'is_object', 'is_array', 'is_null', 'array_push', 'join', 'preg_match', 'array_keys', 'array_shift', 'array_pop', 'array_push', 'strpos', 'preg_split', 'count', 'substr', 'mb_substr', 'basename', 'str_replace', 'mysqli->real_escape_string', 'mysqli->mysqli', 'mysqli->real_query', 'mysqli->set_charset', 'mysqli->query', 'mysqli_result->fetch_assoc', 'mysqli_result->close', 'mysqli->prepare', 'mysqli_stmt->bind_param', 'mysqli_stmt->execute', 'mysqli_stmt->close', 'ReflectionClass->__construct', 'ReflectionClass->getMethod', 'ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs'); $buildin = array(); foreach ($buildin_list as $func) { $buildin[$func . '()'] = 0; } $custom = array(); $last = array(0, 0, '', ''); while ($line = fgets($fh)) { $col = preg_split("/ +/", trim($line)); if (empty($col[4])) { continue; } if (in_array($col[3], $trace_buildin)) { $last = $col; continue; } if (in_array($col[3], $trace_func)) { // ToDo ... ignore following continue; } if (isset($buildin[$col[3]])) { $buildin[$col[3]]++; } else { if (!isset($custom[$col[3]])) { $custom[$col[3]] = array('call' => 0, 'time' => 0, 'mem' => 0); } $custom[$col[3]]['call']++; // ToDo ... collect following $custom[$col[3]]['time'] = 0; $custom[$col[3]]['mem'] = 0; } $last = $col; } fclose($fh); $fh = fopen($file, 'a'); fwrite($fh, "\nBuildIn Functions:\n"); foreach ($buildin as $func => $call) { if ($call > 10) { fprintf($fh, "%10s%50s\n", $call . 'x ', $func); } } fwrite($fh, "\nCustom Functions:\n"); foreach ($custom as $func => $info) { if ($info['call'] > 0) { $c = $info['call']; fprintf($fh, "%10s%50s%16s%16s\n", $c . 'x ', $func, round($info['time'] / $c, 4) . ' s', round($info['mem'] / $c, 0) . ' b'); } } fclose($fh); }
/** * Stops trace. * This is for temporary use when debugging. * DO NOT CHECK IN A CALL TO THIS FUNCTION. */ public static function stopTrace() { xdebug_stop_trace(); }
/** * shutdown function to generate profile report */ function kataSmallProfile() { xdebug_stop_trace(); $lines = file($GLOBALS['kataSmallProfileFile'] . '.xt'); unlink($GLOBALS['kataSmallProfileFile'] . '.xt'); array_shift($lines); //version array_shift($lines); //trace start array_pop($lines); //exit array_pop($lines); //trace end $lastLine = array_pop($lines); //dummy $temp = explode("\t", $lines[2]); $endTime = $temp[3]; $temp = explode("\t", $lastLine); $totalTime = $temp[3] - $endTime; unset($temp); $callStack = array(); $outCnt = array(); $out = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = explode("\t", $line); if (1 == $line[2]) { $retLine = array_pop($callStack); if ($retLine[6] == 1) { //user func $time = $line[3] - $retLine[3]; $outCnt[$retLine[5]] = (empty($outCnt[$retLine[5]]) ? 0 : $outCnt[$retLine[5]]) + 1; $out[$retLine[5]] = (empty($out[$retLine[5]]) ? 0 : $out[$retLine[5]]) + $time; } continue; } if (substr($line[8], 0, strlen(ROOT)) != ROOT) { continue; } if (0 == $line[2]) { // entry $callStack[] = $line; } } arsort($out); // if PROFILE_LOG_MINIMUM is defined, only log request with a minimum runtime (in s) $logMinimum = defined('PROFILE_LOG_MINIMUM') ? PROFILE_LOG_MINIMUM : 0; $log = ''; $timePerBlock = $totalTime / 50; foreach ($out as $n => $v) { // ignore dispatcher... if ($n == 'dispatcher->dispatch' || $n == 'require') { continue; } if ($v >= $logMinimum) { $sl = strlen($n); $tTimes = max(1, 6 - (int) ($sl / 8)); $log .= $outCnt[$n] . "\t" . $n; for ($i = 0; $i < $tTimes; $i++) { $log .= "\t"; } $log .= number_format($v, 3) . "s "; $dl = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < (int) ($v / $timePerBlock); $i++) { //$dl .= chr(0xDB); if ($i % 10 == 9) { $dl .= '|'; } $dl .= '~'; } if (!empty($dl)) { $log .= $dl; } $log .= "\n"; } } if (!empty($log)) { $log = "===============================================================\n" . date("d.m. H:i:s") . "\n" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\nTotal: " . $totalTime . "s" . "\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n" . $log . "===============================================================\n\n"; file_put_contents($GLOBALS['kataProfileLogFile'], $log, FILE_APPEND); } }
<?php function start_trace() { xdebug_start_trace('/tmp/trace.%p'); } start_trace(); require __DIR__ . '/'; $file = xdebug_stop_trace(); var_dump(file_get_contents($file));
// pid var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%p")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // random var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%r")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // script name var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%s")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // timestamp (sec) var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%t")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // timestamp (microseconds) var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%u")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%H")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%R")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // $_SERVER['UNIQUE_ID'] var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%U")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // session id var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%S")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace()); // Literal % var_dump(xdebug_start_trace("/tmp/trace-%%")); var_dump(xdebug_stop_trace());
/** * stop_trace - turn off xdebug trace * * Requires xdebug extension * * @return void */ public static function stopTrace() { if (function_exists('xdebug_stop_trace')) { xdebug_stop_trace(); } }
/** * On test end * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test * @param string $time Time taken for test to execute. */ public function endTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, $time) { if (!$this->shouldListen()) { return; } xdebug_stop_trace(); $traceFilePath = $this->getTraceFullPath() . '.xt'; $trace = file_get_contents($traceFilePath); foreach ($this->searchPatterns as $searchPattern) { $foundPattern = $this->find($trace, $searchPattern); if ($foundPattern) { $this->addSearchResult($searchPattern, $foundPattern); } else { unlink($traceFilePath); } } }