function cw_special_offer_check($bonusid) { global $tables; $pid = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT pid FROM {$tables['bonuses']} WHERE bonusid='{$bonusid}'"); if ($pid > 0) { $logic = 'AND'; } elseif (defined('PS_COND_LOGIC')) { $logic = PS_COND_LOGIC; } else { $logic = 'AND'; } $check_func = array('E', 'D', 'T', 'W', 'Z', 'P', 'M', 'C'); $result = true; foreach ($check_func as $func) { $check[$func] = call_user_func('cw_check_condition_' . $func, $bonusid, $logic == 'AND'); $result &= $check[$func]; if (!$result) { break; } } if ($_GET["showmedebug"] == 'Y' && ($pid == 0 || $_GET['all'] == 'Y')) { x_load("debug"); global $affected_product_ids, $_affected_product_ids; echo __FILE__, ': bonusID, Conditions check result, Already used products, could be used with this bonus if it pass'; cw_print_r($bonusid, $check, $affected_product_ids, $_affected_product_ids); } return $result; }
*/ // bonuses were already once extracted earlier in this script (not in session) if (!empty($user_bonuses)) { return true; } // $user_bonuses is empty, try to find it in session x_session_register('user_bonuses'); x_session_register('user_bonuses_logged_userid'); // Do not update bonuses for current user if // - it is already stored in session // - AND stored for current logged_userid // - AND update is not forced by config if (!empty($user_bonuses) && $logged_userid == $user_bonuses_logged_userid && !PS_FORCE_USER_BONUSES) { return true; } x_load('cart'); if (empty($logged_userid) && $config["General"]["apply_default_country"] == "Y") { # Use the default address $userinfo["b_country"] = $userinfo["s_country"] = $config["General"]["default_country"]; $userinfo["b_state"] = $userinfo["s_state"] = $config["General"]["default_state"]; $userinfo["b_zipcode"] = $userinfo["s_zipcode"] = $config["General"]["default_zipcode"]; $userinfo["b_city"] = $userinfo["s_city"] = $config["General"]["default_city"]; $userinfo["b_countryname"] = $userinfo["s_countryname"] = cw_get_country($userinfo["s_country"]); $userinfo["b_statename"] = $userinfo["s_statename"] = cw_get_state($userinfo["s_state"], $userinfo["s_country"]); } if (!empty($logged_userid)) { $userinfo = cw_userinfo($logged_userid, $current_area); } $where_statement = ''; $join_statement = ''; # Multidomain addon integration
<?php // - Promotion Suite if (!defined('XCART_START')) { header("Location: ../../"); die("Access denied"); } if (empty($addons["Promotion_Suite"])) { return; } x_load('cart', 'shipping', 'product', 'user'); if (!empty($logged_userid)) { $userinfo = cw_userinfo($logged_userid, $current_area, false, false, "H"); } if (!$cw_is_cart_empty && !in_array($mode, array("wishlist", "wl2cart"))) { # array of bonuses and supplies which are applicable to the cart # $special_offers_apply = array( # "supply" = array ( # [bonusid.subindex] = array ( # [bonus_type] = <scalar or array data> # [bonus_type] = <scalar or array data> # ... # ... # ) # "free_shipping" = array ( # "type" = N|Y|C|S # "products" = array ( # [product_id] = <quantity> # ... # "method" = array (<shippingid>) # )
// - Promotion Suite if (!defined('XCART_START')) { header("Location: ../../"); die("Access denied"); } if (empty($addons["Promotion_Suite"])) { return; } if ($config['Promotion_Suite']['display_offers_cat'] != 'Y' && $config['Promotion_Suite']['display_offers_product'] != 'Y') { return; } include_once $xcart_dir . '/addons/Promotion_Suite/user_bonuses.php'; $bonuses = $user_bonuses; if ($_GET['showmedebug'] == 'Y') { x_load("debug"); $zones = cw_get_customer_zones_avail($userinfo, ""); echo 'Promotion Suite addon ', PS_VERSION, " \n<br />"; echo __FILE__, ' : Customer $zones, List of appropriated $bonuses before zones and categories filter'; cw_print_r($zones, $bonuses); } /* For current category show first offer, where this category mentioned in conditions. If there are no such offers, then show first offer. */ if (!empty($cat) && !empty($bonuses) && empty($productid)) { if ($config['Promotion_Suite']['display_offers_cat'] != 'Y') { return; } $featured = array(); $pos = cw_query_first("SELECT lpos, rpos FROM {$tables['categories']} WHERE categoryid='{$cat}'"); $lpos = $pos['lpos'];
} if (empty($addons["Promotion_Suite"])) { return; } // This setting was cut-off from the new version. // Show recently viewed products among all visitors - quite useless. The feature was not demanded if ($config['Promotion_Suite']['recently_viewed_enable'] != 'Y') { return; } if (empty($cat)) { if (!empty($product_added)) { $productid = $product_added; } if (!empty($productid)) { $cat_ps = cw_query_first_cell("SELECT categoryid FROM {$tables['products_categories']} WHERE main='Y' AND productid='{$productid}'"); } } else { $cat_ps = $cat; } if (!empty($cat_ps)) { x_load('product'); $recent_pids = cw_query_column("select FROM xcart_stats_shop s, xcart_products_categories c WHERE s.action='V' AND AND c.categoryid='{$cat_ps}' AND!='{$productid}' order by desc limit " . $config['Promotion_Suite']['recently_viewed_items'] * 3); $recent_pids = array_slice(array_unique($recent_pids), 0, $config['Promotion_Suite']['recently_viewed_items']); $pids_query['where'][] = $tables['products'] . ".productid IN ('" . implode($recent_pids, "','") . "')"; if (!empty($recent_pids)) { $recent_products = cw_search_products($pids_query, $userinfo['membershipid']); } $smarty->assign('recent_products', $recent_products); unset($recent_products, $recent_pids, $pids_query); } // - Promotion Suite
# Read Modules and put in into $active_modules # $import_specification = array(); $active_modules = func_data_cache_get("modules"); if (!is_array($active_modules)) { $active_modules = array(); } $active_modules["Simple_Mode"] = true; $addons = array(); $body_onload = ""; $tbl_demo_data = $tbl_keys = array(); $css_files = array(); $container_classes = array(); $predefined_setup_images = array(); $image_caches = array(); x_load('image'); if ($active_modules) { foreach ($active_modules as $active_module => $tmp) { if (file_exists($xcart_dir . "/modules/" . $active_module . "/config.php")) { include $xcart_dir . "/modules/" . $active_module . "/config.php"; } if (file_exists($xcart_dir . "/modules/" . $active_module . "/func.php")) { include $xcart_dir . "/modules/" . $active_module . "/func.php"; } } } $smarty->assign_by_ref("active_modules", $active_modules); $mail_smarty->assign_by_ref("active_modules", $active_modules); $config['setup_images'] = func_data_cache_get("setup_images"); foreach ($config['available_images'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($config['setup_images'][$k])) {
<?php define('SKIP_COOKIE_CHECK', true); require_once './auth.php'; include './payment/includes/autoload.php'; x_load('order'); $posted_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); if (empty($posted_data)) { // empty request exit; } else { $payment_cc_data = func_query_first("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['ccprocessors']} WHERE processor='checkoutapipayment.php'"); $Api = CheckoutApi_Api::getApi(array('mode' => $payment_cc_data['param01'])); $objectCharge = $Api->chargeToObj($posted_data); if ($objectCharge->isValid()) { /* * Need to get track id */ $order_id = $objectCharge->getTrackId(); if ($objectCharge->getCaptured()) { $advinfo = 'Your payment has been successfully completed'; func_change_order_status($order_id, 'C', $advinfo); // completed status? } elseif ($objectCharge->getRefunded()) { $advinfo = 'Your payment has been refunded'; func_change_order_status($order_id, 'D', $advinfo); // declined status? } elseif (!$objectCharge->getAuthorised()) { $advinfo[] = 'Your order has been cancelled'; func_change_order_status($order_id, 'D', $advinfo); // cancelled status?