function ordOrderProcessing($shippingMethodID, $paymentMethodID, $shippingAddressID, $billingAddressID, $shippingModuleFiles, $paymentModulesFiles, $customers_comment, $cc_number, $cc_holdername, $cc_expires, $cc_cvv, $log, $smarty_mail, $shServiceID = 0) { $customerID = $log != null ? regGetIdByLogin($log) : NULL; if ($log != null) { $customerInfo = regGetCustomerInfo2($log); } else { $customerInfo['first_name'] = $_SESSION['first_name']; $customerInfo['last_name'] = $_SESSION['last_name']; $customerInfo['Email'] = $_SESSION['email']; $customerInfo['affiliationLogin'] = $_SESSION['affiliationLogin']; } $order_time = get_current_time(); $frandl = mt_rand(3, 999); $order_active_link = md5($order_time) . $frandl; $customer_ip = stGetCustomerIP_Address(); $statusID = CONF_ACTIVE_ORDER == 1 ? 0 : ostGetNewOrderStatus(); $customer_affiliationLogin = isset($customerInfo['affiliationLogin']) ? $customerInfo['affiliationLogin'] : ''; $customer_email = $customerInfo['Email']; $currencyID = currGetCurrentCurrencyUnitID(); if ($currencyID != 0) { $currentCurrency = currGetCurrencyByID($currencyID); $currency_code = $currentCurrency['currency_iso_3']; $currency_value = $currentCurrency['currency_value']; $currency_round = $currentCurrency['roundval']; } else { $currency_code = ''; $currency_value = 1; $currency_round = 2; } // get shipping address if ($shippingAddressID != 0) { $shippingAddress = regGetAddress($shippingAddressID); $shippingAddressCountry = cnGetCountryById($shippingAddress['countryID']); $shippingAddress['country_name'] = $shippingAddressCountry['country_name']; } else { $shippingCountryName = cnGetCountryById($_SESSION['receiver_countryID']); $shippingCountryName = $shippingCountryName['country_name']; $shippingAddress['first_name'] = $_SESSION['receiver_first_name']; $shippingAddress['last_name'] = $_SESSION['receiver_last_name']; $shippingAddress['country_name'] = $shippingCountryName; $shippingAddress['state'] = $_SESSION['receiver_state']; $shippingAddress['city'] = $_SESSION['receiver_city']; $shippingAddress['address'] = $_SESSION['receiver_address']; $shippingAddress['zoneID'] = $_SESSION['receiver_zoneID']; } if (is_null($shippingAddress['state']) || trim($shippingAddress['state']) == '') { $zone = znGetSingleZoneById($shippingAddress['zoneID']); $shippingAddress['state'] = $zone['zone_name']; } // get billing address if ($billingAddressID != 0) { $billingAddress = regGetAddress($billingAddressID); $billingAddressCountry = cnGetCountryById($billingAddress['countryID']); $billingAddress['country_name'] = $billingAddressCountry['country_name']; } else { $billingCountryName = cnGetCountryById($_SESSION['billing_countryID']); $billingCountryName = $billingCountryName['country_name']; $billingAddress['first_name'] = $_SESSION['billing_first_name']; $billingAddress['last_name'] = $_SESSION['billing_last_name']; $billingAddress['country_name'] = $billingCountryName; $billingAddress['state'] = $_SESSION['billing_state']; $billingAddress['city'] = $_SESSION['billing_city']; $billingAddress['address'] = $_SESSION['billing_address']; $billingAddress['zoneID'] = $_SESSION['billing_zoneID']; } if (is_null($billingAddress['state']) || trim($billingAddress['state']) == '') { $zone = znGetSingleZoneById($billingAddress['zoneID']); $billingAddress['state'] = $zone['zone_name']; } $cartContent = cartGetCartContent(); foreach ($cartContent['cart_content'] as $key => $cartItem) { if (!empty($cartItem['opt_margin']) && $paymentMethodID == 2) { $cost = $cartItem['costUC']; $margin = $cost / 100 * CONF_PERCENT_MARGIN; $cost += $margin; $costShow = show_price($cost * $cartItem['quantity']); $cartContent['cart_content'][$key]['costUC'] = $cost; $cartContent['cart_content'][$key]['cost'] = $costShow; } } if ($log != null) { $addresses = array($shippingAddressID, $billingAddressID); } else { $addresses = array(array('countryID' => $_SESSION['receiver_countryID'], 'zoneID' => $_SESSION['receiver_zoneID']), array('countryID' => $_SESSION['billing_countryID'], 'zoneID' => $_SESSION['billing_zoneID'])); } $orderDetails = array('first_name' => $shippingAddress['first_name'], 'last_name' => $shippingAddress['last_name'], 'email' => $customerInfo['Email'], 'order_amount' => oaGetOrderAmountExShippingRate($cartContent, $addresses, $log, FALSE)); $shippingMethod = shGetShippingMethodById($shippingMethodID); $shipping_email_comments_text = $shippingMethod['email_comments_text']; $shippingName = $shippingMethod['Name']; $paymentMethod = payGetPaymentMethodById($paymentMethodID); $paymentName = $paymentMethod['Name']; $payment_email_comments_text = $paymentMethod['email_comments_text']; if (isset($paymentMethod['calculate_tax']) && (int) $paymentMethod['calculate_tax'] == 0) { $order_amount = oaGetOrderAmount($cartContent, $addresses, $shippingMethodID, $log, $orderDetails, TRUE, $shServiceID); $d = oaGetDiscountPercent($cartContent, $log); $tax = 0; $shipping_costUC = oaGetShippingCostTakingIntoTax($cartContent, $shippingMethodID, $addresses, $orderDetails, FALSE, $shServiceID, TRUE); $discount_percent = oaGetDiscountPercent($cartContent, $log); } else { $order_amount = oaGetOrderAmount($cartContent, $addresses, $shippingMethodID, $log, $orderDetails, TRUE, $shServiceID); $d = oaGetDiscountPercent($cartContent, $log); $tax = oaGetProductTax($cartContent, $d, $addresses); $shipping_costUC = oaGetShippingCostTakingIntoTax($cartContent, $shippingMethodID, $addresses, $orderDetails, TRUE, $shServiceID, TRUE); $discount_percent = oaGetDiscountPercent($cartContent, $log); } $shServiceInfo = ''; if (is_array($shipping_costUC)) { list($shipping_costUC) = $shipping_costUC; $shServiceInfo = $shipping_costUC['name']; $shipping_costUC = $shipping_costUC['rate']; } $paymentMethod = payGetPaymentMethodById($paymentMethodID); if ($paymentMethod) { $currentPaymentModule = modGetModuleObj($paymentMethod['module_id'], PAYMENT_MODULE); } else { $currentPaymentModule = null; } if ($currentPaymentModule != null) { //define order details for payment module $order_payment_details = array('customer_email' => $customer_email, 'customer_ip' => $customer_ip, 'order_amount' => $order_amount, 'currency_code' => $currency_code, 'currency_value' => $currency_value, 'shipping_cost' => $shipping_costUC, 'order_tax' => $tax, 'shipping_info' => $shippingAddress, 'billing_info' => $billingAddress); $process_payment_result = $currentPaymentModule->payment_process($order_payment_details); //gets payment processing result if (!($process_payment_result == 1)) { //die ($process_payment_result); if (isset($_POST)) { $_SESSION['order4confirmation_post'] = $_POST; } xSaveData('PaymentError', $process_payment_result); if (!$customerID) { RedirectProtected('index.php?order4_confirmation_quick=yes' . '&shippingMethodID=' . $_GET['shippingMethodID'] . '&paymentMethodID=' . $_GET['paymentMethodID'] . '&shServiceID=' . $shServiceID); } else { RedirectProtected('index.php?order4_confirmation=yes' . '&shippingAddressID=' . $_GET['shippingAddressID'] . '&shippingMethodID=' . $_GET['shippingMethodID'] . '&billingAddressID=' . $_GET['billingAddressID'] . '&paymentMethodID=' . $_GET['paymentMethodID'] . '&shServiceID=' . $shServiceID); } return false; } } $customerID = (int) $customerID; // debug($cartContent['cart_content']); // // exit; $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ORDERS_TABLE . ' SET customerID = ' . (int) $customerID . ', order_time = "' . xEscSQL($order_time) . '", customer_ip = "' . xToText($customer_ip) . '", shipping_type = "' . xToText($shippingName) . '", payment_type = "' . xToText($paymentName) . '", customers_comment = "' . xToText($customers_comment) . '", statusID = ' . (int) $statusID . ', shipping_cost = "' . (double) $shipping_costUC . '", order_discount = "' . (double) $discount_percent . '", order_amount= "' . (double) $order_amount . '", currency_code = "' . xEscSQL($currency_code) . '", currency_value = "' . (double) $currency_value . '", customer_firstname = "' . xToText($customerInfo['first_name']) . '", customer_lastname = "' . xToText($customerInfo['last_name']) . '", customer_email = "' . xToText($customer_email) . '", shipping_firstname = "' . xToText($shippingAddress['first_name']) . '", shipping_lastname = "' . xToText($shippingAddress['last_name']) . '", shipping_country= "' . xToText($shippingAddress['country_name']) . '", shipping_state= "' . xToText($shippingAddress['state']) . '", shipping_city= "' . xToText($shippingAddress['city']) . '", shipping_address= "' . xToText($shippingAddress['address']) . '", billing_firstname= "' . xToText($billingAddress['first_name']) . '", billing_lastname= "' . xToText($billingAddress['last_name']) . '", billing_country= "' . xToText($billingAddress['country_name']) . '", billing_state= "' . xToText($billingAddress['state']) . '", billing_city= "' . xToText($billingAddress['city']) . '", billing_address= "' . xToText($billingAddress['address']) . '", cc_number= "' . xEscSQL($cc_number) . '", cc_holdername= "' . xToText($cc_holdername) . '", cc_expires= "' . xEscSQL($cc_expires) . '", cc_cvv= "' . xEscSQL($cc_cvv) . '", affiliateID= "' . (isset($_SESSION['refid']) ? $_SESSION['refid'] : regGetIdByLogin($customer_affiliationLogin)) . '", shippingServiceInfo= "' . $shServiceInfo . '", custlink= "' . xEscSQL($order_active_link) . '", currency_round= "' . (int) $currency_round . '", paymethod= ' . (int) $paymentMethodID; db_query($sql); $orderID = db_insert_id(ORDERS_TABLE); if (!CONF_ACTIVE_ORDER) { stChangeOrderStatus($orderID, $statusID); } $paymentMethod = payGetPaymentMethodById($paymentMethodID); if ($paymentMethod) { $currentPaymentModule = modGetModuleObj($paymentMethod['module_id'], PAYMENT_MODULE); // $currentPaymentModule = payGetPaymentModuleById( $paymentMethod['module_id'], $paymentModulesFiles ); } else { $currentPaymentModule = null; } //save shopping cart content to database and update in-stock information if ($log != null) { cartMoveContentFromShoppingCartsToOrderedCarts($orderID, $shippingMethodID, $paymentMethodID, $shippingAddressID, $billingAddressID, $shippingModuleFiles, $paymentModulesFiles, $smarty_mail); } else { _moveSessionCartContentToOrderedCart($orderID, $paymentMethodID); //update in-stock information if ($statusID != ostGetCanceledStatusId() && CONF_CHECKSTOCK) { $q1 = db_query('select itemID, Quantity FROM ' . ORDERED_CARTS_TABLE . ' WHERE orderID=' . (int) $orderID); while ($item = db_fetch_row($q1)) { $q2 = db_query('select productID FROM ' . SHOPPING_CART_ITEMS_TABLE . ' WHERE itemID=' . (int) $item['itemID']); $pr = db_fetch_row($q2); if ($pr) { db_query('update ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' set in_stock = in_stock - ' . (int) $item['Quantity'] . ' where productID=' . (int) $pr[0]); $q = db_query('select name, in_stock FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE productID=' . (int) $pr[0]); $productsta = db_fetch_row($q); if ($productsta[1] == 0) { if (CONF_AUTOOFF_STOCKADMIN) { db_query('update ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' set enabled=0 where productID=' . (int) $pr[0]); } if (CONF_NOTIFY_STOCKADMIN) { $smarty_mail->assign('productstaname', $productsta[0]); $smarty_mail->assign('productstid', $pr[0]); $stockadmin = $smarty_mail->fetch('notify_stockadmin.tpl'); $ressta = xMailTxtHTMLDATA(CONF_ORDERS_EMAIL, CUSTOMER_ACTIVATE_99 . ' - ' . CONF_SHOP_NAME, $stockadmin); } } } } } //now save registration form aux fields into CUSTOMER_REG_FIELDS_VALUES_TABLE_QUICKREG //for quick checkout orders these fields are stored separately than for registered customer (SS_customers) db_query('delete from ' . CUSTOMER_REG_FIELDS_VALUES_TABLE_QUICKREG . ' where orderID=' . (int) $orderID); foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) { if (strstr($key, 'additional_field_') && strlen(trim($val)) > 0) { $id = (int) str_replace('additional_field_', '', $key); if ($id > 0) { db_query('insert into ' . CUSTOMER_REG_FIELDS_VALUES_TABLE_QUICKREG . ' (orderID, reg_field_ID, reg_field_value) values (' . (int) $orderID . ', ' . (int) $id . ', "' . xToText(trim($val)) . '");'); } } } } if ($currentPaymentModule != null) { $currentPaymentModule->after_processing_php($orderID); } _sendOrderNotifycationToAdmin($orderID, $smarty_mail, $tax); _sendOrderNotifycationToCustomer($orderID, $smarty_mail, $customerInfo['Email'], $log, $payment_email_comments_text, $shipping_email_comments_text, $tax, $order_active_link); if ($log == null) { _quickOrderUnsetSession(); } unset($_SESSION['order4confirmation_post']); return $orderID; }
regAuthenticate($login, $cust_password); } $RedirectURL = ''; if (isset($order)) { if (isset($billingAddressID)) { $RedirectURL = "index.php?order2_shipping=yes&shippingAddressID=" . regGetDefaultAddressIDByLogin($login) . "&defaultBillingAddressID=" . $billingAddressID; } else { $RedirectURL = "index.php?order2_shipping=yes&shippingAddressID=" . regGetDefaultAddressIDByLogin($login); } } elseif (isset($order_without_billing_address)) { $RedirectURL = "index.php?order2_shipping=yes&shippingAddressID=" . regGetDefaultAddressIDByLogin($login); } else { $RedirectURL = "index.php?r_successful=yes"; } if (CONF_ENABLE_REGCONFIRMATION && (isset($order) || isset($order_without_billing_address))) { xSaveData('xREGMAILCONF_URLORDER2', $RedirectURL); $RedirectURL = "index.php?act_customer=1&order2=yes"; } RedirectJavaScript($RedirectURL); } else { $smarty->assign("reg_error", ERROR_INPUT_STATE); } } else { $smarty->assign("reg_error", $error); } } // countries $callBackParam = array(); $count_row = 0; $countries = cnGetCountries($callBackParam, $count_row); $smarty->assign("countries", $countries);
function settingCONF_BYCOUNTRY_BYZONE_PERCENT_FORM() { $curr_country = isset($_POST["shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_country"]) ? $_POST["shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_country"] : 0; $curr_country = (int) $curr_country; if (!$curr_country) { $curr_country = xGetData('SXshipping_module_bycountry_byzone_countryPERC'); } xSaveData('SXshipping_module_bycountry_byzone_countryPERC', $curr_country); $module_id = isset($_GET['setting_up']) ? $_GET['setting_up'] : 0; $ModuleConfig = modGetModuleConfig($module_id); if (!$ModuleConfig['ModuleClassName']) { $module_id = 0; } if (isset($_POST["save"])) { $radiotoggle = isset($_POST["shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_radiotoggle"]) ? $_POST["shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_radiotoggle"] : 0; if ($radiotoggle == 0) { $rate = (double) $_POST["shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_0"]; $sql = ' DELETE FROM ' . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TABLE . ' WHERE module_id="' . $module_id . '" AND countryID=' . $curr_country . ' and zoneID=0 '; db_query($sql); $sql = ' INSERT INTO ' . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TABLE . ' (module_id, countryID, zoneID, shipping_rate) VALUES (' . $module_id . ', ' . $curr_country . ', 0, ' . $rate . ') '; db_query($sql); } else { $sql = ' DELETE FROM ' . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TABLE . ' WHERE module_id="' . $module_id . '" AND countryID=' . $curr_country . ' '; db_query($sql); foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (strstr($key, "shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_")) { $zone = (int) str_replace("shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_", "", $key); $rate = (double) $val; if ($zone > 0 && $rate != 0) { $sql = ' INSERT INTO ' . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TABLE . ' (module_id, countryID, zoneID, shipping_rate) VALUES (' . $module_id . ', ' . $curr_country . ', ' . $zone . ', ' . $rate . ') '; db_query($sql); } } } } } $res = "<table border=0>\n<tr>\n<td>" . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_1 . "</td>\n"; $countries_count = 0; $countries = cnGetCountries(null, $countries_count); $res .= "<td><select name='shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_country'>\n"; $res .= "<option value='0'>" . ADMIN_NOT_DEFINED . "</option>\n"; foreach ($countries as $country) { $res .= "<option value='" . $country["countryID"] . "' "; if ($curr_country == $country["countryID"]) { $res .= " selected "; } $res .= ">"; $res .= $country["country_name"]; $res .= "</option>\n"; } $res .= "</select></td>"; $res .= "<td><input type=submit name=shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_change_country value=\"" . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_2 . "\"></td>\n"; $res .= "</tr>\n"; //show toggle + zones if ($curr_country > 0) { $zones = znGetZonesById($curr_country); //toggle $res .= "<tr><td colspan=3><hr size=1></td></tr>\n"; $res .= "<tr><td colspan=3>\n"; $sql = ' SELECT shipping_rate FROM ' . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TABLE . ' WHERE module_id="' . $module_id . '" AND countryID=' . $curr_country . ' and zoneID=0 '; $q = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_row($q); if ($row || count($zones) == 0) { $radiotoggle = 0; //fixed for this country $rate = (double) $row[0]; } else { $radiotoggle = 1; //by zone definition $rate = 0; } $res .= "<table border=0><tr><td valign=top>\n<input type=radio name=shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_radiotoggle value=0"; if ($radiotoggle == 0) { $res .= " checked"; } $res .= " onclick='JavaScript:shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_toogleClickHandler();'></td>\n"; $res .= "<td valign=top>" . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_7 . "</td>\n"; $res .= "<td><input type=text name=shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_0 value=\"{$rate}\">" . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_3 . "</td></tr>\n"; $res .= "<tr><td valign=top>\n<input type=radio name=shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_radiotoggle value=1"; if ($radiotoggle == 1) { $res .= " checked"; } $res .= " onclick='JavaScript:shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_toogleClickHandler();'></td>\n"; $res .= "<td colspan=2>" . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_4 . "\n"; //zones if (count($zones) > 0) { $res .= "<p><table>\n"; foreach ($zones as $zone) { $zoneID = (int) $zone["zoneID"]; $sql = ' SELECT shipping_rate FROM ' . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TABLE . ' WHERE module_id="' . $module_id . '" AND countryID=' . $curr_country . ' and zoneID=' . $zoneID . ' '; $q = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_row($q); $zone_shipping_rate = (double) $row[0]; $res .= "<tr><td>" . $zone["zone_name"] . ":</td>"; $res .= "<td><input type=text name=shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_" . $zoneID . " value='" . $zone_shipping_rate . "'>" . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_5 . "</td></tr>"; } $res .= "</table>\n"; } else { $res .= "<p>< " . CSHIPPINGMODULEBYCOUNTRYBYZONEPERCENT_TXT_6 . " >"; } $res .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; $res .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $res .= "</table>"; //javascript code if ($curr_country > 0) { $res .= "\n <script language='JavaScript'>\n function shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_toogleClickHandler()\n {\n\n if ( document.shipping_method_form.shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_radiotoggle[0].checked )\n {\n document.shipping_method_form.shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_0.disabled = false;\n " . _create_JS_zones_handlers_bycountryzone_percent($zones, "true") . "\n }\n else if ( document.shipping_method_form.shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_radiotoggle[1].checked )\n {\n document.shipping_method_form.shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_zone_rate_0.disabled = true;\n " . _create_JS_zones_handlers_bycountryzone_percent($zones, "false") . "\n }\n }\n\n shipping_module_bycountry_byzone_toogleClickHandler();\n </script>\n "; } return $res; }