function include_main_account($authors, $post_info) { if (wtt_oauth_test($post_info['authId'], 'verify')) { // $authors = array( 14, 'main'=>false ); // if you want a specific Author ID $authors = array($post_info['authId'], 'main' => false); // if you want the author of the post being published } else { $authors = array('main' => false); } return $authors; }
function jd_check_functions() { $message = "<div class='update'><ul>"; // grab or set necessary variables $testurl = get_bloginfo('url'); $shortener = get_option('jd_shortener'); $title = urlencode('Your blog home'); $shrink = jd_shorten_link($testurl, $title, false, 'true'); $api_url = $jdwp_api_post_status; $yourls_URL = ""; if ($shrink == FALSE) { if ($shortener == 1) { $error = htmlentities(get_option('wp_supr_error')); } else { if ($shortener == 2) { $error = htmlentities(get_option('wp_bitly_error')); } else { $error = _('No error information is available for your shortener.', 'wp-to-twitter'); } } $message .= __("<li class=\"error\"><strong>WP to Twitter was unable to contact your selected URL shortening service.</strong></li>", 'wp-to-twitter'); $message .= "<li><code>{$error}</code></li>"; } else { $message .= __("<li><strong>WP to Twitter successfully contacted your selected URL shortening service.</strong> The following link should point to your blog homepage:", 'wp-to-twitter'); $message .= " <a href='{$shrink}'>{$shrink}</a></li>"; } //check twitter credentials if (wtt_oauth_test()) { $rand = rand(1000000, 9999999); $testpost = jd_doTwitterAPIPost("This is a test of WP to Twitter. {$shrink} ({$rand})"); if ($testpost) { $message .= __("<li><strong>WP to Twitter successfully submitted a status update to Twitter.</strong></li>", 'wp-to-twitter'); } else { $error = get_option('jd_status_message'); $message .= __("<li class=\"error\"><strong>WP to Twitter failed to submit an update to Twitter.</strong></li>", 'wp-to-twitter'); $message .= "<li class=\"error\">{$error}</li>"; } } else { $message .= "<strong>" . _e('You have not connected WordPress to Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . "</strong> "; } // If everything's OK, there's no reason to do this again. if ($testpost == FALSE && $shrink == FALSE) { $message .= __("<li class=\"error\"><strong>Your server does not appear to support the required methods for WP to Twitter to function.</strong> You can try it anyway - these tests aren't perfect.</li>", 'wp-to-twitter'); } else { } if ($testpost && $shrink) { $message .= __("<li><strong>Your server should run WP to Twitter successfully.</strong></li>", 'wp-to-twitter'); } $message .= "</ul>\r\n\t</div>"; return $message; }
function jd_twit($post_ID, $type = 'instant') { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("0: jd_twit running #{$post_ID}", "Post ID: {$post_ID} / {$type}"); // DEBUG } if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE || wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { return $post_ID; } wpt_check_version(); $jd_tweet_this = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_tweet_this', true); $newpost = $oldpost = $is_inline_edit = false; $sentence = $template = ''; if (get_option('wpt_inline_edits') != 1) { if (isset($_POST['_inline_edit']) || isset($_REQUEST['bulk_edit'])) { return; } } else { if (isset($_POST['_inline_edit']) || isset($_REQUEST['bulk_edit'])) { $is_inline_edit = true; } } if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("1: JD Tweet This Value: #{$post_ID}", "Tweet this: {$jd_tweet_this} /" . get_option('jd_tweet_default') . " / {$type}"); // DEBUG } if (get_option('jd_tweet_default') == 0) { $test = $jd_tweet_this != 'no' ? true : false; } else { $test = $jd_tweet_this == 'yes' ? true : false; } if ($test) { // test switch: depend on default settings. $post_info = jd_post_info($post_ID); $media = wpt_post_with_media($post_ID, $post_info); if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) { $auth = get_option('wpt_cotweet_lock') == 'false' || !get_option('wpt_cotweet_lock') ? $post_info['authId'] : get_option('wpt_cotweet_lock'); } else { $auth = $post_info['authId']; } /* debug data */ if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("2: POST Debug Data #{$post_ID}", "Post_Info: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . "\n\nPOST: " . print_r($_POST, 1) . " / {$type}"); } if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true && function_exists('wpt_filter_post_info')) { $filter = wpt_filter_post_info($post_info); if ($filter == true) { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("3a: Post filtered: #{$post_ID}", print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}"); } return false; } } /* Filter Tweet based on POST data -- allows custom filtering of unknown plug-ins, etc. */ $filter = apply_filters('wpt_filter_post_data', false, $_POST); if ($filter) { return false; } $post_type = $post_info['postType']; if ($type == 'future' || get_post_meta($post_ID, 'wpt_publishing') == 'future') { $new = 1; // if this is a future action, then it should be published regardless of relationship if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("4: Future post: #{$post_ID}", print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}"); } delete_post_meta($post_ID, 'wpt_publishing'); } else { // if the post modified date and the post date are the same, this is new. // true if first date before or equal to last date $new = wpt_date_compare($post_info['_postModified'], $post_info['_postDate']); } // post is not previously published but has been backdated: // (post date is edited, but save option is 'publish') if ($new == 0 && (isset($_POST['edit_date']) && $_POST['edit_date'] == 1 && !isset($_POST['save']))) { $new = 1; } // can't catch posts that were set to a past date as a draft, then published. $post_type_settings = get_option('wpt_post_types'); $post_types = array_keys($post_type_settings); if (in_array($post_type, $post_types)) { // identify whether limited by category/taxonomy $continue = wpt_category_limit($post_type, $post_info, $post_ID); if ($continue == false) { return; } // create Tweet and ID whether current action is edit or new $cT = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_twitter', true); if (isset($_POST['_jd_twitter']) && $_POST['_jd_twitter'] != '') { $cT = $_POST['_jd_twitter']; } $customTweet = $cT != '' ? stripcslashes(trim($cT)) : ''; // if ops is set and equals 'publish', this is being edited. Otherwise, it's a new post. if ($new == 0 || $is_inline_edit == true) { // if this is an old post and editing updates are enabled if (get_option('jd_tweet_default_edit') == 1) { $jd_tweet_this = apply_filters('wpt_tweet_this_edit', $jd_tweet_this, $_POST); if ($jd_tweet_this != 'yes') { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("3c: Tweet this: not equal to yes", "Exit // Post ID: {$post_ID}"); // DEBUG } return; } } if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("4a: Edited post #{$post_ID}", "Tweet this: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}"); // DEBUG } if ($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-edited-update'] == '1') { $nptext = stripcslashes($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-edited-text']); $oldpost = true; } } else { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("4b: New Post #{$post_ID}", "Tweet this: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}"); // DEBUG } if ($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-published-update'] == '1') { $nptext = stripcslashes($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-published-text']); $newpost = true; } } if ($newpost || $oldpost) { $template = $customTweet != "" ? $customTweet : $nptext; $sentence = jd_truncate_tweet($template, $post_info, $post_ID); if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("5: Tweet Truncated #{$post_ID}", "Truncated Tweet: {$sentence} / {$template} / {$type}"); // DEBUG } if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) { $sentence2 = jd_truncate_tweet($template, $post_info, $post_ID, false, $auth); } } if ($sentence != '') { // WPT PRO // if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) { $wpt_selected_users = $post_info['wpt_authorized_users']; /* set up basic author/main account values */ $auth_verified = wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify'); if (empty($wpt_selected_users) && get_option('jd_individual_twitter_users') == 1) { $wpt_selected_users = $auth_verified ? array($auth) : array(false); } if ($post_info['wpt_cotweet'] == 1 || get_option('jd_individual_twitter_users') != 1) { $wpt_selected_users['main'] = false; } // filter selected users before using $wpt_selected_users = apply_filters('wpt_filter_users', $wpt_selected_users, $post_info); if ($post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] == 0 || $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] == '' || $post_info['wpt_no_delay'] == 'on') { foreach ($wpt_selected_users as $acct) { if (wtt_oauth_test($acct, 'verify')) { $tweet = jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence2, $acct, $post_ID, $media); } } } else { foreach ($wpt_selected_users as $acct) { if ($auth != $acct) { $offset = rand(60, 480); // offset by 1-8 minutes for additional users } else { $offset = 0; } if (wtt_oauth_test($acct, 'verify')) { $time = apply_filters('wpt_schedule_delay', (int) $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] * 60, $acct); $scheduled = wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time + $offset, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $acct, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0, 'post_id' => $post_ID)); $tweet = true; // if scheduled, return true. if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { if ($acct) { $author_id = "#{$acct}"; } else { $author_id = 'Main'; } wpt_mail("7a: Tweet Scheduled for Auth ID {$author_id} #{$post_ID}", print_r(array('id' => $acct, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0, 'post_id' => $post_ID, 'timestamp' => time() + $time + $offset, 'current_time' => time(), 'timezone' => get_option('gmt_offset'), 'scheduled' => $scheduled, 'timestamp_string' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $time + $offset), 'current_time_string' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())), 1)); // DEBUG } } } } /* This cycle handles scheduling the automatic retweets */ if ($post_info['wpt_retweet_after'] != 0 && $post_info['wpt_no_repost'] != 'on') { $repeat = $post_info['wpt_retweet_repeat']; $first = true; foreach ($wpt_selected_users as $acct) { if (wtt_oauth_test($acct, 'verify')) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $repeat; $i++) { switch ($i) { case 1: $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt'); $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt'); break; case 2: $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt2'); $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt2'); break; case 3: $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt3'); $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt3'); break; } if (get_option('wpt_custom_type') == 'template') { $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $append), $post_info, $post_ID, true, $acct); } else { $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $template . $append), $post_info, $post_ID, true, $acct); } // add original delay to schedule $delay = isset($post_info['wpt_delay_tweet']) ? (int) $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] * 60 : 0; /* Don't delay the first Tweet of the group */ $offset = $first == true ? 0 : rand(60, 240); // delay each co-tweet by 1-4 minutes $time = apply_filters('wpt_schedule_retweet', $post_info['wpt_retweet_after'] * (60 * 60) * $i, $acct, $i, $post_info); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time + $offset + $delay, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $acct, 'sentence' => $retweet, 'rt' => $i, 'post_id' => $post_ID)); $tweet = true; if ($i == 4) { break; } } } $first = false; } } } else { $tweet = jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence, false, $post_ID, $media); } // END WPT PRO // if ($tweet == false) { update_option('wp_twitter_failure', '1'); } } } else { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("3c: Not a Tweeted post type #{$post_ID}", "Post_Info: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}"); } return $post_ID; } } return $post_ID; }
/** * Get list of users authorized to post to Twitter */ function wpt_authorized_users($selected = array()) { $override = apply_filters('wpt_override_author_selection', false); if ($override) { return $override; } global $user_ID; $users = get_option('wpt_authorized_users'); if (!$users) { $args = array('meta_query' => array(array('key' => 'wtt_twitter_username', 'compare' => 'EXISTS'))); // get all authorized users $users = get_users($args); $authorized_users = array(); if (is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $this_user) { if (wtt_oauth_test($this_user->ID, 'verify')) { $twitter = get_user_meta($this_user->ID, 'wtt_twitter_username', true); $authorized_users[] = array('ID' => $this_user->ID, 'name' => $this_user->display_name, 'twitter' => $twitter); } } } update_option('wpt_authorized_users', $authorized_users); $users = $authorized_users; } $main_account = get_option('wtt_twitter_username'); $select = "<p class='wpt_auth_users'><label for='wpt_authorized_users'>" . __('Tweet to:', 'wp-tweets-pro') . "</label><br /><select multiple='multiple' name='_wpt_authorized_users[]' id='wpt_authorized_users'>\n\t\t<option value='main'>(" . __('Site account', 'wp-tweets-pro') . ") {$main_account}</option>"; if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $current = $user_ID; $active = ''; // if this has been directly pulled, these are objects. Otherwise, arrays. if (is_object($user)) { $id = $user->ID; $name = $user->display_name; $twitter = get_user_meta($id, 'wtt_twitter_username', true); } else { $id = $user['ID']; $name = $user['name']; $twitter = $user['twitter']; } global $post; if ($id == $current && $current == $post->post_author || in_array($id, $selected)) { $active = " selected='selected'"; } $select .= " <option value='{$id}'{$active}>{$name} (@{$twitter})</option>\n"; } } $select .= "</select></p>"; return $select; }
function wtt_connect_oauth($auth = false) { if (!$auth) { echo '<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">'; echo '<div class="postbox">'; } $class = $auth ? 'wpt-profile' : 'wpt-settings'; $form = !$auth ? '<form action="" method="post">' : ''; $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify')) { // show notification to authenticate with OAuth. No longer global; settings only. if (!wpt_check_oauth()) { $admin_url = is_plugin_active('wp-tweets-pro/wpt-pro-functions.php') ? admin_url('admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro') : admin_url('options-general.php?page=wp-to-twitter/wp-to-twitter.php'); $message = sprintf(__("Twitter requires authentication by OAuth. You will need to <a href='%s'>update your settings</a> to complete installation of WP to Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'), $admin_url); echo "<div class='error'><p>{$message}</p></div>"; } $ack = !$auth ? get_option('app_consumer_key') : get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true); $acs = !$auth ? get_option('app_consumer_secret') : get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true); $ot = !$auth ? get_option('oauth_token') : get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true); $ots = !$auth ? get_option('oauth_token_secret') : get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true); $submit = !$auth ? '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /></p>' : ''; print ' <h3><span>' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> <div class="notes"> <h4>' . __('WP to Twitter Set-up', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> </div> <h4>' . __('1. Register this site as an application on ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Twitter\'s application registration page', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</a></h4> <ul> <li>' . __('If you\'re not currently logged in to Twitter, log-in to the account you want associated with this site', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your application name cannot include the word "Twitter."', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your Application Description can be anything.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('The WebSite and Callback URL should be ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<strong>' . esc_url(home_url()) . '</strong></li> </ul> <p><em>' . __('Agree to the Twitter Developer Agreement and continue.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</em></p> <h4>' . __('2. Switch to the "Permissions" tab in Twitter apps', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Select "Read and Write" for the Application Type', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Update the application settings', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> <h4>' . __('3. Switch to the Keys and Access Tokens tab and regenerate your consumer key and secret, then create your access token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Copy your API key and API secret from the "Application Settings" section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Copy your Access token and Access token secret from the "Your Access Token" section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> ' . $form . ' <fieldset class="options"> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_key">' . __('API Key', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_key" id="wtt_app_consumer_key" value="' . esc_attr($ack) . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_secret">' . __('API Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_secret" id="wtt_app_consumer_secret" value="' . esc_attr($acs) . '" /> </p> </div> <h4>' . __('4. Copy and paste your Access Token and Access Token Secret into the fields below', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('If the Access Level for your Access Token is not "<em>Read and write</em>", you must return to step 2 and generate a new Access Token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token">' . __('Access Token', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token" id="wtt_oauth_token" value="' . esc_attr($ot) . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token_secret">' . __('Access Token Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token_secret" id="wtt_oauth_token_secret" value="' . esc_attr($ots) . '" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> ' . $submit . ' <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_oauth_test" class="hidden" style="display: none;" /> ' . $nonce . ' </div> '; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test($auth)) { $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $uname = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('wtt_twitter_username')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true)); $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!$auth) { $submit = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" class="hidden" /> '; } else { $submit = '<input type="checkbox" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" id="disconnect" /> <label for="disconnect">' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label>'; } print ' <h3><span>' . __('Disconnect from Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> ' . $form . ' <div id="wtt_authentication_display"> <fieldset class="options"> <ul> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Twitter Username ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $uname . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('API Key ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ack . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('API Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $acs . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ot . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ots . '</code></li> </ul> </fieldset> <div> ' . $submit . ' </div> </div> ' . $nonce . ' </div>'; } } if (!$auth) { echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } }
function jd_twit($post_ID) { wpt_check_version(); $jd_tweet_this = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_tweet_this', true); $newpost = $oldpost = $is_inline_edit = false; if (get_option('wpt_inline_edits') != 1) { if (isset($_POST['_inline_edit'])) { return; } } else { if (isset($_POST['_inline_edit'])) { $is_inline_edit = true; } } if ($jd_tweet_this != "no") { $post_info = jd_post_info($post_ID); /* debug data wp_mail('*****@*****.**','Debug Data 1',print_r($post_info,1) ); wp_mail('*****@*****.**','Debug Data 2',print_r($_POST,1) ); // custom for Jason Ashmore -- but shouldn't hurt anybody else */ if ($post_info['postTitle'] == '' || strpos($post_info['postTitle'], 'Untitled') === 0) { return; } $post_type = $post_info['postType']; // if the post modified date and the post date are the same, this is new. $new = wpt_date_compare($post_info['_postModified'], $post_info['_postDate']); // if this post is not previously published but has been backdated: lit. if post date is edited, but save option is 'publish' if ($new == 0 && (isset($_POST['edit_date']) && $_POST['edit_date'] == 1 && !isset($_POST['save']))) { $new = 1; } // post modified = updated? // postdate == published? therefore: posts which have been updated after creation (scheduled, updated in draft) may not turn up as new. // postStatus == future $post_type_settings = get_option('wpt_post_types'); $post_types = array_keys($post_type_settings); if (in_array($post_type, $post_types)) { $sentence = ''; $cT = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_twitter', true); if (isset($_POST['_jd_twitter']) && $_POST['_jd_twitter'] != '') { $cT = $_POST['_jd_twitter']; } $customTweet = $cT != '' ? stripcslashes(trim($cT)) : ''; // excluded post statuses that should never be tweeted if ($post_info['postStatus'] != 'draft' && $post_info['postStatus'] != 'auto-draft' && $post_info['postStatus'] != 'private' && $post_info['postStatus'] != 'inherit' && $post_info['postStatus'] != 'trash') { // && $post_info['postStatus'] != 'pending' // if ops is set and equals 'publish', this is being edited. Otherwise, it's a new post. if ($new == 0 && $post_info['postStatus'] != 'future' || $is_inline_edit == true) { // if this is an old post and editing updates are enabled if ($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-edited-update'] == '1') { $nptext = stripcslashes($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-edited-text']); $oldpost = true; } } else { if ($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-published-update'] == '1') { $nptext = stripcslashes($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-published-text']); $newpost = true; } } } if ($newpost || $oldpost) { $sentence = $customTweet != "" ? $customTweet : $nptext; if ($post_info['shortUrl'] != '') { $shrink = $post_info['shortUrl']; } else { $shrink = jd_shorten_link($post_info['postLink'], $post_info['postTitle'], $post_ID); store_url($post_ID, $shrink); } $sentence = jd_truncate_tweet($sentence, $post_info, $shrink, $post_ID); /* vestigial qtrans support $regex="/<!--:[a-z]+-->(.*)<!--:-->/U"; //Return all the languages in the posttitle preg_match_all($regex,$jd_post_info['postTitle'],$matches,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); */ } if ($sentence != '') { if (get_option('jd_twit_cats') == '1') { $continue = !in_allowed_category($post_info['categoryIds']) ? true : false; } else { $continue = in_allowed_category($post_info['categoryIds']) ? true : false; } if (get_option('limit_categories') == '0') { $continue = true; } if ($continue) { // WPT PRO // if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { $auth = $post_info['authId']; $user = get_userdata($auth); $auth_verified = wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify'); if ($post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] == 0 || $post_info['wpt_no_delay'] == 'on') { $sendToTwitter = jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence, $auth); if ($post_info['wpt_cotweet'] == 1 && $auth_verified) { $offset = rand(60, 240); // delay co-tweet by 1-4 minutes. wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $offset, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => false, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0)); } } else { $time = (int) $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] * 60; wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $auth, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0)); if ($post_info['wpt_cotweet'] == 1 && $auth_verified) { $offset = rand(60, 240); // delay co-tweet by 1-4 minutes. wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time + $offset, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => false, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0)); } $sendToTwitter = true; } if ($post_info['wpt_retweet_after'] != 0 && $post_info['wpt_no_repost'] != 'on') { $repeat = $post_info['wpt_retweet_repeat']; for ($i = 1; $i <= $repeat; $i++) { if ($i == 1) { $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt'); $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt'); $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $sentence . $append), $post_info, $shrink, $post_ID, true); } if ($i == 2) { $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt2'); $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt2'); $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $sentence . $append), $post_info, $shrink, $post_ID, true); } if ($i == 3) { $retweet = $sentence; } if ($i == 4) { $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt'); $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt'); $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $sentence . $append), $post_info, $shrink, $post_ID, true); } $time = $post_info['wpt_retweet_after'] * (60 * 60) * $i; wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $auth, 'sentence' => $retweet, 'rt' => $i)); if ($post_info['wpt_cotweet'] == 1 && $auth_verified) { $offset = rand(60, 240); // delay each co-tweet by 1-4 minutes wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time + $offset, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => false, 'sentence' => $retweet, 'rt' => $i)); } $sendToTwitter = true; if ($i == 4) { break; } } } } else { $sendToTwitter = jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence); } // END WPT PRO // $jwt = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_wp_twitter', true); if (!is_array($jwt)) { $jwt = array(); } $jwt[] = urldecode($sentence); $_POST['_jd_wp_twitter'] = $jwt; update_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_wp_twitter', $jwt); if ($sendToTwitter == false) { update_option('wp_twitter_failure', '1'); } } } } else { return $post_ID; } } return $post_ID; }
/** * Handle Tweets sent via Ajax Tweet Now/Schedule Tweet buttons. * * @return string Confirmation message indicating success or failure of Tweeting. */ function wpt_ajax_tweet() { if (!check_ajax_referer('wpt-tweet-nonce', 'security', false)) { echo "Invalid Security Check"; die; } $action = $_REQUEST['tweet_action'] == 'tweet' ? 'tweet' : 'schedule'; // This isn't used right now, because of time. $authors = isset($_REQUEST['tweet_auth']) && $_REQUEST['tweet_auth'] != null ? $_REQUEST['tweet_auth'] : false; $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists()) { if (wtt_oauth_test($current_user->ID, 'verify')) { $auth = $user_ID = $current_user->ID; } else { $auth = false; $user_ID = $current_user->ID; } } else { $auth = false; $user_ID = $current_user->ID; } if (current_user_can('wpt_can_tweet')) { $options = get_option('wpt_post_types'); $post_ID = intval($_REQUEST['tweet_post_id']); $type = get_post_type($post_ID); $default = isset($options[$type]['post-edited-text']) ? $options[$type]['post-edited-text'] : ''; $sentence = isset($_REQUEST['tweet_text']) && trim($_REQUEST['tweet_text']) != '' ? $_REQUEST['tweet_text'] : $default; $sentence = stripcslashes(trim($sentence)); $post_info = wpt_post_info($post_ID); $sentence = jd_truncate_tweet($sentence, $post_info, $post_ID, false, $user_ID); $schedule = isset($_REQUEST['tweet_schedule']) ? strtotime($_REQUEST['tweet_schedule']) : rand(60, 240); $print_schedule = date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' @ ' . get_option('time_format'), $schedule); $offset = 60 * 60 * get_option('gmt_offset'); $schedule = $schedule - $offset; $media = wpt_post_with_media($post_ID, $post_info); switch ($action) { case 'tweet': jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence, $auth, $post_ID, $media); break; case 'schedule': wp_schedule_single_event($schedule, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $auth, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0, 'post_id' => $post_ID)); break; } $return = $action == 'tweet' ? wpt_log('wpt_status_message', $post_ID) : "Tweet scheduled: '{$sentence}' for {$print_schedule}"; echo $return; } else { echo __('You are not authorized to perform this action', 'wp-to-twitter'); } die; }
function wtt_connect_oauth($auth = false) { if (!$auth) { echo '<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">'; echo '<div class="postbox">'; } $server_time = date(DATE_COOKIE); $response = wp_remote_get("", array('timeout' => 1, 'redirection' => 1)); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $warning = ''; $error = $response->errors; if (is_array($error)) { $warning = "<ul>"; foreach ($error as $k => $e) { foreach ($e as $v) { $warning .= "<li>" . $v . "</li>"; } } $warning .= "</ul>"; } $ssl = __("Connection Problems? If you're getting an SSL related error, you'll need to contact your host.", 'wp-to-twitter'); $date = __("There was an error querying Twitter's servers", 'wp-to-twitter'); $errors = "<p>" . $ssl . "</p>" . $warning; } else { $date = date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime($response['headers']['date'])); $errors = ''; } $class = $auth ? 'wpt-profile' : 'wpt-settings'; $form = !$auth ? '<form action="" method="post">' : ''; $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify')) { // show notification to authenticate with OAuth. No longer global; settings only. if (!wpt_check_oauth()) { $admin_url = is_plugin_active('wp-tweets-pro/wpt-pro-functions.php') ? admin_url('admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro') : admin_url('options-general.php?page=wp-to-twitter/wp-to-twitter.php'); $message = sprintf(__("Twitter requires authentication by OAuth. You will need to <a href='%s'>update your settings</a> to complete installation of WP to Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'), $admin_url); echo "<div class='error'><p>{$message}</p></div>"; } $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $submit = !$auth ? '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /></p>' : ''; print ' <div class="handlediv"><span class="screen-reader-text">Click to toggle</span></div> <h3 class="hndle"><span>' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> <div class="notes"> <h4>' . __('WP to Twitter Set-up', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code> ' . __("Twitter's time:") . ' <code>' . $date . '</code>. ' . __('If these timestamps are not within 5 minutes of each other, your server will not connect to Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> ' . $errors . ' <p>' . __('Your server timezone (should be UTC,GMT,Europe/London or equivalent):', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' ' . date_default_timezone_get() . '</p> </div> <h4>' . __('1. Register this site as an application on ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Twitter\'s application registration page', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</a></h4> <ul> <li>' . __('If you\'re not currently logged in to Twitter, log-in to the account you want associated with this site', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your application name cannot include the word "Twitter."', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your Application Description can be anything.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('The WebSite and Callback URL should be ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<strong>' . get_bloginfo('url') . '</strong></li> </ul> <p><em>' . __('Agree to the Developer Rules of the Road and continue.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</em></p> <h4>' . __('2. Switch to the "Permissions" tab in Twitter apps', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Select "Read and Write" for the Application Type', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Update the application settings', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> <h4>' . __('3. Switch to the API Keys tab and regenerate your API keys, then create your access token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Copy your API key and API secret from the top section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Copy your Access token and Access token secret from the bottom section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> ' . $form . ' <fieldset class="options"> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_key">' . __('API Key', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_key" id="wtt_app_consumer_key" value="' . $ack . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_secret">' . __('API Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_secret" id="wtt_app_consumer_secret" value="' . $acs . '" /> </p> </div> <h4>' . __('4. Copy and paste your Access Token and Access Token Secret into the fields below', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('If the Access level for your Access Token is not "<em>Read and write</em>", you must return to step 2 and generate a new Access Token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token">' . __('Access Token', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token" id="wtt_oauth_token" value="' . $ot . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token_secret">' . __('Access Token Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token_secret" id="wtt_oauth_token_secret" value="' . $ots . '" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> ' . $submit . ' <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_oauth_test" class="hidden" style="display: none;" /> ' . $nonce . ' </div> '; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test($auth)) { $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $uname = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('wtt_twitter_username')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true)); $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!$auth) { $submit = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Disconnect Your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" class="hidden" /> '; } else { $submit = '<input type="checkbox" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" id="disconnect" /> <label for="disconnect">' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label>'; } $warning = get_option('wpt_authentication_missing') ? '<p>' . __('<strong>Troubleshooting tip:</strong> Connected, but getting a error that your Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect? Check that your Access token has read and write permission. If not, you\'ll need to create a new token. <a href="">Read the FAQ</a>', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p>' : ''; if (!is_wp_error($response)) { $diff = abs(time() - strtotime($response['headers']['date'])) > 300 ? '<p> ' . __('Your time stamps are more than 5 minutes apart. Your server could lose its connection with Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p>' : ''; } else { $diff = __('WP to Twitter could not contact Twitter\'s remote server. Here is the error triggered: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . $errors; } print ' <div class="handlediv"><span class="screen-reader-text">Click to toggle</span></div> <h3 class="hndle"><span>' . __('Disconnect from Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> ' . $form . ' <div id="wtt_authentication_display"> <fieldset class="options"> <ul> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Twitter Username ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $uname . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Consumer Key ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ack . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Consumer Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $acs . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ot . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ots . '</code></li> </ul> </fieldset> <div> ' . $submit . ' </div> </div> ' . $nonce . ' <p>' . __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code>.<br />' . __('Twitter\'s server time: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<code>' . $date . '</code>.</p> ' . $errors . $diff . '</div>'; // sent as debugging global $wpt_server_string; $wpt_server_string = __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code> ' . __('Twitter\'s server time: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<code>' . $date . '</code> ' . $errors . $diff; } } if (!$auth) { echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } }
function wpt_authorized_users($selected = array()) { global $user_ID; $users = get_option('wpt_authorized_users'); if (!$users) { $count = count_users('time'); $users = $count['total_users'] > 100 ? get_users(array('role' => 'administrator')) : ($users = get_users()); $authorized_users = array(); if (is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $this_user) { if (wtt_oauth_test($this_user->ID, 'verify')) { $twitter = get_user_meta($this_user->ID, 'wtt_twitter_username', true); $authorized_users[] = array('ID' => $this_user->ID, 'name' => $this_user->display_name, 'twitter' => $twitter); } } } update_option('wpt_authorized_users', $authorized_users); $users = $authorized_users; } $select = "<p class='wpt_auth_users'><label for='wpt_authorized_users'>Tweet to:</label><br /><select multiple='multiple' name='_wpt_authorized_users[]' id='wpt_authorized_users'>"; if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $current = $user_ID; $active = ''; // if this has been directly pulled, these are objects. Otherwise, arrays. if (is_object($user)) { $id = $user->ID; $name = $user->display_name; $twitter = get_user_meta($id, 'wtt_twitter_username', true); } else { $id = $user['ID']; $name = $user['name']; $twitter = $user['twitter']; } if ($id == $current || in_array($id, $selected)) { $active = " selected='selected'"; } $select .= " <option value='{$id}'{$active}>{$name} (@{$twitter})</option>\n"; } } $select .= "</select></p>"; return $select; }
function wtt_connect_oauth($auth = false) { if (!$auth) { echo '<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">'; echo '<div class="postbox">'; } $server_time = date(DATE_COOKIE); $protocol = get_option('wpt_http') == '1' ? 'http:' : 'https:'; $response = wp_remote_get("{$protocol}//"); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $warning = ''; $error = $response->errors; if (is_array($error)) { $warning = "<ul>"; foreach ($error as $k => $e) { foreach ($e as $v) { $warning .= "<li>" . $v . "</li>"; } } $warning .= "</ul>"; } if (strpos($warning, 'SSL') !== false) { $ssl = __("SSL Problems? Try <a href='#wpt_http'>switching to <code>http</code> queries</a>.<br />", 'wp-to-twitter'); } else { $ssl = __('Error Message:', 'wp-to-twitter'); } $date = __("There was an error querying Twitter's servers", 'wp-to-twitter'); $errors = "<p>" . $ssl . $warning . "</p>"; } else { $date = date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime($response['headers']['date'])); $errors = ''; } $class = $auth ? 'wpt-profile' : 'wpt-settings'; $form = !$auth ? '<form action="" method="post">' : ''; $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify')) { $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $submit = !$auth ? '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /></p>' : ''; print ' <h3>' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> <div class="notes"> <h4>' . __('WP to Twitter Set-up', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code> ' . __("Twitter's time:") . ' <code>' . $date . '</code>.' . __('If these timestamps are not within 5 minutes of each other, your server will not connect to Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> ' . $errors . ' <p>' . __('<em>Note</em>: you will not add your Twitter user information to WP to Twitter; it is not used in this authentication method.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> </div> ' . $form . ' <fieldset class="options"> <h4>' . __('1. Register this site as an application on ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Twitter\'s application registration page', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</a></h4> <ul> <li>' . __('If you\'re not currently logged in to Twitter, log-in to the account you want associated with this site', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your Application\'s Name will show up after "via" in your twitter stream. Your application name cannot include the word "Twitter."', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your Application Description can be anything.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('The WebSite and Callback URL should be ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<strong>' . get_bloginfo('url') . '</strong></li> </ul> <p><em>' . __('Agree to the Developer Rules of the Road and continue.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</em></p> <h4>' . __('2. Switch to the "Settings" tab in Twitter apps', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Select "Read and Write" for the Application Type', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Update the application settings', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Return to the Details tab and create your access token. Refresh page to view your access tokens.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> <p><em>' . __('Once you have registered your site as an application, you will be provided with four keys.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</em></p> <h4>' . __('3. Copy and paste your consumer key and consumer secret into the fields below', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_key">' . __('Twitter Consumer Key', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_key" id="wtt_app_consumer_key" value="' . $ack . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_secret">' . __('Twitter Consumer Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_secret" id="wtt_app_consumer_secret" value="' . $acs . '" /> </p> </div> <h4>' . __('4. Copy and paste your Access Token and Access Token Secret into the fields below', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('If the Access level for your Access Token is not "<em>Read and write</em>", you must return to step 2 and generate a new Access Token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token">' . __('Access Token', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token" id="wtt_oauth_token" value="' . $ot . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token_secret">' . __('Access Token Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token_secret" id="wtt_oauth_token_secret" value="' . $ots . '" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> ' . $submit . ' <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_oauth_test" class="hidden" style="display: none;" /> ' . $nonce . ' </div> '; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test($auth)) { $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $uname = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('wtt_twitter_username')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true)); $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!$auth) { $submit = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Disconnect Your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" class="hidden" /> '; } else { $submit = '<input type="checkbox" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" id="disconnect" /> <label for="disconnect">' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label>'; } $warning = get_option('wpt_authentication_missing') == 'true' ? '<p>' . __('<strong>Troubleshooting tip:</strong> Connected, but getting a notice that your Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect? Check whether your Access token has read and write permission. If not, you\'ll need to create a new token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p>' : ''; $diff = abs(time() - strtotime($response['headers']['date'])) > 300 ? '<p> ' . __('Your time stamps are more than 5 minutes apart. Your server could lose its connection with Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p>' : ''; print ' <h3>' . __('Disconnect from Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> ' . $form . ' <div id="wtt_authentication_display"> <fieldset class="options"> <ul> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Twitter Username ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $uname . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Consumer Key ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ack . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Consumer Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $acs . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ot . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ots . '</code></li> </ul> </fieldset> <div> ' . $submit . ' </div> </div> ' . $nonce . ' <p>' . __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code>.<br />' . __('Twitter\'s current server time: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<code>' . $date . '</code>.</p> ' . $errors . $diff . '</div>'; } } if (!$auth) { echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } }