public static final function clearEvents()
     wssLog(__METHOD__ . "() triggered.");
     global $wpdb;
     $settings = WsdPlugin::getSettings();
     $keepMaxEntries = (int) WpsOption::getOption('WPS_KEEP_NUM_ENTRIES_LT');
     if ($keepMaxEntries < 1) {
         $query = "TRUNCATE " . WsdPlugin::getTableName(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_TABLE_NAME);
         $result = $wpdb->query($query);
         wssLog("Deleting live traffic entries.", array('query' => $query, 'result' => $result));
     $optData = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES);
     if (empty($optData)) {
         wssLog("Option (" . WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES . ") not found.");
     $numEntries = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(entryId) FROM " . WsdPlugin::getTableName(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_TABLE_NAME));
     if ($numEntries != $keepMaxEntries) {
         WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES, $numEntries);
     if (intval($optData) <= $keepMaxEntries) {
     $tableName = WsdPlugin::getTableName(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_TABLE_NAME);
     $querySelect = "SELECT min(t.entryTime)\n                            FROM\n                            (\n                                SELECT\n                                    entryTime\n                                FROM\n                                    " . $tableName . "\n                                ORDER BY\n                                    entryTime DESC\n                                LIMIT " . $keepMaxEntries . "\n                            ) AS t";
     $deleteFromTime = $wpdb->get_var($querySelect);
     $queryDelete = "DELETE FROM " . $tableName . " WHERE entryTime < %s";
     $result = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($queryDelete, $deleteFromTime));
     wssLog("Deleting live traffic entries.", array('query' => "DELETE FROM {$tableName} WHERE entryTime < {$deleteFromTime}", 'deleted' => $result));
     if (false === $result) {
     // update option
     $numEntries = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(entryId) FROM " . WsdPlugin::getTableName(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_TABLE_NAME));
     WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_ENTRIES, $numEntries);
 public static function stopScan($completed = false, $failReason = '')
     $scanID = self::$_scanID;
     if (empty($scanID)) {
         $optData = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::WP_FILE_SCAN_OPTION_NAME);
         if (empty($optData)) {
             wssLog('Empty $optData. Checking db table for any incomplete scan.');
             $sid = WsdWpScanner::getLastScanID_table();
             if (empty($sid)) {
                 wssLog('No incomplete scans found either.');
             } else {
                 wssLog("Incomplete scan found: {$sid}");
                 $scanID = $sid;
         } else {
             $scanID = $optData['SCAN_ID'];
             if (empty($scanID)) {
     $m = __METHOD__ . '() ';
     wssLog($m . 'triggered.');
     if ($completed) {
     } else {
         wssLog('Fail reason: ' . $failReason);
         self::_markScanFailed($scanID, $failReason);
     wssLog('Scan (' . $scanID . ') marked as ' . ($completed ? 'completed' : 'failed') . ' and options deleted.' . PHP_EOL . str_repeat('=', 50));
Exemple #3
function _wpsSiteActivate($mu = false, $blogID = 1)
    wssLog(__FUNCTION__ . "() called with args: ", array('$mu' => $mu, '$blogID' => $blogID));
    //#! check if already installed if MU
    if ($mu) {
        return WsdPlugin::networkActivate();
    } else {
        return WsdPlugin::activate();
Exemple #4
 $scanState = $scanSettings['SCAN_STATE'];
 $scanType = $scanSettings['SCAN_TYPE'];
 $scanID = $scanSettings['SCAN_ID'];
 //#! Check if this is a request to delete scans
 if (isset($_POST['deleteScan'])) {
     $scanID = intval($_POST['deleteScan']);
     wssLog('Receiving delete scan command for scan ID: ', $scanID);
     if (WsdWpScanner::isValidScan($scanID)) {
         if (!WsdWpScanner::deleteScan($scanID)) {
             echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Error: Could not delete scan. Scan ID = "+' . $scanID . ');</script>';
     } else {
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Invalid scan id provided: "+' . $scanID . ');</script>';
 } elseif (isset($_POST['deleteAllScans'])) {
     wssLog('Receiving command: delete all scans.');
     if (WsdWpScanner::deleteAllScans()) {
         $eInfo['message'] = 'All scans have been deleted.';
     } else {
         $eInfo['error'] = 'An error occurred while deleting the scans. Please try again in a few moments.';
 } else {
     // scanType
     if (isset($_POST['scanType'])) {
         $type = intval($_POST['scanType']);
         $eInfo['message'] = $type;
         $scanSettings = WsdWPScanSettings::getSettings();
         $scanProgress = $scanSettings['SCAN_PROGRESS'];
         $scanState = $scanSettings['SCAN_STATE'];
         $scanType = $scanSettings['SCAN_TYPE'];
         $result = WsdWpScanner::registerScan($type);
 static function activate()
     wssLog(__METHOD__ . '() executed');
     global $wpdb;
     $charset_collate = '';
     if (!empty($wpdb->charset)) {
         $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$wpdb->charset}";
     if (!empty($wpdb->collate)) {
         $charset_collate .= " COLLATE {$wpdb->collate}";
     // MUST HAVE "CREATE" RIGHTS if a table is not found and needs to be created
     $rights = WsdInfoServer::getDatabaseUserAccessRights();
     wssLog('USER RIGHTS', $rights);
     $hasCreateRight = in_array('CREATE', $rights['rightsHaving']);
     // Must have alter right for updating table
     $hasAlterRight = in_array('CREATE', $rights['rightsHaving']);
     $table1 = self::getTableName(WpsSettings::ALERTS_TABLE_NAME);
     $table2 = self::getTableName(WpsSettings::LIVE_TRAFFIC_TABLE_NAME);
     $table3 = self::getTableName(WpsSettings::SCAN_TABLE_NAME);
     $table4 = self::getTableName(WpsSettings::SCANS_TABLE_NAME);
     if (!WsdUtil::tableExists($table1)) {
         wssLog("table not found: {$table1}");
         if (!$hasCreateRight) {
             wssLog("user has no create right. cannot create table: {$table1}");
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>: The database user needs the '<strong>CREATE</strong>' right in order to install this plugin.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         $query1 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$table1} (\n                          `alertId` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,\n                          `alertType` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,\n                          `alertSeverity` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,\n                          `alertActionName` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,\n                          `alertTitle` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,\n                          `alertDescription` TEXT NOT NULL ,\n                          `alertSolution` TEXT NOT NULL ,\n                          `alertDate` DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                          `alertFirstSeen` DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                          PRIMARY KEY (`alertId`) ,\n                          UNIQUE INDEX `alertId_UNIQUE` (`alertId` ASC) ) {$charset_collate};";
         $result = @$wpdb->query($query1);
         if ($result === false) {
             //#! MySQL error
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$query1}</pre></strong>.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         wssLog("table created: {$table1}");
     $alterCheck = true;
     if (!WsdUtil::tableExists($table2)) {
         wssLog("table not found: {$table2}");
         if (!$hasCreateRight) {
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>: The database user needs the '<strong>CREATE</strong>' right in order to install this plugin.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         $query2 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$table2} (\n                         `entryId` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                         `entryTime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                         `entryIp` text,\n                         `entryReferrer` text,\n                         `entryUA` text,\n                         `entryRequestedUrl` text,\n                         `entryCountry` varchar(125) not null,\n                         `entryCity` varchar(125) not null,\n                         `blogId` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n                         PRIMARY KEY (entryId)) {$charset_collate};";
         $result = @$wpdb->query($query2);
         if ($result === false) {
             //#! MySQL error
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$query2}</pre></strong>.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         $alterCheck = false;
         wssLog("table created: {$table2}.");
     if ($alterCheck) {
         wssLog("Alter check needed for {$table2}.");
         if (!$hasAlterRight) {
             wssLog('NO ALTER RIGHT');
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>: The database user needs the '<strong>ALTER</strong>' right in order to install this plugin.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         // Get columns
         $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table2}";
         $cols = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
         $columns = array();
         if (empty($cols)) {
             wssLog("Could not retrieve columns from table: {$table2}");
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$query}</pre></strong>. Please inform the plugin author about this error.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         foreach ($cols as $i => $values) {
             if (isset($values['Field']) && !empty($values['Field'])) {
                 array_push($columns, $values['Field']);
         $entryCountryExists = $entryCityExists = $blogIdExists = false;
         if (in_array('entryCountry', $columns)) {
             $entryCountryExists = true;
         if (in_array('entryCity', $columns)) {
             $entryCityExists = true;
         if (in_array('blogId', $columns)) {
             $blogIdExists = true;
         //## Check for column: entryCountry
         wssLog("Checking for column: entryCountry");
         if (!$entryCountryExists) {
             // alter table
             $q = "ALTER TABLE {$table2} ADD COLUMN `entryCountry` VARCHAR(125) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `entryRequestedUrl`;";
             $result = @$wpdb->query($q);
             if ($result === false) {
                 wssLog('MySql error: ' . mysql_error());
                 wssLog("Error running query: {$q}");
                 //#! MySQL error
                 $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$q}</pre></strong>.";
                 WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
                 return false;
             wssLog("Column: entryCountry not found in table {$table2}. but was added.");
         } else {
             wssLog("column already exists: entryCountry");
         //## Check for column: entryCity
         wssLog("Checking for column: entryCity");
         if (!$entryCityExists) {
             $q = "ALTER TABLE {$table2} ADD COLUMN `entryCity` VARCHAR(125) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `entryCountry`;";
             $result = @$wpdb->query($q);
             if ($result === false) {
                 //#! MySQL error
                 $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$q}</pre></strong>.";
                 WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
                 return false;
             wssLog("Column: entryCity not found in table {$table2}. but was added.");
         } else {
             wssLog("column already exists: entryCity");
         //## Check for column: blogId
         wssLog("Checking for column: blogId");
         if (!$blogIdExists) {
             $q = "ALTER TABLE {$table2} ADD COLUMN `blogId` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `entryCity`;";
             $result = @$wpdb->query($q);
             if ($result === false) {
                 //#! MySQL error
                 $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$q}</pre></strong>.";
                 WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
                 return false;
             wssLog("Column: blogId not found in table {$table2}. but was added.");
         } else {
             wssLog("column already exists: blogid");
         wssLog("{$table2} updated successfully");
     if (!WsdUtil::tableExists($table3)) {
         wssLog("table not found: {$table3}");
         if (!$hasCreateRight) {
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>: The database user needs the '<strong>CREATE</strong>' right in order to install this plugin.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         $query3 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$table3} (\n                        `entryId` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,\n                        `scanId` INT NOT NULL ,\n                        `filePath` VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL ,\n                        `dateModified` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ,\n                        `fileNotFound` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                        PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`) ,\n                        UNIQUE INDEX `entryId_UNIQUE` (`entryId` ASC) ) {$charset_collate};";
         $result = @$wpdb->query($query3);
         if ($result === false) {
             //#! MySQL error
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$query3}</pre></strong>.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         wssLog("table created: {$table3}.");
     if (!WsdUtil::tableExists($table4)) {
         wssLog("table not found: {$table4}");
         if (!$hasCreateRight) {
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>: The database user needs the '<strong>CREATE</strong>' right in order to install this plugin.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
         $query4 = "CREATE  TABLE {$table4} (\n                        `scanId` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,\n                        `scanStartDate` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                        `scanEndDate` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                        `scanResult` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                        `failReason` VARCHAR(5000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                        `scanType` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        PRIMARY KEY (`scanId`) ) {$charset_collate};";
         $result = @$wpdb->query($query4);
         if ($result === false) {
             //#! MySQL error
             $notices = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, array());
             $notices[] = '<strong>' . WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . "</strong>. Error running query: <strong><pre>{$query4}</pre></strong>.";
             WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_ERROR_NOTICE_OPTION, $notices);
             return false;
     WpsOption::addOption(WpsSettings::CAN_RUN_TASKS_OPTION_NAME, 1);
     return true;
Exemple #6
        } else {
            // show
            $rssWidgetChecked = true;
            WpsOption::updateOption('WSD-RSS-WGT-DISPLAY', 'yes');
        // live traffic
        $liveTrafficEnabled = isset($_POST['chk_lt_display']) ? intval($_POST['chk_lt_display']) : 0;
        if (empty($liveTrafficEnabled)) {
            // hide
            $enableLiveTraffic = false;
            WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::ENABLE_LIVE_TRAFFIC, false);
        } else {
            // show
            $enableLiveTraffic = true;
            WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::ENABLE_LIVE_TRAFFIC, true);
            wssLog("Live traffic tool enabled.");
        WpsOption::updateOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME, $settings);
        $settings = WpsOption::getOption(WpsSettings::PLUGIN_SETTINGS_OPTION_NAME);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['deleteRssDataButton'])) {
<div class="wrap wsdplugin_content">
echo WPS_PLUGIN_NAME . ' - ' . __('Settings', WpsSettings::TEXT_DOMAIN);

    <p class="clear"></p>