<?php include '../inc/header.php'; writePosts('txt', 3, NULL, NULL); include '../inc/footer.php';
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $posts = array(); $postDir = __DIR__ . '/views/posts/'; foreach (scandir($postDir) as $filename) { $post = parsePost($postDir, $filename); if ($post != null) { $posts[$post->posted->timestamp] = $post; } } ksort($posts); writePosts($posts, __DIR__ . '/posts.php'); function parsePost($dir, $filename) { $posts = array(); if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})-(.+)\\.php$/', $filename, $matches) === 1) { $posted = \Carbon\Carbon::create($matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], 12); $slug = $matches[4]; $title = getPostTitle($dir . $filename); if (strlen($title) > 0) { return new Post($title, $slug, $posted); } } return null; } function getPostTitle($file) { $lines = file($file); if (preg_match('@^\\<\\?\\/\\*(.+)\\*\\/\\?\\>$@', trim($lines[0]), $matches) === 1) { return $matches[1];
<?php $url_base = "https://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/"; $blog_url = "staff.tumblr.com"; $api_key = ""; $post_num = 10; $full_url = $url_base . $blog_url . "/posts/?api_key=" . $api_key . "&limit=" . $post_num; $json_str = file_get_contents($full_url); $json = json_decode($json_str, false, 100); writePosts($json->response->posts); function writePosts($posts) { foreach ($posts as &$post) { echo writeBasePost($post); } //TODO add a "see more at my blog" button at the bottom } function writeBasePost($post) { // should make a basic html div with a title span containing post title that links to the tumblr post and a div to contain the content $body = "<div class=\"tumblr-content\">"; if ($post->type === "text") { $body = $body . writeTextPost($post); } else { if ($post->type === "photo") { $body = $body . writePhotoPost($post); } else { if ($post->type === "quote") { $body = $body . writeQuotePost($post); } else { if ($post->type === "link") {
<?php include '../inc/header.php'; ?> <header class="col-2-3 center"><a href="/blog/" class="icon icon-logo-both"><h2 class="subheading">Comments On Code</h2></a></header> <?php writePosts('txt', 5, true, true); include '../inc/footer.php';