/** * Standard aed_module list function. * * @return tempcode The selection list */ function nice_get_radio_entries() { $_m = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_select('f_emoticons', array('e_code', 'e_theme_img_code')); $entries = array(); $first = true; foreach ($_m as $m) { $url = find_theme_image($m['e_theme_img_code']); $entries[] = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST_ENTRY_PICTURE_3', array('_GUID' => 'f7f64637d1c4984881f7acc68c2fe6c7', 'PRETTY' => $m['e_code'], 'CHECKED' => $first, 'NAME' => 'id', 'CODE' => $m['e_code'], 'URL' => $url)); $first = false; } $_entries = wrap_image_radio_list($entries); return $_entries; }
/** * Choose an emoticon for a topic. * * @param ID_TEXT The currently selected emoticon * @return tempcode The emoticon input field */ function choose_topic_emoticon($selected_path = '') { $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(NULL); $content = array(); $extra = has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'use_special_emoticons') ? '' : ' AND e_is_special=0'; $rows = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query('SELECT e_theme_img_code FROM ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_emoticons WHERE e_use_topics=1' . $extra); $content[] = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST_ENTRY_PICTURE_3_NA', array('_GUID' => 'd9f9399072af3f19f21695aef01168c7', 'CHECKED' => $selected_path == '', 'NAME' => 'emoticon')); foreach ($rows as $row) { $path = $row['e_theme_img_code']; $url = find_theme_image($path); $content[] = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST_ENTRY_PICTURE_3', array('PRETTY' => '', 'CHECKED' => $path == $selected_path, 'NAME' => 'emoticon', 'CODE' => $path, 'URL' => $url)); } if (count($content) == 0) { return new ocp_tempcode(); } $_content = wrap_image_radio_list($content); $input = do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_RADIO_LIST', array('NAME' => 'emoticon', 'REQUIRED' => false, 'CODE' => $selected_path, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'CONTENT' => $_content)); return _form_input('', do_lang_tempcode('TOPIC_EMOTICON'), '', $input, false); }