function wpsr_digg($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; $defaults = array('output' => 'button', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'type' => 'DiggMedium', 'text' => __('Digg this', 'wpsr'), 'image' => WPSR_PUBLIC_URL . 'buttons/digg-bt.png', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $digg_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - Digg Button -->\n"; switch ($output) { // Display the ordinary button case 'button': $digg_processed .= '<a class="DiggThisButton ' . $type . '" href="' . urlencode($url) . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '" ' . $params . '></a>'; break; // Display the Image format // Display the Image format case 'image': $digg_processed .= '<a href="' . urlencode($url) . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '" ' . $params . '><img src="' . $image . '" alt="Digg!" /></a>'; break; // Display the Text format // Display the Text format case 'text': $digg_processed .= '<a href="' . urlencode($url) . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '" ' . $params . '>' . $text . '</a>'; break; } $digg_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - Digg Button -->\n"; return $digg_processed; }
function wpsr_facebook($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; $defaults = array('output' => 'button', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'type' => 'like', 'style' => 'button_count', 'showfaces' => 1, 'verb' => 'like', 'color' => 'light', 'appid' => '', 'text' => __('Share on Facebook', 'wpsr'), 'image' => WPSR_PUBLIC_URL . 'buttons/facebook-bt.png', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $facebook_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - Facebook Button -->\n"; switch ($output) { // Output ordinary button case 'button': $facebook_processed .= '<div class="fb-like" data-href="' . $url . '" data-share="' . ($type == 'send' ? 'true' : 'false') . '" data-layout="' . $style . '" data-show-faces="' . $showfaces . '" data-action="' . $verb . '" data-colorscheme="' . $color . '"></div>'; break; // Output Image format // Output Image format case 'image': $facebook_processed .= '<a href="' . urlencode($url) . '" ' . $params . '><img src="' . $image . '" /></a>'; break; // Output Text format // Output Text format case 'text': $facebook_processed .= '<a href="' . urlencode($url) . '" ' . $params . '>' . $text . '</a>'; break; } $facebook_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - Facebook Button -->\n"; return $facebook_processed; }
function wpsr_plusone($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; $defaults = array('output' => 'button', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'type' => 'standard', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $plusone_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - +1 Button -->\n"; switch ($output) { // Display the ordinary button case 'button': $plusone_processed .= '<g:plusone size="' . $type . '" href="' . $url . '" ' . $params . '></g:plusone>'; break; } $plusone_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - +1 Button -->\n"; return $plusone_processed; }
function wpsr_linkedin($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; $defaults = array('output' => 'button', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'type' => 'right', 'text' => __('Submit this to ', 'wpsr'), 'image' => WPSR_PUBLIC_URL . 'buttons/linkedin-bt.png', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $linkedin_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - LinkedIn Button -->\n"; switch ($output) { // Display the ordinary button case 'button': $linkedin_processed .= '<script type="IN/Share" data-url="' . $url . '" data-counter="' . $type . '"></script>'; break; // Display the Image format // Display the Image format case 'image': $linkedin_processed .= '<a href="' . urlencode($url) . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '" ' . $params . '><img src="' . $image . '" alt="Submit to linkedin" /></a>'; break; // Display the Text format // Display the Text format case 'text': $linkedin_processed .= '<a href="' . urlencode($url) . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '" ' . $params . '>' . $text . '</a>'; break; } $linkedin_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - LinkedIn Button -->\n"; return $linkedin_processed; }
function wpsr_sharethis($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; ## Sharethis option $wpsr_sharethis = get_option('wpsr_sharethis_data'); $defaults = array('output' => 'vcount', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'services' => 'facebook,twitter,email,sharethis', 'pubkey' => $wpsr_sharethis['pubkey'], 'addp' => 1, 'text' => 'ShareThis', 'image' => WPSR_PUBLIC_URL . 'buttons/sharethis-bt.png', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); // Preliminary Adjustments if ($services == '') { $output = 'classic'; } else { $services_split = explode(',', $services); } // $title = urlencode($title); (fix v2.1) // $url = urlencode($url); (fix v2.4.6) if ($addp == 1) { $before_st = '<p>'; $after_st = '</p>'; } else { $before_st = $after_st = ''; } $sharethis_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - Sharethis Button -->\n" . $before_st; switch ($output) { case 'vcount': foreach ($services_split as $srvc) { $srvc = trim($srvc); $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_{$srvc}_vcount' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}' displayText='share'></span>"; } break; case 'hcount': foreach ($services_split as $srvc) { $srvc = trim($srvc); $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_{$srvc}_hcount' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}' displayText='share'></span>"; } break; case 'buttons': foreach ($services_split as $srvc) { $srvc = trim($srvc); $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_{$srvc}_buttons' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}' displayText='share'></span>"; } break; case 'large': foreach ($services_split as $srvc) { $srvc = trim($srvc); $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_{$srvc}_large' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}' displayText='share'></span>"; } break; case 'regular': foreach ($services_split as $srvc) { $srvc = trim($srvc); $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_{$srvc}' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}' displayText='share'></span>"; } break; case 'regular2': foreach ($services_split as $srvc) { $srvc = trim($srvc); $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_{$srvc}' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}'></span>"; } break; case 'classic': $sharethis_processed .= "<span class='st_sharethis' st_title='{$title}' st_url='{$url}' displayText='ShareThis'></span>"; break; case 'image': $sharethis_processed .= '<a href="' . $pubkey . '&title=' . $title . '&url=' . $url . '" ' . $params . '><img src="' . $image . '" /></a>'; break; case 'text': $sharethis_processed .= '<a href="' . $pubkey . '&title=' . $title . '&url=' . $url . '" ' . $params . '>' . $text . '</a>'; break; } $sharethis_processed .= $after_st . "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - Sharethis Button -->\n"; return $sharethis_processed; }
function wpsr_retweet($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; $defaults = array('output' => 'button', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'username' => '', 'service' => 'twitter', 'type' => 'compact', 'topsytheme' => 'blue', 'twitter_recacc' => '', 'twitter_lang' => 'en', 'text' => __('Retweet this', 'wpsr'), 'image' => WPSR_PUBLIC_URL . 'buttons/retweet-bt.png', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $pid = $post->ID; $purl = home_url() . '/?p=' . $pid; $title = trim(str_replace(array('&', '#', '–'), array('', '', '-'), $title)); // revised since v2.4.7 ## Start Output $retweet_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - Retweet Button -->\n"; switch ($output) { // Display the buttons case 'button': switch ($service) { // Twitter button processing code case 'twitter': switch ($type) { case 'normal': $type = 'vertical'; break; case 'compact': $type = 'horizontal'; break; case 'nocount': $type = 'none'; break; } $user = $username == '' ? '' : "data-via='{$username}'"; $recacc = $twitter_recacc == '' ? '' : "data-related='{$twitter_recacc}'"; $retweet_processed .= '<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="' . $type . '" ' . $user . ' data-lang="' . $twitter_lang . '" ' . $recacc . ' data-url="' . $url . '" data-text="' . $title . ' - "></a>'; break; // Tweetmeme processing code // Tweetmeme processing code case "tweetmeme": $retweet_processed .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "<!--\n" . 'tweetmeme_url = "' . $url . '"; ' . 'tweetmeme_style = "' . $type . '"; ' . 'tweetmeme_source = "' . $username . '"; ' . "\n" . "\n-->" . '</script>' . "\n" . '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; break; // Topsy processing code // Topsy processing code case "topsy": if ($type == 'normal') { $type = "big"; } else { $type = ''; } $retweet_processed .= '<div class="topsy_widget_data"><!--{' . '"url": "' . $url . '", ' . '"title": "' . $title . '", ' . '"style": "' . $type . '", ' . '"nick": "' . $username . '", ' . '"theme": "' . $topsytheme . '", ' . '}--></div>'; break; } break; // Display the image format // Display the image format case 'image': $retweet_processed .= '<a href=" @' . $username . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $purl . '" ' . $params . '><img src="' . $image . '" alt="Retweet" /></a>'; break; // Display the text format // Display the text format case 'text': $retweet_processed .= '<a href=" @' . $username . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $purl . '" ' . $params . '>' . $text . '</a>'; break; } $retweet_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - Retweet Button -->\n"; return $retweet_processed; }
function wpsr_socialbts($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; $def_excerpt = $details['excerpt']; $defaults = array('output' => 'image', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'excerpt' => $def_excerpt, 'type' => '16px', 'target' => 1, 'nofollow' => 1, 'effect' => 'opacity', 'label' => 0, 'columns' => 'no', 'services' => 'facebook,twitter,delicious,digg,googlebuzz,stumbleupon,addtofavorites,email', 'sprites' => 1, 'imgpath16px' => WPSR_SOCIALBT_IMGPATH . '16/', 'imgpath32px' => WPSR_SOCIALBT_IMGPATH . '32/', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $socialbt_processed = ''; // Define empty var v2.4.9.6 if ($output != 'singles') { $socialbt_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer - Social Buttons - Output -->\n"; } switch ($output) { // Output the ordinary buttons case 'image': $socialbt_processed .= '<div class="wp-socializer ' . $type . '">' . "\n"; $socialbt_processed .= '<ul class="wp-socializer-' . $effect . ' columns-' . $columns . '">'; switch ($type) { case '16px': $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'image', 'pixel' => '16px', 'services' => $services, 'sprites' => $sprites, 'label' => $label, 'target' => $target, 'nofollow' => $nofollow, 'imgpath' => $imgpath16px)); break; case '32px': $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'image', 'pixel' => '32px', 'services' => $services, 'sprites' => $sprites, 'label' => $label, 'target' => $target, 'nofollow' => $nofollow, 'imgpath' => $imgpath32px)); break; } $socialbt_processed .= "</ul> \n"; $socialbt_processed .= '<div class="wp-socializer-clearer"></div>'; $socialbt_processed .= '</div>'; break; case 'singles': switch ($type) { case '16px': $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'image', 'pixel' => '16px', 'services' => $services, 'sprites' => $sprites, 'label' => $label, 'target' => $target, 'nofollow' => $nofollow, 'imgpath' => $imgpath16px, 'after' => '', 'before' => '', 'params' => 'class="wp-socializer-single"')); break; case '32px': $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'image', 'pixel' => '32px', 'services' => $services, 'sprites' => $sprites, 'label' => $label, 'target' => $target, 'nofollow' => $nofollow, 'imgpath' => $imgpath32px, 'after' => '', 'before' => '', 'params' => 'class="wp-socializer-single"')); break; case 'text': $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'text', 'services' => $services, 'sprites' => $sprites, 'label' => $label, 'target' => $target, 'nofollow' => $nofollow, 'after' => $after, 'before' => $before, 'textBefore' => '', 'textAfter' => ' ', 'params' => 'class="wp-socializer-single-text"')); break; } break; // Output the text links // Output the text links case 'text': $socialbt_processed .= '<div class="wp-socializer text">' . "\n"; $socialbt_processed .= '<ul class="wp-socializer-' . $effect . ' columns-' . $columns . '">'; $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'text', 'services' => $services, 'textBefore' => '• ', 'textAfter' => ' ')); $socialbt_processed .= "</ul> \n"; $socialbt_processed .= '<div class="wp-socializer-clearer"></div>'; $socialbt_processed .= '</div>'; break; case 'rss': $socialbt_processed .= wpsr_socialbts_processlist(array('pUrl' => $url, 'pTitle' => $title, 'pExcerpt' => $excerpt, 'btType' => 'text', 'services' => $services, 'textBefore' => ' • ', 'textAfter' => '', 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after)); break; } if ($output != 'singles') { $socialbt_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer - Social Buttons - Output -->\n"; } return $socialbt_processed; }
function wpsr_addthis($args = '') { global $post; $details = wpsr_get_post_details(); $def_url = $details['permalink']; $def_title = $details['title']; ## Get Addthis Options $wpsr_addthis = get_option('wpsr_addthis_data'); $defaults = array('output' => 'button', 'url' => $def_url, 'title' => $def_title, 'type' => 'button', 'btstyle' => 'lg-share-', 'tbstyle' => '16px', 'tbservices' => 'facebook,twitter,digg,delicious,email,compact', 'scstyle' => 'normal', 'username' => $wpsr_addthis['username'], 'lang' => 'en', 'text' => __('Share with Addthis', 'wpsr'), 'params' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); ## Adjustments $url = ' addthis:url="' . $url . '"'; $title = ' addthis:title="' . $title . '"'; $btwidth = strpos($btstyle, 'lg') === false ? '83' : '125'; $addthis_processed = "\n<!-- Start WP Socializer Plugin - Addthis Button -->\n"; $inner = ''; switch ($output) { // Output the ordinary button case 'button': switch ($type) { // Display the toolbar case 'toolbar': $style = $tbstyle == '16px' ? 'addthis_default_style' : 'addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style'; $outer_start = '<div class="addthis_toolbox ' . $style . '"' . $url . $title . '>' . "\n"; $outer_end = '</div>'; $default_code = '<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a><a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>'; switch ($tbstyle) { case '16px': if ($tbservices == '') { $inner = $default_code; } else { $tb_16px = explode(',', $tbservices); foreach ($tb_16px as $tb_16px_srvc) { $tb_16px_srvc = trim($tb_16px_srvc); $inner .= "<a class=\"addthis_button_{$tb_16px_srvc}\"></a>\n"; } } break; case '32px': if ($tbservices == '') { $inner = $default_code; } else { $tb_32px = explode(',', $tbservices); foreach ($tb_32px as $tb_32px_srvc) { $tb_32px_srvc = trim($tb_32px_srvc); $inner .= "<a class=\"addthis_button_{$tb_32px_srvc}\"></a>\n"; } } break; } $addthis_processed .= $outer_start . $inner . $outer_end; break; // Display the sharecount // Display the sharecount case 'sharecount': $outer_start = "\n" . '<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"' . $url . $title . '>' . "\n"; $outer_end = '</div>' . "\n"; switch ($scstyle) { case 'normal': $inner = '<a class="addthis_counter"></a>'; break; case 'pill': $inner = '<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>'; break; case 'grouped': $inner = '<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a><a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a><a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>'; break; } $addthis_processed .= $outer_start . $inner . $outer_end; break; // Display the ordinary button // Display the ordinary button case 'button': $addthis_processed .= '<a class="addthis_button" ' . $params . ' href="' . $username . '"' . $url . $title . '><img src="' . $btstyle . $lang . '.gif" width="' . $btwidth . '" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0"/></a>'; break; } break; case 'text': $addthis_processed .= '<a class="addthis_button" ' . $params . ' href="' . $username . '"' . $url . $title . '>' . $text . '</a>'; break; } $addthis_processed .= "\n<!-- End WP Socializer Plugin - Addthis Button -->\n"; return $addthis_processed; }