Exemple #1
function _wpsc_db_upgrade_1()
Exemple #2
 * wpsc_update_page_urls gets the permalinks for products pages and stores them in the options for quick reference
 * @public
 * @since 3.6
 * @param $auto (Boolean) true if coming from WordPress Permalink Page, false otherwise
 * @return nothing
function wpsc_update_page_urls($auto = false)
    global $wpdb;
    if (!$auto) {
        $sendback = wp_get_referer();
        if (isset($updated)) {
            $sendback = add_query_arg('updated', $updated, $sendback);
        if (isset($_SESSION['wpsc_settings_curr_page'])) {
            $sendback = add_query_arg('tab', $_SESSION['wpsc_settings_curr_page'], $sendback);
function wpsc_install()
    global $wpdb, $user_level, $wp_rewrite, $wp_version, $wpsc_page_titles;
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wpsc_product_list";
    if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_name}'") !== $table_name) {
        // Table doesn't exist
        add_option('wpsc_purchaselogs_fixed', true);
    // the only consistent and reliable way to detect whether this is a fresh install is by checking
    // whether WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS exists. This is an unfortunate hack, but we can do away with
    // it in 3.9 as we'll drop support for 3.7.x then
        add_option('wpsc_db_version', WPSC_DB_VERSION, '', 'no');
    // run the create or update code here.
    // All code to add new database tables and columns must be above here
    $wpsc_version = get_option('wpsc_version', 0);
    $wpsc_minor_version = get_option('wpsc_minor_version', 0);
    if ($wpsc_version === false) {
        add_option('wpsc_version', WPSC_VERSION, '', 'no');
    } else {
        update_option('wpsc_version', WPSC_VERSION);
    if ($wpsc_minor_version === false) {
        add_option('wpsc_minor_version', WPSC_MINOR_VERSION, '', 'no');
    } else {
        update_option('wpsc_minor_version', WPSC_MINOR_VERSION);
    if (version_compare($wpsc_version, '3.8', '<')) {
        update_option('wpsc_needs_update', true);
    } else {
        update_option('wpsc_needs_update', false);
    if ('' == get_option('show_subcatsprods_in_cat')) {
        update_option('show_subcatsprods_in_cat', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('wpsc_share_this')) {
        update_option('wpsc_share_this', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('wpsc_crop_thumbnails')) {
        update_option('wpsc_crop_thumbnails', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('wpsc_products_per_page')) {
        update_option('wpsc_products_per_page', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('wpsc_force_ssl')) {
        update_option('wpsc_force_ssl', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('use_pagination')) {
        update_option('use_pagination', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('hide_name_link')) {
        update_option('hide_name_link', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('wpsc_enable_comments')) {
        update_option('wpsc_enable_comments', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('multi_add')) {
        update_option('multi_add', 1);
    if ('' == get_option('hide_addtocart_button')) {
        update_option('hide_addtocart_button', 0);
    if ('' == get_option('wpsc_addtocart_or_buynow')) {
        update_option('wpsc_addtocart_or_buynow', 0);
    add_option('show_thumbnails', 1, '', 'no');
    add_option('show_thumbnails_thickbox', 1, '', 'no');
    require_once WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-core/wpsc-functions.php';
    require_once WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-includes/wpsc-theme-engine-bootstrap.php';
    if (!_wpsc_maybe_activate_theme_engine_v2()) {
        add_option('product_list_url', '', '', 'no');
        add_option('shopping_cart_url', '', '', 'no');
        add_option('checkout_url', '', '', 'no');
        add_option('transact_url', '', '', 'no');
         * This part creates the pages and automatically puts their URLs into the options page.
         * As you can probably see, it is very easily extendable, just pop in your page and the deafult content in the array and you are good to go.
        $post_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $post_date_gmt = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $pages = array('products-page' => array('name' => 'products-page', 'title' => __('Products Page', 'wpsc'), 'tag' => '[productspage]', 'option' => 'product_list_url'), 'checkout' => array('name' => 'checkout', 'title' => __('Checkout', 'wpsc'), 'tag' => '[shoppingcart]', 'option' => 'shopping_cart_url'), 'transaction-results' => array('name' => 'transaction-results', 'title' => __('Transaction Results', 'wpsc'), 'tag' => '[transactionresults]', 'option' => 'transact_url'), 'your-account' => array('name' => 'your-account', 'title' => __('Your Account', 'wpsc'), 'tag' => '[userlog]', 'option' => 'user_account_url'));
        //indicator. if we will create any new pages we need to flush.. :)
        $newpages = false;
        //get products page id. if there's no products page then create one
        $products_page_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%" . $pages['products-page']['tag'] . "%'\tAND `post_type` != 'revision'");
        if (empty($products_page_id)) {
            $products_page_id = wp_insert_post(array('post_title' => $pages['products-page']['title'], 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_name' => $pages['products-page']['name'], 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_content' => $pages['products-page']['tag'], 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'menu_order' => 0));
            $newpages = true;
        update_option($pages['products-page']['option'], _get_page_link($products_page_id));
        //done. products page created. no we can unset products page data and create all other pages.
        //unset products page
        //create other pages
        foreach ((array) $pages as $page) {
            //check if page exists and get it's ID
            $page_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%" . $page['tag'] . "%'\tAND `post_type` != 'revision'");
            //if there's no page - create
            if (empty($page_id)) {
                $page_id = wp_insert_post(array('post_title' => $page['title'], 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_name' => $page['name'], 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_content' => $page['tag'], 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'menu_order' => 0, 'post_parent' => $products_page_id));
                $newpages = true;
            //update option
            update_option($page['option'], get_permalink($page_id));
            //also if this is shopping_cart, then update checkout url option
            if ($page['option'] == 'shopping_cart_url') {
                update_option('checkout_url', get_permalink($page_id));
        //if we have created any new pages, then flush... do we need to do this? probably should be removed
        if ($newpages) {
            wp_cache_delete('all_page_ids', 'pages');
    add_option('payment_gateway', '', '', 'no');
    $default_payment_gateways_names = array('chronopay' => '', 'wpsc_merchant_paypal_express' => '', 'wpsc_merchant_paypal_pro' => '', 'wpsc_merchant_paypal_standard' => '');
    $existing_payment_gateways_names = get_option('payment_gateway_names');
    $new_payment_gatewats_name = array_merge($default_payment_gateways_names, (array) $existing_payment_gateways_names);
    update_option('payment_gateway_names', $new_payment_gatewats_name);
    if (function_exists('register_sidebar')) {
        add_option('cart_location', '4', '', 'no');
    } else {
        add_option('cart_location', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('currency_type', '156', '', 'no');
    add_option('currency_sign_location', '3', '', 'no');
    add_option('gst_rate', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('max_downloads', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('display_pnp', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('display_specials', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('do_not_use_shipping', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('postage_and_packaging', '0', '', 'no');
    add_option('shipwire', '0', '', 'no');
    add_option('shipwire_test_server', '0', '', 'no');
    add_option('purch_log_email', '', '', 'no');
    add_option('return_email', '', '', 'no');
    add_option('terms_and_conditions', '', '', 'no');
    add_option('default_brand', 'none', '', 'no');
    add_option('wpsc_default_category', 'all', '', 'no');
    add_option('product_view', 'default', "", 'no');
    add_option('add_plustax', 'default', "", '1');
    if (!(get_option('show_categorybrands') > 0 && get_option('show_categorybrands') < 3)) {
        update_option('show_categorybrands', 2);
    // PayPal options
    add_option('paypal_business', '', '', 'no');
    add_option('paypal_url', '', '', 'no');
    add_option('paypal_ipn', '1', '', 'no');
    add_option('paypal_multiple_business', '', '', 'no');
    add_option('paypal_multiple_url', "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr");
    add_option('product_ratings', '0', '', 'no');
    add_option('wpsc_email_receipt', __('Thank you for purchasing with %shop_name%, any items to be shipped will be processed as soon as possible, any items that can be downloaded can be downloaded using the links on this page. All prices include tax and postage and packaging where applicable.
You ordered these items:
%product_list%%total_shipping%%total_price%', 'wpsc'), '', 'no');
    add_option('wpsc_email_admin', __('%product_list%%total_shipping%%total_price%', 'wpsc'), '', 'no');
    add_option('wpsc_selected_theme', 'default', '', 'no');
    add_option('product_image_height', 148);
    add_option('product_image_width', 148);
    add_option('category_image_height', 148);
    add_option('category_image_width', 148);
    add_option('single_view_image_height', 148);
    add_option('single_view_image_width', 148);
    add_option('wpsc_gallery_image_height', 31);
    add_option('wpsc_gallery_image_width', 31);
    add_option('wpsc_thousands_separator', ',');
    add_option('wpsc_decimal_separator', '.');
    add_option('custom_gateway_options', array('wpsc_merchant_testmode'), '', 'no');
    add_option('wpsc_category_url_cache', array(), '', 'no');
    // add in some default tax settings
    add_option('wpec_taxes_inprice', 'exclusive');
    add_option('wpec_taxes_product', 'replace');
    add_option('wpec_taxes_logic', 'billing');
    // Product categories, temporarily register them to create first default category if none exist
    // @todo: investigate those require once lines and move them to right place (not from here, but from their original location, which seems to be wrong, since i cant access wpsc_register_post_types and wpsc_update_categorymeta here) - Vales <*****@*****.**>
    $category_list = get_terms('wpsc_product_category', 'hide_empty=0&parent=0');
    if (count($category_list) == 0) {
        require_once WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-includes/meta.functions.php';
        $new_category = wp_insert_term(__('Product Category', 'wpsc'), 'wpsc_product_category', "parent=0");
        $category_id = $new_category['term_id'];
        $term = get_term_by('id', $new_category['term_id'], 'wpsc_product_category');
        $url_name = $term->slug;
        wpsc_update_categorymeta($category_id, 'nice-name', $url_name);
        wpsc_update_categorymeta($category_id, 'description', __("This is a description", 'wpsc'));
        wpsc_update_categorymeta($category_id, 'image', '');
        wpsc_update_categorymeta($category_id, 'fee', '0');
        wpsc_update_categorymeta($category_id, 'active', '1');
        wpsc_update_categorymeta($category_id, 'order', '0');
function wpsc_get_the_post_id_by_shortcode($shortcode)
    $shortcode_options = array('[productspage]' => 'product_list_url', '[shoppingcart]' => 'shopping_cart_url', '[checkout]' => 'shopping_cart_url', '[transactionresults]' => 'transact_url', '[userlog]' => 'user_account_url');
    if (!isset($shortcode_options[$shortcode])) {
        return 0;
    $page_ids = get_option('wpsc_shortcode_page_ids', false);
    if ($page_ids === false) {
        $page_ids = get_option('wpsc_shortcode_page_ids', false);
    $post_id = isset($page_ids[$shortcode]) ? $page_ids[$shortcode] : null;
    // For back compat
    $post_id = apply_filters('wpec_get_the_post_id_by_shortcode', $post_id);
    return apply_filters('wpsc_get_the_post_id_by_shortcode', $post_id, $shortcode);
Exemple #5
 * wpsc_refresh_page_urls
 * Refresh page urls when pages are updated
 * @param  int    $post_id
 * @param  object $post
 * @uses   wpsc_update_permalink_slugs()
 * @return int    $post_id
function wpsc_refresh_page_urls($post_id, $post)
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
    if ('page' != $post->post_type) {
    if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {
    if (!in_array($post->post_status, array('publish', 'private'))) {
    return $post_id;