/** * Body Class Filter * @modified: 2009-10-14 by Ben * @description: Adds additional wpsc classes to the body tag. * @param: $classes = Array of body classes * @return: (Array) of classes * * @uses get_permalink() Returns WP permalink given post_id * @uses get_option() Returns option value given key * @uses get_post_type() Returns string for registered post_type name * @uses wpsc_is_single_product() Returns true if we are on a single product * @uses wpsc_is_in_category() Returns true if we are on a WPSC product cat * @uses wpsc_is_in_tag() Returns true if we are on a WPSC product tag * @usse esc_attr() Keeping things safe just in case */ function wpsc_body_class($classes) { global $wp_query, $wpsc_query; $post_id = get_the_ID(); if ($post_id) { $page_url = get_permalink($post_id); // If on a product or category page... if (get_option('product_list_url') == $page_url || get_post_type($post_id) === 'wpsc-product') { $classes[] = 'wp-e-commerce'; if (!is_array($wpsc_query->query)) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-home'; } if (wpsc_is_single_product()) { $object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $classes[] = 'wpsc-single-product'; if (absint($object->ID) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-single-product-' . absint($object->ID); } } if (wpsc_is_in_category() && !wpsc_is_single_product()) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-category'; $tax_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $classes[] = 'wpsc-category-' . esc_attr($tax_object->slug); } if (wpsc_is_in_tag() && !wpsc_is_single_product()) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-tag'; $tax_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $classes[] = 'wpsc-tag-' . esc_attr($tax_object->slug); } } // If viewing the shopping cart... if (get_option('shopping_cart_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wp-e-commerce'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-shopping-cart'; } // If viewing the transaction... if (get_option('transact_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wp-e-commerce'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-transaction-details'; } // If viewing your account... if (get_option('user_account_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wp-e-commerce'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-user-account'; } } return $classes; }
/** * Body Class Filter * @modified: 2009-10-14 by Ben * @description: Adds additional wpsc classes to the body tag. * @param: $classes = Array of body classes * @return: (Array) of classes */ function wpsc_body_class($classes) { global $wp_query, $wpsc_query; $post_id = $wp_query->post->ID; $page_url = get_permalink($post_id); // If on a product or category page... if (get_option('product_list_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; if (!is_array($wpsc_query->query)) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-home'; } if (wpsc_is_single_product()) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-single-product'; if (absint($wpsc_query->products[0]['id']) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-single-product-' . $wpsc_query->products[0]['id']; } } if (wpsc_is_in_category() && !wpsc_is_single_product()) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-category'; } if (absint($wpsc_query->query_vars['category_id']) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-category-' . $wpsc_query->query_vars['category_id']; } if (absint(wpsc_category_group()) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-group-' . wpsc_category_group(); } } // If viewing the shopping cart... if (get_option('shopping_cart_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-shopping-cart'; } // If viewing the transaction... if (get_option('transact_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-transaction-details'; } // If viewing your account... if (get_option('user_account_url') == $page_url) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-user-account'; } return $classes; }
public function product_page_bottom() { if (wpsc_is_single_product()) { $default_element_ids = array('productpage-retargeting-1', 'productpage-retargeting-2', 'productpage-retargeting-3'); $element_ids = apply_filters('wpecnt_product_page_bottom', $default_element_ids); if (is_array($element_ids) && !empty($element_ids)) { $this->render('retargeting-elements', array('element_ids' => $element_ids)); } } }
function jbst_wpec_image_gallery() { $tabs = 0; if (wpsc_is_single_product()) { global $wp_query; global $post; $id = $post->ID; $tabs = 0; $featured_image = get_post_thumbnail_id($id); $args = array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'post_status' => null, 'post_parent' => $post->ID, 'exclude' => $featured_image, 'numberposts' => -1); $attachments = get_posts($args); ?> <ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs"> <?php if ($attachments) { ?> <li class="active"><a href="#addimages" data-toggle="tab"><?php _e('Additional Images', 'jamedo-bootstrap-start-theme'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if (wpsc_the_product_additional_description()) { ?> <li class="<?php if (!$attachments) { echo 'active'; } ?> "><a href="#proddesc" data-toggle="tab"><?php _e('Additional Description', 'jamedo-bootstrap-start-theme'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('jbst_wpec_prod_add_tabs'); ?> </ul> <div id="myTabContent" class="tab-content"> <?php if ($attachments) { $tabs = 1; echo '<div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="addimages">'; echo '<div class="jbst-wpec-product-add-images"><h3>'; //_e( 'Additional Images', 'jamedo-bootstrap-start-theme' ); echo '</h3>'; $thumbwidth = 125; $thumbheight = 125; foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID, false); $image = jbst_resize($attachment->ID, '', $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, true); ?> <a rel="<?php echo wpsc_the_product_title(); ?> " class="preview_link thumbnail" href="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID, false); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $image['url']; ?> " alt="<?php the_title(); ?> " width="<?php echo $thumbwidth; ?> " height="<?php echo $thumbwidth; ?> " border="0" /></a> <?php } echo "<div class='clear'></div></div>"; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (wpsc_the_product_additional_description()) { $tabs = 1; ?> <div class="tab-pane fade<?php if (!$attachments) { echo ' active in'; } ?> " id="proddesc"> <?php echo wpsc_the_product_additional_description(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('jbst_wpec_prod_add_tab_containers'); ?> </div><?php } if ($tabs == 0) { echo '<style>ul#myTab {display:none;}</style>'; } }
function sfpaper_product_image_gallery() { if (wpsc_is_single_product()) { global $wp_query; global $post; $id = $post->ID; if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $featured_image = get_post_thumbnail_id($id); } $args = array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'post_status' => null, 'post_parent' => $post->ID, 'exclude' => $featured_image, 'numberposts' => -1); $attachments = get_posts($args); if ($attachments) { $tabs = 1; echo '<div class="storefront-wpec-product-add-images">'; //echo '<h3>'; //_e( 'Additional Images', 'storefront' ); //echo '</h3>'; $thumbwidth = 125; $thumbheight = 125; foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID, false); $image = sfpaper_resize($attachment->ID, '', $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, true); ?> <a rel="<?php echo wpsc_the_product_title(); ?> " class="preview_link thumbnail" href="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url($attachment->ID, false); ?> "><img class="product_image" src="<?php echo $image['url']; ?> " alt="<?php the_title(); ?> " width="<?php echo $thumbwidth; ?> " height="<?php echo $thumbwidth; ?> " border="0" /></a> <?php } echo "<div class='clear'></div></div>"; } } }