 * Gets the singleton instance of the Manager class, creating it if it doesn't exist.
 * @since 4.7.8
 * @return Aventura\Wprss\Core\Licensing\Manager
function wprss_licensing_get_manager()
    static $manager = null;
    if (is_null($manager)) {
        $manager = new Aventura\Wprss\Core\Licensing\Manager();
        $manager->setDefaultAuthorName('Jean Galea');
    return $manager;
 * Gets an internationalized and localized datetime string, defaulting
 * to WP RSS format.
 * @see wprss_local_date_i18n;
 * @param string|null $format Format to use. Default: Wordpress date and time format.
 * @param int|null $timestamp The timestamp to localize. Default: time().
 * @return string The formatted datetime, localized and offset for local timezone.
function wprss_date_i18n($timestamp = null, $format = null)
    $format = is_null($format) ? wprss_get_general_setting('date_format') : $format;
    return wprss_local_date_i18n($timestamp, $format);
function wprss_send_tracking_data()
    // Check the tracking option - if turned off, exit out of function
    $tracking_option = wprss_get_general_setting('tracking');
    if ($tracking_option == 0 || $tracking_option == FALSE) {
    // Get the tracking transient.
    $transient = get_transient('wprss_tracking_transient');
    // If the transient did not expire, exit out of function
    if ($transient !== FALSE && !isset($_GET['wprss_send_report'])) {
    // If the GET parameter is set, show an admin notice
    if (isset($_GET['wprss_send_report'])) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'wprss_tracking_notice');
    // Check if running on localhost
    $site_url = site_url();
    $running_on_local = preg_match_all("/(localhost|127\\.0\\.0\\.1)/", $site_url, $matches) > 0;
    if ($running_on_local) {
    // Get data about the plugin
    $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(WPRSS_FILE_CONSTANT);
    // Get the theme name
    if (function_exists('wp_get_theme')) {
        $theme_data = wp_get_theme();
        $theme_name = $theme_data->Name;
    } else {
        $theme_data = get_theme_data(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/style.css');
        $theme_name = $theme_data['Name'];
    // Get plugins
    $plugins = get_plugins();
    $active_plugins_option = get_option('active_plugins', array());
    // Prepare plugin arrays
    $active_plugins = array();
    $inactive_plugins = array();
    // Loop through plugins
    foreach ($plugins as $plugins_path => $plugin_info) {
        // If plugin found in active plugins list, then add to the active_plugins array
        if (in_array($plugins_path, $active_plugins_option)) {
            $add_to =& $active_plugins;
        } else {
            $add_to =& $inactive_plugins;
        // Add the plugin info to the chosen array
        $add_to[] = $plugin_info['Name'] . ' v' . $plugin_info['Version'];
    // If multisite
    if (is_multisite()) {
        // Get network plugins
        $network_plugins = wp_get_active_network_plugins();
        $network_active_plugins_option = get_site_option('active_sitewide_plugins', array());
        // Prepare plugin array
        $network_active_plugins = array();
        // Loop through plugins
        foreach ($network_plugins as $plugin_path) {
            // Get plugin basename
            $plugin_base = plugin_basename($plugin_path);
            // If the plugin basename is found in the active network plugin list
            if (array_key_exists($plugin_base, $network_active_plugins_option)) {
                // Get the plugin info and add it to the plugin list
                $plugin_info = get_plugin_data($plugin_path);
                $network_active_plugins[] = $plugin_info['Name'] . ' v' . $plugin_info['Version'];
    } else {
        // Otherwise, indicate that the site is not a multisite installation
        $network_active_plugins = 'Not multisite';
    // Detect add-ons
    $addons = array();
    if (defined('WPRSS_C_VERSION')) {
        $addons[] = 'Categories';
    if (defined('WPRSS_ET_VERSION')) {
        $addons[] = 'Excerpts & Thumbnails';
    if (defined('WPRSS_KF_VERSION')) {
        $addons[] = 'Keyword Filtering';
    if (defined('WPRSS_FTP_VERSION')) {
        $addons[] = 'Feed to Post';
    // Compile the data
    $data = array('Site URL' => base64_encode($site_url), 'Plugin Version' => $plugin_data['Version'], 'Active Add-ons' => $addons, 'Theme Name' => $theme_name, 'Site Name' => str_replace(' ', '', get_bloginfo('name')), 'Plugin Count' => count(get_option('active_plugins')), 'Active Plugins' => $active_plugins, 'Network Active Plugins' => $network_active_plugins, 'Inactive Plugins' => $inactive_plugins, 'WordPress Version' => get_bloginfo('version'));
    // Send the data
    wp_remote_post(WPRSS_TRACKING_SERVER_URL, array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => array('wprss_tracking_data' => $data), 'cookies' => array()));
    // Set a transient that expires in 1 week. When it expires, this function will run again
    // Expiration: 60secs * 60mins * 24hrs * 7days = 1 week
    set_transient('wprss_tracking_transient', '-', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
     * Renders the setting field for the certificate path.
     * @since 4.7
     * @see wprss_admin_init
     * @param array $field Data of this field.
    public function render_certificate_path_setting($field)
        $feed_limit = wprss_get_general_setting($field['field_id']);
		<input id="<?php 
        echo $field['field_id'];
" name="wprss_settings_general[<?php 
        echo $field['field_id'];
]" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $feed_limit;
" />
        echo wprss_settings_inline_help($field['field_id'], $field['tooltip']);
Exemple #5
 * Renders the Feed Processing metabox
 * @since 3.7
function wprss_feed_processing_meta_box_callback()
    global $post;
    // Get the post meta
    $state = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_state', TRUE);
    $activate = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_activate_feed', TRUE);
    $pause = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_pause_feed', TRUE);
    $update_interval = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_update_interval', TRUE);
    $age_limit = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_age_limit', FALSE);
    $age_unit = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_age_unit', FALSE);
    $age_limit = count($age_limit) === 0 ? wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_age') : $age_limit[0];
    $age_unit = count($age_unit) === 0 ? wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_age_unit') : $age_unit[0];
    // Set default strings for activate and pause times
    $default_activate = 'immediately';
    $default_pause = 'never';
    // Prepare the states
    $states = array('active' => __('Active', 'wprss'), 'paused' => __('Paused', 'wprss'));
    // Prepare the schedules
    $default_interval = __('Default', 'wprss');
    $wprss_schedules = apply_filters('wprss_schedules', wprss_get_schedules());
    $default_interval_key = wprss_get_default_feed_source_update_interval();
    $schedules = array_merge(array($default_interval_key => array('display' => $default_interval, 'interval' => $default_interval)), $wprss_schedules);

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
            <label for="wprss_state">Feed state:</label>
            <select id="wprss_state" name="wprss_state">
    foreach ($states as $value => $label) {
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $value;
" <?php 
        selected($state, $value);
        echo $label;

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label for="">Activate feed: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-activate-feed-viewer"><?php 
    echo $activate !== '' ? $activate : $default_activate;
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-activate-feed-viewer" data-default-value="<?php 
    echo $default_activate;
                <input id="wprss_activate_feed" class="wprss-datetimepicker-from-today" name="wprss_activate_feed" value="<?php 
    echo $activate;
" />

                <label class="description" for="wprss_activate_feed">
                    Leave blank to activate the feed immediately.


                <span class="description">
                    <b>Note:</b> WordPress uses UTC time for schedules, not local time. Current UTC time is: <code><?php 
    echo date('d/m/Y H:i:s', current_time('timestamp', 1));

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label for="">Pause feed: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-pause-feed-viewer"><?php 
    echo $pause !== '' ? $pause : $default_pause;
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-pause-feed-viewer" data-default-value="<?php 
    echo $default_pause;
                <input id="wprss_pause_feed" class="wprss-datetimepicker-from-today" name="wprss_pause_feed" value="<?php 
    echo $pause;
" />
                <label class="description" for="wprss_pause_feed">
                    Leave blank to never pause the feed.
                <span class="description">
                    <b>Note:</b> WordPress uses UTC time for schedules, not local time. Current UTC time is: <code><?php 
    echo date('d/m/Y H:i:s', current_time('timestamp', 1));

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label for="">Update interval: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-feed-update-interval-viewer">
    if ($update_interval === '' || $update_interval === wprss_get_default_feed_source_update_interval()) {
        echo $default_interval;
    } else {
        echo wprss_interval($schedules[$update_interval]['interval']);
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-feed-update-interval-viewer" data-default-value="<?php 
    echo $default_interval;
                <select id="feed-update-interval" name="wprss_update_interval">
    foreach ($schedules as $value => $schedule) {
        $text = $value === wprss_get_default_feed_source_update_interval() ? $default_interval : wprss_interval($schedule['interval']);
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $value;
" <?php 
        selected($update_interval, $value);
        echo $text;
                <span class='description' for='feed-update-interval'>
                    Enter the interval at which to update this feed. The feed will only be updated if it is <strong>active</strong>.

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label id="wprss-age-limit-feed-label" for="" data-when-empty="Delete old feed items:">Delete feed items older than: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-age-limit-feed-viewer"><?php 
    echo $age_limit . ' ' . $age_unit;
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-age-limit-feed-viewer" data-label="#wprss-age-limit-feed-label" data-default-value="" data-empty-controller="#limit-feed-items-age" data-hybrid="#limit-feed-items-age, #limit-feed-items-age-unit">
                <input id="limit-feed-items-age" name="wprss_age_limit" type="number" min="0" class="wprss-number-roller" placeholder="No limit" value="<?php 
    echo $age_limit;
" />

                <select id="limit-feed-items-age-unit" name="wprss_age_unit">
    foreach (wprss_age_limit_units() as $unit) {
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $unit;
" <?php 
        selected($age_unit, $unit);
        echo $unit;
                <span class='description' for='limit-feed-items-age'>
                    Enter the maximum age of feed items to be stored in the database. Feed items older than the specified age will be deleted everyday at midnight.
                    Leave empty for no limit.

 * Generate the feed
 * @since 3.3
function wprss_addfeed_do_feed($in)
    // Prepare the post query
            $wprss_custom_feed_query = apply_filters(            
                    'post_type'   => 'wprss_feed_item', 
                    'post_status' => 'publish',
                    'cache_results' => false,   // disable caching
    $wprss_custom_feed_query = wprss_get_feed_items_query(apply_filters('wprss_custom_feed_query', array('get-args' => TRUE, 'no-paged' => TRUE, 'feed_limit' => 0)));
    // Suppress caching
    $wprss_custom_feed_query['cache_results'] = FALSE;
    // Get options
    $options = get_option('wprss_settings_general');
    if ($options !== FALSE) {
        // If options exist, get the limit
        $limit = $options['custom_feed_limit'];
        if ($limit !== FALSE) {
            // if limit exists, set the query limit
            $wprss_custom_feed_query['posts_per_page'] = $limit;
    // Submit the query to get latest feed items
    $custom_feed_title = wprss_get_general_setting('custom_feed_title');
    $protocol = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0';
    header("{$protocol} 200 OK");
    // Send content header and start ATOM output
    header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
    // Disabling caching
    header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
    // HTTP 1.1.
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    // HTTP 1.0.
    header('Expires: 0');
    // Proxies.
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_option('blog_charset') . '"?>';

        <rss version="2.0"
            xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" >
    echo $custom_feed_title;
    echo get_site_url();
                <atom:link href="<?php 
" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    // Start the Loop
    while (have_posts()) {
        $source = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wprss_feed_id', TRUE);
        $permalink = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wprss_item_permalink', true);
        echo $permalink;
                        <guid isPermaLink="true"><?php 
        echo $permalink;
        echo get_post_time(DATE_RSS);
                        <source url="<?php 
        echo get_post_meta($source, 'wprss_url', TRUE);
        echo get_the_title($source);
        do_action('wprss_custom_feed_entry', get_the_ID());
    // END OF LOOP
 * The main feed fetching function.
 * Fetches the feed items from the source provided and inserts them into the DB.
 * Called on hook 'wprss_fetch_single_feed_hook'.
 * @since 3.2
function wprss_fetch_insert_single_feed_items($feed_ID)
    // Check if the feed source is active.
    if (wprss_is_feed_source_active($feed_ID) === FALSE && wprss_feed_source_force_next_fetch($feed_ID) === FALSE) {
        // If it is not active ( paused ), return without fetching the feed items.
    // If the feed source is forced for next fetch, remove the force next fetch data
    if (wprss_feed_source_force_next_fetch($feed_ID)) {
        delete_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_force_next_fetch');
    update_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_feed_is_updating', time());
    // Get the feed source URL from post meta, and filter it
    $feed_url = get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_url', true);
    $feed_url = apply_filters('wprss_feed_source_url', $feed_url, $feed_ID);
    // Get the feed limit from post meta
    $feed_limit = get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_limit', true);
    // If the feed has no individual limit
    if ($feed_limit === '' || intval($feed_limit) <= 0) {
        // Get the global limit
        $global_limit = wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_imported');
        // If no global limit is set, mark as NULL
        if ($global_limit === '' || intval($global_limit) <= 0) {
            $feed_limit = NULL;
        } else {
            $feed_limit = $global_limit;
    // Filter the URL for validaty
    if (filter_var($feed_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
        // Get the feed items from the source
        $items = wprss_get_feed_items($feed_url, $feed_ID);
        // If got NULL, convert to an empty array
        if ($items === NULL) {
            $items = array();
        // If using a limit ...
        if ($feed_limit === NULL) {
            $items_to_insert = $items;
        } else {
            $items_to_insert = array_slice($items, 0, $feed_limit);
        // Gather the permalinks of existing feed item's related to this feed source
        $existing_permalinks = get_existing_permalinks($feed_ID);
        // Generate a list of items fetched, that are not already in the DB
        $new_items = array();
        foreach ($items_to_insert as $item) {
            $permalink = wprss_normalize_permalink($item->get_permalink());
            // Check if not blacklisted and not already imported
            if (wprss_is_blacklisted($permalink) === FALSE && !in_array(trim($permalink), $existing_permalinks)) {
                $new_items[] = $item;
        $items_to_insert = $new_items;
        // If using a limit - delete any excess items to make room for the new items
        if ($feed_limit !== NULL) {
            // Get the number of feed items in DB, and their count
            $db_feed_items = wprss_get_feed_items_for_source($feed_ID);
            $num_db_feed_items = $db_feed_items->post_count;
            // Get the number of feed items we can store until we reach the limit
            $num_can_insert = $feed_limit - $num_db_feed_items;
            // Calculate how many feed items we must delete before importing, to keep to the limit
            $num_feed_items_to_delete = count($new_items) - $num_can_insert;
            // Get an array with the DB feed items in reverse order (oldest first)
            $db_feed_items_reversed = array_reverse($db_feed_items->posts);
            // Cut the array to get only the first few that are to be deleted ( equal to $num_feed_items_to_delete )
            $feed_items_to_delete = array_slice($db_feed_items_reversed, 0, $num_feed_items_to_delete);
            // Iterate the feed items and delete them
            foreach ($feed_items_to_delete as $key => $post) {
                wp_delete_post($post->ID, TRUE);
        update_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_last_update', time());
        // Insert the items into the db
        if (!empty($items_to_insert)) {
            wprss_items_insert_post($items_to_insert, $feed_ID);
    } else {
        wprss_log("The feed URL is not valid! Please recheck.");
    $next_scheduled = get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_reschedule_event', TRUE);
    if ($next_scheduled !== '') {
        delete_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_reschedule_event');
    delete_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_feed_is_updating');
 * Renders the Feed Processing metabox
 * @since 3.7
function wprss_feed_processing_meta_box_callback()
    global $post;
    // Get the post meta
    $state = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_state', TRUE);
    $activate = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_activate_feed', TRUE);
    $pause = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_pause_feed', TRUE);
    $update_interval = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_update_interval', TRUE);
    $age_limit = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_age_limit', FALSE);
    $age_unit = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wprss_age_unit', FALSE);
    $age_limit = count($age_limit) === 0 ? wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_age') : $age_limit[0];
    $age_unit = count($age_unit) === 0 ? wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_age_unit') : $age_unit[0];
    // Set default strings for activate and pause times
    $default_activate = 'immediately';
    $default_pause = 'never';
    // Prepare the states
    $states = array('active' => __('Active', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'paused' => __('Paused', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
    // Prepare the schedules
    $default_interval = __('Default', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
    $wprss_schedules = apply_filters('wprss_schedules', wprss_get_schedules());
    $default_interval_key = wprss_get_default_feed_source_update_interval();
    $schedules = array_merge(array($default_interval_key => array('display' => $default_interval, 'interval' => $default_interval)), $wprss_schedules);
    // Inline help
    $help = WPRSS_Help::get_instance();
    $help_options = array('tooltip_handle_class_extra' => $help->get_options('tooltip_handle_class_extra') . ' ' . $help->get_options('tooltip_handle_class') . '-side');

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
            <label for="wprss_state">Feed state:</label>
            <select id="wprss_state" name="wprss_state">
    foreach ($states as $value => $label) {
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $value;
" <?php 
        selected($state, $value);
        echo $label;
    echo $help->tooltip('field_wprss_state', null, $help_options);

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label for="">Activate feed: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-activate-feed-viewer"><?php 
    echo $activate !== '' ? $activate : $default_activate;
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
    echo $help->tooltip('field_wprss_activate_feed', null, $help_options);
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-activate-feed-viewer" data-default-value="<?php 
    echo $default_activate;
                <input id="wprss_activate_feed" class="wprss-datetimepicker-from-today" name="wprss_activate_feed" value="<?php 
    echo $activate;
" />
                <span class="description">
                    Current UTC time is:<br/><code><?php 
    echo date('d/m/Y H:i:s', current_time('timestamp', 1));

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label for="">Pause feed: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-pause-feed-viewer"><?php 
    echo $pause !== '' ? $pause : $default_pause;
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
    echo $help->tooltip('field_wprss_pause_feed', null, $help_options);
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-pause-feed-viewer" data-default-value="<?php 
    echo $default_pause;
                <input id="wprss_pause_feed" class="wprss-datetimepicker-from-today" name="wprss_pause_feed" value="<?php 
    echo $pause;
" />
                <span class="description">
                    Current UTC time is:<br/><code><?php 
    echo date('d/m/Y H:i:s', current_time('timestamp', 1));

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label for="">Update interval: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-feed-update-interval-viewer">
    if ($update_interval === '' || $update_interval === wprss_get_default_feed_source_update_interval()) {
        echo $default_interval;
    } else {
        echo wprss_interval($schedules[$update_interval]['interval']);
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
    echo $help->tooltip('field_wprss_update_interval', null, $help_options);
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-feed-update-interval-viewer" data-default-value="<?php 
    echo $default_interval;
                <select id="feed-update-interval" name="wprss_update_interval">
    foreach ($schedules as $value => $schedule) {
        $text = $value === wprss_get_default_feed_source_update_interval() ? $default_interval : wprss_interval($schedule['interval']);
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $value;
" <?php 
        selected($update_interval, $value);
        echo $text;

        <div class="wprss-meta-side-setting">
                <label id="wprss-age-limit-feed-label" for="" data-when-empty="Delete old feed items:">Delete feed items older than: </label>
                <strong id="wprss-age-limit-feed-viewer"><?php 
    echo $age_limit . ' ' . $age_unit;
                <a href="#">Edit</a>
    echo $help->tooltip('field_wprss_age_limit', null, $help_options);
            <div class="wprss-meta-slider" data-collapse-viewer="wprss-age-limit-feed-viewer" data-label="#wprss-age-limit-feed-label" data-default-value="" data-empty-controller="#limit-feed-items-age" data-hybrid="#limit-feed-items-age, #limit-feed-items-age-unit">
                <input id="limit-feed-items-age" name="wprss_age_limit" type="number" min="0" class="wprss-number-roller" placeholder="No limit" value="<?php 
    echo $age_limit;
" />

                <select id="limit-feed-items-age-unit" name="wprss_age_unit">
    foreach (wprss_age_limit_units() as $unit) {
                    <option value="<?php 
        echo $unit;
" <?php 
        selected($age_unit, $unit);
        echo $unit;

 * Returns the maximum age setting for a feed source.
 * @since 3.8
function wprss_get_max_age_for_feed_source($source_id)
    $general_settings = get_option('wprss_settings_general');
    // Get the meta data for age for this feed source
    $age_limit = trim(get_post_meta($source_id, 'wprss_age_limit', TRUE));
    $age_unit = get_post_meta($source_id, 'wprss_age_unit', TRUE);
    // If the meta does not exist, use the global settings
    if ($age_limit === '') {
        $age_limit = trim(wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_age'));
        $age_unit = wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_age_unit');
    // If the age limit is an empty string, use no limit
    if ($age_limit === '') {
        return FALSE;
    // Return the timestamp of the max age date
    return strtotime("-{$age_limit} {$age_unit}");
 * The main feed fetching function.
 * Fetches the feed items from the source provided and inserts them into the DB.
 * Called on hook 'wprss_fetch_single_feed_hook'.
 * @since 3.2
function wprss_fetch_insert_single_feed_items($feed_ID)
    wprss_log_obj('Starting import of feed', $feed_ID, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
    global $wprss_importing_feed;
    $wprss_importing_feed = $feed_ID;
    // Check if the feed source is active.
    if (wprss_is_feed_source_active($feed_ID) === FALSE && wprss_feed_source_force_next_fetch($feed_ID) === FALSE) {
        // If it is not active ( paused ), return without fetching the feed items.
        wprss_log('Feed is not active and not forced. Import cancelled.', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
    // If the feed source is forced for next fetch, remove the force next fetch data
    if (wprss_feed_source_force_next_fetch($feed_ID)) {
        delete_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_force_next_fetch');
        wprss_log('Force feed flag removed', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
    $start_of_update = wprss_flag_feed_as_updating($feed_ID);
    wprss_log_obj('Start of import time updated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start_of_update), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
    // Get the feed source URL from post meta, and filter it
    $feed_url = get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_url', true);
    wprss_log_obj('Original feed source URL', $feed_url, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
    $feed_url = apply_filters('wprss_feed_source_url', $feed_url, $feed_ID);
    wprss_log_obj('Actual feed source URL', $feed_url, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
    // Get the feed limit from post meta
    $feed_limit = get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_limit', true);
    wprss_log_obj('Feed limit value is', $feed_limit, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
    // If the feed has no individual limit
    if ($feed_limit === '' || intval($feed_limit) <= 0) {
        wprss_log_obj('Using global limit', $feed_limit, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
        // Get the global limit
        $global_limit = wprss_get_general_setting('limit_feed_items_imported');
        // If no global limit is set, mark as NULL
        if ($global_limit === '' || intval($global_limit) <= 0) {
            $feed_limit = NULL;
        } else {
            $feed_limit = $global_limit;
    wprss_log_obj('Feed import limit', $feed_limit, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
    // Filter the URL for validaty
    if (wprss_validate_url($feed_url)) {
        wprss_log_obj('Feed URL is valid', $feed_url, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
        // Get the feed items from the source
        $items = wprss_get_feed_items($feed_url, $feed_ID);
        // If got NULL, convert to an empty array
        if ($items === NULL) {
            $items = array();
            wprss_log('Items were NULL. Using empty array', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING);
        // If using a limit ...
        if ($feed_limit === NULL) {
            $items_to_insert = $items;
        } else {
            $items_to_insert = array_slice($items, 0, $feed_limit);
            wprss_log_obj('Sliced a segment of items', count($items_to_insert), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        // Gather the permalinks of existing feed item's related to this feed source
        $existing_permalinks = wprss_get_existing_permalinks($feed_ID);
        wprss_log_obj('Retrieved existing permalinks', count($existing_permalinks), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        // Check if we should only import uniquely-titled feed items.
        $existing_titles = array();
        $unique_titles = FALSE;
        if (wprss_get_general_setting('unique_titles')) {
            $unique_titles = TRUE;
            $existing_titles = wprss_get_existing_titles();
            wprss_log_obj('Retrieved existing titles from global', count($existing_titles), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        } else {
            if (get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_unique_titles', true) === 'true') {
                $unique_titles = TRUE;
                $existing_titles = wprss_get_existing_titles($feed_ID);
                wprss_log_obj('Retrieved existing titles from feed source', count($existing_titles), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        // Generate a list of items fetched, that are not already in the DB
        $new_items = array();
        foreach ($items_to_insert as $item) {
            $permalink = wprss_normalize_permalink($item->get_permalink());
            wprss_log_obj('Normalizing permalink', sprintf('%1$s -> %2$s', $item->get_permalink(), $permalink), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
            // Check if not blacklisted and not already imported
            $is_blacklisted = wprss_is_blacklisted($permalink);
            $permalink_exists = array_key_exists($permalink, $existing_permalinks);
            $title_exists = array_key_exists($item->get_title(), $existing_titles);
            if ($is_blacklisted === FALSE && $permalink_exists === FALSE && $title_exists === FALSE) {
                $new_items[] = $item;
                wprss_log_obj('Permalink OK', $permalink, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
                if ($unique_titles) {
                    $existing_titles[$item->get_title()] = 1;
            } else {
                if ($is_blacklisted) {
                    wprss_log('Permalink blacklisted', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
                if ($permalink_exists) {
                    wprss_log('Permalink already exists', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
                if ($title_exists) {
                    wprss_log('Title already exists', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        $original_count = count($items_to_insert);
        $new_count = count($new_items);
        if ($new_count !== $original_count) {
            wprss_log_obj('Items filtered out', $original_count - $new_count, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        } else {
            wprss_log('Items to import remained untouched. Not items already exist or are blacklisted.', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        $items_to_insert = $new_items;
        // If using a limit - delete any excess items to make room for the new items
        if ($feed_limit !== NULL) {
            wprss_log_obj('Some items may be deleted due to limit', $feed_limit, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
            // Get the number of feed items in DB, and their count
            $db_feed_items = wprss_get_feed_items_for_source($feed_ID);
            $num_db_feed_items = $db_feed_items->post_count;
            // Get the number of feed items we can store until we reach the limit
            $num_can_insert = $feed_limit - $num_db_feed_items;
            // Calculate how many feed items we must delete before importing, to keep to the limit
            $num_new_items = count($new_items);
            $num_feed_items_to_delete = $num_can_insert > $num_new_items ? 0 : $num_new_items - $num_can_insert;
            // Get an array with the DB feed items in reverse order (oldest first)
            $db_feed_items_reversed = array_reverse($db_feed_items->posts);
            // Cut the array to get only the first few that are to be deleted ( equal to $num_feed_items_to_delete )
            $feed_items_to_delete = array_slice($db_feed_items_reversed, 0, $num_feed_items_to_delete);
            wprss_log(sprintf('There already are %1$d items in the database. %2$d items can be inserted. %3$d items will be deleted', $num_db_feed_items, $num_can_insert, $num_feed_items_to_delete), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
            // Iterate the feed items and delete them
            foreach ($feed_items_to_delete as $key => $post) {
                wp_delete_post($post->ID, TRUE);
            if ($deleted_items_count = count($feed_items_to_delete)) {
                wprss_log_obj('Items deleted due to limit', $deleted_items_count, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
        update_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_last_update', $last_update_time = time());
        update_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_last_update_items', 0);
        wprss_log_obj('Last import time updated', $last_update_time, null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
        // Insert the items into the db
        if (!empty($items_to_insert)) {
            wprss_log_obj('There are items to insert', count($items_to_insert), null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
            wprss_items_insert_post($items_to_insert, $feed_ID);
    } else {
        wprss_log_obj('The feed URL is not valid! Please recheck', $feed_url);
    $next_scheduled = get_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_reschedule_event', TRUE);
    if ($next_scheduled !== '') {
        delete_post_meta($feed_ID, 'wprss_reschedule_event');
        wprss_log('Next update rescheduled', null, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM);
    wprss_log_obj('Import complete', $feed_ID, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
 * Time ago format checkbox
 * @since 4.2
function wprss_setting_time_ago_format_enable_callback($field)
    $time_ago_format = wprss_get_general_setting('time_ago_format_enable');
		<input type="checkbox" id="<?php 
    echo $field['field_id'];
" name="wprss_settings_general[time_ago_format_enable]" value="1" <?php 
    echo checked(1, $time_ago_format, false);
    echo wprss_settings_inline_help($field['field_id'], $field['tooltip']);
 * Display pagination links
 * @since 3.5
function wprss_pagination_links($output)
    // Get the general setting
    $pagination = wprss_get_general_setting('pagination');
    // Check the pagination setting, if using page numbers
    if ($pagination === 'numbered') {
        global $wp_query;
        $big = 999999999;
        // need an unlikely integer
        $output .= paginate_links(array('base' => str_replace($big, '%#%', esc_url(get_pagenum_link($big))), 'format' => '?paged=%#%', 'current' => max(1, get_query_var('paged')), 'total' => $wp_query->max_num_pages));
        return $output;
    } else {
        $output .= '<div class="nav-links">';
        $output .= '    <div class="nav-previous alignleft">' . get_next_posts_link(__('Older posts', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN)) . '</div>';
        $output .= '    <div class="nav-next alignright">' . get_previous_posts_link(__('Newer posts', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN)) . '</div>';
        $output .= '</div>';
        return $output;
Exemple #13
 * Generate the feed
 * @since 3.3
function wprss_addfeed_do_feed($in)
    // Prepare the post query
            $wprss_custom_feed_query = apply_filters(            
                    'post_type'   => 'wprss_feed_item', 
                    'post_status' => 'publish',
                    'cache_results' => false,   // disable caching
    $wprss_custom_feed_query = wprss_get_feed_items_query(apply_filters('wprss_custom_feed_query', array('get-args' => TRUE, 'no-paged' => TRUE, 'feed_limit' => 0)));
    // Suppress caching
    $wprss_custom_feed_query['cache_results'] = FALSE;
    // Get options
    $options = get_option('wprss_settings_general');
    if ($options !== FALSE) {
        // If options exist, get the limit
        $limit = $options['custom_feed_limit'];
        if ($limit !== FALSE) {
            // if limit exists, set the query limit
            $wprss_custom_feed_query['posts_per_page'] = $limit;
    // Submit the query to get latest feed items
    $custom_feed_title = wprss_get_general_setting('custom_feed_title');
    // Send content header and start ATOM output
    header('Content-Type: text/xml');
    // Disabling caching
    header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
    // HTTP 1.1.
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    // HTTP 1.0.
    header('Expires: 0');
    // Proxies.
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_option('blog_charset') . '"?' . '>';
        <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" >
            <title type="text"><?php 
    echo $custom_feed_title;
    // Start the Loop
    while (have_posts()) {
        $permalink = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wprss_item_permalink', true);
                <link href="<?php 
        echo $permalink;
" />
        // Enable below to link to post on our site rather than original source
                <!--<link href="<?php 
" />-->
        echo get_post_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
                <content type="html"><![CDATA[<?php 
        do_action('wprss_custom_feed_entry', get_the_ID());
        // End of the Loop
 * Time ago format checkbox
 * @since 4.2
function wprss_setting_time_ago_format_enable_callback()
    $time_ago_format = wprss_get_general_setting('time_ago_format_enable');
    echo "<input type='checkbox' id='time-ago-format' name='wprss_settings_general[time_ago_format_enable]' value='1' " . checked(1, $time_ago_format, false) . " />";
    echo "<label class='description' for='time-ago-format'>Check this box to show time since update e.g.: 2 hours ago.</label>";
 * Renders the 'log_level' setting field.
 * @param array $field Info about the field
function wprss_setting_log_level_callback($field)
    $log_level = wprss_get_general_setting($field['field_id']);
    foreach (wprss_log_get_levels(false) as $_level => $_label) {
        $options[$_level] = $_label;
        if (is_numeric($_level) && $_level / 2 >= 1) {
            $options[(int) $_level * -1] = $_label . ' and below';
    krsort($options, defined('SORT_NATURAL' ? SORT_NATURAL : SORT_STRING));
		<select id="<?php 
    echo $field['field_id'];
" name="wprss_settings_general[<?php 
    echo $field['field_id'];
    foreach ($options as $value => $text) {
        $selected = (string) $value === (string) $log_level ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
<option value="<?php 
        echo $value;
" <?php 
        echo $selected;
        echo __($text, WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
    echo wprss_settings_inline_help($field['field_id'], $field['tooltip']);