function wppa_thumb_ascover($id) { global $cover_count_key; global $thlinkmsggiven; // Init $result = ''; // Get the photo info $thumb = wppa_cache_thumb($id); // Get the album info $album = wppa_cache_album($thumb['album']); $path = wppa_fix_poster_ext(wppa_get_thumb_path($id), $id); $imgattr_a = wppa_get_imgstyle_a($id, $path, wppa_opt('smallsize'), '', 'cover'); $events = is_feed() ? '' : wppa_get_imgevents('cover'); $src = wppa_fix_poster_ext(wppa_get_thumb_url($id, '', $imgattr_a['width'], $imgattr_a['height']), $id); $link = wppa_get_imglnk_a('thumb', $id); if ($link) { $href = $link['url']; $title = $link['title']; $target = $link['target']; } else { $href = ''; $title = ''; $target = ''; } if (!$link['is_url']) { if (!$thlinkmsggiven) { wppa_dbg_msg('Title link may not be an event in thumbs as covers.'); } $href = ''; $title = ''; $thlinkmsggiven = true; } $mcr = wppa_opt('thumbtype') == 'ascovers-mcr' ? 'mcr-' : ''; $photo_left = wppa_switch('thumbphoto_left'); $class_asym = 'wppa-asym-text-frame-' . $mcr . wppa('mocc'); $style = __wcs('wppa-box') . __wcs('wppa-' . wppa('alt')); if (is_feed()) { $style .= ' padding:7px;'; } $wid = wppa_get_cover_width('thumb'); $style .= 'width: ' . $wid . 'px;'; if ($cover_count_key == 'm') { $style .= 'margin-left: 8px;'; } elseif ($cover_count_key == 'r') { $style .= 'float:right;'; } else { $style .= 'clear:both;'; } wppa_step_covercount('thumb'); $result .= "\n" . '<div' . ' id="thumb-' . $id . '-' . wppa('mocc') . '"' . ' class="thumb wppa-box wppa-cover-box wppa-cover-box-' . $mcr . wppa('mocc') . ' wppa-' . wppa('alt') . '"' . ' style="' . $style . '"' . ' >'; if ($photo_left) { $result .= wppa_the_thumbascoverphoto($id, $src, $photo_left, $link, $imgattr_a, $events); } $textframestyle = wppa_get_text_frame_style($photo_left, 'thumb'); $result .= '<div' . ' id="thumbtext_frame_' . $id . '_' . wppa('mocc') . '"' . ' class="wppa-text-frame-' . wppa('mocc') . ' wppa-text-frame thumbtext-frame ' . $class_asym . '"' . ' ' . $textframestyle . ' >' . '<h2' . ' class="wppa-title"' . ' style="clear:none;"' . ' >'; if ($link['is_lightbox']) { $result .= wppa_get_photo_name($id); } else { $result .= '<a' . ' href="' . $href . '"' . ' target="' . $target . '"' . ' title="' . $title . '"' . ' style="' . __wcs('wppa-title') . '"' . ' >' . wppa_get_photo_name($id) . '</a>'; } $result .= '</h2>'; $desc = wppa_get_photo_desc($id); if (in_array($thumb['status'], array('pending', 'scheduled'))) { $desc .= wppa_moderate_links('thumb', $id); } $result .= '<p' . ' class="wppa-box-text wppa-black"' . ' style="' . __wcs('wppa-box-text') . __wcs('wppa-black') . '" >' . $desc . '</p>'; $result .= '</div>'; if (!$photo_left) { $result .= wppa_the_thumbascoverphoto($id, $src, $photo_left, $link, $imgattr_a, $events); } $result .= '</div>'; // Toggle alt/even wppa_toggle_alt(); wppa_out($result); }
function wppa_album_cover_longdesc($albumid, $multicolresp = false) { global $cover_count_key; global $wpdb; $album = wppa_cache_album($albumid); if ($multicolresp) { $mcr = 'mcr-'; } else { $mcr = ''; } $coverphoto = wppa_get_coverphoto_id($albumid); $image = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPPA_PHOTOS . "` WHERE `id` = %s", $coverphoto), ARRAY_A); $photocount = wppa_get_photo_count($albumid, true); $albumcount = wppa_get_album_count($albumid, true); $mincount = wppa_get_mincount(); $title = ''; $linkpage = ''; $href_title = ''; $href_slideshow = ''; $href_content = ''; $onclick_title = ''; $onclick_slideshow = ''; $onclick_content = ''; // See if there is substantial content to the album $has_content = $albumcount > '0' || $photocount > $mincount; // What is the albums title linktype $linktype = $album['cover_linktype']; if (!$linktype) { $linktype = 'content'; } // Default // What is the albums title linkpage $linkpage = $album['cover_linkpage']; if ($linkpage == '-1') { $linktype = 'none'; } // for backward compatibility // Find the cover title href, onclick and title $title_attr = wppa_get_album_title_attr_a($albumid, $linktype, $linkpage, $has_content, $coverphoto, $photocount); $href_title = $title_attr['href']; $onclick_title = $title_attr['onclick']; $title = $title_attr['title']; // Find the slideshow link and onclick $href_slideshow = wppa_convert_to_pretty(wppa_get_slideshow_url($albumid, $linkpage)); if (wppa_switch('allow_ajax') && !$linkpage) { $onclick_slideshow = "wppaDoAjaxRender( " . wppa('mocc') . ", '" . wppa_get_slideshow_url_ajax($albumid, $linkpage) . "', '" . wppa_convert_to_pretty($href_slideshow) . "' )"; $href_slideshow = "#"; } // Find the content 'View' link $href_content = wppa_convert_to_pretty(wppa_get_album_url($albumid, $linkpage)); if (wppa_switch('allow_ajax') && !$linkpage) { $onclick_content = "wppaDoAjaxRender( " . wppa('mocc') . ", '" . wppa_get_album_url_ajax($albumid, $linkpage) . "', '" . wppa_convert_to_pretty($href_content) . "' )"; $href_content = "#"; } // Find the coverphoto link if ($coverphoto) { $photolink = wppa_get_imglnk_a('coverimg', $coverphoto, $href_title, $title, $onclick_title, '', $albumid); } else { $photolink = false; } // Find the coverphoto details if ($coverphoto) { $path = wppa_get_thumb_path($coverphoto); $imgattr_a = wppa_get_imgstyle_a($coverphoto, $path, wppa_opt('smallsize'), '', 'cover'); $src = wppa_get_thumb_url($coverphoto, '', $imgattr_a['width'], $imgattr_a['height']); } else { $path = ''; $imgattr_a = false; $src = ''; } // Feed? if (is_feed()) { $events = ''; } else { $events = wppa_get_imgevents('cover'); } $photo_pos = wppa('coverphoto_pos'); $style = __wcs('wppa-box') . __wcs('wppa-' . wppa('alt')); if (is_feed()) { $style .= ' padding:7px;'; } $wid = wppa_get_cover_width('cover'); $style .= 'width: ' . $wid . 'px;'; if ($cover_count_key == 'm') { $style .= 'margin-left: 8px;'; } elseif ($cover_count_key == 'r') { $style .= 'float:right;'; } else { $style .= 'clear:both;'; } wppa_step_covercount('cover'); $target = wppa_switch('allow_ajax') ? '_self' : $photolink['target']; // Open the album box wppa_out('<div' . ' id="album-' . $albumid . '-' . wppa('mocc') . '"' . ' class="' . 'wppa-album-cover-longdesc ' . 'album ' . 'wppa-box ' . 'wppa-cover-box ' . 'wppa-cover-box-' . $mcr . wppa('mocc') . ' ' . 'wppa-' . wppa('alt') . '"' . ' style="' . $style . __wcs('wppa-cover-box') . '"' . ' >'); // First The Cover photo? if ($photo_pos == 'left' || $photo_pos == 'top') { wppa_the_coverphoto($albumid, $image, $src, $photo_pos, $photolink, $title, $imgattr_a, $events); } // Open the Cover text frame $textframestyle = wppa_get_text_frame_style($photo_pos, 'cover'); wppa_out('<div' . ' id="covertext_frame_' . $albumid . '_' . wppa('mocc') . '"' . ' class="' . 'wppa-text-frame-' . wppa('mocc') . ' ' . 'wppa-text-frame ' . 'wppa-cover-text-frame ' . 'wppa-asym-text-frame-' . $mcr . wppa('mocc') . '"' . ' ' . $textframestyle . '>'); // The Album title wppa_the_album_title($albumid, $href_title, $onclick_title, $title, $target); // The 'Slideshow'/'Browse' link wppa_the_slideshow_browse_link($photocount, $href_slideshow, $onclick_slideshow, $target); // The 'View' link wppa_album_cover_view_link($albumid, $has_content, $photocount, $albumcount, $mincount, $href_content, $target, $onclick_content); // Close the Cover text frame wppa_out('</div>'); // The Cover photo last? if ($photo_pos == 'right' || $photo_pos == 'bottom') { wppa_the_coverphoto($albumid, $image, $src, $photo_pos, $photolink, $title, $imgattr_a, $events); } // The Album description if (wppa_switch('show_cover_text')) { $textheight = wppa_opt('text_frame_height') > '0' ? 'min-height:' . wppa_opt('text_frame_height') . 'px; ' : ''; wppa_out('<div' . ' id="coverdesc_frame_' . $albumid . '_' . wppa('mocc') . '"' . ' style="clear:both"' . ' >' . '<p' . ' class="wppa-box-text wppa-black wppa-box-text-desc"' . ' style="' . $textheight . __wcs('wppa-box-text') . __wcs('wppa-black') . '"' . ' >' . wppa_get_album_desc($albumid) . '</p>' . '</div>'); } // The sublinks wppa_albumcover_sublinks($albumid, wppa_get_cover_width('cover'), $multicolresp); // Prepare for closing wppa_out('<div style="clear:both;"></div>'); // Close the album box wppa_out('</div>'); // Toggle alt/even wppa_toggle_alt(); }