function wpo_PluginOptionsSetDefaults()
    $deprecated = null;
    $autoload = 'no';
    if (get_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE) !== false) {
        // The option already exists, so we just update it.
    } else {
        // The option hasn't been added yet. We'll add it with $autoload set to 'no'.
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE, 'false', $deprecated, $autoload);
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_LAST_OPT, 'Never', $deprecated, $autoload);
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE_TYPE, 'wpo_weekly', $deprecated, $autoload);
        // deactivate cron
    if (get_option(OPTION_NAME_RETENTION_ENABLED) !== false) {
    } else {
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_RETENTION_ENABLED, 'false', $deprecated, $autoload);
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_RETENTION_PERIOD, '2', $deprecated, $autoload);
    if (get_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_ADMIN_MENU) !== false) {
    } else {
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_ADMIN_MENU, 'false', $deprecated, $autoload);
    // ---------
    if (get_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_EMAIL) !== false) {
    } else {
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_EMAIL, 'true', $deprecated, $autoload);
    // ---------
    if (get_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_EMAIL_ADDRESS) !== '') {
    } else {
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, get_bloginfo('admin_email'), $deprecated, $autoload);
    if (get_option(OPTION_NAME_TOTAL_CLEANED) !== false) {
    } else {
        add_option(OPTION_NAME_TOTAL_CLEANED, '0', $deprecated, $autoload);
    if (get_option('wp-optimize-auto') !== false) {
        // The option already exists, so we just update it.
    } else {
        // 'revisions', 'drafts', 'spams', 'unapproved', 'transient', 'postmeta', 'tags'
        $new_options = array('revisions' => 'true', 'drafts' => 'true', 'spams' => 'true', 'unapproved' => 'false', 'transient' => 'false', 'postmeta' => 'false', 'tags' => 'false', 'optimize' => 'true');
        update_option('wp-optimize-auto', $new_options);
    // settings for main screen
    if (get_option('wp-optimize-settings') !== false) {
        // The option already exists, so we just update it.
    } else {
        // 'revisions', 'drafts', 'spams', 'unapproved', 'transient', 'postmeta', 'tags'
        $new_options_main = array('user-revisions' => 'true', 'user-drafts' => 'true', 'user-spams' => 'true', 'user-unapproved' => 'true', 'user-transient' => 'false', 'user-optimize' => 'true');
        update_option('wp-optimize-settings', $new_options_main);
     				add_filter('cron_schedules', 'wpo_cron_update_sched');
     			}	 */
     if (isset($_POST["schedule_type"])) {
         $schedule_type = $_POST['schedule_type'];
         update_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE_TYPE, $schedule_type);
     } else {
         update_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE_TYPE, 'wpo_weekly');
     add_action('wpo_cron_event2', 'wpo_cron_action');
     wpo_debugLog('We are at setting page form submission and reached wpo_cron_activate()');
 } else {
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE, 'false');
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_SCHEDULE_TYPE, 'wpo_weekly');
 if (isset($_POST["enable-retention"])) {
     $retention_period = $_POST['retention-period'];
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_RETENTION_ENABLED, 'true');
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_RETENTION_PERIOD, $retention_period);
 } else {
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_RETENTION_ENABLED, 'false');
 if (isset($_POST["enable-admin-bar"])) {
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_ADMIN_MENU, 'true');
 } else {
     update_option(OPTION_NAME_ENABLE_ADMIN_MENU, 'false');
 if (isset($_POST['wp-optimize-settings'])) {
     $new_options = $_POST['wp-optimize-auto'];
Exemple #3
function wpo_admin_actions_remove()