Exemple #1
 function vcex_spacing_shortcode_vc_map()
     vc_map(array('name' => __('Spacing', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Adds spacing anywhere you need it.', 'wpex'), 'base' => 'vcex_spacing', 'category' => WPEX_THEME_BRANDING, 'icon' => 'vcex-spacing', 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Spacing', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'size', 'value' => '30px'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Classname', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'class'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Visibility', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => wpex_visibility_array()))));
Exemple #2
vc_add_param('vc_column_inner', array('type' => 'textfield', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __('Padding Bottom', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'padding_bottom', 'group' => __('Margin & Padding', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_column_inner', array('type' => 'textfield', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __('Padding Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'padding_left', 'group' => __('Margin & Padding', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_column_inner', array('type' => 'textfield', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __('Padding Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'padding_right', 'group' => __('Margin & Padding', 'wpex')));
/*	- Tabs
vc_add_param('vc_tabs', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => 'default', __('Alternative #1', 'wpex') => 'alternative-one', __('Alternative #2', 'wpex') => 'alternative-two')));
/*	- Tours
vc_add_param('vc_tour', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => 'default', __('Alternative #1', 'wpex') => 'alternative-one', __('Alternative #2', 'wpex') => 'alternative-two')));
/*	- Rows
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Row ID', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'id'));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Visibility', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => wpex_visibility_array()));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => wpex_css_animations_array()));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Typography Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => array(__('Dark Text', 'wpex') => '', __('White Text', 'wpex') => 'light')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Spacing Between Columns', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'column_spacing', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', '0px' => '0px', '20px' => '20', '30px' => '30', '40px' => '40', '50px' => '50', '60px' => '60')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Center Row Content', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'center_row', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => '', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'yes'), 'description' => __('Use this option to center the inner content (Horizontally). Useful when using full-width pages.', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Remove Spacing', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'no_margins', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => '', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'true'), 'description' => __('Check this option to remove all spacing between columns', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Full-Width Columns On Tablets', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'tablet_fullwidth_cols', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => '', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'yes'), 'description' => __('Check this box to make all columns inside this row full-width for tablets.', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Minimum Height', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'min_height', 'description' => __('You can enter a minimum height for this row.', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'bg_color', 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Background Image', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'bg_image', 'description' => __('Select image from media library.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Background Image Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'bg_style', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', __('Stretched', 'wpex') => 'stretch', __('Fixed', 'wpex') => 'fixed', __('Simple Parallax', 'wpex') => 'parallax', __('Advanced Parallax', 'wpex') => 'parallax-advanced', __('Repeat', 'wpex') => 'repeat'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'background_image', 'not_empty' => true), 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Parallax Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'parallax_style', 'value' => array(__('Fixed & Repeat', 'wpex') => '', __('Fixed & No-Repeat', 'wpex') => 'fixed-no-repeat'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'bg_style', 'value' => array('parallax-advanced')), 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex')));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Parallax Direction', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'parallax_direction', 'value' => array(__('Up', 'wpex') => '', __('Down', 'wpex') => 'down', __('Left', 'wpex') => 'left', __('Right', 'wpex') => 'right'), 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'bg_style', 'value' => array('parallax-advanced'))));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Parallax Speed', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'parallax_speed', 'description' => __('The movement speed, value should be between 0.1 and 1.0. The default is 0.5. A lower number means slower scrolling speed. Be mindful of the background size and the dimensions of your background image when setting this value. Faster scrolling means that the image will move faster, make sure that your background image has enough width or height for the offset.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'bg_style', 'value' => array('parallax-advanced'))));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Enable parallax for mobile devices', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'parallax_mobile', 'value' => array(__('Check to enable parallax for mobile devices', 'wpex') => 'on'), 'description' => __('Parallax effects would most probably cause slowdowns when your site is viewed in mobile devices. By default it is disabled.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'bg_style', 'value' => array('parallax-advanced'))));
vc_add_param('vc_row', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'heading' => __('Enable Self Hosted Video Background?', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'video_bg', 'description' => __('Check this box to enable the options for a self hosted video background.', 'wpex'), 'value' => array(__('Yes, please', 'wpex') => 'yes'), 'group' => __('Video', 'wpex')));