function wp_statistics_generate_words_postbox_content($ISOCountryCode, $count = 10) { global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics; // Retrieve MySQL data for the search words. $search_query = wp_statistics_searchword_query('all'); // Determine if we're using the old or new method of storing search engine info and build the appropriate table name. $tablename = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_'; if ($WP_Statistics->get_option('search_converted')) { $tabletwo = $tablename . 'visitor'; $tablename .= 'search'; $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` INNER JOIN `{$tabletwo}` on {$tablename}.`visitor` = {$tabletwo}.`ID` WHERE {$search_query} ORDER BY `{$tablename}`.`ID` DESC LIMIT 0, {$count}"); } else { $tablename .= 'visitor'; $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE {$search_query} ORDER BY `{$tablename}`.`ID` DESC LIMIT 0, {$count}"); } if (sizeof($result) > 0) { echo "<div class='log-latest'>"; foreach ($result as $items) { if (!$WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_QueryString($items->referred)) { continue; } if (substr($items->ip, 0, 6) == '#hash#') { $ip_string = __('#hash#', 'wp_statistics'); } else { $ip_string = "<a href='{$items->ip}' target='_blank'>{$items->ip}</a>"; } if ($WP_Statistics->get_option('search_converted')) { $this_search_engine = $WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_Info_By_Engine($items->engine); $words = $items->words; } else { $this_search_engine = $WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_Info($items->referred); $words = $WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_QueryString($items->referred); } echo "<div class='log-item'>"; echo "<div class='log-referred'>" . $words . "</div>"; echo "<div class='log-ip'>" . date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($items->last_counter)) . " - {$ip_string}</div>"; echo "<div class='clear'></div>"; echo "<div class='log-url'>"; echo "<a class='show-map' href='{$items->ip}' target='_blank' title='" . __('Map', 'wp_statistics') . "'>" . wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-location-alt', 'map') . "</a>"; if ($WP_Statistics->get_option('geoip')) { echo "<img src='" . plugins_url('wp-statistics/assets/images/flags/' . $items->location . '.png') . "' title='{$ISOCountryCode[$items->location]}' class='log-tools'/>"; } $this_search_engine = $WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_Info($items->referred); echo "<a href='?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE . "&type=last-all-search&referred={$this_search_engine['tag']}'><img src='" . plugins_url('wp-statistics/assets/images/' . $this_search_engine['image']) . "' class='log-tools' title='" . $this_search_engine['translated'] . "'/></a>"; if (array_search(strtolower($items->agent), array("chrome", "firefox", "msie", "opera", "safari")) !== FALSE) { $agent = "<img src='" . plugins_url('wp-statistics/assets/images/') . $items->agent . ".png' class='log-tools' title='{$items->agent}'/>"; } else { $agent = wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-editor-help', 'unknown'); } echo "<a href='?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE . "&type=last-all-visitor&agent={$items->agent}'>{$agent}</a>"; echo "<a href='" . htmlentities($items->referred, ENT_QUOTES) . "' title='" . htmlentities($items->referred, ENT_QUOTES) . "'>" . wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-admin-links', 'link') . " " . htmlentities($items->referred, ENT_QUOTES) . "</a></div>"; echo "</div>"; } echo "</div>"; } }
if ($total > 0) { // Instantiate pagination object with appropriate arguments $pagesPerSection = 10; $options = array(25, "All"); $stylePageOff = "pageOff"; $stylePageOn = "pageOn"; $styleErrors = "paginationErrors"; $styleSelect = "paginationSelect"; $Pagination = new WP_Statistics_Pagination($total, $pagesPerSection, $options, false, $stylePageOff, $stylePageOn, $styleErrors, $styleSelect); $start = $Pagination->getEntryStart(); $end = $Pagination->getEntryEnd(); // Retrieve MySQL data if ($referred && $referred != '') { $search_query = wp_statistics_searchword_query($referred); } else { $search_query = wp_statistics_searchword_query('all'); } $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE {$search_query} ORDER BY `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor`.`ID` DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$end}"); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../functions/country-codes.php"; $dash_icon = wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-location-alt', 'map'); foreach ($result as $items) { if (!$WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_QueryString($items->referred)) { continue; } if (substr($items->ip, 0, 6) == '#hash#') { $ip_string = __('#hash#', 'wp_statistics'); $map_string = ""; } else { $ip_string = "<a href='{$items->ip}' target='_blank'>{$items->ip}</a>"; $map_string = "<a class='show-map' href='{$items->ip}' target='_blank' title='" . __('Map', 'wp_statistics') . "'>{$dash_icon}</a>"; }
function wp_statistics_searchword($search_engine = 'all', $time = 'total') { global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics; // Get a complete list of search engines $search_query = wp_statistics_searchword_query($search_engine); // This function accepts several options for time parameter, each one has a unique SQL query string. // They're pretty self explanatory. switch ($time) { case 'today': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d')}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'yesterday': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -1)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'week': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -7)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'month': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -30)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'year': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -360)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'total': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE {$search_query}"); break; default: $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', $time)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; } return $result; }
function wp_statistics_searchword($search_engine = 'all', $time = 'total') { global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics; // Determine if we're using the old or new method of storing search engine info and build the appropriate table name. $tablename = $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_'; if ($WP_Statistics->get_option('search_converted')) { $tablename .= 'search'; } else { $tablename .= 'visitor'; } // Get a complete list of search engines $search_query = wp_statistics_searchword_query($search_engine); // This function accepts several options for time parameter, each one has a unique SQL query string. // They're pretty self explanatory. switch ($time) { case 'today': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d')}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'yesterday': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -1)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'week': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -7)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'month': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -30)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'year': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', -360)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; case 'total': $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE {$search_query}"); break; default: $result = $wpdb->query("SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d', $time)}' AND {$search_query}"); break; } return $result; }