/** * Shows the Primary Menu * * default load in sidebar-header-right.php */ function ecvetstep_primary_menu() { ?> <div id="header-menu"> <nav id="access" role="navigation"> <h2 class="assistive-text"><?php _e('Primary Menu', 'ecvetstep'); ?> </h2> <div class="assistive-text skip-link"><a href="#content" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Skip to content', 'ecvetstep'); ?> "><?php _e('Skip to content', 'ecvetstep'); ?> </a></div> <?php if (has_nav_menu('primary')) { $ecvetstep_primary_menu_args = array('theme_location' => 'primary', 'container_class' => 'menu-header-container', 'items_wrap' => '<ul class="menu">%3$s</ul>'); wp_nav_menu($ecvetstep_primary_menu_args); } else { echo '<div class="menu-header-container">'; wp_page_menu(array('menu_class' => 'menu')); echo '</div>'; } ?> </nav><!-- .site-navigation .main-navigation --> </div> <?php }
/** * Default fallback_cb, but filtered with new classnames and nav_menu_container */ public function page_menu($args) { add_filter('wp_page_menu', array($this, 'nav_menu_container'), 10, 2); add_filter('wp_page_menu', array($this, 'shim_classnames'), 10, 2); wp_page_menu($args); remove_filter('wp_page_menu', array($this, 'nav_menu_container'), 10, 2); remove_filter('wp_page_menu', array($this, 'shim_classnames'), 10, 2); }
function bpmagic_main_nav_fallback($args) { $pages_args = array('depth' => 0, 'echo' => false, 'exclude' => '', 'title_li' => ''); $menu = wp_page_menu($pages_args); $menu = str_replace(array('<div class="menu"><ul>', '</ul></div>'), array('<ul id="nav">', '</ul><!-- #nav -->'), $menu); echo $menu; do_action('bp_nav_items'); }
public function fallback($args) { if ($args["theme_location"] === "main") { add_filter("wp_page_menu", array(&$this, "wp_page_menu_filter")); wp_page_menu(array("depth" => 1, "menu_class" => "menu")); remove_filter("wp_page_menu", array(&$this, "wp_page_menu_filter")); } }
/** * Add primary menu. * * @action rock_site_navigation * @since 1.0.0 */ function rock_add_primary_menu() { if (!has_nav_menu('primary')) { wp_page_menu(array('depth' => 1, 'show_home' => true)); return; } wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'primary', 'walker' => new Rock_Walker_Nav_Menu())); }
/** * Shows the Primary Menu * * default load in sidebar-header.php */ function catchadaptive_primary_menu() { $options = catchadaptive_get_theme_options(); ?> <nav class="nav-primary" role="navigation"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="screen-reader-text skip-link"><a href="#content" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Skip to content', 'catchadaptive'); ?> "><?php _e('Skip to content', 'catchadaptive'); ?> </a></div> <?php if (has_nav_menu('primary')) { $classes = "mobile-menu-anchor primary-menu"; } else { $classes = "mobile-menu-anchor page-menu"; } ?> <div id="mobile-header-left-menu" class="<?php echo $classes; ?> "> <a href="#mobile-header-left-nav" id="header-left-menu" class="genericon genericon-menu"> <span class="mobile-menu-text"><?php _e('Menu', 'catchadaptive'); ?> </span> </a> </div><!-- #mobile-header-menu --> <?php $logo_alt = '' != $options['logo_alt_text'] ? $options['logo_alt_text'] : get_bloginfo('name', 'display'); if (isset($options['logo_icon']) && $options['logo_icon'] != '' && !empty($options['logo_icon'])) { echo '<div id="logo-icon"><a href="' . esc_url(home_url('/')) . '" title="' . esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')) . '" rel="home"> <img src="' . esc_url($options['logo_icon']) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($logo_alt) . '"> </a></div>'; } echo '<h1 class="assistive-text">' . __('Primary Menu', 'catchadaptive') . '</h1>'; if (has_nav_menu('primary')) { $catchadaptive_primary_menu_args = array('theme_location' => 'primary', 'menu_class' => 'menu catchadaptive-nav-menu', 'container' => false); wp_nav_menu($catchadaptive_primary_menu_args); } else { wp_page_menu(array('menu_class' => 'menu catchadaptive-nav-menu')); } ?> <div id="header-toggle" class="genericon genericon-search"> <a class="screen-reader-text" href="#header-toggle-sidebar"><?php _e('Search', 'catchadaptive'); ?> </a> </div> </div><!-- .wrapper --> </nav><!-- .nav-primary --> <?php }
function sith_fallback_pages() { $args = array('depth' => 0, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title', 'menu_class' => '', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => false, 'show_home' => true, 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => ''); $pages = wp_page_menu($args); $prepend = '<div class="teste">'; $append = '</div>'; $output = $prepend . $pages . $append; echo $output; }
function om_primary_menu_fallback($args) { $menu = wp_page_menu(array('echo' => false)); $args['menu_class'] .= ' primary-menu-fallback'; $menu = str_replace('<div class="menu"><ul>', '<div class="menu"><ul class="' . esc_attr($args['menu_class']) . '">', $menu); if (isset($args) && $args['echo'] == false) { return $menu; } else { echo om_esc_wpcf($menu); } }
function joints_main_nav_fallback() { wp_page_menu( array( 'show_home' => true, 'menu_class' => '', // Adding custom nav class 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => true, 'link_before' => '', // Before each link 'link_after' => '' // After each link ) ); }
function mesocolumn_revert_wp_menu_page($args) { global $bp, $bp_active; $pages_args = array('depth' => 0, 'echo' => false, 'exclude' => '', 'title_li' => ''); $menu = wp_page_menu($pages_args); $menu = str_replace(array('<div class="menu"><ul>', '</ul></div>'), array('<ul class="sf-menu">', '</ul>'), $menu); echo $menu; if ($bp_active == 'true') { do_action('bp_nav_items'); } }
public function section_nav($args = array()) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array(); } $exclude = EdcMenu::nav_excluded_page_ids(); if (isset($args['exclude']) && is_array($args['exclude'])) { $exclude = array_merge($args['exlude'], $exclude); unset($args['exclude']); } $topPage = $this->getSectionID(); echo '<h2>' . (0 == $topPage ? '' : get_the_title($topPage)) . '</h2>'; return wp_page_menu(array_merge(array('child_of' => $topPage, 'depth' => 2, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'exclude' => $exclude), $args)); }
/** * [page_menu] shortcode * @since 0.1 */ function pixopoint_page_menu_shortcode($atts) { // Grabbing parameters and setting default values extract(shortcode_atts(array('include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'show_home' => 'true', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => ''), $atts)); // Sanitise as comma delimited list of numbers $include = pixopoint_validate_comma_numeric($include); $exclude = pixopoint_validate_comma_numeric($exclude); // True or false settings if ('false' == $show_home) { $show_home = 0; } else { $show_home = 1; } // Sanitise HTML $link_before = sanitize_title($link_before, ''); $link_after = sanitize_title($link_after, ''); return wp_page_menu('echo=0&include=' . $include . '&exclude=' . $exclude . '&show_home=' . $show_home . '&link_before=' . $link_before . '&link_after=' . $link_after); }
/** * Front-end display of widget. * * @see WP_Widget::widget() * * @param array $args Widget arguments. * @param array $instance Saved values from database. */ public function widget($args, $instance) { echo $args['before_widget']; ?> <nav id="nav" class="site_nav"> <?php $args = array('depth' => 0, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title', 'menu_class' => 'menu', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => true, 'show_home' => false, 'post_type' => 'article', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => ''); ?> <?php wp_page_menu($args); ?> </nav> <?php echo $args['after_widget']; }
function sfhiv_draw_page_navigation($post_ids, $args = array()) { extract($args); if (!is_array($post_ids)) { $post_ids = array($post_ids); } $ids_to_show = array(); ?> <nav><?php foreach ($post_ids as $ID) { array_push($ids_to_show, $ID); if (!isset($show_children) || $show_children) { $children = get_pages(apply_filters('sfhiv_filter_args', array("parent" => $ID, "hierarchical" => 0, "post_type" => get_post_type($ID)))); foreach ($children as $child) { array_push($ids_to_show, $child->ID); } } $parents = get_ancestors($ID, get_post_type($ID)); if (!isset($show_parents) || $show_parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { array_push($ids_to_show, $parent); } } if (!isset($show_siblings) || $show_siblings) { if (count($parents) > 0) { $parent_ID = $parents[0]; $siblings = get_pages(apply_filters('sfhiv_filter_args', array("parent" => $parent_ID, "hierarchical" => 0, "post_type" => get_post_type($ID)))); foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { array_push($ids_to_show, $sibling->ID); } } } } wp_page_menu(array_merge($args, array('show_home' => false, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'include' => implode(",", $ids_to_show), 'post_type' => get_post_type($ID), 'walker' => new SFHIV_Post_Type_Walker_Menu()))); ?> </nav><?php }
/** * Chip Menu(s) Callback */ function chip_zero_primary_menu() { wp_page_menu(array('menu_class' => 'primary-container')); }
function weaverii_page_menu() { /* handle sf-menu for wp_page_menu */ $menu = wp_page_menu(array('echo' => false)); if (weaverii_use_sf()) { $ulpos = stripos($menu, '<ul>'); if ($ulpos !== false) { echo substr_replace($menu, '<ul class="sf-menu">', $ulpos, 4); } } else { echo $menu; } }
bloginfo('description'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!-- #branding --> <div id="access"> <div class="skip-link"><a href="#content" title="<?php _e('Skip to content', 'your-theme'); ?> "><?php _e('Skip to content', 'your-theme'); ?> </a></div> <?php wp_page_menu(array('sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'exclude_tree' => 40)); ?> </div><!-- #access --> </div><!-- #masthead --> </div><!-- #header --> <div id="main"> <ul id="products"> <?php wp_list_pages(array('child_of' => 40, 'title_li' => '')); ?> </ul>
wp_head(); ?> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <header> <!-- Gets the WordPress site name and links it to it's URL. --> <h1><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?> "><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </a></h1> <!-- Load the search form. --> <?php get_search_form(); ?> <p class="hr_sep"></p> <!-- Load the page navigation into an unordered list. --> <nav> <?php wp_page_menu('show_home=1'); ?> </nav> </header> <section>
function sds_primary_menu_fallback() { wp_page_menu(array('menu_class' => 'primary-nav menu', 'echo' => true, 'show_home' => true, 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '')); }
/** * Shows Header Part Content * * Shows the site logo, title, description, searchbar, social icons etc. */ function attitude_headerdetails() { ?> <?php global $options, $array_of_default_settings; $options = wp_parse_args(get_option('attitude_theme_options', array()), attitude_get_option_defaults()); $elements = array(); $elements = array($options['social_facebook'], $options['social_twitter'], $options['social_googleplus'], $options['social_linkedin'], $options['social_pinterest'], $options['social_youtube'], $options['social_vimeo'], $options['social_flickr'], $options['social_tumblr'], $options['social_myspace'], $options['social_rss']); $flag = 0; if (!empty($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $option) { if (!empty($option)) { $flag = 1; } else { $flag = 0; } if (1 == $flag) { break; } } } ?> <div class="container clearfix"> <div class="hgroup-wrap clearfix"> <?php if (0 == $options['hide_header_searchform'] || 1 == $flag) { ?> <section class="hgroup-right"> <?php attitude_socialnetworks($flag); ?> <?php if (0 == $options['hide_header_searchform']) { get_search_form(); } ?> </section><!-- .hgroup-right --> <?php } ?> <hgroup id="site-logo" class="clearfix"> <?php if ($options['header_show'] != 'disable-both' && $options['header_show'] == 'header-text') { ?> <?php if (is_single() || !is_page_template('page-template-business.php') && !is_home()) { ?> <h2 id="site-title"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> " rel="home"> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </a> </h2> <?php } else { ?> <h1 id="site-title"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> " rel="home"> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </a> </h1> <?php } $site_description = get_bloginfo('description', 'display'); if ($site_description) { ?> <h2 id="site-description"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?> </h2> <?php } ?> <?php } elseif ($options['header_show'] != 'disable-both' && $options['header_show'] == 'header-logo') { ?> <?php if (is_single() || !is_page_template('page-template-business.php') && !is_home()) { ?> <h2 id="site-title"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> " rel="home"> <img src="<?php echo $options['header_logo']; ?> " alt="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> "> </a> </h2> <?php } else { ?> <h1 id="site-title"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> " rel="home"> <img src="<?php echo $options['header_logo']; ?> " alt="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> "> </a> </h1> <?php } } ?> </hgroup><!-- #site-logo --> </div><!-- .hgroup-wrap --> </div><!-- .container --> <?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if (!empty($header_image)) { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> "><img src="<?php echo esc_url($header_image); ?> " class="header-image" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?> " height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?> " alt="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> "></a> <?php } ?> <?php if (has_nav_menu('primary')) { $args = array('theme_location' => 'primary', 'container' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul class="root">%3$s</ul>'); echo '<nav id="access" class="clearfix"> <div class="container clearfix">'; wp_nav_menu($args); echo '</div><!-- .container --> </nav><!-- #access -->'; } else { echo '<nav id="access" class="clearfix"> <div class="container clearfix">'; wp_page_menu(array('menu_class' => 'root')); echo '</div><!-- .container --> </nav><!-- #access -->'; } ?> <?php global $options, $array_of_default_settings; $options = wp_parse_args(get_option('attitude_theme_options', array()), attitude_get_option_defaults()); if ('above-slider' == $options['slogan_position'] && (is_home() || is_front_page())) { if (function_exists('attitude_home_slogan')) { attitude_home_slogan(); } } if (is_home() || is_front_page()) { if (0 == $options['disable_slider']) { if (function_exists('attitude_pass_cycle_parameters')) { attitude_pass_cycle_parameters(); } if (function_exists('attitude_featured_post_slider')) { attitude_featured_post_slider(); } } } else { if ('' != attitude_header_title() || function_exists('bcn_display_list')) { ?> <div class="page-title-wrap"> <div class="container clearfix"> <?php if (function_exists('attitude_breadcrumb')) { attitude_breadcrumb(); } if ('' != attitude_header_title()) { ?> <h1 class="page-title"><?php echo attitude_header_title(); ?> </h1><!-- .page-title --> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } } if ('below-slider' == $options['slogan_position'] && (is_home() || is_front_page())) { if (function_exists('attitude_home_slogan')) { attitude_home_slogan(); } } }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Pages') : $instance['title']); $sortby = empty($instance['sortby']) ? 'menu_order' : $instance['sortby']; $sort_order = empty($instance['sort_order']) ? 'asc' : $instance['sort_order']; $exclude = empty($instance['exclude']) ? '' : $instance['exclude']; $exclude_tree = empty($instance['exclude_tree']) ? '' : $instance['exclude_tree']; $include = empty($instance['include']) ? '' : $instance['include']; $depth = empty($instance['depth']) ? '0' : $instance['depth']; $child_of = empty($instance['child_of']) ? '0' : $instance['child_of']; $show_date = empty($instance['show_date']) ? '' : $instance['show_date']; $date_format = empty($instance['date_format']) ? '' : $instance['date_format']; $meta_key = empty($instance['meta_key']) ? '' : $instance['meta_key']; $meta_value = empty($instance['meta_value']) ? '' : $instance['meta_value']; $show_home = empty($instance['show_home']) ? '' : $instance['show_home']; $link_before = empty($instance['link_before']) ? '' : $instance['link_before']; $link_after = empty($instance['link_after']) ? '' : $instance['link_after']; $authors = empty($instance['authors']) ? '' : $instance['authors']; $number = empty($instance['number']) ? '' : $instance['number']; $offset = empty($instance['offset']) ? '' : $instance['offset']; if ($sortby != 'post_title' || $sortby != 'ID') { $sortby = $sortby . ', post_title'; } if ($show_home != '') { $out = wp_page_menu(apply_filters('widget_pages_args', array('title_li' => '', 'echo' => 0, 'sort_column' => $sortby, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'exclude_tree' => $exclude_tree, 'include' => $include, 'depth' => $depth, 'child_of' => $child_of, 'show_date' => $show_date, 'date_format' => $date_format, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => $meta_value, 'link_before' => $link_before, 'link_after' => $link_after, 'authors' => $authors, 'number' => $number, 'offset' => $offset, 'show_home' => $show_home))); } else { $out = wp_list_pages(apply_filters('widget_pages_args', array('title_li' => '', 'echo' => 0, 'sort_column' => $sortby, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'exclude_tree' => $exclude_tree, 'include' => $include, 'depth' => $depth, 'child_of' => $child_of, 'show_date' => $show_date, 'date_format' => $date_format, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => $meta_value, 'link_before' => $link_before, 'link_after' => $link_after, 'authors' => $authors, 'number' => $number, 'offset' => $offset, 'show_home' => $show_home))); } if (!empty($out)) { echo $before_widget; if ($title) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } ?> <ul> <?php echo $out; ?> </ul> <?php echo $after_widget; } }
function bones_main_nav_fallback() { wp_page_menu(array('show_home' => true, 'menu_class' => 'nav top-nav clearfix', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => true, 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '')); }
header_image(); ?> "/></a> <h2 class="site-title-hidden"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?> </h2> <!-- Site Main Menu Goes Here --> <nav id="d5corporate-main-menu"> <?php if (has_nav_menu('main-menu')) { wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'main-menu')); } else { wp_page_menu(); } ?> </nav> </div><!-- header-content --> </div><!-- header --> <?php if (!is_front_page()) { echo '<div id="headersep"> </div>'; } ?>
function section_nav($section) { global $wpdb; $excluded = $wpdb->get_col("\n SELECT ID\n FROM {$wpdb->posts} as p\n INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} as pm\n on pm.post_id = p.ID\n WHERE\n pm.meta_key = 'edc_hide_from_menu'\n AND pm.meta_value = 1\n "); return wp_page_menu(array('child_of' => $section, 'depth' => 1, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'exclude' => implode(",", $excluded))); }
?> /js/tema.js"></script> <script src="//connect.facebook.net/pt_BR/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=478400318884455" id="facebook-jssdk"></script> <?php wp_head(); ?> </head> <body> <div id="fb-root"></div> <div id="page"> <header> <nav id="nav_top"> <div class="margem"> <div id="nav_left"> <?php wp_page_menu('show_home=1&sort_column=menu_order, post_title'); ?> </div> <div id="nav_right"> <ul> <li>Inscreva-se:</li> <li><a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/WorkspaceBlogBr" target="_blank">RSS Posts</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav> <div id="header"> <div class="margem"> <div id="logo"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
function ct_tracks_wp_page_menu() { wp_page_menu(array("menu_class" => "menu-unset")); }
function bones_main_nav_fallback() { wp_page_menu('show_home=Home'); }
/** * Shows Header Part Content * * Shows the site logo, title, description, searchbar, social icons etc. */ function travelify_headerdetails() { ?> <?php global $travelify_theme_options_settings; $options = $travelify_theme_options_settings; $elements = array(); $elements = array($options['social_facebook'], $options['social_twitter'], $options['social_googleplus'], $options['social_linkedin'], $options['social_pinterest'], $options['social_youtube'], $options['social_vimeo'], $options['social_flickr'], $options['social_tumblr'], $options['social_instagram'], $options['social_rss'], $options['social_github']); $flag = 0; if (!empty($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $option) { if (!empty($option)) { $flag = 1; } else { $flag = 0; } if (1 == $flag) { break; } } } ?> <div class="container clearfix"> <div class="hgroup-wrap clearfix"> <section class="hgroup-right"> <?php travelify_socialnetworks($flag); ?> </section><!-- .hgroup-right --> <hgroup id="site-logo" class="clearfix"> <?php if ($options['header_show'] != 'disable-both' && $options['header_show'] == 'header-text') { ?> <h1 id="site-title"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> " rel="home"> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </a> </h1> <h2 id="site-description"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?> </h2> <?php } elseif ($options['header_show'] != 'disable-both' && $options['header_show'] == 'header-logo') { ?> <h1 id="site-title"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> " rel="home"> <img src="<?php echo $options['header_logo']; ?> " alt="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> "> </a> </h1> <?php } ?> </hgroup><!-- #site-logo --> </div><!-- .hgroup-wrap --> </div><!-- .container --> <?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if (!empty($header_image)) { ?> <img src="<?php echo esc_url($header_image); ?> " class="header-image" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?> " height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?> " alt="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name', 'display')); ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php if (has_nav_menu('primary')) { $args = array('theme_location' => 'primary', 'container' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul class="root">%3$s</ul>'); echo '<nav id="main-nav" class="clearfix"> <div class="container clearfix">'; wp_nav_menu($args); echo '</div><!-- .container --> </nav><!-- #main-nav -->'; } else { echo '<nav id="main-nav" class="clearfix"> <div class="container clearfix">'; wp_page_menu(array('menu_class' => 'root')); echo '</div><!-- .container --> </nav><!-- #main-nav -->'; } ?> <?php if (is_home() || is_front_page()) { if ("0" == $options['disable_slider']) { if (function_exists('travelify_pass_cycle_parameters')) { travelify_pass_cycle_parameters(); } if (function_exists('travelify_featured_post_slider')) { travelify_featured_post_slider(); } } } else { if ('' != travelify_header_title() || function_exists('bcn_display_list')) { ?> <div class="page-title-wrap"> <div class="container clearfix"> <?php if (function_exists('travelify_breadcrumb')) { travelify_breadcrumb(); } ?> <h3 class="page-title"><?php echo travelify_header_title(); ?> </h3><!-- .page-title --> </div> </div> <?php } } }
function ct_apex_wp_page_menu() { wp_page_menu(array("menu_class" => "menu-unset", "depth" => -1)); }
bloginfo('url'); ?> " class="site_panel--home_link current">Home</a> <?php } ?> <!-- Article Menu --> <?php $article_args = array('depth' => 0, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'menu_class' => 'article_menu', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => true, 'show_home' => false, 'post_type' => 'article', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => ''); ?> <?php wp_page_menu($article_args); ?> <div class="social_menu"> <ul> <?php $facebook_link = get_option('tub_facebook_link'); ?> <?php if ($facebook_link) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $facebook_link; ?> " target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i></a></li> <?php