function woo_ce_html_page() { global $wpdb, $export; $title = apply_filters('woo_ce_template_header', __('Store Exporter', 'woocommerce-exporter')); woo_ce_template_header($title); woo_ce_support_donate(); $action = woo_get_action(); switch ($action) { case 'export': if (WOO_CE_DEBUG) { if (false === ($export_log = get_transient(WOO_CE_PREFIX . '_debug_log'))) { $export_log = __('No export entries were found, please try again with different export filters.', 'woocommerce-exporter'); } else { $export_log = base64_decode($export_log); } delete_transient(WOO_CE_PREFIX . '_debug_log'); $output = ' <h3>' . sprintf(__('Export Details: %s', 'woocommerce-exporter'), esc_attr($export->filename)) . '</h3> <p>' . __('This prints the $export global that contains the different export options and filters to help reproduce this on another instance of WordPress. Very useful for debugging blank or unexpected exports.', 'woocommerce-exporter') . '</p> <textarea id="export_log">' . esc_textarea(print_r($export, true)) . '</textarea> <hr />'; if (in_array($export->export_format, array('csv'))) { $output .= ' <script> $j(function() { $j(\'#export_sheet\').CSVToTable(\'\', { startLine: 0 }); }); </script> <h3>' . __('Export', 'woocommerce-exporter') . '</h3> <p>' . __('We use the <a href="" target="_blank"><em>CSV to Table plugin</em></a> to see first hand formatting errors or unexpected values within the export file.', 'woocommerce-exporter') . '</p> <div id="export_sheet">' . esc_textarea($export_log) . '</div> <p class="description">' . __('This jQuery plugin can fail with <code>\'Item count (#) does not match header count\'</code> notices which simply mean the number of headers detected does not match the number of cell contents.', 'woocommerce-exporter') . '</p> <hr />'; } $output .= ' <h3>' . __('Export Log', 'woocommerce-exporter') . '</h3> <p>' . __('This prints the raw export contents and is helpful when the jQuery plugin above fails due to major formatting errors.', 'woocommerce-exporter') . '</p> <textarea id="export_log" wrap="off">' . esc_textarea($export_log) . '</textarea> <hr /> '; echo $output; } woo_ce_manage_form(); break; case 'update': // Save Custom Product Meta if (isset($_POST['custom_products'])) { $custom_products = $_POST['custom_products']; $custom_products = explode("\n", trim($custom_products)); $size = count($custom_products); if ($size) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $custom_products[$i] = sanitize_text_field(trim($custom_products[$i])); } woo_ce_update_option('custom_products', $custom_products); } } $message = __('Custom Fields saved.', 'woocommerce-exporter'); woo_ce_admin_notice_html($message); woo_ce_manage_form(); break; default: woo_ce_manage_form(); break; } woo_ce_template_footer(); }
function woo_ce_html_page() { global $wpdb, $woo_ce, $export; $title = apply_filters('woo_ce_template_header', ''); woo_ce_template_header($title); woo_ce_support_donate(); $action = woo_get_action(); switch ($action) { case 'export': $message = __('Chosen WooCommerce details have been exported from your store.', 'woo_ce'); $output = '<div class="updated settings-error"><p><strong>' . $message . '</strong></p></div>'; if (isset($woo_ce['debug']) && $woo_ce['debug']) { if (!isset($woo_ce['debug_log'])) { $woo_ce['debug_log'] = __('No export entries were found, please try again with different export filters.', 'woo_ce'); } $output .= '<h3>' . sprintf(__('Export Log: %s', 'woo_ce'), $export->filename) . '</h3>'; $output .= '<textarea id="export_log">' . $woo_ce['debug_log'] . '</textarea>'; } echo $output; woo_ce_manage_form(); break; case 'update': if (isset($_POST['custom_orders'])) { $custom_orders = $_POST['custom_orders']; $custom_orders = explode("\n", trim($custom_orders)); $size = count($custom_orders); if ($size) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $custom_orders[$i] = trim($custom_orders[$i]); } woo_ce_update_option('custom_orders', $custom_orders); } } if (isset($_POST['custom_order_items'])) { $custom_order_items = $_POST['custom_order_items']; if (!empty($custom_order_items)) { $custom_order_items = explode("\n", trim($custom_order_items)); $size = count($custom_order_items); if ($size) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $custom_order_items[$i] = trim($custom_order_items[$i]); } woo_ce_update_option('custom_order_items', $custom_order_items); } } else { woo_ce_update_option('custom_order_items', ''); } } $message = __('Custom Fields saved.', 'woo_ce'); $output = '<div class="updated settings-error"><p><strong>' . $message . '</strong></p></div>'; echo $output; woo_ce_manage_form(); break; default: woo_ce_manage_form(); break; } woo_ce_template_footer(); }
function woo_ce_html_page() { global $wpdb, $export; $title = apply_filters('woo_ce_template_header', ''); woo_ce_template_header($title); woo_ce_support_donate(); $action = woo_get_action(); switch ($action) { case 'export': $message = __('Chosen WooCommerce details have been exported from your store.', 'woo_ce'); woo_ce_admin_notice($message); $output = ''; if (WOO_CE_DEBUG) { if (false === ($export_log = get_transient(WOO_CE_PREFIX . '_debug_log'))) { $export_log = __('No export entries were found, please try again with different export filters.', 'woo_ce'); } else { delete_transient(WOO_CE_PREFIX . '_debug_log'); $export_log = base64_decode($export_log); } $output = ' <h3>' . __('Export Details') . '</h3> <textarea id="export_log">' . print_r($export, true) . '</textarea><hr /> <h3>' . sprintf(__('Export Log: %s', 'woo_ce'), $export->filename) . '</h3> <textarea id="export_log">' . $export_log . '</textarea> '; } echo $output; woo_ce_manage_form(); break; case 'update': // Save Custom Product Meta if (isset($_POST['custom_products'])) { $custom_products = $_POST['custom_products']; $custom_products = explode("\n", trim($custom_products)); $size = count($custom_products); if ($size) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $custom_products[$i] = trim($custom_products[$i]); } woo_ce_update_option('custom_products', $custom_products); } } // Save Custom Order Meta if (isset($_POST['custom_orders'])) { $custom_orders = $_POST['custom_orders']; $custom_orders = explode("\n", trim($custom_orders)); $size = count($custom_orders); if ($size) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $custom_orders[$i] = trim($custom_orders[$i]); } woo_ce_update_option('custom_orders', $custom_orders); } } // Save Custom Order Item Meta if (isset($_POST['custom_order_items'])) { $custom_order_items = $_POST['custom_order_items']; if (!empty($custom_order_items)) { $custom_order_items = explode("\n", trim($custom_order_items)); $size = count($custom_order_items); if ($size) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $custom_order_items[$i] = trim($custom_order_items[$i]); } woo_ce_update_option('custom_order_items', $custom_order_items); } } else { woo_ce_update_option('custom_order_items', ''); } } $message = __('Custom Fields saved.', 'woo_ce'); woo_ce_admin_notice($message); woo_ce_manage_form(); break; default: woo_ce_manage_form(); break; } woo_ce_template_footer(); }