Exemple #1
 * Display an error for the vendor/autoload.php file not being found.
 * @param string $type See wfGenericError
 * @param string $mwVersion See wfGenericError
function wfMissingVendorError($type, $mwVersion)
    $shortText = "Installing some external dependencies (e.g. via composer) is required.";
    $longText = "Error: You are missing some external dependencies. \n" . "MediaWiki now also has some external dependencies that need to be installed\n" . "via composer or from a separate git repo. Please see\n" . "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git#Fetch_external_libraries\n" . "for help on installing the required components.";
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength
    $longHtml = <<<HTML
\t\tMediaWiki now also has some external dependencies that need to be installed via
\t\tcomposer or from a separate git repo. Please see
\t\t<a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git#Fetch_external_libraries">mediawiki.org</a>
\t\tfor help on installing the required components.
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
    wfGenericError($type, $mwVersion, 'External dependencies', $shortText, $longText, $longHtml);
 * Display an error for a PHP extension not existing.
 * @param string $type See wfGenericError
 * @param string $mwVersion See wfGenericError
 * @param array $missingExts The extensions we're missing
function wfMissingExtensions($type, $mwVersion, $missingExts)
    $shortText = "Installing some PHP extensions is required.";
    $missingExtText = '';
    $missingExtHtml = '';
    $baseUrl = 'https://secure.php.net';
    foreach ($missingExts as $ext) {
        $missingExtText .= " * {$ext} <{$baseUrl}/{$ext}>\n";
        $missingExtHtml .= "<li><b>{$ext}</b> " . "(<a href=\"{$baseUrl}/{$ext}\">more information</a>)</li>";
    $cliText = "Error: Missing one or more required components of PHP.\n" . "You are missing a required extension to PHP that MediaWiki needs.\n" . "Please install:\n" . $missingExtText;
    $longHtml = <<<HTML
\t\tYou are missing a required extension to PHP that MediaWiki
\t\trequires to run. Please install:
    wfGenericError($type, $mwVersion, 'Required components', $shortText, $cliText, $longHtml);