function weaverii_pro_enqueue_scripts($vers = '1') { if (function_exists('weaveriip_slider_scripts')) { weaveriip_slider_scripts($vers); } if (function_exists('weaveriip_showhide_scripts')) { weaveriip_showhide_scripts($vers); } if (function_exists('weaveriip_moreopts_scripts')) { weaveriip_moreopts_scripts($vers); } // kludgy fix for enqueue-script global $weaverii_cur_page_ID; global $post; if (!$weaverii_cur_page_ID && is_object($post)) { $weaverii_cur_page_ID = get_the_ID(); } weaverii_masonry('enqueue-script'); }
} /* Start the Loop */ weaverii_post_count_clear(); weaverii_masonry('begin-posts'); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); weaverii_post_count_bump(); weaverii_masonry('begin-post'); /* Include the Post-Format-specific template for the content. * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file * called content-___.php (where ___ is the Post Format name) and that will be used instead. */ get_template_part('content', get_post_format()); weaverii_masonry('end-post'); } weaverii_masonry('end-posts'); weaverii_content_nav('nav-below'); ?> <?php } else { weaver_not_found_search(__FILE__); } ?> </div><!-- #content --> <?php weaverii_get_sidebar_bottom('author'); ?> </section><!-- #container --> </div><!-- #container_wrap -->
<?php } // end if !hide_footer if (!weaverii_getopt_checked('wii_footer_last')) { // normally, #colophon inside #page echo "</div><!-- #wrapper -->\n"; } weaverii_inject_area('postfooter'); // and this is the end options insertion echo "<a href=\"#page-top\" id=\"page-bottom\">↑</a>\n"; if (!weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_no_final_div')) { if (weaverii_getopt_checked('wii_hide_final')) { echo '<div id="weaver-final" class="weaver-final-normal wvr-hide-bang">'; } else { echo '<div id="weaver-final" class="weaver-final-normal">'; } } wp_footer(); weaverii_masonry('invoke-code'); if (!weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_no_final_div')) { echo '</div> <!-- #weaver-final -->' . "\n"; } if (weaverii_dev_mode() && weaverii_getopt_checked('_weaverii_diag_timer')) { global $weaverii_timer; $end_time = microtime(true); echo '<span class="wvr-timer-msg">Page generated in: ' . round($end_time - $weaverii_timer, 3) . ' seconds.</span>' . "\n"; } ?> </body> </html>