 * Renders a list of timezone and defaults to the server timezone.
 * @param string $name
 * 	The name of the form element to be used in form processing.
 * @param string $default
function wcs3_generate_timezones_select_list($name = '', $default = NULL)
    $server_timezone = wcs3_get_system_timezone();
    $timezones_list = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
    if ($default == NULL) {
        $default = $server_timezone;
    $option_groups = array("Africa", "America", "Antarctica", "Arctic", "Asia", "Atlantic", "Australia", "Europe", "Indian", "Pacific");
    $output = "<select id='{$name}' name='{$name}'>";
    foreach ($option_groups as $group) {
        $group_timezones = array();
        $output .= "<optgroup label='{$group}'>";
        foreach ($timezones_list as $timezone) {
            if (preg_match("/^{$group}/", $timezone) > 0) {
                $short_timezone = str_replace($group . '/', '', $timezone);
                $group_timezones[$timezone] = $short_timezone;
        foreach ($group_timezones as $timezone => $short_timezone) {
            if ($timezone == $default) {
                $output .= "<option value='{$timezone}' selected='selected'>{$short_timezone}</option>";
            } else {
                $output .= "<option value='{$timezone}'>{$short_timezone}</option>";
        $output .= '</optgroup>';
    $output .= '</select>';
    return $output;
 * Gets the wcs2 schedule data and create new wcs3 entries.
 * @param array $data: wcs2 data.
function wcs3_get_wcs2_schedule_data($data)
    global $wpdb;
    $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wcs2_schedule';
    $wcs3_table = wcs3_get_table_name();
    $query = "SELECT class_id, instructor_id, classroom_id, weekday, start_hour,\n                end_hour, visibility, notes FROM {$table}";
    $r = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    $timezone = wcs3_get_system_timezone();
    foreach ($r as $entry) {
        $new_class_id = $data['classes'][$entry->class_id]['new_id'];
        $new_inst_id = $data['instructors'][$entry->instructor_id]['new_id'];
        $new_loc_id = $data['classrooms'][$entry->classroom_id]['new_id'];
        $wpdb->insert($wcs3_table, array('class_id' => $new_class_id, 'instructor_id' => $new_inst_id, 'location_id' => $new_loc_id, 'weekday' => $entry->weekday, 'start_hour' => $entry->start_hour, 'end_hour' => $entry->end_hour, 'timezone' => $timezone, 'visible' => $entry->visibility, 'notes' => $entry->notes), array('%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s'));
 * Sets PHP's global timezone var.
function wcs3_set_global_timezone()
    $timezone = wcs3_get_system_timezone();
 * Add or update schedule entry handler.
function wcs3_add_or_update_schedule_entry_callback()
    global $wpdb;
    $response = __('Schedule entry added successfully', 'wcs3');
    $result = 'updated';
    $update_request = FALSE;
    $row_id = NULL;
    $days_to_update = array();
    $table = wcs3_get_table_name();
    $required = array('class_id' => __('Class ID'), 'instructor_id' => __('Instructor ID'), 'location_id' => __('Location ID'), 'weekday' => __('Weekday'), 'start_hour' => __('Start Hour'), 'start_minute' => __('Start Minute'), 'end_hour' => __('End Hour'), 'end_minute' => __('End Minute'), 'visible' => __('Visible'));
    if (isset($_POST['row_id'])) {
        // This is an update request and not an insert.
        $update_request = TRUE;
        $row_id = sanitize_text_field($_POST['row_id']);
    $wcs3_options = wcs3_load_settings();
    $class_id = sanitize_text_field($_POST['class_id']);
    $instructor_id = sanitize_text_field($_POST['instructor_id']);
    $location_id = sanitize_text_field($_POST['location_id']);
    $weekday = sanitize_text_field($_POST['weekday']);
    $start_hour = sanitize_text_field($_POST['start_hour']);
    $start_minute = sanitize_text_field($_POST['start_minute']);
    $end_hour = sanitize_text_field($_POST['end_hour']);
    $end_minute = sanitize_text_field($_POST['end_minute']);
    $visible = sanitize_text_field($_POST['visible']);
    $notes = '';
    // Check if we need to sanitize the notes or leave as is.
    if ($_POST['notes'] != NULL) {
        if ($wcs3_options['allow_html_in_notes'] == 'yes') {
            $notes = stripslashes_deep($_POST['notes']);
            $notes = stripslashes_deep($notes);
        } else {
            global $wcs3_allowed_html;
            $notes = wp_kses($_POST['notes'], $wcs3_allowed_html);
    $start = $start_hour . ':' . $start_minute . ':00';
    $end = $end_hour . ':' . $end_minute . ':00';
    $days_to_update[$weekday] = TRUE;
    // Validate time logic
    $timezone = wcs3_get_system_timezone();
    $tz = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
    $start_dt = new DateTime(WCS3_BASE_DATE . ' ' . $start, $tz);
    $end_dt = new DateTime(WCS3_BASE_DATE . ' ' . $end, $tz);
    $wcs3_settings = wcs3_load_settings();
    echo '';
    if ($wcs3_settings['location_collision'] == 'yes') {
        // Validate location collision (if applicable)
        $location_collision = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("\n         \t\tSELECT id FROM {$table}\n         \t\tWHERE location_id = %d AND weekday = %d\n         \t\tAND %s < end_hour AND %s > start_hour\n         \t\tAND id != %d\n         \t\t", array($location_id, $weekday, $start, $end, $row_id)));
    if ($wcs3_settings['instructor_collision'] == 'yes') {
        // Validate instructor collision (if applicable)
        $instructor_collision = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("\n        \t\tSELECT id FROM {$table}\n        \t\tWHERE instructor_id = %d AND weekday = %d\n        \t\tAND %s < end_hour AND %s > start_hour\n        \t\tAND id != %d\n        \t\t", array($instructor_id, $weekday, $start, $end, $row_id)));
    // Prepare response
    if ($wcs3_settings['location_collision'] == 'yes' && !empty($location_collision)) {
        $response = __('Location is not available at this time', 'wcs3');
        $result = 'error';
    } else {
        if ($wcs3_settings['instructor_collision'] == 'yes' && !empty($instructor_collision)) {
            $response = __('Instructor is not available at this time', 'wcs3');
            $result = 'error';
        } else {
            if ($start_dt >= $end_dt) {
                // Invalid class time
                $response = __('A class cannot start before it ends', 'wcs3');
                $result = 'error';
            } else {
                $data = array('class_id' => $class_id, 'instructor_id' => $instructor_id, 'location_id' => $location_id, 'weekday' => $weekday, 'start_hour' => $start, 'end_hour' => $end, 'timezone' => $timezone, 'visible' => $visible == 'visible' ? 1 : 0, 'notes' => $notes);
                if ($update_request) {
                    $old_weekday = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("\n            \t\tSELECT weekday FROM {$table}\n            \t\tWHERE id = %d;\n            \t\t", array($row_id)));
                    $days_to_update[$old_weekday] = TRUE;
                    $r = $wpdb->update($table, $data, array('id' => $row_id), array('%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s'), array('%d'));
                    if ($r === FALSE) {
                        $response = __('Failed to update schedule entry', 'wcs3');
                        $result = 'error';
                    } else {
                        $response = __('Schedule entry updated successfully');
                } else {
                    $r = $wpdb->insert($table, $data, array('%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s'));
                    if ($r === FALSE) {
                        $response = __('Failed to add schedule entry', 'wcs3');
                        $result = 'error';
    wcs3_json_response(array('response' => $response, 'result' => $result, 'days_to_update' => $days_to_update));