print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"><table class='tclass'>"; print "<tr><th></th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['qid']})\">{$q['description']}</a></th>"; } print "</tr>"; $odd = 1; foreach ($verifiers as $v) { print "<tr"; if ($odd) { print " class='odd'"; $odd = 0; } else { $odd = 1; } print "><td><a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['vid']})\">{$v['description']}</a></td>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['vid'], $q['qid'])) { $checked = "checked='checked'"; } print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['qid']}_{$v['vid']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['qid']}_{$v['vid']}\" {$checked}/></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Assign verifier to questionnaire") . "\"/></p></form>"; ?> </body> </html>
<?php print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"><table class='tclass'>"; print "<tr><th></th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['qid']})\">{$q['description']}</a></th>"; } print "</tr>"; $class = 0; foreach ($clients as $v) { print "<tr class='"; if ($class == 0) { $class = 1; print "even"; } else { $class = 0; print "odd"; } print "'>"; print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['cid']})\">{$v['description']}</a></th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['cid'], $q['qid'])) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['qid']}_{$v['cid']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['qid']}_{$v['cid']}\" {$checked}></input></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Assign clients to questionnaires") . "\"/></p></form>"; xhtml_foot();
<?php print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"><table>"; print "<tr><th></th>"; foreach ($datas as $q) { print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['data_id']})\">{$q['description']}</a></th>"; } print "</tr>"; $class = 0; foreach ($operators as $v) { print "<tr class='"; if ($class == 0) { $class = 1; print "even"; } else { $class = 0; print "odd"; } print "'>"; print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['operator_id']})\">{$v['description']}</a></th>"; foreach ($datas as $q) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['operator_id'], $q['data_id'])) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['data_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['data_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" {$checked}></input></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Assign operators to data") . "\"/></p></form>"; xhtml_foot();
</script> <?php print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" class=''><table class='table-bordered table-hover table-condensed form-group'><thead>"; print "<tr><th> " . T_("Username") . " </th><th> " . T_("Operator") . " </th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['questionnaire_id']})\">{$q['description']}</a></th>"; } print "</tr></thead>"; $v = array(); foreach ($operators as $v) { print "<tr class=''>\r\n\t\t<th> {$v['username']} </th>\r\n\t\t<th style=\"text-align: left;\";> <a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['operator_id']})\" >{$v['opname']}</a> </th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['operator_id'], $q['questionnaire_id'])) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } print "<td class='text-center'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['questionnaire_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['questionnaire_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" {$checked} style=\"width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-top: 5px;\"></input></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><input class='btn btn-default fa' type='submit' name='submit' value='" . T_("Assign operators to questionnaires") . "'/></form>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $('input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue', increaseArea: '30%' }); </script>
</script> <?php //$country_code = 'RU'; // Nederlandse Antillen //print_r(DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $country_code)); print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"><table class='table-bordered table-hover table-condensed form-group'><thead>"; print "<tr><th> " . T_("Username") . " </th><th> " . T_("Operator") . " </th>"; foreach ($outcome_types as $q) { print "<th> <a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['outcome_type_id']})\">" . T_($q['description']) . "</a> </th>"; } print "</tr></thead>"; foreach ($operators as $v) { print "<tr class=''>\r\n\t\t<th> {$v['username']} </th>\r\n\t\t<th> <a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['operator_id']})\">{$v['description']}</a> </th>"; foreach ($outcome_types as $q) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['operator_id'], $q['outcome_type_id'])) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } print "<td class='text-center'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['outcome_type_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['outcome_type_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" {$checked}></input></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><input type=\"submit\" class='btn btn-default fa' name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Modify operator skills") . "\"/></form>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $('input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue', increaseArea: '30%' }); </script>
print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['btid']})\">{$v['description']}</a></th>"; } print "</tr>"; $odd = 1; foreach ($ocrkb as $q) { print "<tr"; if ($odd) { print " class='odd'"; $odd = 0; } else { $odd = 1; } print "><td><a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['kb']})\">{$q['description']}</a></td>"; foreach ($boxgrouptypes as $v) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['btid'], $q['kb'], $qid)) { $checked = "checked='checked'"; } print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['kb']}_{$v['btid']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['kb']}_{$v['btid']}\" {$checked}/></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"qid\" value=\"{$qid}\"/><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Assign ICR KB to questionnaire") . "\"/></p></form>"; } else { //form to choose a questionnaire/form $sql = "SELECT qid,description\n\t\tFROM questionnaires"; $qs = $db->GetAll($sql); foreach ($qs as $q) { print "<a href=\"?qid={$q['qid']}\">" . T_("Assign ICR KB to questionnaire") . ": {$q['description']}</a>"; print "<br/>"; }
<?php print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"><table>"; print "<tr><th></th>"; foreach ($processs as $q) { print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['process_id']})\">{$q['description']}</a></th>"; } print "</tr>"; $class = 0; foreach ($operators as $v) { print "<tr class='"; if ($class == 0) { $class = 1; print "even"; } else { $class = 0; print "odd"; } print "'>"; print "<th><a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['operator_id']})\">{$v['description']}</a></th>"; foreach ($processs as $q) { $checked = ""; if (vq($v['operator_id'], $q['process_id'])) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } print "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['process_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['process_id']}_{$v['operator_id']}\" {$checked}></input></td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Assign operators to be supervisor for these processes") . "\"/></p></form>"; xhtml_foot();
$('input').iCheck('update'); } </script> <?php print "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" class=''><table class='table-bordered table-hover table-condensed form-group'><thead>"; print "<tr><th> " . T_("Username") . " </th><th> " . T_("Client") . " </th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { print "<th><a href=\"" . LIME_URL . "admin/admin.php?sid={$q['lime_sid']}&action=surveysecurity\" title=\"" . T_("NOTICE! Please, check your user righs to edit client permissions or contact your superviser.") . "\"class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm btn-lime\" >" . T_("Questionnaire permissions") . "</a>\r\n\t\t\t</br> <a href=\"javascript:checkQid({$q['questionnaire_id']})\">{$q['description']}</a>\r\n\t\t\t</th>"; } print "</tr></thead>"; foreach ($clients as $v) { print "<tr class=''>\r\n\t\t\t<th> {$v['username']} <div class=\"pull-right\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"?delete={$v['client_id']}&uid={$v['uid']}&uname={$v['username']}\" ><i class='fa fa-fw fa-trash-o fa-lg text-danger' data-toggle='tooltip' title=\"" . T_("Delete") . " {$v['username']} ?\"></i></a> \r\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"clients.php?edit={$v['client_id']}\" ><i class='fa fa-fw fa-edit fa-lg' data-toggle='tooltip' title=\"" . T_("Edit") . " {$v['username']}\"></i></a> </div></th>\r\n\t\t\t<th> <a href=\"javascript:checkVid({$v['client_id']})\">{$v['description']}</a> </th>"; foreach ($questionnaires as $q) { if (vq($v['client_id'], $q['questionnaire_id'])) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } else { $checked = ""; } print "<td class='text-center'> \r\n\t\t\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cb_{$q['questionnaire_id']}_{$v['client_id']}_{$q['lime_sid']}_{$v['uid']}\" id=\"cb_{$q['questionnaire_id']}_{$v['client_id']}\" {$checked}/> </td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table><input type=\"submit\" class='btn btn-primary' name=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("Assign clients to questionnaires") . "\"/></form>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $('input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue', increaseArea: '30%' });