function rehub_format_score($size = 'small', $type = 'star') { if (vp_metabox('rehub_post.rehub_framework_post_type') == 'review') { $overall_score_icon = rehub_get_overall_score(); $total = $overall_score_icon * 10; if ($overall_score_icon != '0') { if ($type == 'star') { echo '<div class="star-' . $size . '"><span class="stars-rate"><span style="width: ' . $total . '%;"></span></span></div>'; } elseif ($type == 'square') { echo '<span class="overlay_post_formats review_formats_score">' . $overall_score_icon . '</span>'; } elseif ($type == 'line') { ?> <div class="rate-line rate-line-inner<?php if (rehub_option('color_type_review') == 'multicolor') { echo ' colored_rate_bar'; } ?> "> <div class="line" data-percent="<?php echo $total; ?> %"> <span class="filled r_score_<?php echo round($overall_score_icon); ?> "><?php echo $overall_score_icon; ?> </span> </div> </div> <?php } } } }
function hb_testimonial_quote($post_id) { $testimonial_post = get_post($post_id); if ($testimonial_post) { setup_postdata($testimonial_post); $author_name = vp_metabox('testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_author'); $author_desc = vp_metabox('testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_description'); $author_desc_link = vp_metabox('testimonial_type_settings.hb_testimonial_description_link'); ?> <p><?php the_content(); ?> </p> <div class="testimonial-quote-meta"> <span><?php if ($author_name) { echo $author_name; } if ($author_desc) { if ($author_desc_link) { echo ', <a href="' . $author_desc_link . '">' . $author_desc . '</a>'; } else { echo ', ' . $author_desc; } } ?> </span> </div> <?php wp_reset_postdata(); } }
function charity_event_media_view() { $image = vp_metabox('charity_event.event_video_image'); $youtube = vp_metabox('charity_event.event_you_tube_url'); $viemo = vp_metabox('charity_event.event_vimeo_url'); $width = 600; $height = 400; if (!empty($image)) { ?> <figure class="charity-event-video"> <?php $videoUrl = ""; if (!empty($youtube)) { $videoUrl = $youtube; } if (!empty($viemo)) { $videoUrl = $viemo; } ?> <img src="<?php echo esc_url($image); ?> " alt="<?php the_title(); ?> " data-video='<?php echo esc_html($videoUrl); ?> '/> </figure> <?php } }
/** * Returns badge settings for specific tour. * * @param integer $tour_id * @param boolean $ignore_inactive * @return assoc */ public function get_tour_badge($tour_id, $ignore_inactive = true) { $bid = $tour_id ? vp_metabox('tour_tabs_meta.tour_badge', null, $tour_id) : null; if ($this->is_active($bid)) { return array('title' => $this->get_title($bid), 'color' => $this->get_color($bid)); } return null; }
function charity_vc_home_become_volunteer($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('home_page_volunteer' => '', 'page_volunteer' => ''), $atts, 'volunteer')); $pageid = $page_volunteer; function getTitleID($str) { $arr = array(); $regx1 = '/[\\{\\d\\}]+/'; preg_match_all($regx1, $str, $all); if (!empty($all[0]) && $all[0][count($all[0]) - 1]) { $regx2 = '/[\\d]+/'; preg_match($regx2, $all[0][count($all[0]) - 1], $ids); if (!empty($ids[0])) { $arr['title'] = str_replace($all[0][count($all[0]) - 1], "", $str); $arr['id'] = $ids[0]; } } return $arr; } $selectedpage = getTitleID($pageid); //echo $selectedpage['id']; query_posts(array("page_id" => $selectedpage['id'])); if (have_posts()) { the_post(); $title = vp_metabox('volunteer.volunteer-title'); $image = vp_metabox('volunteer.volunteer-image'); $content = vp_metabox('volunteer.volunteer-content'); //$url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($pageid), array( 1143,479 ) ); ?> <section class="parallax-section parallax" style="background-image: url('<?php echo esc_url($image); ?> ')"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-7 col-md-5"> <h2><?php print $title; ?> </h2> <p><?php print $content; ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <?php } wp_reset_query(); }
function add_criteria_raitings_comment_fields($fields) { $reviewType = vp_metabox('rehub_post.rehub_framework_post_type'); $reviewCriteria = vp_metabox('rehub_post.review_post.0.review_post_criteria'); $firstcriteria = $reviewCriteria[0]['review_post_name']; if ($reviewType == 'review' && $firstcriteria != '') { wp_enqueue_style('jquery.nouislider'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery.nouislider'); $criteriaNamesArray = array(); $criteriaInputs = '<div id="user_reviews_in_comment"><div class="user_rating_left_com">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($reviewCriteria); $i++) { $criteriaNamesArray[$i] = $reviewCriteria[$i]['review_post_name']; $criteriaInputs .= '<label for="criteria_input_' . $i . '">' . $reviewCriteria[$i]['review_post_name'] . '</label>'; $criteriaInputs .= '<input id="criteria_input_' . $i . '" type="hidden" name="user_criteria[]" value="0" class="criteria_hidden_input' . $i . '" /><span class="criteria_visible_input' . $i . '">0</span><div class="user_rating_slider_criteria"></div>'; } $criteriaInputs .= '<div class="your_total_score">' . __('Your total score', 'rehub_framework') . ' <span>0</span></div></div><input type="hidden" name="criteria_names" value="' . base64_encode(serialize($criteriaNamesArray)) . '" />'; $criteriaInputs .= '<div class="user_rating_right_com"><textarea id="pros_review" name="pros_review" rows="5" placeholder="' . __('PROS', 'rehub_framework') . '"></textarea><br /><textarea id="cons_review" name="cons_review" rows="5" placeholder="' . __('CONS', 'rehub_framework') . '"></textarea></div>'; $criteriaInputs .= '</div>'; // check if rated post already $current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); if ($current_user_id) { $rated_posts = get_user_meta($current_user_id, 'rated_posts', true); if ($rated_posts) { $current_post_id = get_the_ID(); if (in_array($current_post_id, $rated_posts)) { $criteriaInputs = ''; wp_dequeue_style('jquery.nouislider'); wp_dequeue_script('jquery.nouislider'); } } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['rated_posts'])) { $rated_posts = explode(',', $_COOKIE['rated_posts']); if ($rated_posts) { $criteriaInputs = ''; wp_dequeue_style('jquery.nouislider'); wp_dequeue_script('jquery.nouislider'); } } } if (is_user_logged_in()) { $fields .= $criteriaInputs; } else { $fields['criteria'] = $criteriaInputs; } return $fields; } else { return $fields; } }
function bgImage($args) { if (!empty($args['template_file'])) { $id = charity_get_page_template($args['template_file'], $by = "ID"); } else { global $post; $id = $post->ID; } $bgImage = vp_metabox('breadcrumb.image', '', $id); $bgDefaultImage = vp_option('vpt_option.img_404'); if (!empty($bgImage)) { printf('style="background-image:url(%s)"', $bgImage); } else { printf('style="background-image:url(%s)"', $bgDefaultImage); //default image } }
function charity_causes_row($column_name, $post_id) { //$custom_fields = get_post_custom( $post_id ); switch ($column_name) { case 'donation-target': echo vp_metabox('doantion-settings.donation-target'); break; case 'doantion-achivement': echo vp_metabox('doantion-settings.donation-achivement'); break; case 'doantion-status': $status = vp_metabox('doantion-settings.doantion-status'); echo $status == 0 ? "off" : "on"; break; default: } }
function video() { global $post; $videoMeta = vp_metabox(''); if (!empty($videoMeta[0])): $src = (!empty($videoMeta[0]['upload-video-image'])) ? $videoMeta[0]['upload-video-image'] : false; if ($src): $videoURL = ""; if (!empty($videoMeta[0]['txt-youtube-video-url'])) { $videoURL = $videoMeta[0]['txt-youtube-video-url']; } elseif (!empty($videoMeta[0]['txt-vimeo-video-url'])) { $videoURL = $videoMeta[0]['txt-vimeo-video-url']; } ?> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url(charity_resize($src, 600, 400)); ?>" alt="<?php esc_attr_e("Click to play", "charity"); ?>" data-video='<?php print($videoURL); ?>'/> </div> <?php endif; endif; }
<?php /** * Charity - causes single fullwidth * * @package charity * @version v.1.0 */ if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $shortCodeMeta = vp_metabox('causes-short-code.causesshortcode'); ?> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="row article-list-large progressbar"> <div class="col-xs-12 anim-section"> <div class="text-center section-header"> <h2 class="h4"><?php the_title(); ?> </h2> <?php do_action("charity_causes_details_attribute"); ?> </div> <?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) { ?> <figure class="article-pic"><?php the_post_thumbnail("charity_causes_details"); ?>
?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clean-blog-meta"> <div class="clean-blog-meta-wrapper"> <div class="clean-meta-top"><a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')); ?> "><?php echo get_the_author(); ?> </a>, <?php echo get_the_date(); ?> </div> <?php if (!vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_share.hide_share_button', null, JEG_PAGE_ID) && !post_password_required()) { ?> <div class="article-sharing"> <?php jeg_get_template_part('template/blogpost/article-sharing-clean'); ?> </div> <!-- article sharing --> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div>
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$statement = array('post_type' => "post", 'orderby' => "date", 'order' => "DESC", 'paged' => $paged, 'posts_per_page' => vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_blogcontent.post_perpage')); if (vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_blogcontent.toggle_filtering') === '1') { $filter = vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_blogcontent.filtering_group.0'); if ($filter['filter_type'] === 'category') { $statement['category__in'] = $filter['filter_category']; } else { if ($filter['filter_type'] === 'tags') { $statement['tag__in'] = $filter['filter_tags']; } } } $query = new WP_Query($statement); if ($query->have_posts()) { while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); $blogitemtype = vp_metabox('jkreativ_blog_format.format'); jeg_get_template_part('template/blogpost/clean', $blogitemtype); } } else { } if ($query->max_num_pages > 1) { ?> <div class="blogcleanpaging"> <div class="pagination-wrapper clearfix"> <div class="nav-prev"><?php previous_posts_link('← Older Entries', $query->max_num_pages); ?> </div> <div class="nav-next"><?php next_posts_link('Next Entries →', $query->max_num_pages);
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