 * Function to display Plugin video details page
function video_shortcodereplace($arguments = array())
    global $frontControllerPath, $frontModelPath, $frontViewPath;
    /** Include videoshort code controller file */
    include_once $frontControllerPath . 'videoshortcodeController.php';
    /** Call function to include video detial page js, css files */
    /** Create object for ContusVideoDetailView and call function display video detial page  */
    $pageOBJ = new ContusVideoDetailView();
    return $pageOBJ->hdflv_sharerender($arguments);
 * Function to display Plugin video page
function video_shortcodeplace($arguments = array())
    global $frontControllerPath, $frontModelPath, $frontViewPath;
    include_once $frontControllerPath . 'videoshortcodeController.php';
    $pageOBJ = new ContusVideoShortcodeView();
    $contentPlayer = $pageOBJ->hdflv_sharerender($arguments);
    return $contentPlayer;